When I looked up 5G towers, in different cities, there were a ton of them. Why would a small town need over 100 towers in the first place? If they were claiming 5G was for better internet, they lied. At least for me I see no difference in my internet speed. They put one in my neighborhood that is in view from my bedroom window. It's scary. People think it's because of a new housing development being built nearby. I don't think so. Before that we still got the internet perfectly fine. These are definitely bioweapons IMO. There are still people who don't believe in the chemtrails. Maybe they were born after chemtrails began. I remember what real clouds looked like. Not this crazy hazy flat layer spreading out all over the place. Sunny one day and the next several days cloudy. I can't say when the last time I actually saw thunder clouds. The high tops. Pillow clouds. Evil has no boundaries. I love your articles. I share, hopefully to get you new subscribers and to awaken the sleepers. This crap has got to stop. I am old, but I worry for the younger generation. The Eclipse should be interesting. So many different narratives. I am in Texas, so I will be in it or part of it.

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I’m wondering also what they’re planning for the masses during the eclipse. A lot of rumors!

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The full dominion plan exposed:


It's the satellites:


The way out of this mess:

MAGA (Make Assets Great Again): money should be 100% backed with gold and real assets. This makes masonic counterfeiting harder. They are buying everything with virtual money: listed corporations, media, medical system, political parties, prosti-ticians, universities… !

Get the murderers out of government: force masons to self-identify by law under severe penalty (their oath doesn't forbid self-identification, also, evil oaths are void). Freemasonry is the church of Lucifer. “Separation of church and State” requires eliminating the freemasonic demono-cracy over Government (theocracy comes from “theo”, God, “cratos”, power, but this has nothing to do with God, but Satan and his demons, so it’s a demono-cracy).

16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet


No Free Speech without Reach. We need a #FreeReach law urgently!


Why is food poisoning legal?

How Rumsfeld forced the approval of lethal Aspartame.

Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!


How about REAL democracy: townhall republican democracy?


Rethinking science

Sciencing the rigged and corrupt health scientific system for an overdue turnaround

Unless we change it, we’re doomed to the next PLANdemic. And yet, nothing has changed, only got worse!


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police and the military all along the route where it's visible have been planning since 2022 - all 'security' is beefed up - in case of an act of T-rr-ism (planned, no doubt, by these same reprobates who gave us the Plandemic geo-engineered frequency attacks. that allowed the rollout of the 'vaccine' for the 'virus.')

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Eclipses happen regularly, all the time. Their paths go over all countries, so this one is nothing unusual. It just happens that the path is, once again, passing over the U.S. Don't fall for all the crazy distractions about this natural event.

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no worries...i'm not falling for anything, just noticing the media's part in generating the fear porn here in the good old USA.- similar to 9-1-1 when they rolled out the whole homeland security psy-op.

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RemovedApr 4
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This sounded so familiar till I realized where you are. :)

Today is super sunny where I'm at but it probably won't stay this way for the rest of the week.

Given my background as a communications officer I have to agree with saying these things are weapons. No improved internet speeds, you need 10X as many of them and each has a higher power demand than any normal cell tower.

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I watched a video one time of a man recording while working on one of the towers. He showed a spot where the word Covid was on it. I live just outside of Austin about 30 minutes south. Although they consider it east when I drive home from Austin. I am about 4 hours away from Eagle Pass. I firmly believe these towers were put up for nefarious purposes. Just like purple lights in some areas and blue. The only way to stop this and all the other problems we have, is the people need to unite. There are people that say we should email our legislature and let them know what we think. That might be ok for one problem, but we have many problems starting with our government. We need droves of people. Unfortunately, we are too divided with a majority living in hatred for others.

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Yeah these new LEDs are everywhere. If only the average person realized what they could be used for.

Having a more informed populace will help but trying to get the message out in person (without others thinking you're crazy) and online (without getting censored) will take some finesse. But I'm willing to try.

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I have started making memes as a way to educate and fight back against the propaganda. I notice many of the generators say, 'no political' anything. They consider everything against the One Narrative Brainwash, 'political.' Let's keep them busy trying to censor memes! :D This approach appeals to me because most people have about a 3 second attention span now... Memes could reach them! LOL

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It's sad. I make videos and I try to cut some of the important parts into smaller pieces and that gets more views. If it's not an entertaining movie most cannot sit still for too long.

