Wow! I find this to be so crazy that you come out with an article so often when I personally come across something so relevant to the piece in an eerily parallel manner. Let me explain.

A back story fyi... I am somewhat picky when it comes to how things get done around my house as well as what I want things to look like after getting those things accomplished. Rather than nag my husband with it all and making him hate me, I just take initiative to do the yard work myself... i mostly love it. So after being out in 90 degree searing heat and 66%humidity for an hour raking, weeding, digging graves and burying dumped dead animals. Needless to say but I will, I am usually drenched from head to toe in sweat. But I will take breaks often so I don’t die. Anyway,

so I get a cold drink and head to my craft cave in the basement to cool off. After a few minutes I usually shift from heat stroke to hypothermia and begin getting goosebumps and shivering. It was about 2 weeks ago I had a weird sensation during a cool off session I noticed what felt like a sting or sharp poke from my shirt tag. It had become really bothersome, really noticeably so. It kinda itched, kinda felt like it was grabbing onto the small fine hair on the back of my neck maybe, OR maybe I had an insect trapped between my shirt and my skin!? I jumped to my feet and flung my shirt off hoping to take care of the problem if it were a bug. But, found no insect. Whew close one! So inspected the tag....(and now I wish I had saved it!) This tag is what I feel to be my worst nightmare come true! Not only was the tag a smart tag sewn in the shirt but the thread which woven throughout the tag that explained care instructions was a metallic thread! I wondered to myself...was this causing my skin irritation from electrical stimuli because I was wet? Yes it was! Honestly,

It didn’t bother me at first when I put the shirt on, just after getting really hot and sweaty is when I noticed it becoming an irritating almost stinging sensation. Now after reading this it makes sense.

This t-shirt had recently been purchased and only worn a couple of times. I bought it at a military surplus store...yep the tags are real and cut them out of your clothes! Also I bought some 10k gold jewelry at wal mart around early May this year, the inside of the box had a pretty sophisticated looking chip implanted on the inside of the earring box but hidden under the back side of the card the earrings were attached to. Really start paying attention to everything you bring into your home. One of these days we’ll end up wishing we had stopped the technology evolution long before now!

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Wow thanks for sharing this.

As I was reading the post and now especially after reading your comment, I’m thinking we all need to start shopping vintage!!! No more new clothes for us.

Or we all need to start making clothes out of our old curtains.

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Thanks for sharing. I bought a pair of pajamas from Walmart recently. They made me sweat, waking me up.

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13

Why is everyone not alarmed by those towers? Even normies were concerned by how they went up while everyone was locked in during COVID. The thing that did not go up: cell phone speed.

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I think people are fooled into thinking they are all about cell service and coverage. A friend is upset that she only gets one bar on her phone and thinks 5G will improve that.

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And it doesn’t:(

My coverage didn’t improve with 4G either. I live in the burbs—not the countryside.

My larger concern: folks don’t notice that their coverage does not change. Similarly, ‘Chemtrails are contrails’.

I suspect that encouraging people to see the discrepancy between what they experience and what they ‘know’ begins the clarification process.

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I have an old 3g phone from 2011. And a dumb phone (2017ish) for necessary things. I live remotely so not near towers at all. The 3g works by far better than the 4 & 5g.

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My provider AT&T made everyone upgrade by telling people with 4G and 3G they would

stop providing service to the phones.... I had to upgrade and was pissed off knowing it would continue to work anyway. I keep mine in airplane mode, and only use when I need. Turned off at night in AP mode and in a faraday bag.

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What country are you? I am in NZ. We have been told I hear that yes 3G will be gone I think by 2025. Might be earlier.

What is AP mode?

