An emotional rollercoaster: a true story of Good vs Evil and the plan to capture America. When people's backs were against the wall, unexpected allies appeared to fight the good fight...
Oh no, not Alaska. What next. This is weird, though. I remember being there when it became a state, in early 1958, not 1959. We lived in Fairbanks for two years between 1956 and 1958, but we were living in Tacoma, Washington in January 1959 (3rd grade).
The memory is off by a full year. Now I'm wondering what other memories are wrong. Or if history was somehow altered. Or my memory. I already had a two-year memory gap, summer 1952 to summer 1954, and now this.
Oh well, thanks anyway. I'm becoming accustomed to the notion that the world I thought I grew up in was fiction.
History is altered all the time to suit narratives. I notice it almost daily and wonder if this is one reason why people who've lived long enough, otherwise known as the "elderly", are denigrated and devalued at every turn.
Because people who've lived long enough can remember the truth.
I have read a lot of articles written and published on this stack and many seem slanted and obfuscated by torrents of confusing "information" otherwise known as "exhaustive research".
Perhaps this is only in an effort to prove the point correct, but in this instance, holding Scientology up as a beacon of any variety of righteousness is suspect.
Now, you have given me more to ponder...I am coming to the conclusion rabbit holes are for rabbits and people only get stuck in them.
There is only one who never lies and simply lays out the truth for anyone to see.
LOL about Ron Hubbard! A paragon of deceitfulness. My parents were in Dianetics. Ron Hubbard was a member of their wedding party. (Got the 8x10 picture of Ron standing up front with my parents and two others.) One of my mothers best friends, Anne Koontz was Ron’s auditor. My parents got out of Scientology in the early 1950’s. They opined he was a paranoid schizophrenic.
I heard an old preacher say one time that “98% of Rat Poison will make a rat fat, but the .02 % poison it is laced with will kill it.” That is how I view most Substacks. No one espouses 100% gospel truth…except the Gospel.
Some print much truth as a
way of gaining trust and then inject a debilitating falsehood for their own nefarious ends. We must separate the wheat from the chaff for ourselves.
The most effective deceptions are partially true. I have learned the hard way that in some instances, when the truth isn't directly available, some of it can still be extracted from deceptions. So yes, I'm not fond of using Scientology either as a source -- I have a friend who is mind-locked into it -- but when I read something like this, I view them for what they're worth and not what they're not worth, using the background knowledge that I have been given, which is substantial.
I understand and try to do the same, but also remember when my skill of discernment wasn't as honed as it is today, I had a much harder time ferreting the truth from the lies and believed lies.
This is a well-worn tactic evil uses. Scientology is a dangerous cult. To cast it as the "hero" in any story is reprehensible.
If a person doesn't know this obvious fact about Scientology, then why am I listening to anything else they have to say? I suppose that's my exit line...
I thought about that, but opted to offer the benefit of a doubt. Some of the investigations here match closely with my own readings and research. Others don't. I'm pretty certain that the Internet doesn't come from the ocean, and I don't care one way or the other whether satellites are hanging from balloons.
If I detected a pattern in the articles that suggested promotion of Scientology, I would be concerned. I have a second-degree connection with them, through an organization I once belonged to in the 1980s (now defunct) that was a spin-off of est, which had connections to Scientology. I was well aware of that at the time, and I learned a fair amount of the language and gained some familiarity with what they were about, but with no desire whatsoever to be part of it, or part of est for that matter.
Then there is this friend of mine that is completely disgusted with Scientology as it exists now, but is living in an earlier version of it in his mind, and seemingly trying to convert me to THAT. We don't talk very much any more because I don't budge and I keep saying things he doesn't care for, but I do what I can to support him in getting through this. Along the way I have learned quite a bit about what he believes and and lives by. It's very detailed and confusing, and he is trapped in it.
I don't see any of those patterns in the present article. I do see things about Scientology that I am aware of from other sources, although I wasn't aware of any particular Alaska connection. I know about them and psychiatry, and it sounds similar to where I am with it. How similar, I don't know, and I want nothing to do with them whether they happened to get some things right or not. If they were part of Alaska becoming a state, though, that's something to know, if the supporting evidence is sound.
I am aware of another possible reason for Alaska becoming a state back then, which is directly tied to why I and my parents were living there at the time we were. My father was a first lieutenant in the USAF and a B-50 pilot. These were specially-equipped B-50s used to spy on Russian nuclear tests. I didn't know what he was doing while we were there, when I was in 1st and 2nd grade, but he told me that much and no more a few months before he died, when I was 32, 40 years ago.
