I almost lost 2 of my dogs a couple of months ago from a bad batch of Stella and chewies. Three of my dogs got sick all at the same time five hours after eating. Two of them collapsed and luckily one of our neighbors is an alternative vet who was willing to see them at 10 o’clock at night. I thought I was doing the right thing by feeding a high-end expensive food that was not kibble. Most likely it was 842 high-dose vitamin D three in the food that did this to my dogs.

I now make my own dog food. It’s not as hard as people think. And it is far less expensive though more time-consuming than feeding out of a bag.

Most people would be shocked to realize how horrendous the pet food industry is. There’s a deep dive you might want to take.

Thank you again for all the awesome awesome work you do. I look forward to your articles all the time.

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Do you make the dog food in a slow cooker? It makes it way easier. I did that last summer for our dog. Our dog loved it.

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We make enough food for 2 weeks for 8 animals (4 dogs, 4 cats). We gently boil chicken, shred it and add raw ground beef, pumpkin, moringa powder, chia seeds, powdered organic blueberries, blended beef liver, kelp, ground egg shells. 3 times a week they get a raw egg and “4Legs of Love” sprouts from SPROUT PEOPLE. When I can get them they get chicken hearts. It takes my husband and myself an hour to make this and then I freeze it in containers that hold 4 days of food each for the 8 animals.

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I read a book called "Cats would buy mice" a while ago by Hans-Ulrich Grimm and I can just concur, nobody should feed their animals on store-Bought.

Glad your dogs survived :-)

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STAY STRONG...you are over the target♥️

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If Lee Merritt thinks "Vitamin D3" is not a poison to humans and knows of a pharmaceutical grade sheet that proves that, then she should be the one to produce it. The onus is on her to prove that the "supplements" she is relentlessly peddling are not toxic and are actually beneficial to health.

I became suspicious of her a couple years ago. This nonsense from her seals the deal.

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Yes, correct.

However, I doubt that will happen as she (he) is under CIA Operative narrative :-(

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I'm sure that will not happen because he (she?) doesn't have the goods.

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I'M PROUD TO BE ON TEAM Agent131711! Cheering for your triumph over ignorance. Nice work.

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I recently concluded that most MDs are under a deeper form of education-based mind control than I had realized. Add in the ego factor and social status of being an MD, and that's a potent combination.

Dr. Boz, as she calls herself, got religion about the ketogenic diet years ago, and deeply regrets the harm she's done in the past with standard medical treatments for diabetes, etc. I respect her work in that area. (I used to do keto, but no more, that's beside the point.)

HOWEVER...in this video she admits how she ignored for two years the claims of Covid "vaccine" damage that her subscribers were constantly reminding her of. You only need to listen to the first few minutes to get a feel for it. I'm not trashing her - in fact I give her props for admitting she was wrong. My point is she was enlightened on one issue but remained closed on others, due to her "training".


PS: She's also clearly blind about the dangers of EMFs, having implanted in herself a wireless bluetooth ketone meter.

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I figure she ( dr boz) will be SUED UP THE YING YANG for giving patients the poison shots...that "no liability " crap is gonna disappear

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Oh my!

I had no idea those meters existed.


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Me either. Here it is (or at least one version) for reference:


And then there are the bluetooth-enabled wireless baby diaper monitors I recently learned about.

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Thanks Mitch!

Abbott.. A-Bot Pharma


I see its approved for ages 4 and up!

I should not be surprised since you mentioned wireless baby diaper monitors :-( :-(

God help us all!!

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IMHO, you both make some good points. You are correct Vit D is used as a rat poison and that everything is a poison and its the dose that makes the difference - first lecture in Toxicology. Vitamins are essential to all animals - and man survived for eons by getting them through foods, water, sunshine and minerals. There are a bunch of diseases that were assigned to contagion which ended up being vitamin deficiencies (e.g. scurvy, rickets, hypocalcemia, Pellagra). Fortification of foods with vitamins - is problematic as is most of the GMO food produced.

If a person took 10,000 IU (0.25 mg) of D3 a day - that would be 0.0036 mg/kg for a 70 kg ~150lb person). The half life of Vit D in humans is 1-2 months. Like everything to much can cause problems and deficiencies can cause problems.

The Rat oral LD50 (lethal dose that kills 50%) is reported to be from 42 - 619 mg/kg

The concentration in rat poison is 0.075% or 75g/kg of feed

If a 0.5 kg rat ate 2g of this delightful concoction - it would consume 75 mg of D3.

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so what about this theory..if the level of Vitamin D is toxic in the human body would the body lay down more fat in which to store it and make that fat IMPOSSIBLE TO LOSE??? Many folks ( including me) have mysteriously put on weight (after taking 10,000 units of D for many years) and cannot get that weight off. I wonder...

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All these poisons the body has to remove through the kidneys and liver.

Most congested would be the liver.

So, everything backs up and the entire lymphatic system (blood cleaner) becomes slow which in return effects metabolism and weight gain is one of the results.

