You are so right about Google Earth. I wanted to see where I was born so I downloaded Google Earth. Sure enough it went straight to the house but being in the mountains of NC there was a lot of trees. I wanted to follow the road off the top of the mountain but the trees were covering much of the image so as I panned in and out I could see very well it all was an AI image!!! The trees were so phony! Agent, we have a hard battle in front of us. I am 76 years old and I plan to fight for my grand children’s future. Thank you for all you do!!!!!!

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Linda, this fellow 76 y/o suggests you try Google Street View and see if you find realistic images. I rarely use Google Earth because the images are so phony as to be laughable ... but Street View images are made with actual cameras mounted on actual vehicles driving on physical roads.

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The blurriness might be from the meshing of a limited number of 2d photos.

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This made me think - did Google name themselves “Alphabet” because it is part of the Alphabet Agencies? Hidden in plain sight? They love to screw with us, don’t they?

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Crikey! Pretty wild and nefarious stuff.

Off topic:

We are coming up to the 33rd Olympic Games in July. Given their love of that number I wonder what shit they’re going to try and hit us with during that. Max psyops incoming no doubt.

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Good point!

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Ah I didn’t think about that. TPTB love 33. I’m curious how this plays out.

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We have to be careful parsing government evil science. For instance they'll talk like viruses and nukes are real.

We can't forget this tendency when reading about stuff like graphine oxide and smart dust.

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My God Agent131, are you sure youre not Tesla reincarnated???? What a shitload of research on this GWEN Tower thing you've exhumed. I finally got thru your essay but it was laborious and I'm one of maybe a 1000 people who will read it and maybe even understand what you've exposed. It'll take a second or more read to assimilate EVERYTHING you've uncovered but at the very least I can figure out how all these strange weather events, earthquakes and mass shootings are happening.

I honestly don't know how we will defeat the negative "forces" that seem to be EVERYWHERE in our world. It's breathtaking to think that as far back as the 1940's, everything given to mankind as a good and positive phenomenon, turns out to be another bar in our incarceration.. How in the hell could any of us have known about this if it wasnt for the internet???. I wish I could up my subscription amount per month to you but I am stretched with 20 substacks already and monthly donations to political candidates. When I think what I've paid for college in the past, no one has come close to the content I get from you. Your reports are gilted

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One of the BEST subtitles ever, lol:

"This is officially my second Mindf*ck Monday piece. If you want your mind to be bent so far it almost breaks, here you go... (Yeah, I know it's Sunday. Pretend it's Monday)"

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amazing job...it's all so staggering 😭

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Truly excellent research! Thank you!

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Yep, mind officially blown

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Unbelievable, but from everyone's research on past hidden history, I would say they have done this before and not too long ago, that's why the can plan ahead and predict what's next in the depopulation of the world, makes sense, humans are so dumbed down in this age when they should be much brighter than say back in the 1800s when 80% of the population had zero access to news and information and were far easier to wipe off the map.

These same players are operating today, its going to get very bad here if humanity does not start holding people in charge accountable, it seem the military is doing most of the dirty deeds, not our men and women fighting Their wars, but the rest of them, the ones you never see, the DOD has been running the Virus/ vaccines by taking over the CDC and FDA, now they are after our food, and water..the White House of course has been taken over, all of it..Fauci and B... from Pfizer should be behind bars for what they have done and all those involved DARPA is the bioweapon developers of all kinds, we are looking at a very dark future for children if this is allowed to continue. There is mountains of evidence around all that is happening, yet Nothing is done in congress but a bunch of yelling..that tells me they are in it or compromised, its too obvious how they are not doing their job on the biggest Genocide ever committed by companies right there in broad daylight with a paper trail 60 years long on killer vaccines.

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I know it’s off topic a little, but I really wonder about the true nature of the relationship between Elon Musk and our fed gov... It seems he may have been the first person to ever really rub the DC swamp noses in their own sh*t. Not only can he make better, safer, and overall better looking space rockets, but he does it at a fraction of what the gov. was telling US citizens it cost. He made battery powered vehicles better than they could. He also utilized the ground boring tech., in a way that threatens so much of the way they had been using it to build underground tunnels spanning the entire US. I think that’s why he has been unable to move forward with the one out in Calif. they can’t risk him running into their underground operations. He has seemingly challenged their entire book of lies, and has them in a pretty precarious position with their balls being squeezed to the point that everyone is coming out gay and trans...lol

It must feel really good to know you could wipe out a hundred years of lies being told to the globe...if you didn’t get your way. He knows the truth about most if not all. Especially satellites. I’m not 100% convinced of no satellites in existence although, I am a sky watcher and I see many of them traveling overhead at night. I know the difference between them and actual airplanes due to the lights and satellites don’t have sound accompanying them. Satellites don’t blink typically, they have a solid light that may or may not be turned on. Although they are much harder to see without being lit up, you can see the ambient light reflection off of them from other things like the moon or whatever. If they are not in fact satellites, but planes then I would say...that’s a possibility. I mean there are people whose job it is to man the spy planes 16-20 hrs a day. That’s why they make MRE’s in a tube for those guys.

