I sooooo appreciate your reporting...sprinkled with endless curiosity and limitless snark. I learn an incredible amount. Thank you.

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Our organic, NON-GMO, jelly with zero sweeteners lists Citric Acid. BLAH!!! Can it be the bad citric acid if it is certified NON-GMO? I'm going to contact them. What would be the best way to phrase it? The people answering may not even know.

My daughter is in the pantry and just said our Kirkland and HEB Organic tomato paste has it too, but not in the brand that we get in glass...Bio-Nature Organic/non-GMO, Muier Glen is free from it too!


I CAN NOT find a chicken feed without all this crap in it, I've been looking for a long time. ALL the high end organic ones have the added "vitamins". I tried making my own feed and they stopped laying as much. They need way more greens in the summer so this year we are trying to grow things to feed them so their feed is less.

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Replace sugar jelly with jam.

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The key thing with chicken feed for layers is protein, not greens (though greens are great). Make sure you include lots of legumes in the chicken feed you make.

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I'm in Texas so they need more greens in the summer because of the heat. Chia seeds in water helps too. Which legumes do you recommend?

I even tried the sprouting method for the homemade feed and had little success getting the egg production up. Our summer last year was TERRIBLE though! I'm putting an EMF disruptor on their coop soon so we will see if that also helps. :)

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Whatever organic legume is cost effective should work. I can get field peas pretty cheap so those are typical.

Fermenting the feed would help a lot for summer hydration and also make the beans easier for them to eat. Basically just put a few days of feed in a bucket, cover well with water, and within about a day it'll start being fermented.

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My chickens hate peas. That was in my homemade feed and they just ate around it. I was using organic green split peas from Azure Standard. Maybe I need to try a different kind.

Yeah, we tried the fermenting process too last summer. I think the heat was just too much. I had to keep misters running all day long and we still lost 2 to heat stroke!

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Jeez that is super intense. I guess at that point I'd be brainstorming better shade areas.

My chickens will eat anything so not sure why your peas didn't get gobbled.

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Yeah, I don't know either. Today it was 96 with 50% humidity! I'm praying this is not a sign of another dreadful summer with heat indexes of 120 or more at that point shade helps but it is still hard on the chickens. We have power at the coop now so we will add fans this summer too. This would be the 3rd summer in a row of being cooked. Darn HAARP!!

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Beautiful! Absolutely!💯. A million thank yous.

I finished a post on Sage Hana’s page (think that’s the handle) he did on TWC, the wellness company scam and the doctors who back it. I wrote all about citric acid. How did you know it was from blk mold? lol.

I have been fighting with the wellness mamas on instagram, regarding citric acid, if it was from lemons and limes, wouldn’t it be called citrus acid!?!?!

I was hit with blk mold and fungus in 2016, 155 thousand blk mold and fungal spores. I really need to tell my story. I stroked out from it, the infectious disease doc, took me in her home, took care of me. In turn, I learned how everything has a natural pestilence we harnessed to harm us.

G-O-F research? I think so. It’s in everything and people wonder why they are sick?!? It’s in food, medicine, etc. I was part of experimentation with 450 other people who had very high counts of mild exposure. I now live with aspergillosis, which is fungus in my lungs, from aspergillus fungimatis.

I am very appreciative you put this up! I am excited to save it and read it again.

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Fungus thrives on acid.

Drink sodium bicarbonate to balance it.

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Bard, if you only knew what I went through. I had a 144 ml of aspergillus fungimatis, Candida albicans, and high counts of Stachybotrys, blk mold. I did natural, diatomaceous earth, baking soda, essential oils. I stroked out, lost my dog and a parrot to these pestilences. The normal human can live with no greater than 31 mls. Thanks for advice, been living with it for 9 years as there is no cure…Praise the Lord, I am still here. 80% morality rate….

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Excellent, thanks! Citric acid is everywhere, especially canned foods. Sounds so innocent too!

Have you looked into the link between "natural" flavours and MSG? Same with nutritional yeast. Harmful food additives masquerading as something wholesome.

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Yukk!! And thank you.

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No problem! Awareness is key! Not yucky, I survived and I am talking about it!

