Thank you for taking the time to research these substances. I can validate much of what you are saying. Some of it I knew about and some of it I didn't. Some of it I was just catching on to. I carried out an experiment with supplements over the past several months that has left me with persistent GI problems, forcing me to cancel the experiment. After seeing the evidence you have presented, it makes sense as to what probably went wrong.

You say "I’m not a Scientist". Fair enough. It probably helps, from what I've seen the last few years (and the last few decades to a lesser extent). My field is computer science, which is rather far afield from all this, but I can still understand a fair amount, at least at a high level, because I study other fields outside my own, mostly in self-defense. I am semi-retired, but my work has and still does revolve around database design and data collection, transformation, presentation, and analysis. Not supplements.

What you describe as a possible process for making vitamin A sounds to me at first glance more like a description of how we ourselves metabolize retinyl palmitate. This would be a highly-contained and regulated process, and calling out specific steps within it, such as hydrolysis, might not be helpful for understanding the risks of taking synthetic supplements.

With regard to the CREBBP gene and CREB binding protein, CREBBP is a gene that codes for CREB binding protein. Genetic material is regulated in various ways, and a gene of this kind must be enabled and activated in order for the protein synthesis process to commence, beginning with transcription from DNA to mRNA. This is what I understand by the statement β€œCREB binding protein carries out its functions by turning on (activating) transcription…”. This is not a gene editing process. It is the first step in producing, on demand (activation), a needed protein from the corresponding genetic template (transcription).

What this article says and what I wrote just above are based upon a particular model of how cells work. That model is being called into question by some (dpl, for instance), and I am beginning to question it myself, but here I am assuming that it does to some extent represent reality, even if the actual mechanisms aren't what they are claimed to be.

So be careful. Take "table salt", for example. Sodium chloride is its main ingredient, and what makes it taste salty. If you were to take a substantial quantity of it, somehow break it down in to sodium and chlorine, ingest the sodium, and inhale the chlorine, you would not be feeling very good. You might not be feeling anything after a while.

That doesn't imply that salt is bad for you. The characteristics of a compound do not necessarily reflect the characteristics of its constituent elements. But if you take salt from its source (such as a salt mine), strip it of all the other stuff that is found with it, and then add a cyanide-based desiccant, that might be bad for you.

I offer this example because I discovered that my housemate had switched brands of salt without my knowledge, going from a sea salt that I had researched to Moron bulk salt with desiccant. The name of the desiccant was disguised, but when I looked it up it turned out to be a cyanide compound.

The government says its safe, of course, but you might not want to expose it to acids (acidic foods, stomach acid, whatever) because that might cause it to break down and release hydrogen cyanide gas, but then the processed food supply is toxic anyway and who would even notice.

Such is our world.

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Thank you.

Very interesting.

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Phenomenal work Agent Lotsa-Numbers! You are worth every penny of a subscription. Thanks! xx

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Thank you, my friend!

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Have you done any research in to how these are utilized in skincare as Retinol and Vitamin C serums and creams are two of the most pushed ingredients for anti-aging?

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Just what is in this article. These "vitamins" are incredibly difficult and time consuming to investigate. Ultimately I would like to research them all, but it's going to take several years. How crazy is that, that it's going to take YEARS to investigate supplements?!

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It's wild for sure, but there is a reason people are returning to the old ways of tallow, honey, olive oil on the skin and tossing out the expensive creams as this inner knowing of the poisoning runs "skin deep"....the beauty industry and the vitamins inside everything there too is indeed another rabbit hole.

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Absolutely. We have to be really careful with anything bottled that says "honey". I just learned the FDA (Codex) has approved the use of the word "honey" to mean highly hazardous "Caramel Color". I haven't had any time to investigate it yet, but it's on my list. Other than getting as much of our products as possible from small farms and eating only nonprocessed foods, I have no idea what else we can do because, it seems, quite literally, everything has been poisoned, and done in a way to make us believe it's good for us.

Ruzycki farm in Oklahoma appears to be a good place to order through or shop at if anyone is local. They are a family business who suffered a covert chemical attack in June 2023, when "someone" came in the middle of the night and sprayed their crops with poison. They seem like great people. If anyone else reading this knows of small farms, feel free to share.

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oh yes for sure, buy local, from a trusted source or make your own! Where i live, farmer's markets have a lot of options. Amandha Vollmer makes some great skin care in her yum naturals shop too that I like.

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We've been ordering from Brookford Farm in Canterbury, NH for about a year. They deliver every week: raw milk, organic produce, pasture raised beef, pork, lamb, chicken, farm-made cheese, soap, etc. They deliver to some parts of Maine and Massachusetts, as well.

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Skincare? Anti-aging? I never got around to investigating retinol because I stopped using the creams and such when I learned about the parabens found in many of them as preservatives.

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Absolutely fascinating and scary as shit! Catherine Austin Fitts is so right; this is the age of the great poisoning.

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Don’t forget your whiskey glasses. I’m making a batch right now, ready for April.