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Elon is part of the blob. Anyone of importance is in the blob.

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I never implied he wasn’t. However he knows the truth regarding all of the things mentioned without a doubt while the rest of us are left to fight over what is and what is not the truth about it all. If anyone here implicitly declares they know, well I guess that would make them a liar.

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Musk, Trump, Gates, Zukerberg, etc, are the face of and effecting what their overloards in the Global Syndicate tell them to do with these companies which the Syndicate has made for them. Musk's grandpa was the head of Canada Technocracy, he goes around with Jackets that say New World Order on them, and has had real or fake affairs with Brin's ex "wife" Shanahan who is now RFK's running mate (fake affairs considering she is a he). He is not rubbing any of the DC swamp in shit, he and they are part of the syndicate. His companies are all part of the 4IR and transhumanism agenda: flying vehicles to track and target us, elec cars made from child slave labor in lithium mines to connect to humans to the internet of bodies when driving, limit where one can drive, cause "accidents", Neuralink the same, tunnels to move things and people from the only places they will be allowed to inhabit as the syndicate takes most all the land for themselves. Any challenging of the govt elites is a typical trick to make you think he isn't part of them, and what I've written is just the tip of his iceberg.

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You are an idiot or a shill.

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Only a low IQ type would slosh out insults of that nature without any qualifying information behind it. But it’s what I would expect from anyone calling themselves Joe Doe. Btw, your name calling sounds familiar....ah yes, I recall, your real name is Dil not Joe. Same last name Doe though.

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Please allow me to correct myself. You are an idiotic shill, willingly or not. Who the fuck cares. Now go back to that trolling cave where musk fights for freedom and is against tyrrany.

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Obviously you cared enough to comment. Btw I never masked, I happen to live in a non tyrannical state who’s AG does happen to work for us. Okay then have a wonderful day dildo.

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Wow, another one out of the park!

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You'd reckon if there was usable active nuclear missiles, maybe there would have been at least one accidental release by now?

And surely some loose cannon like Kim Jong or some idiot ego would have had too many Johnny Walkers one night and said " fuck it!".

So not one civilian or trooper has had so much as paper cut from a nuke since Hiroshima. Safety data like that makes Qantas look bad.

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You have given flesh to the bones of my concern with this piece--frequency is everything, and, it can be used for death and control without "blowing up" the landscape. Meanwhile, keeping this EO from Trump in mind--as with any tool, it can cut many ways. On the one hand, we can say Trump was/is a foolhardy brute who wants capital progress; on the other, he was/is aware of these concerns and used this EO as a safeguard to the "cell tower" use in this tragic fashion. Or maybe something else entirely.


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Oprahs gotta up that adrenochrome if she think she’s gonna get any use out of that Maui bunker mansion in 2050…

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Oprah took the shot, dead woman walking

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Did she?

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It’s reported that she had an emergency visit to the hospital, no cause listed. Mark Crispen Miller on substack is source!

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MCM seems to be one of those sources, whose "information" is good for making fun of the people, who are unable to do anything. That's one of the things the globalists enjoy doing. Refusing the injections has been moot for two years:


Since May, 2023, it has been legit to "vaccinate" the people even through the food supply:


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Oprah Winfrey [70] is speaking out following her medical crisis, and the famous TV icon wants Americans to know that she's okay. Winfrey had been battling a severe stomach virus that required a trip to the hospital. In a video chat with her good friend Gayle King, Oprah confirmed that she needed to go to the emergency room. The celeb battled severe dehydration. She said, "I was in the emergency room. I was so [dehydrated]. I couldn't keep enough water down to get hydrated. So I went to the emergency room for that and that's just it." According to Oprah, several people in her family had been battling the illness. It had just been jumping from one person to the next. Winfrey detailed how she got sick. She said, "Five people in my household had the same thing. I would say keep your hands washed because I hear it's being transmitted through... the doctor told me that [the virus] lives on the doorknobs and railings for like, ten hours. So if you come across somebody who's been in the house and they've gone down the stairs, then you went down the stairs and you didn't wash your hands you end up with it."

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deletedJun 23
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Cry me a river for Oprah ....

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When I say Oprah may not make it , I mean in response to Nick’s comment, she may not make it to 2050 to use her bunker in Maui. Hell, I probably won’t make it to 2050.

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Can't remember where I first heard this (Truthpups on TELEGRAM?)but it was in RollingStone mag that the 3 letter agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA etc) are all FRONTS for the drug cartels and supposedly Trump is making headway at taking down the drug cartels and exposing who they really are run by.

