Fantastic post, we are still in winter in the UK solely because of daily constant spraying.

The whole aviation industry had to modify the engines from jp4 to jp8 systems a couple of decades ago, due to the nano sized emissions leaking on the old jets.

Another important scam the aviation industry is hiding is that the modern ject engine uses very little fuel at all once at cruising altitudes , this is why international planes can fly several thousands miles on a single "tank".

The modern jet engines also eliminates the condensation problem due to efficiencies.

An example of how little fuel they use can be observed at night by not being able to see any blue thrust from the back of the engines.

The "landing lights" are far brighter than the jet exhaust, which of it we're using fuel would be far brighter, most modern jets rely on air compression rather than combustion, your plane ticket price is mostly for insurance and maintenance , not fuel.

Cheers Agent, let's bust this earth destroying practice!

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Excellent comment, Mick. To branch off of what you said, there is much speculation that the entire reason some airlines, such as Spirit, offer these dirt cheap flights only during specific hours is because they are subsidized by geoengineering contracts. We know that when the military-operation planes (in the USA) spray they do not appear on radar. This has resulted in near collisions, therefore it would make sense for the commercial flights that are a part of the program to spray during specified hours when the military is not active. It would be a disaster to have the off-radar planes spraying the sky white at the same time commercial flights, full of passengers, are spraying.

Also, as you pointed out, the modern day turbo fan bypass engines (with very few exceptions) are designed not to emit trails


Reading through all of the chemtrail plane quotes, they are very concerned with weight and lift. This explains why these dirt cheap flights are carry-on only, with very specific sizes of carry-ons.

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There is a rabbit hole about this questioning hiw much fuel is actually needed to fly.


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US Military’s interest in weather modification dates as far back as 1946.

Have a listen to what they managed to do way back in 1947 when they successfully steered their first hurricane and then see the relation to hurricane Erin on September 11, 2001.

Link: https://911revision.substack.com/p/hurricanes-and-september-11-2001

NONE of our current weather isn't modified to some extent.

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When the Space X satellites started to be launched in large numbers, my wife and I experienced plasmic residues on the windshield, while driving cross-country in November, 2022:


My best bet is that it was some kind of hydrogel, but definitely something harmful or protecting something harmful.

Geoengineering is a complex enterprise:


Ultimately, 5G and comparable technologies alone are now powerful enough to exercise full control over individuals as well as over the masses, and it can also be used as a doomsday weapon:


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I love your stack, Ray!!!

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At this point in time, anyone who denies the existence of atmospheric geoengineering is either wilfully blind or ignorant ... or both.

Your video of "plane #5" shows a Super Saber, a F-100 interceptor/fightet jet that first flew in the late 1950s. It was a multi-mission plane (one mission clearly was spraying).

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Watched this, then your geoengineering post showed up:



Climate warfare versus climate change

SMART dust nanorobots

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Greg Reese does amazing work. He’s especially good at short to the point videos and articles.

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So in addition to rationing sunlight, and making it increasingly difficult to grow stuff like food, these “classified” weapons-of-mass-destruction also reduce the availability of natural D3, enhance the likelihood of SAD, contaminate the soil and water supply, and (Oops!) render solar panels essentially useless. And now we can understand why intelligent, highly-trained, dads and moms and sons and daughters and brothers and sisters can spend their days poisoning everyone they fly their soup-machines over: gotta fill’er up 'ya know!

And then there’s this: those airborne gas-guzzlers use AvGas 100LL, not unleaded gas like the rest of us who are averse to causing widespread brain damage. https://esassoc.com/news-and-ideas/2023/08/changing-course-on-aviation-emissions-the-transition-to-unleaded-aviation-gasoline/

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Thank you for this excellent piece. Maybe you will also look into HAARP in the future. Energy-wise, this is even worse than the chemtrails and 5G. I published a piece regarding this:


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Quinta Columna , Dr Ana Milhacea etc are reporting a takeover of human blood by foreign nanotech. It doesn't matter if you are vaxxed. This is why the "zombie apocalypse " is expected and talked about in official mission statements of corps like AWS ( Amazon Web Services) and government documents. I guess the bunkers are to hide out until the zombies eat each other. This is starting to be discussed on channels like INSPIRED TRIBE on Youtube ( then on LOCALS cuz youtube will ban it) We are all royally fucked

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🤷‍♀️ you may be right? But I know lots of unvaxxed and none are dying suddenly or having heart and neurological issues. So maybe we’re not all screwed.

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I know a lot of vaxxed that are fine also, sensationalism, it's just crap in the injections of all kinds, the high tech expensive stuff would be a limited and controlled deal with the monitoring of small groups.

