It was clear to me, as it was happening, that the Route 91 shooting was a PsyOp. And all of the awesome 'Internet Detectives' were ON IT, as with ALL of these 'events', and quickly had shown how 'their' ('govt'/MSM) narrative stunk to high heaven!! Within a week, or so, these 'Internet Detectives', sifting through all of people's cell phone footage (vids), found the HELICOPTERS up in the night sky that WERE SHOOTING AT EVERYONE ON THE GROUND. Paddock, THE PATSY, shot NO ONE!!!!!

This is a GREAT Documentary of that night; which lays out everything (the FACTS)......and even has the footage of the 'firing heli's in the night sky', for ALL TO SEE!..........



(And now we have that SAME 'top cop' from the Rt. 91 PsyOp......smack-dab in THE MIDDLE of the Maui PsyOp!!)

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How decent of the satanic, swine to politely signal us as to their murderous, mass destructive intentions. Either here or in a higher frequency realm, payback is a motherfucker.

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'They' ALWAYS tell us what they are going to do to us. How do you think that Alex Jones/InfoWars KNOWS what is coming down the pike?? AJ has NO 'crystal ball'; he READS (watches) what these Psychopathic, Demon Globalists publish. Alex Jones 'Red Pilled' me 25-ish years ago.....and I could never figure out WHY people (now known as ZOMBIES) would call him a 'Tin-foil-hat-wearer' (and the CIA's fav catch phrase, 'Conspiracy Theorist'), when all one had to do was READ (WATCH) WHAT AJ WAS, FROM the Globalists. I'm going to say this, because I DO just LOVE saying it......."ALEX JONES WAS RIGHT!". lol

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Yes, in Freemasonic terms it is called, "Revelation of the method" or, "Making manifest all that was previously hidden." I don't think these monsters do this to assuage their consciences. They don't have any. It must be adherence to some universal law or agreement we're not privy to.

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It has to do with Karma. If they tell us what their plans are, and WE DO NOTHING.....well, 'that's on us' (OUR FAULT)! As it IS........SILENCE IS CONSENT. If people were REALLY HONEST with themselves......we ARE in the position, that we are in today, because WE DID NOTHING to stop them; decade after decade after decade.....!

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The reason that "Tribes, “Local Organizations” and NGOs are better to prepare with than the actual folks is because they can set overall policy rather than the individual. It is called collectivism where the group is more important than the individual. No longer is a person to "bear their own cross" so to speak but others will tale responsibility for him/her. God is supposed to be dead and replaced with Tribes, “Local Organizations” and NGOs. Long live the P3P!

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Wow! The deep state is always 10 steps ahead of their

6uild 6ack 6etter demonic destruction of humanity plans!

Sarah, Ca

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Orlando gay night club shooting, that scene carrying the body.... TOWARDS the night club.

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