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I think it's also more that each movie or talk or documentary - all with super important information - is 2-4 hours. So many substackers like yourself are putting out amazing material and I try to watch what I can but there is no way to ever 'catch up' and the despair hits hard at what they are doing to us - and people not believing it. It's damned hard to sit through them and FACE it. Most people can't or wont - and the conditioning is so bad that it might make them go crazy for real, or commit suicide. Then when you figure that the EMF damage and all the weaponized use of frequencies is exactly for this purpose - it's too much. I get it why people turn to Jesus or some autocratic 'savior' political figure like Trump in the USA - no offense intended to his base but see it for what it is! He won't save you! NO politician is gonna save us; they're puppets too or they're assassinated. Politics now is all theater at its topmost levels. Even the word 'political' is coopted and weaponized to mean anything that dares question or call out the status quo propaganda and lies. Now with AI, we won't even KNOW what's real.

I feel crazy a lot of the time - and tired and in despair and at times, I want to die. Yes. But some of us are wired to want to know the truth - even when it damages our psyches. And I wonder how people who put out these materials to educate us and wake us up DO it, and NOT go insane.

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I don't always have time to finish a longer video. I just come back later and forward it to where I left off. I do believe there are people out there that don't care at all to watch any. I notice some people can't read past 2 sentences in a comment. If you text a longer comment, they just come back with lame responses with no substance and name calling.

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Boy, I'm so with you Carol. You are spot on when it comes to people uniting. I'v been saying the same thing for years now..........

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I’m in the Hill Country. It is sunny today & yesterday was also sunny here. I hope it lasts. I hate the muck & gloom we’ve had a lot lately!

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I live in the north of Sweden. We get HAARPed too, all too often. I was making short videos of it happening but nobody listens. Most Swedes spend their days with their eyes down at their smartphones. I gave up. With all that the globalists have done/are doing to us, the theft of one thing that nourishes all life on earth...our Sun...is the one that broke my back, so to speak. Each time I get up and watch the rising sun, seen in glorious warm gold for all of half an hour, get obliterated by corrugated dirty skies, I feel like giving up. I literally hear young folks believe this weather manipulation is genuinely "normal" and it makes me so angry and hopeless. This though is why I'm now a recluse. I hope people listen to you. More, I hope they DO something about it. Because it won't stop until they do.

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Hi ValkrieScotDottir,

I understand how you feel. Here in my corner of New York City, even as the sun is rising, the sky is usually already a blanket of silvery white. I used to bring folders of information on Geoengineering to the offices of my congresspeople, and sometimes the aides in the office would argue with me without even reading the articles. I wasn’t surprised that I never heard a word back from my senators or congressman.

It’s a slow process but I believe people are beginning to wake up. My few close friends know exactly what is happening (or at least what we understand of it all).

For my part I’ll talk to anyone who’ll listen, but I also do a daily meditation/prayer for the Earth where I visualize her surrounded by healing light that cleanses the air and the atmosphere, the waters, the land, and all the beings. Couldn’t hurt. :)

Love and light to you in Sweden.

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Yes Sheila, same here in Vermont...if the sun is out it is soon obliterated by, as you say " a blanket of silvery white." So very obvious, so unnatural.

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Same with the daily prayer and meditation. Thank you! Will be thinking of you and others who are addressing these evils from a spiritual stance.

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Oh, thank YOU! God bless you, Sunny Reads (great name).

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beautiful, just beautiful - thankyou

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Thank you so much.

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They are trying to break us to comply to their new digital god!

So many will just go along!

So many are all ready lost!

Hey I go out in the morning knowing I have maybe two ours of sun on a good day!

I say Jack my dog suns out off we go

Depression is running wild as is dementia

I fight against it every day with the help of Jesus! understanding this is not the end!