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Trump is part of the blob.

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Yes Trump is a major unknown in this Russian Roulette drama but while people like to blame him, I wonder how content they'd be with Hillary as president? There's a deeper story about Trump and his 'warp speed vax" that few ever seem to acknowledge and when it is understood the fate we avoided bec of his actions, they generally shut up. Its too bad I'm unable to find the story that explains Trump's bizarre actions on this covid hoax but it is a STUNNER. He really did save millions, maybe BILLIONS of lives although not because of the vax but because he derailed the WEF'S intended LOCKDOWN of the entire planet for 10 years. The plan was so diabolical, 99% of the world population would never have believed it (including me). I think he deserves more credit than others are giving him..

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Trump could have fired Fauci and Birx and stopped the military roll out of the vax that had no toxicity studies, nor did he request a few independent review boards of the virus, pandemic and the vax. He only said the vax was the most wonderful thing which sounds like Free Mason double speak. It doesn’t make sense that we know about the eugenics movement, Club of Rome, the Rockies Lockstep document, and their depopulation council etc, but DJT wouldn’t know about it?

Could DJT be part of the NY crime, just a little bit:

Put Donald Trump in the search term at the top here then do an in-page search of each result: https://worldcrimesyndicate.blogspot.com/

Here, Trump is a Free Mason and Trump tower is a occult temple:


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33rd-degree Masons have been part of the plan for over a hundred years, but the clique seems to incorporate more than just Masons, and Masons can make a good scapegoat, even if the lower ranks are only useful idiots.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

Can't disagree with you here and Trump is no angel nor is he a genius in all things except realestate etc.., he certainly got blindsided by his advisors...and he didnt see thru Fauci and Birx at the time....I cant really blame him in some respects...he didnt know he was up to his neck in poisonous snakes.....none of us did. With a few exceptions he picked lousy people in his cabinet too

Some of us are more informed NOW but back then, were we? The covid thing was a nuke flash to me beginning with the hysteria of the population jumping on the PCR wagon....I didnt bec I SMELLED something very wrong. I'm a Trumper only because he appears to be our only choice thru troubled waters....It seems almost everyone in DC is contaminated.

You sound like you do your research more so than others, look at this interview I just finished on WHAT HAPPENED to ALL THE ADULTS? If you've heard of the cabbage patch kids, you'll be intrigued to hear about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ti_rgs_-dMg

This pandemic thing is not the first time its been visited upon earthlings. I am hoping Agent131711 does one of his DEEEEP DIGS on this hidden part of history, he's about the best I've found on substack.

p.s.- Agent131 does a magnificent investigation and expose on GWEN TOWERS too.

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Trump's dad was doing shady things and his uncle analyzed Tesla's papers. Tesla being a crucial inventor of many devices and concepts related to DEWs, electrogravitronics and other tech the NWO uses to control the world. DJT was bailed out by the Rothchilds thru Wilbur Ross (Rothie Operative) in the 90s (he made Wilbur his Sec of Commerce), he was playing Pres of the people on his left hand and full on with the deadly vax in his right hand, hired and kept hiring deep state people in his cabinet, and made a pathetic objection to the election steal.

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Which trump? The one that calls himself "the father of the vaccine"?

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Yes Trump is a major unknown in this Russian Roulette drama but while people like to blame him, I wonder how content they'd be with Hillary as president? There's a deeper story about Trump and his 'warp speed vax" that few ever seem to know and when it is understood the fate we avoided bec of his deceptive actions, they generally shut up. It's too bad I'm unable to find the link that explains Trump's bizarre actions on this covid hoax but it is a STUNNER. He really did save millions, maybe BILLIONS of lives although not because of the vax but because he derailed the WEF'S intended LOCKDOWN of the entire planet for 10 years. The plan was so diabolical, 99% of the world population would never have believed it (including me). I think he deserves more credit than others are giving him..

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Q. :))))) The most idiotic psyop ever. Get the fuck out of here. Trump is a very well known quantity. A puppet figure with enough charisma to fool most of those not fooled by the more obvious despicable figures the establishment likes to dangle in front of the unwashed serfs.

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So I guess you would have preferred Hillary or Biden? You Trump haters never have an answer for "what choice do we have???" I know many who hate Trump and believe he is a ZIONIST at heart but they get real quiet when I ask them, did they vote for Biden?

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Yes, I would have preferred those motherfuckers instead of the orange clown. With biden and harris "in charge" of the plandemic response maybe the red states wouldn't have slept while lockdowns were put in place and the whole scam would have failed. With the MAGA king most of his voters took the bait and supported some aspects of the scam. Do not worry though. There is a high possibility trumpy boy will win in november just in time for the bird flu SCAMdemic, some china escalation in taiwan or the "russian" cyberattack.

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