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Am in US. This happened prior covid in 2019. And AP = airplane mode. Turns of the 6 attena in your phone, the Text, the phone, the GPS and a couple others… renders the electromagnetic radiation less. You can then turn off and put in a Faraday bag to completely suppress location and radiation the phone might be prompted to spit out in your direction. Oh, and never use it up next to your ears. I use speaker mode on the phone and never put my ear near it, LOL Ditto for sleeping, no where NEAR my head, in the bag, turned off! Turn the wifi routers off at night too. Lot of small things that might help reduce exposures…

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oh of course. Yes. AP. I do keep mine in AP mode when not in use and yes definitely to all the other things you speak of. Always speaker phone & all off at night. I listened a lot to Barrie Trower years back. Most folk have no idea sadly. No wonder the high childhood cancers now.

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And have you noticed the cameras?!!! They went up within a year of Covid. I emailed my governor - no response. These cameras are located less than a mile apart. All along the highway. I first noticed them near the city but now they are everywhere. Why would you need a camera every 1/2 mile for traffic reporting?!!!! Also, EVERY single traffic light now has a camera. I live in NH- there is no need in my opinion for all this surveillance . AND NH actually has a law against having cameras up on public areas unless they are specifically for traffic reporting.

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On all the light poles too.. to broadcast what precisely? Or record what precisely?

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Are you sure they are not light sensors?

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Nope- full on cameras. You know, the white ones that you see everywhere. Like this:


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Ah, yes.


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Yep I paid extra money for faster download speeds while I’m playing Xbox but only 25/45mps it is shit

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Will send a link some council are pushing back will post the link here

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It actually slowed down for me.

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deletedJul 13
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I think you're right. My observation, too.

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GPS tags are to make sure you stay in your 15-min city and so they can catch you when it's time for your next injection.

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13

Taking the risk of sounding like a douchy know-it-all, but I have a lot of experience in this subject. You can't get a signal when you are near a cell tower because the antennas (horns) are angled to give a broader area of coverage, not facing downward. If there are enough antennas in an area your phone will connect to the one that is giving the best signal. Another reason for using more antennas is location triangulation. If you have three points and know the distance to each one you can determine your position with a high degree of accuracy. The more points you have the greater the accuracy. When your phone sends a signal to a tower, a balloon, or whatever, it calculates the time it takes for the signal to travel to each location and back (latency). Turn off the Wifi and bluetooth on your phone and then open up a GPS mapping program. It will tell you that you will have greater accuracy if you turn them back on. Not only is your phone pinging cell towers, GPS towers, balloons, etc. to determine latency for position, it is also pinging Wifi routers and nearby bluetooth devices.

The reason why they need more towers for 5G is the way radio frequency works: The higher the frequency, the more information that can be carried, but the shorter the distance it can reach. AM radio, which is low frequency and can travel over very long distances, cannot carry a lot of information. FM and UHF are higher frequencies, can carry more information, like music in stereo or television signals, but they either need to boost the power output so the signal travels farther, or place broadcast antennas in a local area because the signal doesn’t travel as far. That’s why AM music sounds shitty, but you can get a station in the middle of Texas (likely from a Mexican station blasting out enough wattage to melt the fillings out of your head). Cellular is just high frequency radio. Cellular phones have become ubiquitous, but are rarely used to make phone calls, which don’t need much bandwidth. The need for faster service with greater ability to carry information is wanted because people are streaming a lot of music and videos, sharing photos and videos from high megapixel cameras, etc. In order to provide the level of service customers want (that’s the hook: “We’re doing this to provide you with better service.”) higher frequency radio transmitters and receivers are necessary, but they need to be placed closer together because the signal doesn’t travel as far. High frequency radio also doesn’t penetrate obstacles like trees, buildings, and people as well, which is another reason they are putting them in shopping malls, stadiums, etc.

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“We’re doing this to provide you with better service.” Really?

They aren't asking who wants it. I recently spent a winter in a Southern Arizona town that had 5G service in an out of the way area where I never saw one person out with their phone even texting, much less watching a video. They all have big screen TVs at home with cable. You're telling me that those people were demanding higher speeds to download videos? When they all have wi-fi networks. Where the average age is late 70s. If you look at the 5G maps, it puts the lie to the idea that it was customer demand.