A correct gentle liver cleanse is something that would help.

Also, some liquid Echinacea drops in the AM would help clear out the blood.

There are many cleanses out. there.

When I stopped all the vitamins about 9 months ago, I started passing out parasites in my stools.

Had to do a parasite cleanse for 5 weeks.

Guess I starved the critters of all their "healthy" vitamins :-(

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Actually the “Kick it Naturally” guy T.C Hale said just that, I can’t recall the exact wording but that the body was reacting to the poison and protecting itself. Check out his website & youtube. He has a free course on digestion which is amazing, a real eye opener & you can get a free copy of his book “Kick your fat in the nuts” which is amazing too. He’s not a dr by the way but fanatical researcher looking for answers. I think Agent would approve.

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Great work! Great research.

For all its shit and bullshit the covid farce is creating some mighty fine researchers and it has been the beginning of the unraveling of the lies, deceptions and vulnerability of ‘experts’ to the dollar signs waved in front of their faces.

Well done and thank you.

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Agent, you are right on. I very much enjoy your content. Just send her this piece from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9938244/ Note to her since 2020, (cholecalciferol only baits) are a thing and evidently proves it is and can be deadly.

In 1984, cholecalciferol was developed as a rodenticide by Bell Laboratories in Wisconsin and was registered as a rodenticide the same year13,14. The rodenticide was developed to deal with the challenges encountered in attempts to control commensal rodents, e.g., house mice15, with the existing ARs. New Zealand16,17, several European countries14,18 and the United States19,20 are countries that have established the use of cholecalciferol as a rodenticide. Initially, application of cholecalciferol was synonymous in a mixture with coumatetralyl, especially in European countries21. (However as of 2020), the majority of the European market has (cholecalciferol only baits) without coumatetralyl as synonymous mixture22. Cholecalciferol is consumed by humans as a dietary supplement (i.e. vitamin D) and can be found naturally in fish oils, egg yolk and milk fat23. However, when the compound is consumed at toxic levels, it can raise the calcium level in blood (hypercalcaemia) by absorption from bone and small intestine and causes calcification of blood vessels in vital organs such as kidneys, stomach, lungs and cardiovascular system13,24–27. Heart failure is usually one of the major effects to the consumer, where the mineralization causes blockage to blood vessels and eventually leads to heart failure and death17,25. The other mechanism of cholecalciferol is the ‘stop feed effect’ where the toxin causes the consumer to lose their appetite, eventually resulting in death, which is also one of the symptoms of hypercalcemia

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Lee Merritt is one ugly dude. Not sure why anyone would look to him for health advice.

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I was about to post a similar line.

The Male to Female --- MTF

Of Military Grade , so we all should feel better now.

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good one

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17

Thank you, Agent, for bringing the vitamins/supplements scam into light. So disappointed in Dr. Merritt - she was one of my favorite alt docs that I followed... until now. Her Vitamin D products contain cholecalciferol... you've shown us there's no "good" vs. "bad" cholecalciferol - it's all bad. We really have to be wary of docs who have their own line of supplements.

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Yeah, he/she wants to make money. I used to buy supplements from that entity myself.

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Thanks again for your excellent work AG!

Folks need to know and you are doing just that!

I also posted the below on dpl's stack.

Guess more will be coming out of the woodwork.


"In my educated opinion (to which we are still entitled last I checked), I find it both unscientific and unprofessional to label an essential vitamin as "rat poison." This terminology disregards the enormous and successful track record of chemically synthesized vitamins D2 and D3, which have been available "


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I've always found Vollmer to be very condescending to everyone. Every video of her is a turnoff to me.

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She changed I noticed right after the C-Vid circus started.

I first came across her back in the late 90's when Jim Humble first introduced MMS before the Genesis II foundation was formed. We would exchange information on our journey taking Chlorine DiOxide. I agree, over the last 4 years her presentation of information is very abrasive :-(

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I really liked Dr M as well but I KNOW you are correct and she is now HIDING something...

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You’re getting lots of attention from the supplement pushers!


A wonder not one of them sees fit to tell people about Sperti sunlamps, UV-B light is 1,000x’s of times more effective at producing the hormone. I am an inventor in the LED space, unaffiliated with that product, although I wish I had come up with it. $500, expensive but effective and a permanent solution, some spend that on vitamins quarterly.

Think you are over the target with the machine gearing up against you, keep going! ❤️

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Thank you for standing strong against these evil shills!

On a side note, the last time I tried a supplement, about 8 years ago, it was zinc. After a few days, my breath smelled metallic, and I stopped taking the supplement. I just looked up zinc, and here is what I found on Wickedpedia:

"Zinc is most commonly used as an anti-corrosion agent, and galvanization (coating of iron or steel) is the most familiar form."

Sounds like an absolutely yummy idea to help low-dose us into cyborgs, eh?😡

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Bravo. Fantastic logical researcher. I am grateful for you Hannah

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