Another part of the psyop was the phrase, “If you don’t like the weather in X, just wait 5 minutes.” I heard this growing up in St. Louis and thought it was only there where we’d get 4 weather changes in half a day. Then I started to travel and heard that stupid expression everywhere I went. If you don’t like the weather in Arkansas, just wait 5 minutes. If you don’t like the weather in Denver, just wait 5 minutes. If you don’t like the weather in Texas, just wait 5 minutes. Cute, thanks media and bleating sheeple for normalizing the unnatural all my life, and for doing it still, because I talk about this all the time and folks STILL don’t believe it’s happening! Or the few who do know think it’s awesome SCIENCE. 😖

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Thank you for bringing the Normalization of Ignorance to our attention.

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deletedAug 6·edited Aug 6
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I’ve seen a snowflake it looks exactly like that. They’re tiny not much bigger than a BB for instance, if it’s cold enough, you can take a real close look at them on top of cars. They all look the same.

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What a revealing piece of history!

Great find Agent.

Also, thought you told the story exceptionally well.

Really enjoyed reading this.

Thank you.

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Thank you for another informative post. Your research is appreciated and I enjoy your writing style. In my opinion chemtrails is the most effective psyop pulled on us. I’ve always been a sky watcher and have watched the skies change my whole life. What astounds me is to learn it was happening long before I was born in 75. The skies today look vastly different than the days of young when I would watch clouds morph into different shapes before my eyes. Now I wonder if even that was ‘natural’. I have ran a little experiment to see how many other people have noticed the planes leaving hashtags in our skies. I make a point to strike up conversation with strangers from all walks of life. Elderly people waiting on benches at the hospital. Cashiers at Walmart. The guy pumping gas next to me. A random couple in Costco parking lot. Asking anyone I encounter- including family- what they think about the constant spraying of our skies curious if they have correlated it with the extreme weather following almost exactly 36 hours later. Astonishingly, almost everyone is surprised to see the low flying planes leaving trails across the sky for hours. It is as if they never noticed until I pointed them out! The curious part is the different reactions. Some people are shocked and want to know what it is. Others instantly justify their existence spouting almost the same lines. These people are from different demographics and have never met yet they all say almost the same lines. Like they have been programmed to think and say these things when they wonder wtf is going on. Young and old have almost the same reactions. I always explain how it is a weather modification program being undertaken by our government and am sure to say something along the lines of “Don’t preach to me about climate change while you are actively CHANGING THE CLIMATE!”. By the end of most conversations people are treating me like the door to door Jehovah witness pamphlet pusher wishing they had never started talking to me. There are a few who act curious but I can see the doubt in their eyes just before they parrot the preprogrammed response. Well played buttheads!

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I forgot to add… The story of the Fulton County farmers particularly resonated with me because I live on a farm way off the beaten path about 2 hours northeast of Fulton County. In fact, Fulton County is where we go when we need supplies from “the city’. The examples I gave above about the old man on the hospital bench and from the Costco parking lot were from Fulton County. I was particularly intrigued to hear the story of the farmer seeing it was about to rain and going to close up the barn only to watch a plane fly into the cloud and the rain disappeared because almost the same thing has happened to us. We see a storm approaching and rush to the barn to open it up (we close the doors in the daytime or else our spoiled sheep and cows will spend the day in their stalls) and let the animals in from the rain. No sooner than we get to the house the storm has dissipated and the sky is filled with evidence of harp being used leaving the telltale signs of busted clouds feathered across the sky. Same story except now they don’t need planes to fly into the storm because they have harp. You’d think that I live so far off grid that we would be safe from their attacks. I wish this were true. At least we don’t have any cell towers within 50 miles. Yet.

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I live in vacationland northern Wisconsin over 15,000 Lakes that you could swim in during the summer and the fishing is awesome.

The words getting out people are getting upset about this weather modification .

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Thanks for sharing this piece of history. I never heard about it.

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