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Who pays for and where does all the energy come from to run 5G towers? Isn't that a problem for "climate change"? And 4g wasn't good enough so they had to start building hundreds of thousands of towers in the US? Isn't it for the IOT and IOB(odies), and to fake epi/pandemics and make sure you have your vaxes and social credit score?

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But but but my "enhanced customer experience" ....

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The phone technology is a giant scam...

The internet of things is supposed to be the internet of bodies that is wht all this tagging.

What a fucking waste of money.

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Great piece... Thank you.

I've been cutting the labels out of most of my clothes for most of my adult life, but after seeing this everything will now be de-labeled!

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Hi Christina, Agent said there are threads going through some of the garments. Not sure if cutting off the labels is enough. Take care.

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Lets face it… this shit is in absolutely everything that is affordable for the average person! Only the rich are excluded…& if they don’t tow the line even they can be targeted!

There is no escape other than to get rid of the fucking towers that control it all & pick up & transmit the signals from it!

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Yes, I like your idea! But how? We need a lot of people to do it!

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Not something to be discussed I’m afraid… I am merely stating the obvious… What people decide to do in their own time has absolutely nothing to do with me!

There will be no noose laid at my feet by careless talk!

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Understood, just a rhetorical question.

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It seems Frequency modulating human behavior has already begun

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I really think.most humans do not need any frequency adjustment to be controlled. C'mon! Look what happened 3 years ago.

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i believe frequencies were responsible for a portion of that. I'm guessing the tech is being refined live to control individual nodes on the network. Anyone who chooses to consume media is vulnerable to such frequencies

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Frequency research has been going on for many decades, we are not privy to most of it. The 5G towers that are anonymous, with no owner labeled, are most likely engaging in nefarious actions, clearly without our permission.

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I dont know. Thru history we have seen dispicable human behavior. I guess it is always harsh to accept that we are a specie prone just to be deceived. Not saying that frequencies do not provoke havock in the body and brain. Mayb some people are more susceptible than others and that is why warfare toward humans has a multi faceted attacks.

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Ok I just pulled tags off some newish clothes and popped into microwave. Nothing metal. BUT, if this crap is nano sized and encapsulated in polymers, would they have a ‘lightening’ reaction in microwave?!!! AND, would the microwave deactivate the tech? Sorry for the dumb questions, but am technically challenged. 🤣

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There are no dumb questions, especially in this day and age. BTW I also am hopeless at tech!

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Put the whole garment in there! Agent said there are thread(s) that go through them that may be readable.

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Seems like a good experiment to me. I'm also curious about how to test for them.

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Just discovered you from comment you left on Lawyer Lisa’s page & watched the link on 5G… 🤯

My mind is already broken long ago so I thought I’d subscribe to your page to watch all of your mind blowing crazy truth that the evil elite tyrants are doing to us… 🤪😂

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Check out Sabrina on Psienergy channel on Odyssey.. she tells you exactly where we are.

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She took it down. Must rely on others who mirror her...try bitchute for more videos

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I’ll look her up, thanx❣️

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Sabrina Wallace is often co-hosting with Juxtaposition1 on Rumble once a week with incredible updates.

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Thanx for the info❣️

I’m a grandma of 12 & trying to keep my head above water & not get buried in one of these millions of rabbit holes I’ve been climbing down…😆

It make me feel so ignorant that so much has been happening around me & for decades I never thought about it!

I knew our politicians were greedy & corrupt to a point & that our military conducted secret operations, etc… but only in the last 5 years have I really been digging for truth & honestly there’s so much out there that it’s hard to decipher who’s telling you the truth.

I’ve seen so many well written posts with links from so many that say the exact opposite of each other!?!

And since I’m not a rocket scientist sometimes it’s hard for me to understand some of the things some post…😂

I appreciate how this article is written & your help.

Have a blessed day 🙋🏻‍♀️💜

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Re: Where is the information being sent to?


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Thanks, question is where is its final destination and use plan.

