This is why the wild horses and burros are being systematically eradicated from public lands despite their federally protected status. It’s a big scam being perpetrated from several angles across several agencies and involves political players including foreign actors. It’s quite an involved web that I first discovered in 2010 and began looking into and trying to fight. Good luck. This is a big behemoth and it’s actually the reason I’m aware of the crazy shit we’re experiencing, it opened my eyes. The WEF and NWO have long tentacles reaching into many “non profit” groups and “conservation”, wildlife “protection”, and all that are just arms pushing the same agenda but under another guise. On its lowest level its a big racketeering scheme thats used to further a very evil agenda. Keep up the good work ! We can’t give up.

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Absolutely nailed on, yet arson / DEWs fires are OK? Hmmmm

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5G is a Directed Energy Weapon!~~~~~~~~~~~~facts >> www.darpa.mil

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Yes this is a subject I unfortunately know to well! Cheers to our Gov being the dirty thieves with unlimited resources to back themselves fighting the very people paying taxes for their wages. It is with that to which they will stop at nothing to take what is yours rightfully, while hoping to drive your family to total ruin on the way. My family spent hundreds of thousands back in the 60’s,70’s, and into the 80’s to keep the greedy bastards at bay, all to no avail. Now, there’s 14,000 and another spotty 1,000 acres of privately owned land our Government and the public has been granted guaranteed unfettered access without the need for a warrant or permit or even the worry of us protecting what is ours. Now that I think about it, I’m not sure the castle doctrine applies to many of the houses of family members that are within the hundred feet of either side of the protected line, I’ll have to research it, if so that would be another travesty in itself...Details of which is infuriating and exhausting. The government can come and go as they please, and they do, as well as any Tom, Dick, or Harry, along a three hundred feet swath running the entire length of our property! Land which was purchased, without any restrictions a hundred years ago now. The government has placed a host of restrictions regarding what my family can do/or use our property for. Our cattle ranching operation (barely has a pulse) has been downsized and regulated out of being profitable at all, and the stables are now leased out to any cowboy who dreams and has serious cash to burn through just to live out that very expensive and temporary lifestyle because theres little if any money there either. It’s mostly money made on a niche rodeo show horse here or there. But it comes and goes like a fashion trend really. Rodeos are a dying sport like most everything else that was part of the Americana pie. There just isn’t a market like there used to be. The regulations and restrictions have put our family’s legacy into peril. It is sad, I had hoped my grandchildren would someday call it home, but recently taxes have been raising and I see the greedy green dollar signs in the eyes of the tax man. There will come a day when they have taxed our family out of existence for good.

Another personally ass chapping case:

Several years ago now, like 7 maybe, the state was given some money to clean up some land from a time when there was lead mining going on. Instead of cleaning the contaminated site, the state decided to buy a giant parcel of privately owned land that had been a working ranch for many years. (Not ours but we knew the people) This should have resulted in prison time for someone misappropriating federal disaster money for a private property land purchase. The government then slapped a host of protection/ restrictions on the property, while also maintaining that the land would also be enjoyed by the public. Many protection groups hopped on board and the land was partitioned and access by anyone was forbidden immediately. It was then a court battle ensued. The whole giant mess, is still in a state of dispute even after two judges ordering the sale of the property after being deemed an unlawful land grab. One of the judges I personally know, and actually gained a huge respect for, when prior to this I absolutely detested for other unrelated reasons which I won’t get into now. But a land protection club got involved after the matter should have been settled, seeking to disqualify the ruling and punish the judge by snuffing any possibility of a future in the federal level. They have ruthlessly went after him for going against the agenda.

