We are being sprayed to hell in the U.K on a daily basis and when i emailed my M.P about it he claimed that it is a conspiracy theory so i posted him a document from an all party MPs committee on the regulation of geo-engineering in the U.K and asked him this "if it is not being done in the U.K why would there be a committee regulating it he came back with the retarded statement that it is being done in other countries but not in the U.K so he still did not answer my question which is the typical of the lying corrupt child worrying M.Ps in the U.K.

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We have been sprayed here consistently nearly every day since 2021 and I am in southern NH in a town with a lot of crop fields. We've literally seen the spraying and then the grid form as "clouds" and then it rains over our back yard. The spraying is done at the same time every day, like clockwork.

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Hello Agent121711 I found the document on either The White Rose or The Expose website you should check these two sites out as they are full of excellent information.

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I also found a u.s D.O.D document from the 50s about new weapon systems that included chemical trails to exite the ionosphere etc...to cause devastating weather patterns to punish/destroy unfavourable nations and to create the impression of man made climate disasters and create sickness for the bidg pharma cartels benefit evil truly runs the world now and we need to wake up and fight back all governments are compromised and will not help us but will help to destroy us the only want 500 million to 1 billion people left to serve them so 90% of us are on the cull list.

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Check out this post, it might be the same document: https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/chemtrails-blocking-the-sun-the-cia

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Really great article, but I have a question, you state that the constituents of the by products from coal ash match chemical analyses in rain water but I didn’t see Aluminum is some of those lists. What did I miss? Thanks.

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why do the comments i post not work

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