Alaska was of particular value, then, for areal surveillance, A.K.A. "weather reconnaissance". Anything else I can say would be speculation, but use your imagination -- one of our states, with all its military bases and equipment, located conveniently close to Russia. We were at Eielson AFB, Fairbanks.
You do seem very sensible and discerning. I go to church, but they told us not to question the whole Trump thing even though there were quite a lot of things to question about the whole debacle. I trust God. But as far as physically, what else can I do to prepare for What’s coming? To help my family. People say to buy gold, but you cannot eat gold. is there anything you are doing to prepare besides praying?
This will be the same exact thing that will pop up for our future “progeny” that read up on what has happened to us these past 4 plus years! We lived it and experienced the bipolarity ( or multiplicity) of it all. But what will actually be decided in the history books for our future generations to read or have been propagandized to believe...? 🤷🏻♀️. We have all been duped and continue to be duped....
Don't hold your breath. Waking up would mean confronting reality, and doing so would be too uncomfortable for many comfort-minded people being controlled through their desires for remaining comfortable.
But these things still must be shared. Waking up is optional.
Waking up I’m not sure this is the way to go about that!!! My experience about Alaska was after three years living there! Was it was by far the freeest place I have ever lived and. as far as the mental health the toughest people I met In life were in Alaska I order to dawn on rain gear every day and boots you had to have a smile on your face and laugh about it or you would go nuts! I wonder how many opinions are made in ignorance with out experience of a place? The op edd is an editorial opinion which is just propaganda, the truth is I absolutely loved the place!! One man’s prison is another man’s freedom. MY 2c. God loves y’all every day. No one sent loonies to Alaska knowing the harsh conditions. Minuscule to the issues we face. Discernment and priorities. P
Thanks for your feet on the ground perspective. I agree. Just because some idiots had some designs to do something a long time ago doesn't mean much in comparison to reality. It only creates boogeymen for little children to fear.
And Scientology is no beacon of moral guidance for anything. Geesh.
Yes , left to start a business that I never ended up doing! I did work there I was younger then. I would love to go back and build a cabin live off the land!!
Well, it’s just our experience that funds and family have actually turned their back on us because we have tried to explain what’s going on. but believe me every day any buddy I see, like I just hired someone to do my grass in front and I started talking to him about it. It seems like even though they don’t know everything people are starting to see that there are bad things happening and it’s not going to get better.
Sometimes it has to get worse before it can get better. Rock bottom. Before some decide to make a change. I encourage people to stop drinking and using drugs. And show them myself as an example! Then encourage them to get rid of their fears which shall lead them to God. Making the greatest changes possible take time. God speed everything has reason and purpose Our fathor made it that way! The future will be much better then what we see now: the lies have been exposed now it’s time to stand up and shine! We use to live in a lie. This is a process . A temple isn’t built overnight! Now be happy that’s the best we can do.
Scientology is a strange opponent for the satanic one-world system and were probably more worried about Kabbalist Khazarian dominance than actual freedom: their own selves ending up in Alaska. Freedom and Scientology are not synonymous. The Babalon Working shows who L Ron was looking to for his 'divine' inspiration while helping JPL rocket scientist Jack Parsons 'raise spirits' (demons) on behalf of aging Aleister Crowley who was too old to handle the sexual acrobatics. Parsons would recite hymns to Pan (Baphomet) before rocket tests. Makes sense, right? Science! They worship downward while telling us all to look upward.
Scientology is obviously a false, moneygrubbing religion about ancient aliens. It's Satanism in disguise where the volcano aliens can be paralleled with the Book of Enoch's Watchers (fallen angels) imprisoned in the underworld, as opposed to outer space where they say these "aliens" are coming from. Crowley had summoned a being/demon with his Alamantrah Working ritual that he called Lam. The drawing looks quite a bit grey alien. Kenneth Grant of the OTO also claimed to be "en rapport" with Crowley's 'entity'. The fact of Scientology's involvement here is a real headscratcher. L Ron was clearly leading people on about what "aliens" actually are, let alone his satanism, and I doubt the hierarchy really cared about the well-being of the public.
I'm sure there are squabbles and wars even amongst satanists over world gov policies and who, besides Satan (Semjaza), should actually be running it spiritually. But whatever the reason they got involved, Scientology is no more a friend to the public than the Church of Satan or Temple of Set. They had to be playing an angle for their own benefit or the benefit of their masters' control. It's like Satan vs. Satan, and a house divided cannot stand as Jesus said.
UnTo thyne own self - BEE truth (plenty of information in my line, with a bit of punn-age). Old dusty book, they call the bible, Gospel - Has ultimately been changed - Yet is still decipherable in the correct hands n togue! Not you, (D)evil!!!