The food scarcity agenda is in full swing, most if not all ranches will be gone in a matter of 5-10 years at this current rate if not sooner. Tyson chicken, recently casually admitted to participating in a scheme that purposely caused a shortage and a spike in prices paid for chicken by the consumer. Which they profited millions, killing dozens of privately owned chicken producers livelihood, just shutting down a couple of their plants. Mostly due to the no compete contracts Tyson required growers sign to do business with them, while also requiring ridiculous stringent specifications requiring them spend millions building the chicken growing operations. Government and big corporations are killing America end of story. Enjoy what’s left, it is all going to be gone in a flash!

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Land that was stolen from another conquered people in centuries past.

All of man's machinations fall to ruin eventually. Why would your family be immune to this irrefutable fact and why are you whining about it?

You and yours had a good run.

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No whining, however we aren’t in the Middle Age or the dark age. Elected officials are all bought off traitors to this country! Seriously gfy! Douche.

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Thats irrelevant atm.

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VERY disappointed. LOTS of misinfo, cherry picking and just plain environmental ignorance in here to make a narrative that fits the ideology of conquest as the appropriate response of humans to our natural environment and planetary home. History as told from the vantage point of the conqueror, making the victims look like the troublemakers.

Let’s start with what you DON’T present. Evidently you’ve never actually witnessed the environmental damage done by mass removal of native species (ex, wolves, condors) or removal and replacement of native by non-native species (ex.- replacement of native bison with domestic cattle, who are descendants of European wood bison, and not suited to live in the American continental climate.). The degradation of waterways and vegetation by the elk proliferating in Yellowstone Park is a great example. Beavers, health and biodiversity actually returned to sections of the park heavily elk damaged, after wolves were returned. But we mustn’t question the image of the big, bad wolf so let’s keep his role in maintaining the balance without our “help”, a secret.

Let’s look at some of the other messes our “management” of the environment for ideology over facts and profit over sustainability has caused. How about showing the repeated mass deaths of native Pronghorn antelopes, starved and frozen when traditional migration routes to warmer pastures are blocked by barbed wire cattle fences? Are ranchers held responsible or mandated to change their management practices? Nope! How about the massive decline in ground squirrel colonies that once helped keep prairies aerated, seeds dispersed, and entire diverse ecosystems supported across our continent’s midsection? The ground squirrels were instrumental in building the rich prairie soils we’ve been strip mining. But ranchers and farmers wanted them gone because they’r “competitors” for grass and “a nuisance”. Are ranchers held responsible for mass multi-species (animal and plant) extinctions across vast stretches of prairie to make them “safe” and “more productive” for cattle and sheep? Nope! In fact, the government has a long history of helping ranchers destroy ground squirrels and the ecosystems they supported. The government, at the ranchers’ requests, also mass murdered bald eagles, golden eagles, hawks, bears, vultures and other types of wildlife over many decades in the process of enacting horrifying and indiscriminate killing campaigns against ground squirrels as well as predators large and small. Is anyone ever held responsible for such mass, indiscriminate killing of wildlife? Nope!

What do you think has caused the boom

in urban coyote populations? Wolf killing campaigns!! Wolves are natural competitors and predators of coyotes, and kept coyote populations in check for millennia. But with wolves eliminated from much of their wild habitat -to please the ranchers and give trappers and “sportsmen” somebody to murder - coyote populations boomed. Wily began colonizing new habitats, and found cities to be to his liking. So the next time a family loses its dog to a coyote, thank a rancher or a hunter. (BTW, at least three distinct subspecies of wolves became extinct decades ago. Yay. The world is such a better place now. But let’s not allow facts to get in the way of a good, ego-satisfying conquistador narrative.)

While we’re at it, let’s roll some film footage of the last, small band of wild descendants of the Iberian war horses brought to America by the Spanish colonists, being brutally rounded up by the BLM and herded into captivity for the rest of their lives (or at least the survivors of the nasty process will be placed into captivity. Or quietly shipped off for execution to feed the gourmet horse meat trade.) Those horses, who re-colonized land left by their ancestors before the last Ice Age, have co-existed peacefully in their current habitat for approximately 500 years. But they’re being removed -on the taxpayers’ dime - because, you know, ranchers. The same folk crying about their terrible economic problems while being subbed vast amounts of tax dollars because they’re doing business in a completely unsustainable fashion. The horses they remove for “damaging the environment” aren’t the problem. The animals the ranchers raise and the way they raise them is the problem, but the horses, predators and every other form of life gets blamed because that’s just easier than admitting that you might be doing things the wrong way.