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I go out too, which is difficult at times given the subzero temps here, but if I wrap up and carry a hot water bottle under my coat I can usually get five to twenty minutes of rising sun before it all vanishes for the day. Noticing they're spraying us like bugs overnight now too. The moonlight shows up a dirty, very fine mucky falling mist stuff. :(

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Sky at night is getting whiter and whiter no doubt!

My sunrises and sun sets are usually blocked!

Just came back from a walk, still raining four straight days rain,6 straight no sun,

Routine! I truly believe this is psychological warfare my weather is March weather all year around, damp no sun windy!

Look what the Covid lock downs did to the population!

For one they, fucked up the youth will Psychoses undetermined yet

The elderly over 75 highest suicide rate in America

Everybody else,they forced to comply thru threats and propaganda

I think of this from the 1960’s I changed it unplug baby and tune out!

Keep working the brain and moving it’s essential for human health.

The whole world is lacking in vitamin D!

Stay human my friend!

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Crikey Girl! I thought we had lost you for good! It has been months since I saw a word from you and I admit I feared you had given up on living, let alone on Substack!

It is so great to hear from you again! Don't despair, we all know what you are seeing, cos we are seeing it too. Britain is saturated in dirty rain clouds every day. I can't remember the last time we had a blue sky!

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Hi Frances, been a rough wee while but I needed somewhere to vent and this is about all that seems to be left for now. I see rumblings of SS possible censorship at work so not sure how long we've got, but what the hell eh? My sister lives in Orkney, she tells me how bad it is there too. Powers that be certainly know how to push the buttons on many of us re despair. Still wishing I was young and fit enough to literally fight. I'd find something to do for sure. Hope you're keeping well. x

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I am doing great! Recently took up swimming three times a week and that has been wonderful for my mood! It is a local spa and most people are very friendly there, so that has helped me a lot. I have also been trying the Turpentine Therapy (wrote about it too!) and I think that is surprisingly effective. I feel a lot better! xx

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Really glad to hear that Frances. :) ((((((((Hug))))))))

Here, we're still waiting for the snow to vanish...two plus foot of it still out there and with fluctuating temps it's set as hard as concrete! :/

I might invest in ice skates.

(joking, lol)

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another great gal, hi Frances...love ya

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

I can relate to this experience and feeling... so many of the blind can't fathom the "why" they do it... others have complete apathy. Not sure how its stopped but it really needs drastic action/mass public awareness events to rapidly escalate the building consciousness of it and propel it forward toforce change.

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Don’t give up. It’s easy to feel defeated, but keep talking with the attitude that it’s not your job to convince anyone but simply to plant the seed & hopefully to educate.

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So many of us relate to what you are saying, ValkrieScottDottir. We're with you if it's any consolation at all. Same here; mornings start out clear, then dirty skies - but no rains, and summer dust devils and wildfires galore. the west of the USA is burning up in between winter floods and freak killer winter storms as they all-electrify our cities and rural places so we can't even have heat during a geo-engineered Arctic blast. They want to keep us isolated while they weaponize the very things that can be used for good. I feel these same things you describe - they WANT us to feel rage and despair. They feed off it. Stay human - you're isolated but NOT alone, we are with you.

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Rage and despair are mere waystations on the line that leads to death and "rightsizing" the earth's population.

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yep. i have to balance the bad news with what is good and true and beautiful about Mother Earth and humanity. If their aim is to get rid of most of us useless eaters, joy , humor, and still being able to feel wonder, deprives them of their fun.

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I could notagree more I refuse to be unhappy just for spite!

Not reacting to their brainwashing is like Kryptonite!

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In some ways it’s self abuse believing the news! Living in an echo chamber. Common sense and that gut feeling is where?

The need to feel wanted no matter what you have to give up!

Is suicide!

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If you haven’t explored Dane Wigington check out Geoengineeringwatch.org. Watch & share The Dimming.

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Please be careful with Wigington as he absolutely supports the UN sustainable development Agendas and has held that anthropogenic climate change (from normal human activities) drove the elites to risk geoengineering. That's why he attacked Michael Murphy who produced the films What (and Why) In the World Are They Spraying? Murphy suggested geoengineering could be part of a problem-reaction-solution strategy to create weather havoc and then use that as an excuse to implement radical government controls. Wigington has also attacked technocracy researcher Patrick Wood and G Edward Griffin for questioning the scientific objectivity of the official UN climate change narratives. I offer this information not to encourage attacks on suspected gatekeepers, rather as a heads up for researchers to get more context and watch for limited hangouts or spin.