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Zortag is a company that sells this product as a service and you can make residual income.

It's a business anyone can make money from it...anyone can sell this service.

You see how it works, we are enslaving ourselves...


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Thank you for the link Albert

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They create flu like symptoms, which will create the next "novel virus" when the 2019 sunspot activity begins again in 11 years for Agenda 2030.

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I think it might be before that. Bird flu? Whatever, everyone DO NOT COMPLY!

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I read something the other day that said to watch Walmart.

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13

Yes, I agree! Walmart, our future fema camps. I had an excellent video on that but just went to my link for it and the video was taken down….Argh.

People say turn around the very name of Walmart and it looks a lot like martial law. There are lots of weird things with them having underground tunnels and also a lot of people having open-eyed visions of Walmarts with beds lined up and people living there.

And I’d really like to know why Walmart has its own “disaster preparedness and response team”??🧐 (and how convenient that they have their own pharmacy)

If you look up “Walmart tunnel boring machine”, you’ll see a huge piece of tunneling equipment with their very same logo. Their logo also makes me think of the hadron collider.

I wish I could link that video for you.

I haven’t stepped foot in that store since I watched the video. I used to go twice a year around the holidays to save money on some things, but now I’d rather spend the extra money. Even before seeing that video, I used to feel gross inside when I left that store and that feeling would last for a few hours - now I know why.

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Is this it https://www.bitchute.com/video/SJOkdWOVgzBU

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That’s not the same one but this is great - thanks so much for the link!!

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Thank you so much for this link!!

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Shocking isn't it? I saw that video back in 2017, sadly all his material gone from YT. He did a lot of videos similar, on the ground. Exposing their intent to murder & cull. It's happening here in NZ also.

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That sounds too complicated and they would have to deploy a large number of soldiers and/or transportatiin to deport people. I think this is another controlled opposition bull crap. If I were a psychopath in control i d send drone at night to neutralize people with a chemical agent that simulated an epidemic......fence a large area and dont let anyone in or out. The news is all controlled so fake videos can be broadcasted on the matter and manipulated to be anything. But since the military is in charge of 5G or GWEN towers it does not matter, blocking all comunications and isolating areas in decentralized manner would be most effective and quiet.

Anyway I m glad I am not one of those psychopaths in control....

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The US is being invaded by the millions right now. Walmart might be for "them" or the other way around...non compliance centres.

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I heard Walmart was being used as a FEMA camp. I do know Walmarts have tunnels, but I am not sure if it's all Walmarts. I believe there is child trafficking going on in those too. I don't enjoy going in Walmart myself. My daughter in law works there and I take her back and forth to work. She doesn't drive. I live in the boondocks, so we have very few stores to shop at here. I refuse to drive into Austin for shopping. Austin is horrible now, and driving in Austin is a complete nightmare.

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Strange sight in a all white rich town . 15-20 tall , muscular 20-30 year old black men all working the front at Walmart . I’m sure it’s just the humanity side of Walmart . Nefarious as shit .

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Any of 'em speak English?

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Good question

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Hey Frog. Where is this happening? I'd like to run that down. I'm sure the Mart of Wall is just assisting the culturally disadvantaged. East or West coast? I'll share what I find. Thanks...

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Frisco Colorado - all white rich area .. nefarious

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The problem as I see it, we complain but are ignored. I send emails to our governor and senators constantly about issues that concern me and I never get any response. These jerks have staff dumber than light posts and ignore my requests. I stay at it. Currently in my state, I am sending emails to our senators (fed) and governor about stopping the CHEMTRAILS.

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Our governments don’t care about us, they only want to appease their puppet masters WEF/UN/WHO. I’m in Australia, it’s the same here. They don’t even seem to know they are being used-useful idiots. We must usurp governments worldwide. Easier said than done, I know.

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I did that too. I got NOTHING back except the generic ‘thank you and you are important, we’ll get back to you’ blah blah blah. Good luck though!!!

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