There are a small but significant handful of regenerative ranchers out there raising cattle AND re-creating wildlife-rich, abundant landscapes, but the hard-headed majority of ranchers won’t follow suit because, well , co-existing with nature just doesn’t fit with their ideology of human conquest and dominion. So they continue to degrade their lands, push nature into a dead end and prey on the taxpayers to stay alive while providing the insatiable public gut with “cheap” meat. Cheap, all right, because the losses are socialized while gains are privatized.

You want to see what welfare looks like? Go look into the income statements of some of the big ranch owners (hunt: their stalking the corridors of Washington and Wall Street, not out riding their ranges!) “Cheap meat” is a scam, and the animals ultimately pay. But what goes around always comes around, and we will bear the consequences in the forms of water shortages, changing climate (yes, I’ll debate you on that all day long, bring it on!), worsening human health, biodiversity loss, concentrating wealth and power in the hands of the few, increased pollution and other diverse outcomes that are difficult for most people to associate with root causes. And we’ve got one heck of a bill coming due.

Two solutions? One: Stop subbing the meat industry (and the fossil fuel industry that makes it possible). Stop manipulating it altogether and let the ranchers who refuse to switch to regenerative methods go out of business. Two: exit the system yourself and become an ethical vegetarian. Get over all the cultural fear and hype about not having a slab of dead animal on your plate at dinner time. Hub and I made the exit over 35 years ago and we’re doing just fine. Will absolutely not be affected by the coming meat shortages because meat no longer controls us. If you can leave on your own terms, then what the elites are doing won’t hurt you.

So, in sum, the REAL issue here is one of ideologies, not one of actual limits. We COULD have (or could have HAD, if it’s too late for change), it all - grizzlies, wolves, wilderness, a thriving ecosystem, reasonable portions of meat on our plates for those who can’t get over it - and smaller, less intrusive government with fewer excuses to grab power, if we had but respected nature and followed her rules of sharing as the regenerative agriculturists do (the feminine path). Instead, we’ve followed the “conquer and dominate, winner takes all” ideology (the masculine path). Because it’s ALL ABOUT US, by god, and nature SHALL bend her will to us! (Sound like a spoiled, petulant teen screaming at his exhausted mom because she no longer has enough money in her purse to fund his dissolute life style?) And even the disappearance of the passenger pigeon and wild buffalo taught us nothing. The willfully blind cannot see. So, we’re going to experience the blowback from the unnatural environmental system and the political system that supports it, that our collective hubris and appetites created. And we’re not going to like it. Nor, like spoiled teenagers, will we learn anything from it.

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They surely never let a crisis go to waste and invent new crises as they see fit. Furthermore their "solutions" always make things worse. But that`s okay. They just blame someone or something else and continue with even more unconstitutional bullshit.

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Thank you for your intelligent and detailed exposure of the sensationalism and irrationality and hubris of this article. Much appreciated.

People are like very small children in adult bodies (YUCK) who want to eat cookies until they vomit and have a tummy ache and diarrhea and then blame the cookie. This article only reinforces that repulsive rejection of responsibility.

Which is fine. If you enjoy this kind of thing, but there are website that cater to the whole baby fetish thing-y and are much less harmful for others.

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"...fossil fuel...." You need to realize that oil is not a fossil fuel. To do so read http://www.truedemocracy.net/td-19/index.html and/or listen to Jeff Berwick's latest podcast which is at https://vigilante.tv/w/x1osNnYzN1zApv2cYbtas4

Duration: 1:14:16

Your idea to go meatless is a good one.