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Well, Pharma can't patent a natural substance, and thus there's no money in them, so they must create a synthetic copy in a lab of whatever good stuff they find in nature, then patent the process and/or result. For example, Aspirin (salicylic acid) was isolated from white willow bark by chemists in the late 1800's. Aspirin a wonder drug that only kills around three thousand people a year. Wait. What?

Cows eat plants and only plants, ferment & digest them in their four stomachs, convert them into muscle, fat and connective tissues, which in turn, we process with heat and eat, digest, turn into muscle, fat, connective tissues and brains.

Thus, both a hamburger bun and hamburger patty are made from plants, a fact that is lost on vegetarians.

Beyond Meat is a disgusting attempt at turning plant matter into something resembling meat in a lab, sans cows. But in reality, it's just another highly processed food, no different than Twinkies, IMO.

And that's what many vitamins are. Vitamin C is no more equivalent to eating an orange than Beyond Meat is to beef.

While manufactured ascorbic acid is beneficial to our health on its own, even life saving in certain circumstances, it's best to get your daily Vitamin C (and other essential nutrients) from natural GMO fruit & vegetables saturated with glyphosphates and coated with Bill Gates aPEEL.

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Hi Brent! Yes, true but big pharma is a big nasty business. Remember, we have been bombarded by all of this with the chem trails, pesticides, and the codex alimentarius. Which is Monsanto, now. Bill took over the codex…as far as meds that we take and animals are receiving as well, are filled with different molds and fungi, penicillin is penicillium, clindamycin has the fermented “blue cheese” mold, keflex has omicron mold (sound familiar?). If we take these little bits of mold which is still alive, wrecks havoc on our system and environment. We take it and it comes out in our sewage…and believe me, I got hit really bad with stachybotrys, black mold. And what I did not say to anyone is these leave toxins in the body, like aflatoxin, citrinin, fumonisins, ochratoxin A, patulin, trichothecenes, zearalenone, and ergot alkaloids such as ergotamine. These are all live toxins called mycotoxins. Research it. I had 144 ml of aspergillus fungimatis in my body, the average person has no greater than 31 mls, which the body can handle. Aspergillus fungimatis has aflatoxins which are permanently in my muscles, spores that reproduce eating my mitochondria…is in the grass, plants, animals. I have seen people with severed spinal cords, from mold. I have seen 5 year old that can’t speak or walk. I really think I am going to do a podcast on this. I believe in Dr. Judy Mikovitz, everything from the air, water and what we eat is filled with this poison. I lived through it. 9 years strong. If someone has been through the experience and learned from someone who has access to to all of this, how can you not understand?

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May 17·edited May 17

When do we get to expel the Hindu and Chinese invaders and all of their worship of occult "science"? They have taken over the bio-medical fields of America. This is intentional. It's strange. It's very visible. It suits their prejudices, and those "prejudices" increasingly seem like a connection to supernatural evil. I acknowledge this is not a pleasant way to frame what is occurring, in such extreme terms. But I am watching America disintegrate into a globalist hellhole, like western Canada, right before my very eyes.

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Hindu and Chinese? I thought it was another ethnicity that was controlling the bio-medical industry and the entire federal government.

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Those groups are likely controlled by the same hidden families. Research the sabbatean frankists in 1666. This is their plan.

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I've used big doses of vit c (ascorbic acid) to help (very effective) with common colds etc. I would love to know if there are actually ANY safe vitamins? Does anyone know? Thank you for your work!

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Just buy organic lemon Peel or orange peel powder. Or Acerola Cherry powder. Or Kakadu plum powder. You need the whole food not one compound, because it’s the flavonoids, polyphenols and not one isolated chemical (vitamin) that provide the health benefits.

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Thank you for your research. This is truly disgusting. I knew citric acid was 'bad' but I didn't know why. Gross.

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Love the article, as always, and thanks. FYI, I have not been able to "like" comments for the past few days.

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There is truly a fungus among us. And they've separated themselves from humanity. They look human. But they are archontic proxies. They lie, steal, rape and murder almost everything on this planet. True psychopaths going around poisoning members of their own species. In no other animal species, for example the felines, do you find a group of cats trying to kill others of their own species.

