Excellent, excellent article...the next extinction is well underway, I have a bad feeling we humans are on this list if not the top of the list. For those new to all this I would highly recommend "Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth." by Elana Freeland. This book will definitely get you blood boiling...
All 3 books in Elana’s geoengineering trilogy are excellent and thoroughly documented. I read Dr. Judy Wood’s superb textbook about 9/11 (“Where did the towers go?”) where she concluded that the “dustification” of the towers at free fall speed is consistent only with some type of Tesla directed energy weapon technology, not the result of burning fuel or explosives.
I asked Elana about this and she pointed me to the first 8 pages of her middle geoengineering book where she describes the likely technology used.
Plus, she addresses hundreds of other nefarious things they are doing
Incredible but heartbreaking post. Psychopathic criminals, it's like they are on the mission to destroy human race and the planet as well. Attacking from every angle. Thank you for this excellent stack.
These vile, evil disgusting misanthropes will, of course, end up just like their counterparts in CS Lewis' book, That Hideous Strength, that predicted this all to a "t" 75 years ago
I don't usually quote Scripture, as there are many non-Christian allies we have, but Psalm 2 is certainly apropos:
"Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together,.against the Lord and against his Anointed’"
And of course, these vile types who hate God are against His earth and those made in His image...
It’s pretty obvious we have to get rid of the gigahertz radio waves. All of them. What is fibre optic for? Can we not just use that and cable? On internet telephones ??? I’m sure there are already patents for that.
The bee videos are heartbreaking. I had a similar experience. An entire colony of carpenter bees died overnight outside my front door. I picked up their poor little bodies and froze them thinking someone should analyze what they died from. Some more carpenter bees came and they've all disappeared, with one dying a horrible death in front of me -- he appeared to be blind as well as staggering.
Time to hold the people and entities doing this commercially responsible for the destruction of livelihoods and food supplies and farms and gardens and all the time, labor and materials and lost profits involved. Time to bankrupt them for doing this -- as money seems to be the only 'currency' they value, and the value to everyone else of what they're destroying is immense. If they want to cost other people on this planet, let them pay for it. No free ride for economic scroungers and profiteers. Bill and Beyonce, we're coming for your money, dears.
I live in Inverness, Highlands of Scotland. We didn’t have a Summer this year. At no time did the air warm up, but it would be ‘muggy’. Most mornings we’d have an hour or two of blue skies & sunshine then the clouds would roll in & that was it for the day. We only had a couple, three ‘nice’ days in all. Also, this was along with howling winds & sometimes heavy downpours of rain where it couldn’t get down quick enough, BUT, you couldn’t say we were swimming in water. With the strong winds all that rain just dried up the ground that you had to water your plant pots. Autumn has come early, still days with a howling wind & trees turning now. There’s snow on the Beinn & some frosts in outlying areas. The MET Office in U.K. has admitted that they’re spraying the skies along with what gets blown around the globe in the wind currents all adds to the problem. So all in all were stuffed. Like you not vast amounts of bee life as well. Bless
I have noticed a new bee this year. It looks like a real bee except it’s black and has shorter wings. It’s sound is very high frequency and I had to record it and find it was buzzing or making sound at extremely high frequency. These black bees don’t dive into a plant and stay there a few second. They Create such a high frequency the pollen is loosened and they dip in and out in less than a second. I thought maybe it was a new species but I dug around and found a bit of information on wiki but very little. It also says there are some black with blue stripes on its abdomen. I also noticed on the anole a small lizard I have made friends with my entire life, have a new feature going down their spine. It’s more artistic and much larger but otherwise it seem to behave the same. I’ve also seen far fewer birds this year and the migratory ones but the smallest one we usually have nesting on our porch, garage and deck. They are only the size of a small thumb. I haven’t seen but one and they are never loners. I spend an abundance of time outside and some days I have to go in because they spray is especially damaging. The birds go somewhere and hide on those days because I don’t see any. They eventually show back up but less of them.
Two, of my three hives, were decimated in a matter of a few hours, during the night - This was several years past. Speed forward to current times, they, the bees, are completely NON existent on my place of harvest. Chemical trails have annihilated most ALL living things - Including my family!
Nice artwork. The bees on O'ahu all have some weird virus. There are thousands of them a mile offshore on the ocean. Just all chilling...and dying out there. On the water, for no reason. Then all the bees on the land can be found on the ground walking in little circles. apparently a bee virus.
Hawaiian Heartbreak Her-Story, Yes, they, the bees, walk in a dizzying state of mind. These beauties have been under the same influence as those who have accepted the JABZ! Spin, turn, fall DEAD!
Bees and people both, since the jabz - Have been walking in a dizzy state of mind - They seem to have no course, then they die (in water or on land). So sad.
Excellent, excellent article...the next extinction is well underway, I have a bad feeling we humans are on this list if not the top of the list. For those new to all this I would highly recommend "Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth." by Elana Freeland. This book will definitely get you blood boiling...