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Whatever oil is is really immaterial, that’s just a rabbit hole distraction. The point is that it’s a fundamentally valuable but environmentally dangerous source of energy, so the powers that control it, and who believe they’re immune from any consequences of its use, have immense interest in crafting a narrative that prevents people from questioning or moving away from it. That’s the real issue, here.

Thanks for affirming the veg angle. When you live (and live well) without flesh or leather, the threat of these things disappearing causes no fear. I already went through all the stages of terror (yes, making the decision really WAS that intense, so I empathize!), arguing with myself and the cultural forces that shaped me, and marshaling my will when I made the transition in my early 20’s. So, I’m long done with it! Hub had it easier as he more or less just followed along. It’s not the solution to all the world’s problems, to be sure, and I’ve seen vegetarianism turn into an ideology that made people into, well, self-righteous prigs for that nobody wanted to know. So, keeping mental balance is key. My big emphasis is doing it for compassion and self-management. If humanity as a whole could achieve these two things, the earth would regenerate and the globalist problem would go away on its own. It’s really up to us, and always has been.

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“The threat of an environmental crisis is the international disaster key to unlock the New World Order.” Mikhail Gorbachev

"The emerging ‘environmentalization’ of our civilization and the need for vigorous action in the interest of the entire global community will inevitably have multiple political consequences. Perhaps the most important of them will be a gradual change in the status of the United Nations. Inevitably, it must assume some aspects of a world government.” – Mikhail Gorbachev, State of the World Forum

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So, hear me out.

Love canal.

Cuyahoga river catches on fire.

City streets awash in trash.

People getting rid of their refuse by throwing it out their car windows because the wind will blow it “away”. Therefore it’s no longer a problem.

Bees and fireflies disappear from suburban lawns.

The ivory billed woodpecker is declared extinct.

Pull tabs from pop and beer cans litter all the beaches, creating an unsightly mess and cutting people’s feet when they walk through the sand barefoot.

Remember all that?

I do.

These were among the catalysts for the environmental movement. There were many more, but these particular problems brought the issue to the public’s consciousness more than most.

Now consider that if you visit some areas of the country, like eastern Idaho and Washington, you’ll notice that most of the homes built before the mid-1980’s or so have no air conditioning. That was because the average climate was such that nobody needed it. Now, those same homes are harder to sell because it’s become so hot there that nobody wants to live without air conditioning. Do you think that’s because people have become really wimpy and more demanding, or because on average the mercury’s actually gone up a few degrees?

The statement you presented from Gorbachev, who was a new-generation, and much more reasonable, Russian leader, could be read in two ways: either as a threat, or a warning. It could be situated in the context of telegraphing actual globalist ambitions, or as advice on how to play into the hands of the globalists (or not, if we change our ways). I choose to view it as the latter because, as I explained in my last post, our own excesses and refusal to take responsibility for maintaining a balance with our planetary life support system (see my above list of disasters) created fertile ground for globalist overrrach.

We always talk about the evil environmental “agenda” and who’s behind it (Gates, Schwab, Soros, etc.) Strangely, we never talk about the anti-environmental agenda and who’s behind THAT (the Koch’s? The Cheneys? Who else? Big Everything is certainly on this bandwagon, so the banks and leadership must be funding it somehow.) We simply take it as a given, “Trust the anti-environmentalists” like the sheeple “trusted the science” The biocidal agenda must not be questioned!! If you DO dare challenge it, you must be a hater of liberty, free speech, property rights, our Consitution, God and The American Way. You couldn’t possibly be just a thoughtful person who supports the TRUE rebels who have figured out how to plow and ranch our way out of this, and are trying to point out how, in resisting transition to regenerative ag, and genuine environmental sustainability, we’ve helped deliver ourselves to the globalists.