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Cryptosporidium, is the nasty fungus/parasite that was on the hbo special series, “the last of us”. It’s the brain parasite that makes people kill each other. It’s extremely aggressive. I know you are referring to people, but there is an actual fungus…nice comment! I get it…

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Agent your work is amazing. Have you been down the Codex Alimentarius rabbit hole yet?

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Hi Paul, that’s a huge rabbit hole. There are 7 codex’s all together…

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I'd love to see a picture of C6H8O7.

I can watch pictures of molecules all day long, as long as they are real pictures and not artist impressions.

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new medi sin es no longer need safety testing for the vaxxed genetically modyfied people ... because ... they dont have human rights ... because they are no longer considered humans because... they are no longer made exclusivally by God made in Gods image and likeness ,,, but are genetically modyfied [ changed ] with mrna vaxxes .... please good God help the demon possesed pshycopathic world leaders and their knowing and not knowing supporters return to goodness and truth ...https://thereisnopandemic.net/2022/02/26/legal-impact-of-mrna-vaccines-chile-enacts-anti-discrimination-against-mutants-law-24-february-2022/Legalized FDA non-regulation of biological products effective May 2, 2019, by Federal Register Final Rule, signed by then-FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb.

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Thank you Lee.

Good to know.

How were you exposed?

Now doing a deep dive into making my own teas.

Wormwood, Marigolds, Dendelion Root, Cats Claw, Essiac and Green.

Oxygen too with deep breathing exercises and Tai Chi.

Good luck

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Hi Bard, thanks for asking,I was exposed to a “sick house” in 2016. The landlord never mucked out under the rental after Hurricane Sandy(2012). It was in Belmar, NJ. 5 blocks away from the shore. When the mold inspector came to do his job, he couldn’t get under the house in the crawl space. The results are horrible. 74 thousand spores of aspergillus in the kitchen alone, stachybotrys is spores from blk mold=everywhere, 155 thousand in total. I did not see it at all in beginning, it was a creeper. It only took 4 months for me, some it takes years. Once you have it, you have it. As I learned nothing but 91% alcohol and cleaning vinegar kill it. Naturally thyme, rosemary and lavender. The first work on contact. Thyme is a great tester. I buy fresh thyme at the farm, not the gmo kind, as it has mold. I put it in the darkest parts of my room. In the closet, if it take a long thyme🤣 to turn white, black or brown the room has minimal, if it turns in less than a week, we have problems! I survived by the Grace of God. I had brain fog, sores, my hip replacement dislocated 6 x in 4 months. My dog of 16 years passed after 4 months, when we moved in he was healthy. My conure of 12 years died after 8 months. Again, I had a stroke. My African Grey survived with me, he is now 27. He is constantly sick. I do natural powders for him. Pau d’-arco, and spirulina mostly. Right now no fungal spore infecting him, bacteria. I have been good, I had a bout with parasites in 2022, melizzia pachydermitis. I got it from my landlords dirty dog. He did not wash her at all throughout covid. She got hotspots, she was 14, she passed. There is blk mold where I live, it is all over NJ. We have a serious problem. But it’s moist, the conditions are like the Netherlands, actually the Dutch did settle here. They claimed NJ and traveled in to Penna…Amish country. I live on a mountain that was blasted to put housing in rocks🤣, I have a huge rock wall in the back. I see blk mold everywhere and I am not kidding or crazy! I have so much more to say, I am going to do a podcast. Really, it’s time. People need to understand the dangers and what it is in, my exposure to living with a doctor who is a Wiccan, her father was a doctor and 33° Mason. I learned so much that people do not know. I am a Christian, and fighting a Wiccan is no fun, but I did bring her son to the Lord. Which is amazing, for the conditions he lives in. I would just love to have a person in the podcast, as I do get extremely emotional. I taught the doctor, the doctor taught me. There were 450 of us, total experiments. Using end stage cancer drugs up our noses and in our mouths, that mutation was horrible. So much info my head explodes. But honestly, it’s all coming around now and a natural pestilence is a killer for us alll. Mold and fungus doesn’t care about you, they spores are asexual predatory animals that feed off of us. Truly. Once you have peace and get it of the cytokine storm it creates the clarity is there. Thanks again! Inspired by you all!

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