Oct 11Liked by Agent131711

You made a great point (many actually!) They're waiting for the WWII generation to die off and then they'll pull the trigger on all this bs. They push scarcity in us knowing full well we have more than enough for everyone's needs. Not enough for their greed though. If satan isn't in charge I don't know how else to explain wtf is goin on here smh

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Oct 11Liked by Agent131711

Agreed. I have been saying that government = organized crime but it is also apparent that it is more than that. When you dig deep into this you can only conclude that it is pure evil. I am not a Christian but this makes me believe that there really is a devil and demons. It also makes sense when you realize that 2030 is the 2,000 year anniversary of the crucifixion. It doesn’t matter if Jesus comes back or not. It’s abundantly obvious that we are on the cusp of a titanic paradigm shift.

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Jesus told his disciples that they would see him return, as well as the Jewish High Priest Caiaphus. Flavius Josephus (1st century Jewish historian) wrote that he saw armies in the clouds surrounding Jerusalem when it fell to Rome in 70AD. His book The Wars of the Jews records this information. I follow Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, but I was never taught these things in my 'christian' churches as I grew up.

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Christ Jesus's return will be an etheric body return that people will see if they're sufficiently ready for it. There is no bodily return to earth except through reincarnation, and Jesus will not be reincarnating. God came to earth in a physical body only once. Reincarnation is real, and is alluded to in a number of passages in the Bible. The University of Virginia's Division of Perceptual Studies has thousands of rigorously documented cases of children who recall a previous life. Not believing in God or that Christ Jesus was God's only begotten son is a form of disease.

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I’m ignorant about reincarnation, but I agree that Jesus is God. Have you considered that we may be living in the ‘little season’ referenced in Revelation 20:3 and 6:11?

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At the Ascension Jesus was taken up and taken to see His Father. Due to the phenomenon of time dilation He could be experiencing a span of time much less than 2,000 years to make the trip to the center of the galaxy and back. Even if he only experiences a few years of time from His perspective, He could still be alive and return here which for us is 2,000 years. Facts.

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Churchianity is not the same as proper Christianity (following the teachings of Christ and trying to be like Him). The only organized religion that I know of that even comes close are the Anabaptists. They actually LIVE the teachings.

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Armies in the clouds. Yep.

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You didn’t read it, did you Mike? I’d post a link but you’d ignore it.

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Indeed, there is no need to post a link. Armies in the cloud says enough

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Hey Mike…

Since you obviously haven’t ever read anything other than your spoon-fed history, please give us your synopsis of The Holomodor.

I’m sure you’re well-aware of it, since you make social media comments about such topics as-if you have superior knowledge.

Maybe you should shut yer pie-hole about subjects that you are completely ignorant about? Or not! 😎

Tell us all more about how you are an expert. I’m waiting with baited-breath!

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I understand. Biblical prophecy that lines up with extra-biblical records blows your mind, and you just can’t even fathom that you aren’t the smartest guy in the room because you’re the last to know.

It’s called the Dunning-Kruger Effect, and I want to personally thank you for for modeling it perfectly for the entire audience.

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Dear Special-ED Ted. So tiresome. Look up "astrotheology".

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Thanks for the implied insult, but I already beat you to the punchline. Yep, my work with special ed kids is why I chose my screen name, captain obvious.

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Wasnt’ referring to them.

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That’s fair, and I accept that you weren’t. But you dismissed my comment as-if I am retarded. So it looks like you are actually the reterded-thinker. Touché.

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The legal corollaries must not be ignored, either:


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Which is why they targeted them first [C19]... camouflaged by 'helping the most vulnerable' first. Dirty B*st*rds...

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What a very informative article, thank you.

I had no idea.

Do note that The Perpetrators have largely running the world for a lot longer than since 2020.

The descendants of those who ordered the 1940s rationing are today in positions of power.

Rationing: a plausible way of depriving you of the benefits of your own money, without having to steal your money.

Neat additional trick: When lifting rationing, ensure supply is wholly inadequate & watch prices soar. An additional way to deprive you of the benefits of your own money, without having to steal it.

Clever stuff, money!

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I used to wonder why, in high school (1990s), we spent so much time learning about the Roman empire. It seemed so irrelevant that my teenage mind was bored to death. Now I understand exactly why that was the curriculum... because they sure can't teach us this. How crazy is it that we can spend YEARS in "history class" and know absolutely nothing?

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Not to mention that much history has been LIED about and coverups! A tiny example…..celebrating Columbus Day when he DID NOT discover America!! All political and money even then!

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Yes, the architects of rationing were Widdowson and McCance, with the help of Andrew Huxley. They are also responsible for the modern day diet, otherwise known as the American food pyramid which deliberately reversed the animal fat intake for excess carbohydrates, which is why heart disease has sky rocketed. All by design.

