You should also add that all dairy is contaminated with potassium iodide. Even minute amounts can cause poisoning in the young before puberty and the middle aged. It is common practice for dairy farmers to "wash" their cows' teats with an iodine solution of potassium iodide. Their teats are not rinsed afterwards. Potassium iodide destroys thyroid function. See the Materia Medica entry for this poison from the Homeopathic Doctor John Henry Clarke, "Though it has not been extensively proved, the recorded and attested effects of over-dosing are numerous enough. P. Jousset (L'Art Médical, October, 1899, 241) has referred to Rilliet's experiments with the drug on the healthy. He experimented on twenty-eight persons, mixing their table-salt with one ten-thousandth part of K. iod., so that in two years each would have taken 40 centigrammes. Here is one of the cases: A man, 45, of very strong constitution, never had any illness. At the end of seven months he began to waste; had palpitation; became sad and melancholy; had fixed ideas, weakness, indefinable malaise in the lower abdomen with constipation. The iodised salt was accidentally suspended during January and February, and he completely recovered. Returning home in the month of August, he commenced the salt again, and the same symptoms returned with much more intensity than before: notable and progressive wasting with voracious appetite; trembling; palpitations; fixed look; yellow complexion; above all the moral disturbances were very pronounced agitated even to tears; irritability; disgust and discouragement agitated sleep. It took two months for him to recover this time. The record says that the man's health was again "completely restored"; but this is not quite correct. After the first poisoning, although complete health was apparently regained, there was left an extreme susceptibility to the drug's action, so that a much shorter period of poisoning was required to reproduce the symptoms in a greatly aggravated degree. And two years after this, although health was apparently perfectly restored, a visit of twenty-one days to the seaside nearly cost the man his life. The same symptoms reappeared. He was reduced to a skeleton, the appetite being all the time exaggerated. In walking he was almost bent double, trembling and out of breath at the slightest movement. Pulse weak and very frequent. Finally he was compelled to keep his bed, and had great difficulty in reaching his home in Geneva. There he promptly got better. But in spite of the apparent recovery a very profound change in the organism had occurred; and from this experience "< at the seaside" must be numbered among the conditions of K. iod. Two others, both women of sixty, had the same symptoms as this man, one at the end of two months, the other at the end of four. On the rest of the twenty-eight experimented upon no symptoms were observed. Joussett quotes from the same authority experiences with the same salt in the treatment of goître. A man of fifty had a round, indolent, non-fluctuating goître on the right side of the neck, the size of an orange, of very slow growth."....https://www.materiamedica.info/en/materia-medica/john-henry-clarke/kali-iodatum. Here are the "Proving" Symptoms of Cow's Milk. Proving Symptoms in homeopathy are the symptoms that are produced when a healthy person takes the potentised, that is diluted and succussed vibrational energy of a substance, and all their symptoms are recorded. https://www.materiamedica.info/en/materia-medica/john-henry-clarke/lac-vaccinum. Both have the same melancholic feeling of dread among other symptoms that are the same.

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From what I've read, this man seems to have been sensitised to the salt itself in the end? Unless the sea is also poisoned?

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Yes, it is interesting isn't it? But how would you explain that the proving symptoms for cow's milk are so similar? I have been studying other "Lac" remedies and their materia medica and they are all very much the same. The people who need these remedies all suffer from the same symptoms.

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I posted below, Tami. It's not poisoning; it's chemically induced hyperthyroidism from iodide.

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yes, I saw that, but how isn't that poisoning? Chemically induced is just another way of saying poisoned.



: a substance that through its chemical action usually kills, injures, or impairs an organism



: something destructive or harmful https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/poison

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It's not poisoning because potassium iodide is not poison and as non-poison it wouldn't induce harm to a truly healthy body. Arsenic would; that's poison.

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Seawater contains iodide, but It has never killed anyone except by drowning.

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Looks like what happened to these people. The potassium iodide induced hyperthyroidism - the symptoms fit to a iota - to individuals already experiencing problems with their thyroid and probably undiagnosed (very common to this day).

“The Jod-Basedow effect (also Jod-Basedow syndrome and Jod-Basedow phenomenon) is hyperthyroidism following administration of iodine or iodide,[1] either as a dietary supplement, for iodinated contrast medical imaging, or as a medication (mainly amiodarone).


This phenomenon is thus iodine-induced hyperthyroidism, typically presenting in a patient with endemic goiter (due to iodine deficiency), who relocates to an iodine-abundant geographical area. People who have Graves disease, toxic multinodular goiter, or various types of thyroid adenoma are also at risk of the Jod-Basedow effect when receiving iodine, because the thyroid will then not respond to the negative feedback from increased thyroid hormones. The source of iodine may be from the diet, administration of iodinated contrast for medical imaging, or amiodarone (an antiarrhythmic drug).[citation needed]

The hyperthyroidism usually develops over 2 to 12 weeks following iodine administration.[2]."


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I never touched it although I had access to it and I actually bought some. But something about the whole ivermectin furore did not sit well with me. It reminded me a lot of elections and the so-called 'good alternative' person that the system fights so hard against, and the voters are convinced he is the real deal and vote for him...only to find out after he's elected that he is just another one of the bad guys' camp, just another one of the system, who cheated them like all the others prior to the elections and after. I am a firm believer in patterns and plot twists like the ivermectin's confirm that they should not be ignored.

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A couple of years ago, people were buying ivermectin right and left, wherever they could find it. I bought a bottle just because I could and was in disbelief about the label, which basically said "Ivermectin" and not much else. Nothing where it was from, no expiry date, nothing. Didn't take it and won't.

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You've highlighted how I may have fucked myself up with ivermectin!

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I can’t find where to ask you questions but I’m not getting notifications when you post.

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Thank you Agent ( from UK )❤️I am impressed by your research and enquiring mind.

I look forward to reading your locked Stacks, just upgraded to paid.I also dumped my IVM. although I wasn’t bothered about the fertility issues ,being over 70 😂🤣.

I follow Dr Tom Cowan et all and realise now virtually all the Allopathic Medicine is a drug pushing scam.Its Terrain Theory and other Alt.Practioners for me.

Dr Mike Yeadon is a true hero to the Awake Community, Great team support on his Telegram Channel,(Dr Mike Yeadon Solo) owned by Tim West who fights to keep Bots out…

Best Wishes Helen.

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Agent 131711 and Tim Truth, please do a post about FENBENDAZOLE.

Now that there’s plenty of info on the harms of ivermectin being circulated across social media, and people with common sense aren’t falling for their lies, looks like there’s another parasiticide they’re beginning to push as possibly having anti-cancer properties.


People may not put two and two together that these two are very similar toxic drugs and used with animals only for getting rid of parasites, and Fenbendazole is just as harmful as ivermectin…


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I do think that parasites are the cause or contributing factor to cancer. And I think everyone has them and the medical profession totally denies it. I had an issue with parasites and have taken all kinds of horrible stuff but quit that stuff pretty quickly. Now I just regularly use diamatacious earth. But that has a lot of silica which they say might help the nanotech.

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Some of us need supplements. I need B vitamins because I don’t absorb them well or something. I eat lots of B vitamin foods daily but I get cracks in the corner of my lips and other skin problems without enough B. Do you have a recommendation?

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I would suggest reading the article I am posting next, "What's in B-Vitamins? Ingredients in Each B-Vitamin Supplement" so you can pick the one that is best for you. I think that will publish either August 21st or 22nd. But just so you know, cracks in the corner of lips and skin problems are a side effect of supplements. Check out the link to my Prenatal Vitamins article in this article.

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I look forward to every article you share with us. Thank you.

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