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I’ll check it out, thanks. Always want the full story.

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Your reporting is so valuable! Thank you!

Cell phones has everyone looking down. How many kids lay on their backs with friends to talk, to dream, to look at bright blue skies, dragon shaped clouds, and clouds that look like ocean waves ? Our beautiful skies are replaced with tic-tac-toe poisonious mad- made clouds and ugly grey skies. These chemtrail attacks are demonic.

Congressional records, you Agent131711, Reinette Senum with saveourskies.org, Dane

Wigington's 'The Diming' on geoengineeringwatch.org, realclimatescience.com , and concerned residents have been ignored by our corrupt public servants for decades.

In the 90's I was called

" tin hat wearing conspirator" after I read Microsoft Bill Gates articles, and other science publications, congressional reports on radiation poisons, EMF, A.I., and transhumanism. Bill Gates is a Klaus Schwab WEFer,

a fascist

'Global Leader for Tomorrow' graduate.

Look up May 1996 edition of tech magazine Boardwatch - Gates is half human, half cyborg.

First time I heard 'New World Order ' was in 1992 when George Bush Sr., Al Gore, and Prince Charles sold us out to the UN's Agenda 21

" New World Order" global warming fearmongering campaign. America's schoolchildren were brainwashed after the 1992 Rio de Janeiro, UN Earth Summit.

CNN's 24/7 cable news a.k.a. the CIA assets in Operation Mockingbird were able to gaslight the world using the [ World Wide Web ] .

In 1992 Klaus Schwab founded his school for 'Global Leaders for Tomorrow'. All graduates became little Hitlers - supporters of fascist UN Agenda 21/2030 climate fearmongering influencers , open border supporters, land grabbers, abortionist extremist, critical race therory - history erasing cultural marxist.

In 2017 Bill Gates used depopulation & vaccines in the same sentence at a Georgetown conference. Stop listening to false science influencers.

America started it's spiral into hell with all the evil policies following the 1913 founding of the Federal Reserve, and IRS, the 1947,

founding of the CIA Military-industrial complex, after JFK's 1963 CIA assassination, and in 1971 after Nixon removed the US Dollar off the gold standard - inflation and central banker wars never ended . 1971 was the was the same year Klaus Founded his fascist WEF global membership cartel in support of the fascist

UN Agenda 21/ 2030.

Do you think CNN Ted Turner erected the mysterious carved messages on the Georgia Guidestones - depopulation goals 500 million by

2050 ? These newage marxist messages are coming to fruition. The 2020 Covid depopulation, pandemic, climate genocide fearmongering psyop isn't ending !

The UN's policies are empowered by the CIA, DoD biolabs, and the FBI, MSM, D.C. cartel liars, the fascist private public partnerships with thieving non- government stakeholders in the Federal Reserve- FedNow, IMF, BIS hedge fund- asset who are power & money mongers.

The think tanks tanks like the Council on Foreign Relations, the Builderberg Group plot the wars and chaos for their globalist influencers in the CIA, EU, NATO, OECD, G7, G20, WEF, UN, WHO, WTO, WHA organizations, NGO's, tax exempt foundations,

monopo[lies] and their billionaire eugenicist George Soros , Bill & Melinda Gates, Anthony Fauci, Xi Jinping's CCP PLA etc...

Their puppets Bill & Hillary Clinton, George Bush, Barack Obama- Ukraine biolabs, including Trump's Operation Warspeed, and all of Biden's unconstitutional policies weaken America's sovereignty, freedoms, and common laws. Our silence and compliance is destroying us.



When the Georgia Guidestones were brought to the attention of many during the 2020 Covid fearmongering, the NIAID, NIH, EPA, CDC, FDA, Fauci lies on Facecrook, the monument was destroyed with no forensic evidence collected.

Mysterious dedication in 1980 Georgia Guidstones....