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Spot on!

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Derek Johnson...thedocuments.info explains a lot of what is taking place, but it's very long pdfs to read. His book is easier to read. All information is documented with sources to go to.

Law of War Manual, Federal Continuity Directive Publications, and more.

We are at war. Just not a physical one. We have been under military occupancy since Trump took office. Our government was captured in 1871. DC is a foreign country. DC is a "one-branch" Legislative Democracy. They operate off their own Constitution. It's a lot of research. Our government was an illegitimate, fraudulent, treasonous, bankrupt Corporation that Trump dissolved before he left office. We are under Continuity of Government. Government in exile. We are literally watching a movie. Our administration is fake with actors. All EO'S Biden signs are not valid. His inauguration was fake. He received a Military Funeral Salute, at Arlington Cemetery, at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. He did not receive the CIC 21gun Salute.

There is a difference between legal and lawful. Our statutes and codes are not lawful.

Income tax, property tax and many others are unlawful. Mortgages are a scam. Interest on loans is a scam. Too much to list here. Bottom line is we are supposed to be under Common Law...Law of the Land, not Crown/Maritime-Admiralty Law...Law of the Sea and Commerce.

It's all about we the people taking back control of our government. As it was supposed to be, and Law and Order.

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I hope Derek is right about it getting back to common law. I have my doubts since once they get power, they do not give it back.

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Oct 11·edited Oct 11

We have so many psyops going on that it is difficult to discern. One note...our founding fathers I believe were freemasons. So that doesn't sit well. But, not all freemasons are alike. It depends on how far they go up the ladder. A lot of people believe Common Law is a conspiracy. If they would read the handbook they might understand how many freedoms have been taken away from us long ago. Like any traffic violation or altercations with others, you are only considered comitting a crime if there is a victim. There must be an injured party...like hitting a pedestrian, car accident, murder, damaging someones property is included, stealing, etc. Speeding doesn't count if you didn't harm anyone.

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Cal Johnson, a brilliant Canadian, who founded inpowermovement.org doesn't get into any of the COG, and other issues in the U.S. but he does discuss Common Law, the Crown, and Maritime Law, and has a fascinating Notice Of Liability (NOL) that his organization has been sending to various criminals both in the Canadian government, and to royalty in Europe.

Oddly enough the likely inbred Danish Queen Margrethe II last year announced her surprise abdication of her throne not long after a NOL was sent to her. She had previously been very clear that she would remain on her throne until she died. Cal gets into the spiritual aspects of the NOL which are codified in the Bible. It's all quite fascinating. A major Crown agent in Canada stepped down as well due to Cal's work.


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Interesting. I will take a look at the link you posted. Thanks for sharing.

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Over 30 yrs ago I spent 3-1/2 yrs. studying Common Law, The Maxims of Law etc. You comment is right on point and correct !

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I totally agree. Biden has been dead for some time. Granddaughter even said he was dead. They put a mask on whoever they get to play him. It was an actor from the 90s. I can’t remember name. He almost blew it with Boris Johnson I heard because he got star struck. Right after that Boris was out. The guy playing Biden in Las Vegas probably took too many boosters. Couldn’t stay away from the kool aid. I believe he dropped dead. Since they couldn’t have that, he was whisked off and they got someone else to put the mask on. The ears tell the story. Recently there was even a msm picture of Biden and right around the collar neck line the mask was wrinkly. Someone probably got in trouble for letting that one through. But where is this all leading? Yes it was taken back from the oligarchs. Nancy Drew showed the fencing left for a long time. I personally don’t think that Trump will be able to throw off the yoke of evil. Time has been called. Judgement has been made. The cup of trembling full. America has not repented and even the council of the prophets have said you can’t pray it away but you can pray for it to be a lesser blow. We are running up to the tribulation period and the age of grace is almost done. People don’t want to hear or see. They want to hear what makes them feel good. So sad. David Wilkerson said in his book The Vision that fema would run out of money. The book is from the 1970s. AA Allen or William Brandt prophesied of a woman president that was not good. You can google it. Let’s pray God changes his mind on that.

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I've read them all. I've followed Derek since he first spoke out. Bought 2 copies of his book...all that being said...How is anything happening right now falling in line with those documents. There may be things going on behind the scenes, underground and so on, but none of this will matter if the planet and all of it's inhabitants have no viable air, water or food to eat! When the food and water supply is destroyed/ poisoned the "Globalists" still get their population reduction!