Well said. I was def scratching my head about LRH and his weird "church." Things are never what they seem. Thank goodness for places like SS where we can exchange ideas p2p. I know the ptsb hate it and that makes me happy 😊 kudos to you and everyone in the fight to bring us into unity🙏🏼🙏🏽🙏🏿
This is why every parent owes it to the furure generations to hand down their accounts of past events added to the accounts of all the great grandparents in an Ourstory or Trustory book that stays in the family. If everyone did this there will be enough perspectives to paint the real story when its needed most. His story aint your story, it appears its a ¥€₩ story as are ALL accounts from the distant past.
Agreed. Good point and great idea. With younger people they roll their eyes and dismiss such things from elders. When they mature and acquire 'wisdom' they will see the light. We can't give up tho.
We were once those youngsters. Now we have our own. Watching the bs story we were sold change real time is a squeegee to ones perception of the false reality most have found a warm blanket in. Look at how the culture who has taken over the world keeps their legacy going. How they teach their kids everyone else is their footstool and keeps their story apart from the rest of the world. They have it correct in their tradition, and yet their mission has never changed in literally thousands of years solid as a people and unwavering. They may be evil but yet they are still a tool of the creator separating wheat from chaff. I can respect that. If you avoid the snares and pitfalls you get a pass.
Not surprised! Communist-Marxist-Bolshevik-Banking jews have kicked into high gear since the end of the 19th century! And thanks to banking they already had the upper hand few hundred years before that... opium wars, subversion of all monarchies, all their work! I bet they are descendants of the same circumcised bastards who ran slavery in Europe in 9th and 10th century!
Love it, the same circumcised bastards who not only ran slavery back then but who owned 90%+ of the slave ships of the more modern slavery of the last two centuries which is being blamed on 'Whitey'.
Wow. Dem der Jooz is might powerful, right? Too bad you're not one of them, right?
Must be hell on earth to be under their thumbs fer so dam long...Poor guy. My heart bleedz fer ya.
Really. Get over this. Any group of people who have the upper hand over any other group of people have done all sorts of terrible things to other people. All races and religions and political affiliations and...and...and...
Yeah, well I will never get over it. This is happening now. Sure I’m sick of the Indians complaining. I’m done with them, but this is happening now and it can be stopped.
On April 5, 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 6102, which required U.S. citizens to give up much of their gold holdings to the Federal Reserve. The order made it illegal for citizens to own or trade gold anywhere in the world, except for some jewelry and collector's coins. The order was justified as a way to stabilize the banking system during the Great Depression after many people and foreign governments started exchanging their currency for gold, which limited the amount of money in circulation. The order was authorized by the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, as amended by the Emergency Banking Act in March 1933
Not only this - The every day citizen's were implored to take their children's toys, cooking utensils and anvils away in an effort toward WAR! What we are left with today = Petroleum (plastics) that have absolutely NO place on earth!!!
Reminiscent of Mao telling his people to melt down their woks to make pig iron for the regime. Jung Chang, who escaped China in the 70s, has written two very good books: Mao, the untold story, and Three Swans (the latter being her grandmother/mother/herslef).
Sauce or it’s just hear say… have you been there to photograph? Iv been In so any rabbit holes it’s not even funny but my discernment ringer goes off when people don’t provide shreds of evidence!!!
Well, supposedly, professors of fuzzy beans are really poisonous because they poison other people's minds with fear and who knows why God created the profs. of fuzz beans?
Maybe He created them to see who is childish enough to cower under the covers and who isn't over wild fantasies.
Sad that people are misled by so many entities such as churches and Government. Government which means controlling the mind and churches which use mind control to twist the thinking of billions. Keep in mind Our governments have promoted Bankers wars and had support continually from the pulpit. What we have been taught about these entities in school and media has been a crock of lies. Keep in mind that divide and conquer has been and always will be a chosen method of control. The churches have always done their part and the populous has followed along like puppies. Also the term Patriot is just another word meaning to separate people across borders set up by criminal men. Patriotism is definitely not a good thing to bring mankind together. It is the exact opposite. Churches have continually lied and promoted war, sent young men and women to the meat grinders set up by bankers and kings, presidents etc. Any organization that has you put your hand over your heart and swear allegiance to criminal organizations like the USA is simply promoting evil. Lying Churches and their corrupt bed partners, the Governments are not your friends. Also keep in mind that both the churches and governments promoted the scamdemic lie which spread fear and division everywhere. If any entity that promoted the covid-19 scam and spread this fear without any proof of it's existence in not acting like followers of a God who cannot lie. Wake up people Churches and Governments are not on your side. Quit putting your hands over your heart and swearing allegiance to criminal organizations. Quit entering voting booths to select the lessor of 2 evils, which means voting for evil. You are helping no one by your participation in this evil criminality.