The 2022 destruction of Georgia Guidestones, was just as mysterious.

God help us all,


Placer County, Calif.

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How are you lovely ? we are all time travellers aren't we? Valkrie nice to hear from you, I am a close friend of Danyele's from Quebec, we talk every day. I am down under in Oz you both are atop of our beautiful world and I cherish you both as wise, beautiful strong warriors for all that is good and decent and beautiful there is ! I have found and connected to a growing tribe of all ages from all over the Earth, and our joint study to solve and discover this wickedness at its' source...is very rewarding - just to be connected to something damn good. We prevail, we keep going and even this makes me happy amidst all we have no control over nor can seem to impact the slightest. It is what it is....we are truly in God's hands, and I can feel them too ! Love to you and blessings be yours today, and all of your tomorrows too! KK

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Many thanks for your kind words. Danyele has also been hugely kind and supportive. I didn't intend to return to substack but I get so angry over what is occuring and have nobody around me to discuss it with. So am afraid I vent here. Seems I need that, so I don't go completely crazy. The sheer scope of what is happening, on all the differing levels, in order to cull , mutate and control us as people as well as all natural life on earth..well, "rage" doesn't cover it.

There are more of us than them. One day, I hope we will be able to use those numbers to restore balance and life back to Earth.

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

This post is the most important and well-reseached one you've done to date (and that's a compliment since all of your posts are superior-grade). How soon until you get the midnight knock-knock on the door and a removal of your PCs, I wonder ... Keep your head on a swivel, bud.

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lol i laugh at their attempts, its comical watching them throw everything at the wall, matters not folks, what is coming is coming regardless.

Walk through this construct like you have amour created by Hepestius, fear none of it. Look forward to a positive future, this EVIL / LIVE ing dualistic, parasitic system, cannot & will not last. Truth cannot be contained forever.

Frances you have a wizard, sorcerer, GOD within you, your mind IS ALL, & we're ultimately immortal. These peasants can never truly harm you, or any of us, we're more than the sum of our parts. Have a beautiful postive day HUE mans.

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Emaho penno penno soha! (Marvellous, beneficent, beneficent, and it is so!) This ancient Tibetan chant rights a lot of wrongs and shields all living things eternally. I sing it all the time! I have never been called a wizard or a sorcerer before - I like it!

Clean air💛 Clean earth💚Clean water💙

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That is beautiful, i will join you & we'll break the heavens lol, thank you for sharing.

You write so well, casting your SPELLS of wisdom, & enlightening us, you absolutely are a magical person.

Have a good evening.

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Right on Frances.

THE TIBETAN BOOK of the DEAD, First Complete Translation, Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition 33rd Printing.

Intro Commentary by The Dalai Lama.

The Ancient Spiritual Traditions taught the concept of the Human Soul. No Soul, no reincarnation.

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Hi Larry! Now you raise my favourite book into the light! I wrote about its impact on my life here:


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Stratospheric Aerosol Injections (SAI, not chemtrails, they're a conspiracy) are not ending. They are increasing. Just look up

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I agree. I think what people are seeing and reporting are planes flying through the aerosols thus giving the impression they are spraying but the spraying doesn't make any logistical sense to me. Planes are tiny compared to the sku the sky above us, it would require a huge amount of planes constantly spraying tiny trails which doesn't add up in my mind.

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Planes are part of it but I think we're seeing ground-based technology (or atmospheric heater type stuff) being used to lift lower atmosphere moisture/weather and cloud a lot too.... that effectively destroys or "depowers" the lower atmosphere weather systems. On certain days I think this unnatural upper atmosphere moisture increase contributes to more persistent trails as well.

I absolutely observe and document strategic delivery of chemtrails and the resulting alteration of the atmosphere that is the outcome. The evidence is undeniable. The trails are the conduits or directors of the interference / energization / frequency / manipulation - whatever you want to call it. The trails are followed by visible changes to the atmosphere at a large scale that could never be a result of "ice particles" or natural processes.