I’m sure Gorbachev was no saint, and I would never accuse Russia of being a concerned friend of the environment or of humanity overall. But there is paranoia, greed, duplicity, ignorance, lack of insight and inability to listen on BOTH sides of the aisle. And in the middle are all sorts of people all over the world doing amazing work like replanting damaged forests, replenishing dwindling species, reclaiming deserts, cleaning up filthy waterways and, yes, raising food plants and animals while helping the earth to thrive instead of stripping her to her bones. What would have happened if we had been steadfastly following and supporting THOSE people all this time instead of letting our base appetites dictate that we blindly accept the degraded products and experience handed to us by those who profit from stripping the earth and then blaming and murdering or enslaving us?

It’s so frustrating to know that so many people saw thru the convid scam, but can’t apply the same skepticism and critical thinking to see thru the biocide scam.

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People are so infantile they just want a side to choose in order to "belong".

No brains attached. They just get in the way.

Thank you for your comment.

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Agreed. And thank you for your kind words. Much appreciated.

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The United Nations is exposed at http://www.truedemocracy.net/td-17/index.html and also provides the power to abolish it IF enough people learn why it was established in the first place. It's a small edition, because the thesis was so easy to prove.

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Virtually every government agency is being used as a weapon. It is time to get back to the original enumerated powers allowed by the constitution. END this endangered species scam and transfer ALL national parks back to the states. This country has the best form of government ever created but the demonic communist left have undermined it and they must be utterly destroyed.

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Gotta stop this somehow! ASAP

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Do NOT be a participant in the election , its a smoke screen....a STAGE SHOW!!!! GET out the rope and start lynching the ENTIRE US Government....than go after each state government...and hang everyone of them..CULL THEM ALL,,,,, Find a new HITLER..... https://www.bitchute.com/video/VQiJuBrQIrvJ

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CIVIL WAR...CULL the US Government....ther are ALL GUILTY of TREASON and MUST BE HUNG!!!!!!!!!

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NOW Is the TIME for US CIVIL WAR!!!!!!! All the US Government MUST be HUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Jew Liquidation is second after the ENTIRE US Government is HANGED FOR TREASON.....ALL OF the US Government....need to be EXECUTED...... Culled like ants on a ant hill.....

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This is what the USA needed decades ago......and now the USA really needs it!!!!


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all the Smoke'N'Mirrors over the Puppets running is just a SMOKE SCREEN....wake up CIVIL WAR is THE ONLY Answer........YOU need a HITLER!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well...we have to find a balance and sometimes balance require imbalance to acquire the skill.

We humans can't just keep sprawling in uncontrollably and razing forests and blasting and drilling and so forth to make a buck without controlling ourselves as well.

Hubris is a bitch goddess.

Oh, and I read this same article twenty years ago yet no NGO or government agency has been able to capture and isolate the lands on the wish list.

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US government trashed FirstNations people since in inception .....killing off 'Dem Injuns" and robbing them of their lands and buffalo and way of life..the religious asshole pushed the jesus crap and god bullshit donw their throats..in the name of 'Gods will" and more bs.....all religions should take the blame for centuries of killing FirstNations people worldwide.....and Jew lead the way....importing blacks as slaves and make $$ opff the sales....all jews should be banned all religious should be banned...publicly....all government should be BURNED at the Stake...hung or shot...governemts all just a cover for slimy criminals.....

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In November this year , The US is giving over our National Parks, wild places, PUBLICLY OWNED BY WE THE PEOPLE.



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the US Government has been screwing citizens for 200 years..the government MUST BE CULLED off like Mad dogs .....HANG 'Em ALL....The USA Needs a Hitler to kick out the Jews and Bankers.....there will NEVER BE Peace on Earth with a JEW ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! N E V E R !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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IT WILL BE PRICELESS. I only hope it's broadcast on Tik Tok.

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Jun 25
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Yes, indeed. Here's more from the Zionist government: “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” Benjamin Netanyahu, 2002

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