"If any entity that promoted the covid-19 scam and spread this fear without any proof of it's existence is not acting like followers of a God who cannot lie."
This nation is no one to pledge "patriotism" to. No.
Excellent true statement that makes God's perfect sense.
Thank you for seeing through the nonsense of this article and cutting to the quick.
Truly enjoy your deep dive research… I had the opportunity to phone interview Dr Marvin Herndon (nuclear on 12/12/2015, the first scientist to my knowledge who verified in fact that coal ash industrial waste was being sprayed. Dr Herndon’s most recent published article, Aerosolized Coal Fly Ash Paricles, the Main Cause of Stratospheric Ozone Depletion, not Chlorofluorocarbon Gases published in the European Journal of Applied Sciences - Vol 10, No 3 -
Another great read though scary af. What's it gonna take for people to wake up? My husband keeps telling me "it hasn't gotten bad enough"and he's right. We're just a nation of boiling frogs. Thank goodness some of us jumped out of the pot.
Agent, when you study the one-worlders in western nations, look hard at Chatham House in England. This group is also known as the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and has been pushing elites in governmental positions towards the One World model of global governance since shortly after World War One.
Chatham House is the Brit version of our Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), another anti-individual, anti-nationalist club for billionaires, which dates back to 1921.
Thanx for the article. True, I am in possession of an original, forty-nineth (star) state flag! Very few in existence & this one in particular, is pristine.
I don’t understand why communists with globalist infiltrators get grouped together and discussed as if they’re the central root of all evil yet when the churches have corrupted leaders trying to influence their flock or patriotic posers behave as agent provocateurs, then it’s just bad apples. The vast majority of all these people are arguing for rules on a board game that have no chance of coming to pass, and if anyone or any group were to get remotely close to something beneficial to humanity, they’ll immediately be stopped. Anything not stopped, no matter how convinced the participants are, they didn’t *win* anything but a good brain-scrub from all the targeted marketing and psychological warfare.
Government itself, it’s just another tool available for these bankers to use against the populations. If there was no government for them to weaponize, there’s no doubt that that they’d simply work with their institutions, aided by their monopolies and control over the monetary system to form networks or organizations that might as well be governments - kinda feels like we have going on now.
Blaming any form of government for the decrepit state of things is like blaming a gun for shooting someone. I say that while thinking, governments are awful cesspools of rot and evil. Thing is, hearing about those women secretly hunting down “non-believers”, or would it be “not-sufficient-believers”, or just people a few of them, or just one of them, didn’t like? It begins to sounds like an authoritarian government really fast but therein lies the problem, at least how I see it, it’s the secrecy of people who are making decisions that impact the lives of others.
I’ve begun to wonder if most forms of government could actually produce similar results if they had total transparency. Maybe it would rapidly devolve into cycles of ruthless psycho-puppets openly doing what’s been done in secret, in the past. There’d still be the magnetic pull towards secrecy and deceit so the key is in maintaining transparency, you know, after hacking reality in order to acquire it in the first place.
Thanks for your work, it’s always fascinating. That reminds me, the recent article about rationing, I’m extremely curious how that rationing agency was demolished. It seems relevant today although we have quite a few more malignant agencies that require similar treatment.
Oh no, not Alaska. What next. This is weird, though. I remember being there when it became a state, in early 1958, not 1959. We lived in Fairbanks for two years between 1956 and 1958, but we were living in Tacoma, Washington in January 1959 (3rd grade).
The memory is off by a full year. Now I'm wondering what other memories are wrong. Or if history was somehow altered. Or my memory. I already had a two-year memory gap, summer 1952 to summer 1954, and now this.
Oh well, thanks anyway. I'm becoming accustomed to the notion that the world I thought I grew up in was fiction.
History is altered all the time to suit narratives. I notice it almost daily and wonder if this is one reason why people who've lived long enough, otherwise known as the "elderly", are denigrated and devalued at every turn.
Because people who've lived long enough can remember the truth.
Those that remember the past, and understood it while they were living in it (along with those that didn't), are being targeted.
What kind of shocked me here is that while I know some memories will turn out to be false, I rarely encounter a provably false one like this!
I have read a lot of articles written and published on this stack and many seem slanted and obfuscated by torrents of confusing "information" otherwise known as "exhaustive research".
Perhaps this is only in an effort to prove the point correct, but in this instance, holding Scientology up as a beacon of any variety of righteousness is suspect.