I see timed and deliberate delivery system with an intelligence that is remarkable. The payload is delivered exactly when and where it's needed for the intended planned outcome - build cloud, kill cloud, whatever. I have documented evidence of flights going routes well off the fastest/most direct route and connected some flights to extreme or "weather advisory" events.

This activity is critical to our controllers pushing Climate Change narratives as the simpletons in the herd connect weather extremes and events as signs of this second pillar psyop.

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Unbelievable...humans "thinking" they're saving the planet....

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Yes, I'm very aware of the concept/tech. What is your point?

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

Sharing information that, to many readers, may not be known. It was new to me, and I stay fairly well up to speed on weather manipulation. And in this example, said information is direct from the horse's mouth.

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Please look up Dane Wigington, geoengineeringwatch.org The FACTS speak for themselves! Or better yet, you might want to open your eyes while trying to read the different articles in this post. Or better still, take out your earplugs, turn up the volume when playing the videos in these posts!


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No need for that tone!!!

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You are correct, and I stand corrected.

I am pretty passionate about things/events that will and are harming/killing humans, animals and plant life on a daily basis now.

And, no, I'm not a tree hugger nor am I a climate change protester.

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the days of being nice are coming to an end , i agree with Judy only im a little more harsh , snap the fuck out of it

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Piss off you cocks. At no point have I denied the shit that's in the sky, climate change is a scam and they're manipulating the weather to pretend it's climate change. Your puritans piss me right off!

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Check out the evidence of spraying at Geoengineeringwatch.org

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4

please watch this report and then see how you feel it is exactly the same where I am down under in Australia and I have been recording all of it for decades: https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/gov-using-frequency-to-move-clouds?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email#media-30cc8d24-6147-4def-a03e-9e9a4f0045b2

regards, KK

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I concur with the authors conclusion.

"In closing, as the weather becomes nicer, keep your eyes to the sky, because I will be doing the same this summer. Raising awareness is our only hope. I’m fairly convinced that they were forced to back away from chemtrails because way too many people were waking up, looking up and no longer believing this is normal:"

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I see at least 2 planes at a time, definitely spraying out something. Over time these long chemtrails spread out & block out parts of the blue sky. Here in WA state, where we have plenty of natural clouds, they even do this on grey days. I’ve seen them up there crisscrossing the sky for hours. This is the first spring I’ve noticed them here, not sure if it’s because I’m more aware or if they’re stepping it up. I spend t8me In Idaho as well & see it there as well.

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Cross-posted. Frequencies.... so many evil uses but they could also be beneficent if properly understood and applied!

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Its not just HAARP its the dual polarity radars ran by the military. Overlapping radars using dual pol create SCALAR energy. NEXRAD and Doppler88 weather radars guiding storms. Cloudbusters actually work against chem trails! Try it. Ask me and ill show you.

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Great to see you are knowledgeable on scalar technology...

Have you seen these Col Tom E. Bearden talks yet?

Link: https://911revision.substack.com/p/us-army-col-tom-bearden-ret

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Yes of course. Do you watch Dutchsinse?

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I had known of CB’s for over a decade but didn’t believe the stories about them. After growing so sick of the spraying i finally said screw it and said I owe it to my family to at least investigate the device. Holy shit I was blown away by the results. Warning, you will get aircraft and guys on the ground coming to investigate the anomaly the device creates. I assume its visible on the radar.. I am not joking at all. Adding a rotating polarity magnetic sphere into the center gets a wild response from them.

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Here is something I have never found a place to share with anyone. The closer you are to a dual pol radar/ doppler the better more immediate response you will get from your cloud buster. It is working directly with these stations. Youll notice it will clear about a 5 mile or better ring of anything in the air even smoke from fires. It is truly astounding how well they work. It took me years to connect the two. I lived in a remote area that was directly across from a mtn where a station was situated. That was the first time a made a CB and it literally ripped a hole in the sky during a snowstorm and the sun shined thru the hole as soon as I brought the device outside. Didnt put two and two together until I watched a dutch stream showing us the dopplers and searched my area for local stations. Please build one and see for yourself. Add silver and gold into the epoxy matrix if you can. I used old gold jewelry and was amazed at the improvement of the device. Put it on a swivel with bearings and make it so you can point the device anywhere in the sky. You wont be disappointed. 💯

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Great article, but I really hoped you'd mention hurricane Erin on 9/11....