Btw, The only helicopter rescuers,(civilian),in the first 2 days of the Ashville disaster, spoke to 82nd battalion soldiers with helicopters sitting on the ground at the airport, and begged them to help. They said they had been ready to go in since Saturday, and had been told to stand down. ?? Told him they had to have Title 10 orders. Now, according to what I've read, DJT called up 1Mil reserve/ inactive components under the Emergency Powers Act, also having declared War under said act, to active status. Which Biden has renewed 3Xs now. ALL under Title 10. Trump is still CIC, according to those documents...yet no help in any of these disasters.

Still we, the American people, and the World are being sprayed like bugs, daily, with any number of toxins, from military planes. I live on an island, the wettest spot on Earth, which is dying due to this toxic rain. Birds, bugs, trees, plants, everything is dying or already dead. Songbirds are gone, most birds are gone including the Myna birds which used to be everywhere! I live in the mountains, which are now SILENT! Trees are falling over, and covered in rotting fungus. Even coconuts are rotting on the trees. Payayas are covered with a fungus looking blotchy mess, only on the side that gets rain on it. The skies are filled with black smoke looking clouds most days. Don't get me started on the ocean.

I just had to add this description, because there are people, including Col. Ricardo Bossi, saying that the "White Hats" are spraying things to counter what the "Black hats" have been spraying, and that is straight up 🐂💩! I I do not understand what it really happening, and I don't think Derek does either. These documents don't apply as we think they do. There are too many conflicting FEMA documents also enacted. Trump actually put FEMA in charge by his orders, so now...child traffickers, inept emergency aid, and the key holders of the many quarantine facilities, also the (Obama purchased), millions of rounds of hollowpoints, guillotines, and shackles and stacks of coffin liners for each of the 12 Hunger Games Districts That is who is calling the shots. Well, so to speak, they are doing the bidding of the Swiss Banking Authority, as always. None of those military documents explain who they are really working for. Who really "Owns" this country, and most countries. There is no Constitution and no Republic, we have all been born, as slaves, in a slave system to the Swiss Banking Authority. I wish it weren't so, but Trump and all of them are captured by it. It's a movie all right, but you're not gonna like the ending.

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Oct 11Liked by Agent131711

We are done if sheeple dont wake up and take our country back

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Oct 11Liked by Agent131711

Interested in this over 200 members of Congress were given “X cards” which allowed them to purchase unlimited amounts of gasoline and drive as they wanted. Were they really called X? It all sounds too familiar…

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Excellent piece of writing. Back then, the American public had Hitler as the enemy, and people seemed to tolerate it. Today, our hidden enemy is the W.E.F. They can initiate a WWIII in the Middle East, or they can create "Climate Chaos" to get a "Climate Lockdown" to achieve Agenda 21 by 2030.

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I wonder how Putin feels about being Hitler 2.0? That guy has more enemies than John Wick.

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All this WWII propaganda would be comical if only it weren't so ghastly. I saw plenty about it, being born in 1950. I find myself laughing about it, now that I understand how it works and can see the minds behind it. Unfortunately, it still works quite well, not safe but very effective. And no, I'm not terrified.

I was going to say more, but I'd best not. There is, however, genuine horror coming. For many, this might be a good time to rethink one's life in whatever time is left.

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My grandfather, his entire life, saved literally everything due to the trauma of rationing. When I was a kid we would go to McDonalds and he would fill his pockets with ketchup packets then bring them home and put them into huge boxes in his basement. Yet somehow, come my generation, we thought it was grandpa being cheap. I never understood the severity of what happened. And I now don't understand why the severity of what happened wasn't drilled into my generations brains by the prior generations. Then I think back to how the world was locked down only a couple years ago and that already seems to have been forgotten too

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I wrote a detailed reply to you, and something ate it before I could send it. Here, though, is the essence:

My parents were in WWII, my father a fighter pilot and my mother a Navy WAVE. I can see that the things that happened to them changed them. It was the kind of change that is sometimes called "moral injury".

I was born to these two people in 1950, and my first two decades 1950s-60s were a time of great (really, not-so-great) societal shifts. I think this had something directly to do with what many of the parents of the boomers had gone through in the 1940s.

One thing I didn't mention in the lost reply was that I was raised in the older pre-war ways, while my cousins and most of the kids I knew were raised in the ways of the new, decaying post-war culture. It didn't keep me from making a mess of my life, but it did and does still help me see what has taken place. Much memory has been lost.

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Yes my grandfather is very wealthy but won’t spend a dime to fix his broken refrigerator or replace it. He’s 97 and we keep telling him he better enjoy it because he can’t take it with him lol

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Yes, and the first targeted were that generation. They need them gone, so we don't learn from the past. Our grandparents were too proud to complain about what they went through, definitely didn't want to burden us with those difficult stories. It was another "Hogwashing" campaign by the powers that shouldn't be. Radio and Tell- A- Vision were the weapons of the psychological war...still are.