Now, you have given me more to ponder...I am coming to the conclusion rabbit holes are for rabbits and people only get stuck in them.
There is only one who never lies and simply lays out the truth for anyone to see.
LOL about Ron Hubbard! A paragon of deceitfulness. My parents were in Dianetics. Ron Hubbard was a member of their wedding party. (Got the 8x10 picture of Ron standing up front with my parents and two others.) One of my mothers best friends, Anne Koontz was Ron’s auditor. My parents got out of Scientology in the early 1950’s. They opined he was a paranoid schizophrenic.
I heard an old preacher say one time that “98% of Rat Poison will make a rat fat, but the .02 % poison it is laced with will kill it.” That is how I view most Substacks. No one espouses 100% gospel truth…except the Gospel.
Some print much truth as a
way of gaining trust and then inject a debilitating falsehood for their own nefarious ends. We must separate the wheat from the chaff for ourselves.
The most effective deceptions are partially true. I have learned the hard way that in some instances, when the truth isn't directly available, some of it can still be extracted from deceptions. So yes, I'm not fond of using Scientology either as a source -- I have a friend who is mind-locked into it -- but when I read something like this, I view them for what they're worth and not what they're not worth, using the background knowledge that I have been given, which is substantial.
I understand and try to do the same, but also remember when my skill of discernment wasn't as honed as it is today, I had a much harder time ferreting the truth from the lies and believed lies.
This is a well-worn tactic evil uses. Scientology is a dangerous cult. To cast it as the "hero" in any story is reprehensible.
If a person doesn't know this obvious fact about Scientology, then why am I listening to anything else they have to say? I suppose that's my exit line...
I thought about that, but opted to offer the benefit of a doubt. Some of the investigations here match closely with my own readings and research. Others don't. I'm pretty certain that the Internet doesn't come from the ocean, and I don't care one way or the other whether satellites are hanging from balloons.
If I detected a pattern in the articles that suggested promotion of Scientology, I would be concerned. I have a second-degree connection with them, through an organization I once belonged to in the 1980s (now defunct) that was a spin-off of est, which had connections to Scientology. I was well aware of that at the time, and I learned a fair amount of the language and gained some familiarity with what they were about, but with no desire whatsoever to be part of it, or part of est for that matter.
Then there is this friend of mine that is completely disgusted with Scientology as it exists now, but is living in an earlier version of it in his mind, and seemingly trying to convert me to THAT. We don't talk very much any more because I don't budge and I keep saying things he doesn't care for, but I do what I can to support him in getting through this. Along the way I have learned quite a bit about what he believes and and lives by. It's very detailed and confusing, and he is trapped in it.
I don't see any of those patterns in the present article. I do see things about Scientology that I am aware of from other sources, although I wasn't aware of any particular Alaska connection. I know about them and psychiatry, and it sounds similar to where I am with it. How similar, I don't know, and I want nothing to do with them whether they happened to get some things right or not. If they were part of Alaska becoming a state, though, that's something to know, if the supporting evidence is sound.
I am aware of another possible reason for Alaska becoming a state back then, which is directly tied to why I and my parents were living there at the time we were. My father was a first lieutenant in the USAF and a B-50 pilot. These were specially-equipped B-50s used to spy on Russian nuclear tests. I didn't know what he was doing while we were there, when I was in 1st and 2nd grade, but he told me that much and no more a few months before he died, when I was 32, 40 years ago.
Alaska was of particular value, then, for areal surveillance, A.K.A. "weather reconnaissance". Anything else I can say would be speculation, but use your imagination -- one of our states, with all its military bases and equipment, located conveniently close to Russia. We were at Eielson AFB, Fairbanks.
You do seem very sensible and discerning. I go to church, but they told us not to question the whole Trump thing even though there were quite a lot of things to question about the whole debacle. I trust God. But as far as physically, what else can I do to prepare for What’s coming? To help my family. People say to buy gold, but you cannot eat gold. is there anything you are doing to prepare besides praying?
He is not praising Scientology, he is merely pointing out that they were against the government plan.
This will be the same exact thing that will pop up for our future “progeny” that read up on what has happened to us these past 4 plus years! We lived it and experienced the bipolarity ( or multiplicity) of it all. But what will actually be decided in the history books for our future generations to read or have been propagandized to believe...? 🤷🏻♀️. We have all been duped and continue to be duped....
ClearMiddle - Make the best of the best. Be happy, live love and prosper in your clarifications. With much adoration - I also dream well. Blessings ~
We have to share stuff like this until massive amounts of people wake up!!!!
