Chemtrail additives Lithium, Barium, Strontium, and Aluminum are fire accelerants. I imagine the ash from wild fires is still an accelerant and will be reincorporated into the trees and grass as metals don't just evaporate with heat. Lumber collected from chemtrailed land will be more prone to burning and burn hotter. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2288294674740689

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UK gets our timber to generate their electricity I heard on a UK podcast.

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Governments screw up everything. Do you trust the weather (climate ) to these buffoons?

Big corporations only care about the money. Will they take care of mankind?

Leave the weather to God. Stop spraying killer particles all over the planet.

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Excellent work on climate change and geoengineering that everyone should read and take action on, considering that our very survival as a species is at risk -- not because of nature, as everyone thinks, but because of a small number of people making decisions that affect the planet's climate and habitability without any consultation whatsoever.

Perhaps this is why the rest of the world is distancing itself from the US and making alliances among themselves. Perhaps they feel that the US has gone completely Dr Strangelove.

You have certainly found evidence that the rest of the world should be concerned, and that Americans should be very afraid of what is being done to them by what appears to be a government that considers them completely expendable (except for their tax payments).

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What action do you suggest?

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I'm trying to figure that out. I know various things have been tried to little effect, so making people aware of the problem as this substack is doing may be an important step -- so we can reach a tipping point in public opinion and pressure.

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I met someone way back in 2001 who told us all about HAARP. I found it hard to believe, back then, that they could control the weather, like I was told, but now I believe it!

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Did I miss it? Why are these toxins being used in the spraying? This explains why I feel horrible most days.

Li2O, means Lithium

B(OH)3 is Boric Acid

Na2O is Sodium Oxide

MgO is Magnesium Oxide

Al2O3 is Aluminum Oxide

SiO2 is Silicon Dioxide

H3PO4 is Phosphoric Acid.

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Me Too! 😱

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That was their plan. Expose, expose, expose.!

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Superb find! Great analysis & exposé. 👍

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