All 3 books in Elana’s geoengineering trilogy are excellent and thoroughly documented. I read Dr. Judy Wood’s superb textbook about 9/11 (“Where did the towers go?”) where she concluded that the “dustification” of the towers at free fall speed is consistent only with some type of Tesla directed energy weapon technology, not the result of burning fuel or explosives.
I asked Elana about this and she pointed me to the first 8 pages of her middle geoengineering book where she describes the likely technology used.
Plus, she addresses hundreds of other nefarious things they are doing
Simply: This IS terraforming!
Incredible but heartbreaking post. Psychopathic criminals, it's like they are on the mission to destroy human race and the planet as well. Attacking from every angle. Thank you for this excellent stack.
Wonderful stack but incredibly sad, too. Why do the evil ones want to destroy everything that is good?
Because we have not yet, enough love in our hearts to save lives.
These vile, evil disgusting misanthropes will, of course, end up just like their counterparts in CS Lewis' book, That Hideous Strength, that predicted this all to a "t" 75 years ago
I don't usually quote Scripture, as there are many non-Christian allies we have, but Psalm 2 is certainly apropos:
"Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together,.against the Lord and against his Anointed’"
And of course, these vile types who hate God are against His earth and those made in His image...
This is a great post and a lot of work. Well done on a giant effort. Shared to my telegram channel and restacked.
Thank you very much to everyone who left such awesome comments. It is very motivating for me, despite the topic being more depressing Biden speech.
It’s pretty obvious we have to get rid of the gigahertz radio waves. All of them. What is fibre optic for? Can we not just use that and cable? On internet telephones ??? I’m sure there are already patents for that.
NOT oFF, Just back to the reality. You (we) as life, living things, can change this, with LOVE!
The bee videos are heartbreaking. I had a similar experience. An entire colony of carpenter bees died overnight outside my front door. I picked up their poor little bodies and froze them thinking someone should analyze what they died from. Some more carpenter bees came and they've all disappeared, with one dying a horrible death in front of me -- he appeared to be blind as well as staggering.
Time to hold the people and entities doing this commercially responsible for the destruction of livelihoods and food supplies and farms and gardens and all the time, labor and materials and lost profits involved. Time to bankrupt them for doing this -- as money seems to be the only 'currency' they value, and the value to everyone else of what they're destroying is immense. If they want to cost other people on this planet, let them pay for it. No free ride for economic scroungers and profiteers. Bill and Beyonce, we're coming for your money, dears.
I live in Inverness, Highlands of Scotland. We didn’t have a Summer this year. At no time did the air warm up, but it would be ‘muggy’. Most mornings we’d have an hour or two of blue skies & sunshine then the clouds would roll in & that was it for the day. We only had a couple, three ‘nice’ days in all. Also, this was along with howling winds & sometimes heavy downpours of rain where it couldn’t get down quick enough, BUT, you couldn’t say we were swimming in water. With the strong winds all that rain just dried up the ground that you had to water your plant pots. Autumn has come early, still days with a howling wind & trees turning now. There’s snow on the Beinn & some frosts in outlying areas. The MET Office in U.K. has admitted that they’re spraying the skies along with what gets blown around the globe in the wind currents all adds to the problem. So all in all were stuffed. Like you not vast amounts of bee life as well. Bless
I have noticed a new bee this year. It looks like a real bee except it’s black and has shorter wings. It’s sound is very high frequency and I had to record it and find it was buzzing or making sound at extremely high frequency. These black bees don’t dive into a plant and stay there a few second. They Create such a high frequency the pollen is loosened and they dip in and out in less than a second. I thought maybe it was a new species but I dug around and found a bit of information on wiki but very little. It also says there are some black with blue stripes on its abdomen. I also noticed on the anole a small lizard I have made friends with my entire life, have a new feature going down their spine. It’s more artistic and much larger but otherwise it seem to behave the same. I’ve also seen far fewer birds this year and the migratory ones but the smallest one we usually have nesting on our porch, garage and deck. They are only the size of a small thumb. I haven’t seen but one and they are never loners. I spend an abundance of time outside and some days I have to go in because they spray is especially damaging. The birds go somewhere and hide on those days because I don’t see any. They eventually show back up but less of them.
Two, of my three hives, were decimated in a matter of a few hours, during the night - This was several years past. Speed forward to current times, they, the bees, are completely NON existent on my place of harvest. Chemical trails have annihilated most ALL living things - Including my family!
Nice artwork. The bees on O'ahu all have some weird virus. There are thousands of them a mile offshore on the ocean. Just all chilling...and dying out there. On the water, for no reason. Then all the bees on the land can be found on the ground walking in little circles. apparently a bee virus.
Hawaiian Heartbreak Her-Story, Yes, they, the bees, walk in a dizzying state of mind. These beauties have been under the same influence as those who have accepted the JABZ! Spin, turn, fall DEAD!
Love & Hugz
Sorry. No. No love and hugs. No. Nothing you said here makes any sense I do NOT support this. What are you talking about exactly?
so you blocked me. while you spread nonsense and i tell truth about hawaii.
Simply stated: I see this daily - It hurts.
Bees and people both, since the jabz - Have been walking in a dizzy state of mind - They seem to have no course, then they die (in water or on land). So sad.