Interesting. Great compilation. What does burn polymers? So much testing we all need to do and find a good lab. Send it to tap water testing asking for particular things you want it tested for.

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Thanks for the comment, Gayle. Much appreciated! Unfortunately, most labs have been instructed to not test stuff like this. Your sample will be refused or "inconclusive". Others report their samples magically "never arriving" or being "untestable". There are very few honest test places, and the samples are difficult to obtain, so you run a huge risk sending it, to have it "dissappear".

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Isn't a line between ANY two points basically straight? LOL

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Thank you.

Sometimes you can see the patterns of geoengineering at https://worldview.earthdata.nasa.gov/

What is nice about that site is you can go back in time. For example you can check out that monstrous hurricane, Erin, (which meteorologist failed to report on) which made its way up the east coast & parked offshore by NYC on 9/11 then made a right angle and moved away (this was discovered by Dr. Judy Woods and shown in the book "Where did the towers go"). You can check out what was occurring before and after some of those weird "fires" and other "natural" disasters. Some sections of the maps are blacked out.

I can accept that there are a relatively small number of super evil psychopaths wanting to control the world (Dante will have to add additional circles to hell to accommodate these demons) - but what I can not accept is the huge number of assholes that assist them in carrying out their evil plans. I don't think "just following orders" will be accepted on judgment day, nor do I think any of these POSs are so gullible that they don't know the destruction they are causing to the earth and the inhabitants (including their families and friends) and their country. The plans of the cabal would never work if it were not for folks willing to assist them. And as in every regime in history - once they have served their purpose they will be the first to be sacrificed.

may be interested in - "THE FALL OF THE CABAL This world renowned docuseries exposes crimes so horrible, no normal human can even comprehend them. Yet they are normal day to day practice for the superrich overlords who secretly destroy the human race and the earth, for their own enrichment. and THE SEQUEL To The Fall Of The Cabal In this series the cabal is fully exposed. Crime, murder, money laundering, cartels, high treason, all of which under your nose"… https://stopworldcontrol.com/cabal/

Stay Free

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My 20 year-old son doesn’t believe that the quantity of people who would be needed to keep carrying out all of the geoengineering tasks could all be so stupid to do it & not be telling the world about it …& that’s his biggest reason for not believing it. He just yelled at me for sharing some facts with him about it. Says they’re ALL contrails & that contrails make clouds. 🤦🏼‍♀️ The poor kid is all pumped up with hydrogels himself from daily insulin (he’s a type 1 diabetic, highly suspect he developed this because of childhood vaccines from what I’ve read in recent years about the correlation in huge increase of T1D directly in line with the timeline of the huge increase in childhood vaxx schedule) & in his brief 20 years this is a “normal” sky to him. He’s a typical victim of the propaganda. My 29 year-old son studies a good amount of this info, though, & is in agreement that this is a massive program that’s been going on for decades.

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Karen, I am going through the same thing with my friends and relatives. But to be truthful, I had a lot of doubts at first - my biggest hinderances to belief were: “why would they?" [How could the same government that regulates what we can and can not do via environmental regulations (e.g., land use, CWA, CAA and the like) be intentionally polluting and the vast number of agencies not exposing it?] and “why are there so few whistleblowers?” As to the latter, we should recall how many folks worked on the Manhattan project - yet even the vice president was surprised when he learned of the atomic bomb. No doubt, few of those employed in the project saw the ultimate plan or understood what they were creating since they only worked on remote parts and were bound by NDAs and restricted in communications. Only after the bombs were deployed, did the workers acknowledge their part in it - and the vast majority that did were conditioned to justify it. How many physicians, scientists and members of the military and our government were directly involved in biowarfare projects that were tested on the citizens? Only after congressional investigations was the extent of SOME of these projects exposed. When we consider the fate of some of the whistleblowers, those called to testify, and even some members of committees – it was enough to deter others from exposing evil. Today, it is different in that massive amounts of info can be revealed via the internet so targeting those folks leaking or exposing it becomes moot and if something happens to those involved – it just acts to reinforce the reliability of the information they disclosed. The internet was created by the intelligence services as a mechanism of spying on the population- but they probably did not consider at the time that it works both ways- which is why jobs in the censorship industry have boomed. They are loosing control of the narratives on everything.

As to pharmaceutical and medical treatments, few in the public make the connection that new conditions and diseases have anything to do with the drugs approved by our government and recommended and/or required by "trusted" white coats. Hell, most of the medical profession still believes in their medications - for them admitting to the death and destruction - would make them culpable, in part. to it so they prefer to practice cognitive dissonance and willful blindness (at least in public).

The plandemic woke many folks up and thankfully more folks are investigating the other propaganda and BS they have been fed by the government and mass media. It is painful to admit that we have been suckered by the government of the country we love and believed in and were willing to fight and die for. No one wants to doubt - it requires far more energy to swim against the current then to go with it and the doing so has a huge costs and takes an incredible toll. Its like running into the ocean and trying to swim out to sea. However, once you get beyond the pull of the waves, the forces driving you back to the safety of the shore become less powerful and the further you swim out - the clearer things become.