Don't hold your breath. Waking up would mean confronting reality, and doing so would be too uncomfortable for many comfort-minded people being controlled through their desires for remaining comfortable.
But these things still must be shared. Waking up is optional.
Waking up I’m not sure this is the way to go about that!!! My experience about Alaska was after three years living there! Was it was by far the freeest place I have ever lived and. as far as the mental health the toughest people I met In life were in Alaska I order to dawn on rain gear every day and boots you had to have a smile on your face and laugh about it or you would go nuts! I wonder how many opinions are made in ignorance with out experience of a place? The op edd is an editorial opinion which is just propaganda, the truth is I absolutely loved the place!! One man’s prison is another man’s freedom. MY 2c. God loves y’all every day. No one sent loonies to Alaska knowing the harsh conditions. Minuscule to the issues we face. Discernment and priorities. P
Thanks for your feet on the ground perspective. I agree. Just because some idiots had some designs to do something a long time ago doesn't mean much in comparison to reality. It only creates boogeymen for little children to fear.
And Scientology is no beacon of moral guidance for anything. Geesh.
Will you be able to go there in the future if you want? How come you left? Did you just go there for work and came back for your family?
Yes , left to start a business that I never ended up doing! I did work there I was younger then. I would love to go back and build a cabin live off the land!!
YES, we do and you shall. Thnx Sharon.
Thanks so much!
Oh please - Give the benefit of the doubt!
Well, it’s just our experience that funds and family have actually turned their back on us because we have tried to explain what’s going on. but believe me every day any buddy I see, like I just hired someone to do my grass in front and I started talking to him about it. It seems like even though they don’t know everything people are starting to see that there are bad things happening and it’s not going to get better.
Sometimes it has to get worse before it can get better. Rock bottom. Before some decide to make a change. I encourage people to stop drinking and using drugs. And show them myself as an example! Then encourage them to get rid of their fears which shall lead them to God. Making the greatest changes possible take time. God speed everything has reason and purpose Our fathor made it that way! The future will be much better then what we see now: the lies have been exposed now it’s time to stand up and shine! We use to live in a lie. This is a process . A temple isn’t built overnight! Now be happy that’s the best we can do.
* friends not funds
Scientology is a strange opponent for the satanic one-world system and were probably more worried about Kabbalist Khazarian dominance than actual freedom: their own selves ending up in Alaska. Freedom and Scientology are not synonymous. The Babalon Working shows who L Ron was looking to for his 'divine' inspiration while helping JPL rocket scientist Jack Parsons 'raise spirits' (demons) on behalf of aging Aleister Crowley who was too old to handle the sexual acrobatics. Parsons would recite hymns to Pan (Baphomet) before rocket tests. Makes sense, right? Science! They worship downward while telling us all to look upward.
Scientology is obviously a false, moneygrubbing religion about ancient aliens. It's Satanism in disguise where the volcano aliens can be paralleled with the Book of Enoch's Watchers (fallen angels) imprisoned in the underworld, as opposed to outer space where they say these "aliens" are coming from. Crowley had summoned a being/demon with his Alamantrah Working ritual that he called Lam. The drawing looks quite a bit grey alien. Kenneth Grant of the OTO also claimed to be "en rapport" with Crowley's 'entity'. The fact of Scientology's involvement here is a real headscratcher. L Ron was clearly leading people on about what "aliens" actually are, let alone his satanism, and I doubt the hierarchy really cared about the well-being of the public.
I'm sure there are squabbles and wars even amongst satanists over world gov policies and who, besides Satan (Semjaza), should actually be running it spiritually. But whatever the reason they got involved, Scientology is no more a friend to the public than the Church of Satan or Temple of Set. They had to be playing an angle for their own benefit or the benefit of their masters' control. It's like Satan vs. Satan, and a house divided cannot stand as Jesus said.
Agreed. Why does this SS keep pumping Scientology as a beacon of anything other than baloney? Expensive baloney.
This is not dissimilar to other articles on other subjects here which hold little truth upon rational examination. Exhaustively written to confuse.
UnTo thyne own self - BEE truth (plenty of information in my line, with a bit of punn-age). Old dusty book, they call the bible, Gospel - Has ultimately been changed - Yet is still decipherable in the correct hands n togue! Not you, (D)evil!!!
Well said. I was def scratching my head about LRH and his weird "church." Things are never what they seem. Thank goodness for places like SS where we can exchange ideas p2p. I know the ptsb hate it and that makes me happy 😊 kudos to you and everyone in the fight to bring us into unity🙏🏼🙏🏽🙏🏿
Good stuff Agent. Here's a possible title for your book free of charge. Historical Fallacies: Common and Uncommon.