No liability, they wouldn't care what's in them.

We are not all going to die, not with the jabs anyways , now radiation from towers is a different matter.


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There must be an antidote for those heading to the bunkers

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This is yet another crime against humanity. Let the executions begin.

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One question. Who is paying for all of this? Seeing that it is worldwide, it's got to be billions. DAILY.

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We are via money funneled to NGOs

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Yep. Likely with all the ‘missing’ fiat that the Pentagon can’t seem to find.

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We need to deal with the Stakeholder Capitalism which allows Holding Companies and Hedge Funds to conceal their monopolies. From there, the Dark money donations, Super PACs and Lobbyists need to be addressed until finally we can wrangle the NGOs and the regulatory Revolving Door between regulators and the industries they regulate. Also, it should be obvious that policy makers shouldn't be allowed to indulge in insider trading.

AI regulation will be required for the above (see Blackrock's Aladdin, dark money, OTC pruchasing and naked shorts).

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Likely includes the same people building self sustaining, underground, multimillion dollar compounds (suckerberg reportedly just spent $230+ million for his). They want the world population down to 500 million total to act as serfs for the elites that believe they’ll live forever. Money funneled from the taxpayers, illegal drugs, human trafficking, etc. are all huge sources of revenue destined for nefarious purposes.

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You mean, SuckerBorg:)

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Borg, reptilian…it’s anyone’s guess

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An alien parasite

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We are, I think.

It is our taxmoney beeing used by our goverments all over the world

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deletedMay 23
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Correct. Look up "modern monetary theory" and learn the details of this ultra-scam.

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deletedMay 23
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Thanks - anyone that retells the history of S&H Green Stamps, and Confederate states' money, is a worthy in my book.

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Great post. The problems I have with the fuel theory are the math and the reason why anyone would put a product in the fuel to run through an expensive engine without it having some benefit to the performance of said engine. There are additives for jet fuel such as icing inhibitors, corrosion inhibitors/lubricators, gum inhibitors. Typical fuel additives for large and small engines that run on gasoline are 2-3 oz per 10 gallons ~0.16 to 0.23%. If you add to much you may have problems - not a big deal if you are on the ground - a different story in the air. Yes there is some nasty things in jet fuel already. A 747 holds ~50,000 gallons and is good for about 8,000 miles @$3.28 per gallon the cost to fill up would be ~$164,000. And yet I have seen some of these chemtrails coming from commercial airliners - most international. The vast majority of planes spraying in my area do not show up on any of the flight tracking programs. I think the bypass/dumping line makes more sense than adding to fuel - in addition to the tankers which most are probably military. Love your old videos - This is how we spray bioweapons on the population - look here we are doing public health. Dante needs to either expand the circles of hell or add some new levels to accommodate future occupants.

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It is insanely psychopathic to destroy the earth and air that sustains all life

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They've been geoengineering the weather at least since 1947 (77 years ago) when they admitted to it in a declassified government document and I'm certain they've been doing it well before that. Since the turn of this century they've ramped it up to full throttle concomitant with technological advances. I don't give a fuck how many protests there are against it or how many state legislatures pass laws banning it, these satanic monsters will not cease doing it. They have to be "capped". That is the only solution.

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Only the destruction of the system can solve the problem.

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To destroy the System, you have to destroy the scumfucks running it.

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That's what they fear. And that will happen. Sooner than later.

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It can't happen soon enough. Think, lone wolf, leaderless resistance, asymmetrical, guerrilla warfare. The Viet Cong in Vietnam and the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan showed the world how to beat an enemy with overwhelming firepower and resources. It can happen here.

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really encouraging my kids to live in the NOW more than ever...

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One thing that's always been confusing to me is why would they spray the skies to increase cloud cover and cool the planet while simultaneously going to such enormous lengths to convince us all that global warming is going to be the end of us? The only thing that really makes sense here is that the geoengineering angle is simply a cover story because many people would be more willing to accept chemtrailing operations if they believed those in power were doing it to save the planet. The truth is probably far from the stated purpose. I suspect the primary objective of chemicals is to steadily degrade the health of humans. It's just another attack vector that is too easy to pass up.

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Holy crap. Two sunny days here with no chemtrails. No matter what fuel you are burning, there are going to be loads of chemical emissions unless you are filtering them somehow. I don't think the jet fuel matters as much as how often they are "jetting" across the skies.

Looking for clues that would suggest major sky poisoning I would expect to see more dead animals and insects laying around as well as maybe a few people just collapsing. If it's a slow poisoning, it will be nearly impossible to tell. The same as taking vaccines and drugs for years and years and never knowing how much those poisons are killing you.

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