If we want to survive, we need to continue to try to wake people up by challenging their beliefs and encouraging critical thinking and open discussion. We can start by picking apart the messages (see behavioral strategies used by government to nudge. Applied Behavioral Scientist | Patrick Fagan https://bigpicture.watch/applied-behavioral-scientist-patrick-fagan/ ). Every person that wakes up to what is happening, will in turn help wake up other sleepers. We need a critical mass to fight the cabal.

A great quote I came across – don’t know who the author is: “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot unlearn the many lies that they have been conditioned to believe and seek out the hidden knowledge that they have been conditioned to reject”

Stay Free

P.S – I took a great photo of 3 planes flying together. Two are spraying and the last one apparently ran out – so that sort of screws the normal contrail theory. Here the vast majority of chemtrail planes are military and do not show up on https://www.flightradar24.com/

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Thank you! You’re spot on! Would love to see that photo you captured of the 3 planes!

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if you want to give me your email - I will send it to you

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hey I emailed photos - let me know if you get them. My email has been screwing up. Take care

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This substack post is old, doubt you will read this but…Bible does actually mention snow, about 70xs. 2 of those are about falling snow and also this was the Middle East we are talking about. Whoever told you that snow has always been fake might be a plant there to throw you off, or one of their sources is. Always fact-check before making claims which are easy enough to look up. Anyone who went to church should readily recall the phrase ‘white as snow’. Psalms 147:16 ; 148:8 Proverbs 25:13 Or just pick up a concordance and look it up? Also please consider the wooly mammoth encased in ice. If ice and snow did not exist prior to the 1700’s, then this wooly mammoth would have been seen strolling down the streets but we know that never happened because of the ice age. Global warming and cooling have been going on since the beginning of time and the scientists trying to change this are moronic dupes

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Good work. The patent your follower sent you seems to be a patent for shampoo, but I could be wrong.

Also, and more importantly:

"For to the snow He says, 'Fall on the earth;' and to the shower and the rain, 'Be strong" (Job 37:6).

"Come now, let us settle the matter, says the Lord. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool" (Is. 1:18).

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https://www.bitchute.com/video/UM2pS6kUvHqQ/ This is Kat that Reinette Senum has interviewed and is working with on collecting water samples etc. She is in California too. The run around she is getting is insane. You should be sending your snow to be tested. Great detailed work. Wow, writing history!!

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33° eh?

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Why is this being done- the cloud seeding, chem trails?

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Various reasons. Some say its to 'feed' the nano tech in your body because we do not naturally produce styrenes, or have the rare trace minerals in abundance like strontium barium etc in our own bodies *naturally* So if we flood the air and water with the seeds of the tech, it can grab what it needs from water we drink, food we eat etc. Some say it is in fact the chem spraying that is releasing the nano bots and we breath that in and off we go, hey presto infected! I can't tell you other than I suspect reason above plus ... well, its a way to manipulate weather to get people to buy into climate change and then go F themselves with trying to reduce their carbon foot prints.. and live in those 15 min cities etc etc. All about the control in otherwords. Create crisis, provide solution, even if solution not needed, wanted OR best...

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hijacking of every natural system and the control of every living thing in the realm.

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You've provided much excellent information and I love the experiments on the properties of the "snow" and "hail".

However, you obviously didn't do a fact check on snow in the Bible

2 Samuel 23:20 reports that Benaiah killed a lion on a snowy day. Since this same author chronicles King David, we're talking about 1000 BCE. There are many references to snow in the Bible.

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Hi, thanks for your Substack. Lot's of info to follow up.

Did you know that the combustion of jet fuels (and their additives), particularly biofuels are a precursor to plastics? Acrolein is one which leads to acrylic acid.

BTW there was a study done in the 90's over the North Atlantic flight corridor (approx Finland to Michigan) called POLINAT. Looking at the emissions. It was chosen as that region would have fewer pollutants other than jet fuel. NASA also had APEX in 2006 which shows Styrene produced by the fuel.

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All history is based on lies the winner of war destroyed everything and writes what they want told! I assume this has happened for at least 6,000 years! What is truth?

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When melting (or attempting to melt ) the snow, I would wear a respirator and do it in a well ventilated area, just to be safe.

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We have been experiencing day after day after day after day after day of the sun never coming out. It's been freaking me out. This past weekend they forecasted snow that never came and now they're forecasting it for the coming weekend. I'm actually hoping it does snow so I can check for anomalies. This has NOT been a normal winter in any way, shape or form. I live in Cincinnati metropolitan area (in Northern KY).

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I'd be interested to know what animal people have noticed from the wildlife, particularly the birds. That one sunset pic with the birds covering everything reminds me of some odd bird activity I've witnessed in PA. Not that I know enough to really know how strange their activity is.

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Restacked and wondering if all that hydrogel they talk about in our bodies... isn't coming from the air, soil and WATER that are poisoned from the chemtrailing.... Grim man, very grim stuff.

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