I'm thinking perhaps it will be VOLUMES and a HUGE effort correcting, re-writing and exposing all of the 'history' we have been fed.
Keep up the good work. You have Fans.
This is why every parent owes it to the furure generations to hand down their accounts of past events added to the accounts of all the great grandparents in an Ourstory or Trustory book that stays in the family. If everyone did this there will be enough perspectives to paint the real story when its needed most. His story aint your story, it appears its a ¥€₩ story as are ALL accounts from the distant past.
Agreed. Good point and great idea. With younger people they roll their eyes and dismiss such things from elders. When they mature and acquire 'wisdom' they will see the light. We can't give up tho.
We were once those youngsters. Now we have our own. Watching the bs story we were sold change real time is a squeegee to ones perception of the false reality most have found a warm blanket in. Look at how the culture who has taken over the world keeps their legacy going. How they teach their kids everyone else is their footstool and keeps their story apart from the rest of the world. They have it correct in their tradition, and yet their mission has never changed in literally thousands of years solid as a people and unwavering. They may be evil but yet they are still a tool of the creator separating wheat from chaff. I can respect that. If you avoid the snares and pitfalls you get a pass.
If you avoid the pitfalls, snares and traps you got your (own) pass. [Wink]
Not surprised! Communist-Marxist-Bolshevik-Banking jews have kicked into high gear since the end of the 19th century! And thanks to banking they already had the upper hand few hundred years before that... opium wars, subversion of all monarchies, all their work! I bet they are descendants of the same circumcised bastards who ran slavery in Europe in 9th and 10th century!
Love it, the same circumcised bastards who not only ran slavery back then but who owned 90%+ of the slave ships of the more modern slavery of the last two centuries which is being blamed on 'Whitey'.
Alas, to also mention TIMEtravel and the hidden agenda of the future of humanity, slavery and death trappings!
What is “the hidden agenda of the future of humanity”? Please explain.
This article should offer some answers to your question:
Blessings ~
Wow. Dem der Jooz is might powerful, right? Too bad you're not one of them, right?
Must be hell on earth to be under their thumbs fer so dam long...Poor guy. My heart bleedz fer ya.
Really. Get over this. Any group of people who have the upper hand over any other group of people have done all sorts of terrible things to other people. All races and religions and political affiliations and...and...and...
That's the truth.
Yeah, well I will never get over it. This is happening now. Sure I’m sick of the Indians complaining. I’m done with them, but this is happening now and it can be stopped.
Then stop it.
I'm curious - What are the Indians complaining about?
The trick is: Not to allow anyone to control you!
Wow! The fact that you offer such horrible reasoning speaks volumes about who you are...
If you find what I say gross, then stop being gross.
Racism and hatred and blaming and name calling is gross.
I was riffing on you in case you need things spelled out fer ya.
On April 5, 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 6102, which required U.S. citizens to give up much of their gold holdings to the Federal Reserve. The order made it illegal for citizens to own or trade gold anywhere in the world, except for some jewelry and collector's coins. The order was justified as a way to stabilize the banking system during the Great Depression after many people and foreign governments started exchanging their currency for gold, which limited the amount of money in circulation. The order was authorized by the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, as amended by the Emergency Banking Act in March 1933
Not only this - The every day citizen's were implored to take their children's toys, cooking utensils and anvils away in an effort toward WAR! What we are left with today = Petroleum (plastics) that have absolutely NO place on earth!!!
Reminiscent of Mao telling his people to melt down their woks to make pig iron for the regime. Jung Chang, who escaped China in the 70s, has written two very good books: Mao, the untold story, and Three Swans (the latter being her grandmother/mother/herslef).
Yes, I am whit you and know the future of the past articles of WAR Of which, I do nit subscribe!
Blessing ~
well, supposedly ALASKA has the biggest of the 1000 QUARANTINE FACILITIES that have been built in the USA. It , supposedly, houses a couple MILLION...
Sauce or it’s just hear say… have you been there to photograph? Iv been In so any rabbit holes it’s not even funny but my discernment ringer goes off when people don’t provide shreds of evidence!!!
YIKES!!! Nothing to "like" here.
Well, supposedly, professors of fuzzy beans are really poisonous because they poison other people's minds with fear and who knows why God created the profs. of fuzz beans?
Maybe He created them to see who is childish enough to cower under the covers and who isn't over wild fantasies.