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Can you share the link to your site again so everyone can check it out

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I am a retired R.N. who has noticed the decline of "care" in the health care system for decades. I quit using most "beauty products" 20 years ago, right after I quit using aluminum filled deodorants and hand lotions. More recently eliminated most perfumed household products. I am 84 but am told I appear younger. I eat fairly decently, do Yoga, wear magnets in my shoes and also on my back for occasional pains. Oh, and gratitude attitude. Had a reaction to an Rx med for B/P last year and was drooping. I would have sworn supplements were significant in maintaining my energy and zest for life..... but since I met you, Agent Magnifico, and quit taking them.....have to admit that I'm surprised and happy to be feeling some improved energy. And I'm sharing your info and encouraging others to look up MSDS on the stuff they are taking in. Thanks a million!

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Found your substack today and subscribed. Am deeply impressed by your work. This was all new to me, I am shocked and appalled. I would be very grateful if you can investigate NAC, N-Acetyl-Cysteine.

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Thanks again for your awesome work!

I am in my 8th. month of no supplementation.

Figured out that I have been starving parasites along the way. This is an interesting de-tox from all this crap.

Started taking supplements about 25 years ago. Then bumped it up when the psy-op appeared in 2020. Over the years I have probably done every parasite protocol on the planet starting in 2010 (Klacker :MMS / Daniels/turpentine etc.) Thought I would be clear of these critters. So, through the 8 mos. these critters started appearing again in my stools. Then I realized I shut off their food supply of toxic vitamins.

So, if you find yourself suddenly getting "angry" especially during a full moon (when they hatch) be reassured it is a die-off reaction. These suckers rebel when not fed.

The entire time these critters have been eating all my "vitamins" and expelling all their toxic waste in my bloodstream.

I also think that all this toxic waste from so called vitamins is showing up in peoples blood "assisting" the development of "odd structures / clots /glowing "things" etc. Sought of a plan CODEX had years and years ago to infect us from birth. Not to mention all the crud from pharmaceuticals.

I knew it was best to stay away from an aggressive parasite cleanse as I had done before as I would have a worse Herx. reaction. I just used natural garlic, small amounts Of DE ( Diamateous Earth ) and occasionally some natural tinctures of wormwood / clove and oregano. Not all at once: just alternated small amounts each day. Of course, plenty of fresh water.

Perhaps others out there can suggest other "gentle" ways of detoxing critters if needed after stopping this supplemental junk. Sorry to open up a "can of worms" :)

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This all reminds me of warfarin that killed my mother. I know now it is rat poison, didn't know then.

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Another excellent article. Thank you for taking the time to write these. Definitely worth the subscription price already! Three of my friends so far have told me they dumped their vitamins in the trash after I sent them your articles. Even the MSDS's alone are damning enough, but your further research blows the whole thing out of the water. I had seen the MSDS on cholecalciferol a couple years ago, and it alarmed me enough that I stopped taking supplements at that time (and stopped buying fortified foods as much as possible), but now they are finally going in the trash.

You mentioned the afternoon crash from vitamins - I used to experience that several years ago. Around 3pm every day I was dead tired, but had no possibility of taking a nap, due to taking care of kids. I was recently remembering that and wondering why that never happens to me any more. After reading what you said, I realized I was taking a multivitamin every morning at that time. Amazing. Thanks again.

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By the way, back in 2021 when I saw that D3 was rat poison and my alarm bells went up, I cancelled a pre-order for Zev Zelenko's soon-to-be-available product, Z-stack for kids. The customer service rep said no problem and they refunded my money, but a couple of months later a box of six bottles of Z-stack for kids was delivered to my house, even after they refunded me. That made me super suspicious.

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OMG Your best ever or worst. I had to take a break after β€œgo f*ck yourself no lube”. It was only topped by the William F Gates big rack on that dude comment. Love you writing. Without these laughs I might have quit reading about the toxicity of Vitamins.

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What is a Vitamin? You pondered the question when you discussed Vitamin C being from an orange. This has been a money making scheme from the damn get go. I remember seeing the vitamins advertised for kids, the kind that taste good. I grew up poor where these great supplements were out of our budget. The one time my mom did buy a bottle they were gone in a couple days. Me and my brother snuck in the bottle and devoured them as candy.

Thanks for diving into this rabbit hole

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Oh yeah, my mom once bought a bottle of kid vitamins when I was young. She tried to hide them, but my brother, sister, and I did the same thing. Kinda like eating fluoride toothpaste as a child. Mmm... aquafresh.

When I was growing up, everyone thought citric acid was some sort of harmless reduction of orange and lemon peels. It *sounds* natural.

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Never progressed into eating more than a toothbrush full of toothpaste. But our savior was fluoride enhanced toothpaste was more expensive:)

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Great article πŸ‘

However, I completely disagree with your take on the so called "dangers" of taking vitamin B12 supplements such as cyanocobalamin, hydroxocobalamin , methylcobalamin, etc.

There are a countless number of people of all ages and ethnic groups who owe their lives to the availability of B12 injections or tablets .

It is simply not true that cyanocobalamin is poisonous; the only group of people who should avoid it are those born with a rare genetic disease involving eyesight.

For the millions of patients worldwide diagnosed with Pernicious Anemia, B12 deficiency from bad diet, malnutrition, babies with vegan mothers, or people overexposed to Nitrous Oxide , B12 injections in any form are truly lifesavers. Please do not give them a bad rap!

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I have to agree. I have MS and because MS does whatever it does I'm always low on B12. I will be looking into how various brands are sourced and made though.

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Wow. I knew synthetics were not as good as organic food sources, but had no idea how toxic they can be. Thanks for your efforts. For those that do need a supplement here's a link to one that looks ok.


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great work as always.

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