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I really enjoyed the article. But there is way more to the Church of Scientology than their feud with the govt. (Reminds me of 2 mafia families fighting for control.)
I lived in L.A. for many years and had many encounters with them. Have you ever seen Leah Rimini's accounts of her time with them? Truly abusive to children who happen to ha…
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I really enjoyed the article. But there is way more to the Church of Scientology than their feud with the govt. (Reminds me of 2 mafia families fighting for control.)
I lived in L.A. for many years and had many encounters with them. Have you ever seen Leah Rimini's accounts of her time with them? Truly abusive to children who happen to have Scientology parents. Many of the kids say they were sexually abused by adults in the camps where parents sent them away at very young ages. They also don't believe in attachment parenting. Quite the opposite.
And God help you if you try to leave. I had friends who left, but their church made their life hell for doing so. One of the rules is that if you leave, none of the members are allowed to have anything to do with you at all, even if they are family! Shunning on steroids.
And those same agents who fight the government go full on terrorist on anyone who leaves. I actually met someone whose job it was to harrass and torture anyone who wanted to leave. She eventually got that same treatment herself when she left.
And their recruitment process is unnerving. They tried to recruit me. I wasn't interested, but they resorted to shaming and name calling.
They don't really believe in God, but a God dynamic. (not judging, don't care what they believe) And L. Ron admitted he wanted the business he started to be a church for tax reasons. All in all, they fit the definition of a cult. (again, I don't care if anyone wants to be in a cult or not, just stating fact.)
However, I do admire their stance on psychiatrists and drugs and they were correct that the AMA was wrongly targeting chiropractors. Just adding more info about them.
I was about to add the exact same thing. Used to live in LA down the street from their main mansion. They are def a cult and are controlling af. I believe their attacks on gov't and AMA and anyone calling them out for their cult cruelty and illegal doings are merely narcissist behaviors of antisocial leaders wanting to generate the useful "everyone's against us" mind control conditioning of a cult. Like Charles Manson, it wouldn't surprise me if it were CIA conjured to begin with. Half truths are always the coin of the realm for these ops.
"Was it possible, I asked, that the Manson murders were an MKULTRA experiment gone wrong? 'No,' he said, 'an MKULTRA experiment gone right.'”
Would not surprise me either about the CIA. I could have written more than I did, but there might be scientologists on his board...That series by Leah Remini was damning AF. Children have to sign an ETERNAL pledge to them at age 12. There were kids on the show who refused to sign, and were kicked out on the street with only a suitcase with their parents' permission and had to figure out how to survive. Definitely a cult if you are more loyal to your church than to your obligation as a parent to protect your children. I cried when I watched that episode and some of the others too. Plus I dated one of them briefly and he told me that there is rampant sexual abuse. No wonder they are so entrenched in Hollyweird.
omg horrifying. the cabal has its dens, for sure. heartbreaking.
another excellent read on the power of cult programming ... which is what we're living through now.