Blood curdling, "A". "The world is run by very different personages than what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes." - Benjamin Disraeli; First Jewish Prime Minister of England and agent of the Rothschild banking dynasty, the richest banking cartel in recorded history.

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I often feel like this is one big boardgame to them. Whomever is playing takes turns picking a location and causing chaos. It's just so evil, beyond words. I have come to conclude that when you have unlimited money and can buy anything, travel anywhere, get laws passed because you hold blackmail, etc, that all that is left for entertainment and excitement is the dark side.

Thanks for your ongoing readership and comments, Heretic.

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This is the Devil's world. He owns it lock, stock, and barrel. It is a Hell of violence, pain, misery, suffering, and death. What merciful, loving, all-powerful God of uncreated light would create such a place? Look at the monsters in human form who are running it. Obviously this is the work of an asura, or lesser celestial entity of evil essence. I'm not a Bible thumper but in the apocryphal scriptures, the ones banned by the "Official" church, there is a passage wherein the Devil offers Jesus this world if he would but bend the knee to him. Jesus of course refused, but the salient point is that you cannot offer to give something that is not already yours. Further, at one stage, Jesus chained the Devil but the Devil was strong enough to break the chains of Christ. Whether actual happenings or allegory, there is much truth therein. You are more than welcome, "A", and thank you for your great, perspicacious, work.

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"the apocryphal scriptures" are available on e-Bay; I need to find an audio version.

My simplified hierarchy; good and evil parallels: God, Jesus and his Apostles, then Humans, vs. Satan (Devil), his crew Demons and then Demon-possessed Humans.

It's similar to the current batch of people after mRNA gene therapy.

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Thank you for your great work! Very much appreciated!

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Zionists are transfoming the Republic into a giant X-FILE. The Smoking Man was a metaphor and stand-in for the Cabal. It's all there, right up to Covid.

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Nobody mentions that for a fire of such heat, the cars' tires remained intact as did the asphalt. Meanwhile BLUE things like beach umbrellas and blue colored vehicles etc. also did not burn.

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Does the Biden administration even know what’s going on there? Is their silence because they aren’t in charge and know as little as we do about the current situation in Maui? I’m trying to think why the lockdown of the burned city without diving into “conspiracy theories”. Is it because there are so many dead bodies? Would letting in the owners create too much havoc for the government’s action (or inactions) that led to this big “storm” fire, for example shutting off the water? If it was a “DEW” weapon is the authorities trying to find out who fired it? None of these reasons seem to make sense so it’s back to the conspiracy theories.

Evil forces are definitely at work in our world and we are in the midst of a Spiritual War. Is the anti Christ walking amongst us now. All I can do in this matter now is pray for the people that lost homes and loved ones.

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The synagogue of Satan.

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Shot with DEW weapons... They have nothing to find out, since all measures are aimed at killing people. They can't be so stupid as not to know that people need to eat, drink and live, and if they can't provide for themselves, they die. And the authorities are carrying out exactly this order...

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Yes indeed! Emboldened to act on a much larger scale by similar acts in Ca. that worked all too well in Lahaina. Wondering what the word is on all the missing kids??

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Does Hawaii have any republicans. U. S. Congressmen or senators? Cannot they demand to ask what’s going on and who are those foreign law enforcement types? And how can it be illegal to stop and take photos? It’s terrifying to read.

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They know what happened and what is happening there! Everything is working according to plan!

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That's sort-of the point.

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Insurance companies, actuaries and CPAs. No incentive to provide cover for criminal operations.. (oops).

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It's intriguing to imagine it was a psy-op, it was handled effectively. Still, the assumption itself is unique and to be considered. Photos and videos are easy to fake these days. Here are a few examples for comic relief:


There was even the nice twist that houses with blue roofs were not damaged during the event, and they were owned by celebrities or something like those. :)

Here is what I wrote about eminent domain:


Toxic garbage goes into the ocean, no matter what:


The biggest land grab in history is the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, when the Fed's lapdog, the IRS was also founded. By now, the Fed owns everything in the US; people just do not know it:


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'All Wars are Banker Wars' and all land grabs are WEF, UN, BIS "Smart City" c40.org " "New World Order" UN Agenda 21/2030/2050 satanical evil.


Placer County, Calif.

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