Hurricanes and September 11, 2001?

What do hurricanes have to do with the 9/11 attacks?

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/hurricanes-and-september-11-2001

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They had storms brewing off the east coast,just in case they needed a bit more “boost” for the scalar “airplane” attacks on their fateful day. If I remember correctly only the one storm made landfall later that day and the other storm “mysteriously dissipated”.

That was demonstration day for their technology and the people bought the terror story to go with it. I fear how far they’ve advanced that technology in the 23 years since.

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Good to see people waking up from their deep slumber. 15 years ago if you mentioned Chemtrails, you were called a Chem-tard or worse. Now, even the dum dums can see it for themselves. Even my father, who has a PhD in engineering didn't believe it until I sent him a video of an aircraft spraying and then suddenly turning off the spray. He didn't know what to say.

Keep in mind, this is a big reason for the Deep Fake AI and constructed videos. You will not be able to tell the real from the fake.

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Let’s start tearing down the 5g towers

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My only question is where are the saboteurs?

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Great stack Agent! Everyone has been noticing this,unfortunately only a few are giving it a second thought. Thanks for all your hard work and research on everything you post.

I started noticing here in Alberta that the roofs of high rise apartments buildings have sprouted 5G arrays just like weeds. Literally every square foot all of the way around on some of them. This was all done during the last three years.. while nobody was paying attention. There also has to be a connection with the hundreds of low orbit satellites that the “asset”.. I mean Saviour of free speech Musk has been launching almost weekly. It’s not for everyone to have fast internet lol. Manipulating the weather and soon all of the people “live via satellite”. Sure gives that statement some new meaning.

I also like the concept in the comments that our bodies are 60% water.. hmmm.

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And the landlords are paid handsomely for agreeing to putting weapons on those roofs.

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Unfortunately, our bodies consist of ~60% water.

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Horrifying, yes - I was born in 1953. They were already experimenting with weather and we were indoctrinated in elem. school to learn the 4 basic kinds of clouds; cirrus, cumulus, stratus, and nimbus. I often saw cirrus clouds in the sky but they were high, thin, sparse. Then there were the mixtures, such as cumulo-nimbusd (thunderheads).

I live rural west coast on an island. Every morning starts out sunny. then the clouds come to block out the sun. the sky is blue overhead, then the white comes from the horizon and i am noticing these hard edges and stuff I've never seen til the past 5 yrs or so. Now we have raging wildfires every summer and red suns covered by haze. That winter storm killed ALL of our early bee flowers - I mean ALL of them. I have only one heather in my garden when I had many perennials set to bloom for the queens. I see no bees. There's one brave bumblebee queen. No mason or orchard bees - and my garden is a pollinator haven - I grow food/nectar flowers for them all.

the migratory birds are all late. Swallows used to appear like clockwork on March 17. It's april 3 - I have not seen even ONE. NO hummingbirds either. It's eerie. We are getting BOMBARDED with 5 g. They are hitting rural and coastal places HARD with it.

Around the time 'covid' started (early Jan. 2020) I got zapped with something that put me in bed for a month and a half. I wondered if i were dying of cancer. I am normally high energy. I had NO energy. One day in in the middle of all this, as if they flipped a switch, I had the worst all-overbody/bone aches I've ever had. It started and ended suddenly, lasted about 3-4 hours.

People are creaming their jeans over all the new 5g speeds! On a tiny island. ( I think we're a military strategic spot; 'border patrol' and all of that) all so these idiots can have 200 ++speeds and fry their brains and other body parts. Never mind the tree deaths from the stuff. So maddening. I will post a meme in the notes - this is a real thing. Your post explains how and why this could be happening - HORRID! and big business and another way to gentrify more places to become tourist attractions and theme parks! Oh, don't even get me started lol.

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chemtrails also make the athmosphere much conductive of e m electric for the propogation of 5g stuff... good God please help us all overcome evil

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I believe these are what NASA came out and called "gravity waves".

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yeah, hilarious on multiple levels ;)

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