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Congratulations on the mention by Dr. Yeadon. I am seeing renewed activity from some of my older comments on other posts here, and I suspect you may have quite a few new folks poking about today.

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And with computers, scanners and digitalization it’s going to work even more efficiently. Scary.

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They’ll call it Social Credits this time around, just like they do in 🇨🇳.

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Someone should analyze the plaid on the Scottish tax encouraging duck telling Donald to pay up and find it's a Scottish Freemason proof.

This was the only Donald duck propaganda video I had been exposed to and Sabaton enhanced it exquisitely


A miniseries based on citizenry struggling under these regulations would be a hit and great predictive programming.

Rationing seemed like a normalcy in my passive analysis until you explained it so thoroughly

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An absolutely exceptional article, bravo!

Now add the cashless society aspect to it, no black market at all....

All for a foreign war effort, that was manufactured.

The QR code is the " new" rationing ticket, we've seen the "essential workers" categorized already and be implemented and practiced during COVID.

Not good, not good at all.

Demand the elimination of standing armies, which are internationally illegal.

May God help us



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That QR code looks short for queer. At the least, it's meant to tether us to our personal Smart tracker phones with numerous apps for our convenience and oppression.

During the fake Covid tyranny several years ago, I wasn't allowed into the hospital where my elderly dad had been taken, unless they could scan my queer code, which I didn't have on my phone, intentionally.

We are the product. We are being skewed and screwed by the soulless State and mindless minions who only ask that we enjoy our bondage and get with the program/ pogrom. NO, NEVER. We all need to get dumb phones or give them up completely for our, perhaps, short lives of resistance. It's not how long we live but how we live. Our choices matter in this realm and beyond.

Look up crusader Rob Braxman for safer phones and tech:


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They don't call it the District of Criminals for nothing. Totally support your local businesses and farmers, People. They'll need our help far more than this horrid government. Remember - NONE of them will suffer! They will be able to keep all their mansions, boats, cars, and steaks.

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This just adds fuel to my fire and increases my motivation to buy land and build a FORTIFIED farmstead.

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Remember Waco.

You don’t need to be doing anything wrong in order that the gubmint may turn up & take it from you.

They brief the media and you instantly become what the media tells the public.

Just wonderful, isn’t it?

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Bingo! Look how easily they shut the world down just a few years ago.

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Agreed and yes, I remember Waco. They were not FORTIFIED. I plan on installing many security systems and features.

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Fear will get you nowhere, ask yourself WHAT are you fighting for?

This seems a spiritual thing at this point...

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You can stand up against the entirety of the government when they have you in their sights?

Um, good luck…

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Oct 11Liked by Agent131711

why do you think they are manufacturing all of these weather wars?! floods, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, mud slides??? they are 1000% man made and steared in the direction they need them to be...one of the reasons??? they don't want anyone being free, living off the land, off grid...my sis is in rural part of fl, her and everyone around her have land, have farm animals, that's the reason they live there, guess what, they all have five feet of water in their homes right now and the water is rising!!! where is it coming from because its not raining...my guess is they are pushing it up from the ground just like they did with the sand on the beaches down here from the "hurricane" that had never happened before ever. NO ONE IS SAFE, there's NOWHERE YOU CAN GO, and trust me if you buy land, they will take you out and take it 👹👹👹👹👹

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You will own nothing...they are pretty clear about that. Have you seen the maps, they actually have 12 districts..."Hunger Games" Districts. Another movie that was predictive programming.

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Where do I find that?

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First that’s a silly point of view. Second there is no 1000%

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Hello!. I'm reading your substack from Spain. I must ask you something: are you this guy?:


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I am not but it's awesome that this article was shared and made it all the way to Spain!

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Yes, awesome. ; ) But if you are not this guy ... why these articles are equal?. Did you wrote it, or someone else?.

Sorry, i don't want offend you, but i'm curious about it.

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It’s the same hat and numbers. I guess somebody took it from here and spread it around. Good thing.

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I understand. Sorry!

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No, it’s OK. I understand why you asked if it was him. It’s definitely his article.

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Oct 11Liked by Agent131711

What a great time to be an alien flying around in an spaceship.

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Imagine landing and saying "take me to your leader" and they roll Biden out in a wheelchair

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Or the laughing hyena Harris?

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Oct 11Liked by Agent131711

Wow thank you

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The Feral Fascist Marxist Feds confiscated all the gold of Americans too under FDR (Fear Driver Retard) and allowed the attacks on Pearl Harbor to take place despite advance warning the Japanese were on their way to our Pacific coast. Nazi Aholes Space Administration rocket guru Werner Von Braun warned Carolyn Rosin in the 1970's that the fomenting of terrorism would be followed by a fake alien envision to keep the public in fear in order to continue to manipulate it.

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