Years ago I brought folders with information on geoengineering to the offices of my New York congressional representatives. I told their staff that I wanted to know exactly what was being sprayed in the skies day after day

and why. I telephoned and sent emails. Never heard a word back.

What is even more disheartening than our public officials colluding with dark forces is the fact that most people 1) don’t ever look up and 2) don’t even want to know what could be happening. Although when walking by the Hudson River last year with a friend, I pointed out a literally perfect (and huge) square of a cloud. I said please don’t even try to tell me that’s normal. He said nothing.

I hang on to the hope that people are starting to wake up.

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The people doing this are affected too! Their children. Guess they don't care!

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Blocking the sun will also reduce plant growth, but more importantly, when combined with the diseases that breathing the particulates will cause, it also reduces the amount of D3 that the human body will make. Considering that most humans are already heavily deficient in D3, and D3 regulates many bodily functions for optimal health, blocking the sun is a direct attack on humans to try to induce and maintain diseases so that Big Pharma can generate even more customers!

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Stellar article, I wish there was someone who I could send it to because everyone should know what you know, what we know. I can only add that those who control the militaries of the world indemnify themselves from liability through executive orders and shell organizations and the useful idiots (the peeps that think they have a future, even if their children don't) have NDA's. This train-wreck is ending badly for all of us and World War 3/4 is as scripted as our skies are striped.

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Very obvious that this is occurring where I live in San Diego.

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Great post, thank you!

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Keep opening minds by sharing this!

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Beautiful clear blue skies every day during 1st 2020 lockdown in uk for 12 weeks! Starlink satellites viewed without problem. 🧐

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This is weird. I wrote a comment a few minutes ago and I don’t see it… I saw a few videos earlier this summer that people use distilled white vinegar to make these horrifying chemtrail clouds to go away. They would just simmer the vinegar in their backyards. Apparently it’s really important that it’s distilled white vinegar.

I bought several cases of it, where I live it needs to be imported because it doesn’t exist meaning we don’t have distilled white vinegar… And I’ll give it a try. It’s my understanding the distilled white vinegar creates negative ions, goes to the atmosphere and it causes these fake clouds to disappear.

And it’s really sad, where I live in central Europe we’re getting bombed every single day. Even in the fall. Our trees look sickly you can tell from the lack of sunshine and all the chemicals coming down… And I’m driving yesterday and my sun points out the cloudy goes. Oh it’s so nice and smooth and I go yeah is it a real cloud and… And my son actually said yes it is real cloud because the chem clouds look like XYZ. At least my little kid knows about chemtrails, it’s just so sad. He can go on a two minute monologue about HAARP technology, how it makes the clouds, what they’re spraying in the air at such a young, tender age.

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Oct 26, 2023Edited
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"Quackxxines." New to me. Love it. Borrowing it. ;-)

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No, they will not.

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