Sad that people are misled by so many entities such as churches and Government. Government which means controlling the mind and churches which use mind control to twist the thinking of billions. Keep in mind Our governments have promoted Bankers wars and had support continually from the pulpit. What we have been taught about these entities in school and media has been a crock of lies. Keep in mind that divide and conquer has been and always will be a chosen method of control. The churches have always done their part and the populous has followed along like puppies. Also the term Patriot is just another word meaning to separate people across borders set up by criminal men. Patriotism is definitely not a good thing to bring mankind together. It is the exact opposite. Churches have continually lied and promoted war, sent young men and women to the meat grinders set up by bankers and kings, presidents etc. Any organization that has you put your hand over your heart and swear allegiance to criminal organizations like the USA is simply promoting evil. Lying Churches and their corrupt bed partners, the Governments are not your friends. Also keep in mind that both the churches and governments promoted the scamdemic lie which spread fear and division everywhere. If any entity that promoted the covid-19 scam and spread this fear without any proof of it's existence in not acting like followers of a God who cannot lie. Wake up people Churches and Governments are not on your side. Quit putting your hands over your heart and swearing allegiance to criminal organizations. Quit entering voting booths to select the lessor of 2 evils, which means voting for evil. You are helping no one by your participation in this evil criminality.
"If any entity that promoted the covid-19 scam and spread this fear without any proof of it's existence is not acting like followers of a God who cannot lie."
This nation is no one to pledge "patriotism" to. No.
Excellent true statement that makes God's perfect sense.
Thank you for seeing through the nonsense of this article and cutting to the quick.
Truly enjoy your deep dive research… I had the opportunity to phone interview Dr Marvin Herndon (nuclear on 12/12/2015, the first scientist to my knowledge who verified in fact that coal ash industrial waste was being sprayed. Dr Herndon’s most recent published article, Aerosolized Coal Fly Ash Paricles, the Main Cause of Stratospheric Ozone Depletion, not Chlorofluorocarbon Gases published in the European Journal of Applied Sciences - Vol 10, No 3 -
Another great read though scary af. What's it gonna take for people to wake up? My husband keeps telling me "it hasn't gotten bad enough"and he's right. We're just a nation of boiling frogs. Thank goodness some of us jumped out of the pot.
They won't wake up. People will try to do "something" only when it hits home, which is very very soon.
Brilliant stack mate. Way back then and the story hasnt changed. All the same actors in another era.
Agent, when you study the one-worlders in western nations, look hard at Chatham House in England. This group is also known as the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and has been pushing elites in governmental positions towards the One World model of global governance since shortly after World War One.
Chatham House is the Brit version of our Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), another anti-individual, anti-nationalist club for billionaires, which dates back to 1921.
Just when I thought I couldn’t be shocked by what they’ve done…. Lord help us
Thanx for the article. True, I am in possession of an original, forty-nineth (star) state flag! Very few in existence & this one in particular, is pristine.
Blessings ~
I don’t understand why communists with globalist infiltrators get grouped together and discussed as if they’re the central root of all evil yet when the churches have corrupted leaders trying to influence their flock or patriotic posers behave as agent provocateurs, then it’s just bad apples. The vast majority of all these people are arguing for rules on a board game that have no chance of coming to pass, and if anyone or any group were to get remotely close to something beneficial to humanity, they’ll immediately be stopped. Anything not stopped, no matter how convinced the participants are, they didn’t *win* anything but a good brain-scrub from all the targeted marketing and psychological warfare.
Government itself, it’s just another tool available for these bankers to use against the populations. If there was no government for them to weaponize, there’s no doubt that that they’d simply work with their institutions, aided by their monopolies and control over the monetary system to form networks or organizations that might as well be governments - kinda feels like we have going on now.
Blaming any form of government for the decrepit state of things is like blaming a gun for shooting someone. I say that while thinking, governments are awful cesspools of rot and evil. Thing is, hearing about those women secretly hunting down “non-believers”, or would it be “not-sufficient-believers”, or just people a few of them, or just one of them, didn’t like? It begins to sounds like an authoritarian government really fast but therein lies the problem, at least how I see it, it’s the secrecy of people who are making decisions that impact the lives of others.
I’ve begun to wonder if most forms of government could actually produce similar results if they had total transparency. Maybe it would rapidly devolve into cycles of ruthless psycho-puppets openly doing what’s been done in secret, in the past. There’d still be the magnetic pull towards secrecy and deceit so the key is in maintaining transparency, you know, after hacking reality in order to acquire it in the first place.
Thanks for your work, it’s always fascinating. That reminds me, the recent article about rationing, I’m extremely curious how that rationing agency was demolished. It seems relevant today although we have quite a few more malignant agencies that require similar treatment.
Get wise to communist snitch culture in my podcast here: