Another reason why we all need to make our own cheese and support our own local farmer.

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Too much work, to make my own cheese. I prefer to support locally-made products.

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Who makes them?

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And shredded cheese is loaded with the antibiotic natamycin. Parmesan contains sawdust. Yum!

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If I had a ripsaw, I could make Parmesan..😁👍

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Ripsaw and the little chemist starter set 😉

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Commonly called cellulose.

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May 3
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Correct. I wasn't referring to the real Parmesan cheese.

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I live in Germany and there was tests of the cheapo Parmesan-bagsyou can buy in different convenient chains. There was sawdust in them also. And very little real Grana Padano or Peccorino.

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Sorry to disappoint you, but if somebody would ask me if I want to learn all about cheese my answer is yes, please. :-)

I spent a summer on an alp in Switzerland where they kept sheep and goats and made cheese. Actually you don't necessarily need rennet for cream cheese and soft cheeses. For medium and hard you do, though.

I have a couple of vegan friends (not the woke type, more like original Hippies not wanting to harm any animal.) I keep trying to tell them not to buy vegan processed food. I think it' s pure poison, including of course the more than disgusting fake cheese.

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Me too, could talk cheese all day! If you haven’t yet checked out David Asher, I love his book, changed all I did with cheesemaking for the better. 🥰

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Thank you for the recommandation. I don't know him, but it sounds like a book I need! And want, of course.

If I will survive this madness, that seems to be looming ahead, I reckon a cheesemaker will be in more demand than any of my other skills 😂

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As long as there are cows left too. Perhaps there’ll be sheep and goats but cows are certainly in the firing line don’t you think?

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They are. Another victim in the great battle between darkness and light in my opinion.

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There's nothing natural about stealing milk from a mother meant for a baby animal of another species. In fact, that's why humans are all lactose intolerant -- it makes you sick sooner or later. As for "vegan processed foods" it's no more processed than the other junk on the shelves. However, Miyoko's makes non-dairy cheese using only these ingredients - Filtered Water, Organic Coconut Oil, Organic Cashews, Organic Tapioca, Agar, Sea Salt, Cultures.

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I am definitely not lactose intolerant. I see your point, but in my view there is a vast difference in living in a symbiosis of taking and giving with animals and factory farming them. (Not to say, that I have reached that goal) We are omnivores, though, we cannot survive on vegan food without malnourishment. That is a fact. Even the Jaina drink milk.

And sorry, but every vegan "cheese" I have evertried tasted like crap. Especially the coconut oil, that gives it this sickly sweet taste. I love vegan food (no replicated meat-stuff, but real dishes), but I also need dairy, eggs and meat at times.

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Just because you don't immediately have an allergic reaction doesn't mean you're not lactose intolerant. Cheese is loaded with animal hormones that are toxic to humans plus every other chemical that went into the cow -- vaccines, steroids, antibiotics, and synthetic hormones -- and lab-made casein to make it more addictive.

I've been vegan since 1982 and I quit going to doctors decades ago. I run into long-term vegans like myself all the time that look and feel 20 years younger than we are. The founder of the Vegan Society, Donald Watson, lived to be 95 years old, he was vegan for over 63 years. You’re told lies that we’re all malnourished by the industries that veganism threatens (pharma, animal ag). I’ve never taken any supplements and don’t believe in the B12 deficiency propaganda (it’s a total scam made in drug labs).

There’s no way to “take” from animals that is symbiotic. It’s always an exploitative situation where the humans are oppressors who do things to them without consent, steal their families and freedom, and hold them against their will, then kill them when they’re just babies.

We’ve all been fooled into thinking meat, dairy and eggs are good for us and necessary, the animal agriculture industry is very powerful -- but as soon as you realize what they actually are (products of extreme suffering loaded with pus and blood) you lose your craving for anything that tastes too “real” or similar. I’d implore you to watch some slaughterhouse footage and see if that looks like “food.”

I highly recommend the Treeline brand of plant-based cheeses – they have goat-style cashew cheese, French Style Herb Garlic, aged artisanal cashew cheese/smoked gouda, etc. High quality ingredients (Cashews, Filtered Water, Sea Salt, Cultured Brown Rice, Lemon Juice, Scallions, Garlic, Onion, White Pepper, Basil, Oregano, Cultures) Unfortunately Miyoko’s no longer sells their sharp cheese because they NAILED it but their other products all made from cashews are great.

My basic daily staples are fruits, legumes (lentils, peas, beans that you can make hundreds of dishes from like humus and stews), sunflower seed butter, dark leafy greens with ground up seeds, vinegar and avocados, raw vegetables. The only frozen/processed foods I trust any more are Amy’s non-dairy but Wicked Kitchen had incredible pizzas – just not enough vegans to keep them afloat financially, unfortunately. If you want more plant-based delicious foods that aren’t full of chemicals, then we need more vegans to compete with the prices!

Why do you think medical doctors don’t tell you to stop eating meat, dairy and eggs? They’re salesmen for pharma who work hand-in-hand with the animal factory farms that churn out sick, genetically modified animals laden with tumors and open sores. Even the 1% of so-called free range are crammed in warehouses and the other 1% of “pasture-free” all end up in a filthy slaughterhouse.

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Btw, I don't need a lecture on either vegan or organic food, I delved deeply into the subject and I have vegan friends, but that is not the lifestyle I choose for myself. I completely understand the Motivation behind it, but this is a quirk of modern times. When society collapses, which it most probably will, you will not survive for long on lentils alone.

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You know, my grandmother eat 2 eggs daily and meat every other day since she survived the second World war, she lived to be 98 and was perfectly healthy. So this are just anecdotal examples, mine too of course.

If you don't want to eat animal produce, why do you feel the need to Mimik it? That doesn't make any sense to me.

And yea, you do live in a symbiosis, as you feed and care and shelter your animals im exchange for eggs or milk or meat. Otherwise they would either not exist at all or be wild to fend for themselves. Might be a freer live, but a harsher one.

It's maybe not as much about what you eat, but how it's grown or kept, I grant you that, but a completely vegan diet is unnatural for humans. And I really get annoyed, when vegans try to make their carnivore pets vegan. We all have different needs that need to be catered for. The poisoning of our food supply is a completely different Story of course, but you have that with soy and Vegetarier and Rice big time as well.

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No, I don’t feel a need to mimick meat or eggs, as anything too real is disgusting to me. But for 27 years I ate burgers, pizzas, burritos, fried chicken, meatloaf, grilled cheese sandwiches, tuna salad, etc., it’s the comfort food I grew up loving and being addicted to – vegans are just supposed to eat salads? I still can enjoy such items as long as the texture and taste isn’t too real and no animal was tortured and slaughtered for it. None of the daily staples I listed that I eat are mimicking meat or eggs either.

Eggs have always grossed me out, that white part looks like drool or stringy nose mucus and there’s that red dot of blood in there. I refused to eat them as a child, they always tasted rotten. I hated drinking cow’s milk as well, which also had mucus in there, turns out it was actually pus (somatic cells formed by infected udders from being used as a milking machine). I also hated a lot of meats, like liver and lamb and steaks or anything with bones, just chewing the texture grossed me out. I believe as a child I instinctively knew I wasn’t supposed to be eating animals, all of whom I dearly loved.

As for vegan pets, there’s no such thing. You do what’s best for the health of the animal. Dogs can live to be 27 on a plant-based diet (Guinness Book of World Records) as they are omnivores, but cats are obligate carnivores. I do not agree with vegans feeding their cats a plant-based diet specifically meant for humans.

The bottom line is that there’s nothing “normal” about eating corpses of dead animals, drinking milk meant for baby cows, and eating eggs meant to hatch baby birds. Slave owners fed their slaves and put a roof over their head too – does that make it okay to own slaves as long as you don’t beat them?

You’ve been indoctrinated all your life not to question what you eat and to believe animals are here to be used. I may be a unique case but I welcomed the change in my diet and eagerly gave up meat and milk and eggs just after seeing a TV show about what was done to cows back in 1982. But most people fear change, are very self-centered, and really don’t give a crap about animal suffering. With those type of folks I just move on because I don’t like to waste my time, and it feels like that here, so I only hope one day you wake up to what you’re really eating – you’re swallowing suffering, and there’s a karmic effect when you’re aware but you still continue.

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I mostly buy raw cheeses when I can find it but now I’ll need to find out if it’s made with animal rennet…

I work in a very large nursing home, 350 residents, and the kitchen corporation is asking for residents to volunteer their dna to give them a “healthy diet” specifically made for their own dna🤨

And we have Covid smelling dogs that visit periodically to “test” (to isolate) these poor folks(even though they are highly boosted with their 9th c19 shot)

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Oh my!

Much strength for you Christine.

So sad all you have written. :-(

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Those freeze-dried cultures are also not necessary for cheesemaking. Clabber cheese was made by our ancestors by leaving raw milk on the counter until it separated. Most folks don’t like the sour flavors anymore, but they are very healthy. I make cheese and no longer buy any cultures and next week will be making my own animal rennet for the first time. A true ‘vegetable rennet’ is possible, made from fig sap or nettles, but that is not what they use in commercial cheesemaking. There’s an excellent book and courses by David Asher, non-industrial, it’s marvelous, can’t recommend him enough. And yes, it sucks, but cheese used to be so much better and didn’t make folks sick, really! The number of ‘lactose intolerant’ folks these days is off the charts, and this is why. It’s all fake! 😩

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I'm a fan of sour, actually. Kefir and fermented cabbage are so underrated 😁

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Definitely! I started fermenting all kinds of veggies a few years ago, and herbs, and making kombucha and it’s enriched our cuisine and our health so much I’m really convinced this is what is missing from most folks’ diets and a key to getting away from the Pharma Ferris wheel.

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Absolutely 😀

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What I wonder is how they figured out that they need animal rennet to make the cheese in the first place. A cow vomited in the milk bucket and the milk turned to cheese? This is another question that will keep me up at night. 😂

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Well, let me spare you the sleepless nights my dear! It’s quite simple really. A baby kid vomited right after getting her milk from mama and it came out curdled, so the clever shepherd said, hmmm, what could have caused that liquid to curdle instantly, when we must wait 3 days leaving the fresh milk out on the counter before we will get any curdling action. And voila, that natural curiosity caused them to kill the young kid to examine its stomachs and divine where the magic is happening. 😊

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Thank you, It's been a sleep deprivation week. Whew! ❤️

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The real question is whose bright idea was it for humans to start drinking milk meant for baby cows?

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I remember in 1995 when they got caught releasing GMO corn into corn chips for humans. It was oops, our bad. We meant to feed it to the cows you eat. And no one batted a freakin’ eye. 30 years later, and the population is even more passive. Mexico won’t take our garbage corn which tells you plenty. Weaken and destroy the first world and drag it to the turd world.

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I have been discussing this, or at least trying to, with my local cheesemonger at the New Seasons grocery. They are, of course, much in denial and ignorance. Your article, I will print out and give.

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In the United States, one must pay roughly double for food that won't make you ill and eventually kill you. All of our health-related three-letter agencies are commandeered entirely by the corpocracy that both political parties have allowed to metasticize for money. Now shut the fuck up and pay your taxes, peasants. Israel and Ukraine need bombs and Kosovo needs an LGBTQ+ initiative.

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I like the jokes that sneak in.

Condoms and adrenachrome.

They're so smart - why don't they get Fizzer to make chocolate flavour adrenochrome.

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Most likely they have already!

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We buy our cheese from Williams in Pinconning MI. Local milk. Local owners. Family business for like 100+ years. On-site production. No Pfizer for them! LOL.

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Ok, but don’t all farmers have to vaccinate their cows? And aren’t all these animals vaccines mRNA based now? Doesn’t the mRNA animal vaccines (aka known as COVID-19 vaccine) infiltrate the organs and the milk of the cows in the same way it does in humans?

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I am not so sure if that vaccine would survive the pateurisation process. I think it's a little fearporn. Maybe raw meat and cheese is not that safe, but even there. It's not like you inject food. You know those Indios that kill their pray with curare darts? It kills the animal, when the poison enters the bloodstream, but they can injest the meat no problem.

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Thanks for the information!

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I haven't been able to find good cheese here in ages. The timing of your post though lol, last week I was craving cheese so much, but knew buying it wasn't an option, so we made mozzarella cheese out of our raw milk. We used the just add vinegar method. It was very easy and tasty.

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And rennet, of course, otherwise you just get ricotta.

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Nah, the vinegar separates the curds and whey, we got mozzarella cheese using ONLY raw milk and vinegar (and salt for taste).

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Mozzarella stretches, that requires heat and rennet, ain’t no chance you are making a stretching, melting cheese with just vinegar. You’ll have to prove that one, kiwi guy.

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Gal, not guy, and I don't have to take homework assignments from strangers on the internet LOL. I made it, then ate it. And yes, it did take heat too.

You don't have to believe me, or look it up, but you can shut up and move along.

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Ok,look it up where? I want to see in melted, because there is no chance in hell.

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You should not call any cheese a mozzarella.

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I have been reading the ingredients on a lot of cheese lately and avoiding the ones that don't have animal rennet. I buy mostly from a local farm that uses their own rennet, but I have found that cheese from Europe typically (if not always) is made with animal rennet and they also don't add the anti-fungal.

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I always wondered wtf "rennet" really was. I had a sense it was something that had been tinkered with as far as large production (because corporations always go for the cheapest methods)...

Know anything about "vegetarian enzyme" ingredient listed in cheese? We mostly buy 'organic valley' raw milk cheese. No rennet on the ingredient list, but vegetarian enzyme is. Sounds similar to the rennet to me and searching for good info gets fuzzy because it either steers you back to rennet or a bunch of pages of vegan websites. It appears there are actually vegetables/plants used to make rennet or enzymes, but since mold & fungus are not animal, they can be folded into "plant" on the label as the microbial version you speak of...

And of course "enzymes" are another hot off the shelf supplement... cuz apparently they help you digest stuff.

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Any cheese you can cut needs rennet. Only cottage cheese, cream cheese and the likes don't. If you want a vegetarian option, they will always use fake rennet, whatever these enzymes are made of. Could be from harmless to totally toxic.

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Organic Valley (Raw Milk Cheddar) does not list any rennet. Only "vegetarian enzyme". Is that a rennet substitute as part of the fermentation process?

According to article by 'Food Renegade', if it's listed as Organic or NON-GMO it cannot have the FPC as rennet...but what about the "vegetarian enzyme"??

I feel like a lil lab rat in a maze. LOL

I did find out that the "Raw" in RMC from Organic Valley does not actually mean raw. It means the FDA decided that you can heat treat your milk up to 161 degrees before it becomes pasteurized. Therefore you can call it raw.

Fuck it. I work on a farm. We have no dairy cows (yet), but I reckon I can find someone around here who makes their own cheeses. Then I can just ask them instead of having to try and translate 16 different corporate code words for ingredients. Haha!

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The enzyme is basically the rennet imitation/substitude. It can be made from different plants and I think even totally synthetik. But if it says organic, non-gmo I would opt to believe it. (Still that naive, I guess 😂) I think we shouldn't get totally anxious over our food, after all we have survived their onslaught up to now and the mind plays a huge part in your well-being. You can think yourself sick basically, as well as heal yourself. I try to be sensible while staying practical.

You are a farmer, believe me, you are miles ahead... one of the most importent Jobs of all.

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Yeah, good point. I don't get too caught up. We are doing things mostly right and ahead of the proverbial bell curve. With a clan of 5 we still have to hit the "super"market to supplement the home grown and I may have gotten a bit lazy the last few years on the label reading.

Agent's series on so-called vitamins really reinvigorated me. My supplement shelf was already pretty cleared out, but one thing I made a move on was soap and shampoo. Turns out "organic" shampoos just means "new/different chemicals to replace the ones highly recognized as dangerous". Mix 1 or 2 organically "derived" ingredients with a bunch of chemies and just shout on the label about what it does NOT have in it...these fuckers are clever.

Being as it is entering weekend margarita season, guess I really shouldn't micromanage my cheese consumption.

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I think self-sufficency is nearly impossible to manage nowadays. Specially with kids.

The vitamin series shook me up quite a bit as well. I was an avid Vitamin D user and now I really don't want to take it any longer 🫣

I still take Gelee royal (royal jelly?) and I have these capsules with powdered reindeer innards which are supposed to cover all essential vitamins, but I am not so sure any longer. The deeper you dive, you realize how little you know, I get the feeling 😂

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Here’s a challenge. When you take all the fat out of milk, the milk is no longer white. It takes on a blue tinge. This means that non-fat milk has to have something added to it to make it white again. Any idea what it could be? And why we aren’t being told. I react to non fat milk. I’m allergic to titanium dioxide so it could be that but I’ve been unable to confirm it

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No one can escape the incremental surreptitious horrors of food adulteration by GMO s..by insertion of plastic or synthetic parasites,food waste by products ...graphene ,other insidious biochemical adulterants..not only limited to canola oil,processed sugars..carcinogens. deleterious..,unhealthy colorants..etc So many scams..so few rational laws..so little time**

It's a real monster mash. A veritable graveyard smash..who benefits primarily....the bioethics depopulation satanists.*. The gentleman who published this fine article commentary has done the world a favor *Thank You.God Bless.

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