Seven years ago, when I got my puppy, I looked up rabies cases in my county. There hadn’t been one (a bat) since the 1980’s. So I never saw the need to shoot her up with a shot that has more adverse side effects than any other. Seizures are a big one. She’s also raw fed and not had any DHP shot since what her breeder gave her. Healthiest dog I’ve ever owned! Which brings up parvo. Pls get into that gain of function lab created bullshit. They created it! Tip- if your money grubbing vet tells you your dog needs yearly or every three year rabies “boosters” know they take ONE themselves and are done for life. They likely weigh more than your dog. Why would ONE work for their lifetime and not your dog? “But it’s the law” lament many. My answer DONT register them. Keep track of your dog and it won’t end up in a shelter. Fly under the radar. Lie. Make your own forged rabies document. It’s easy to find templates on line. BAD LAWS WERE MEANT TO BE BROKEN. Follow the $$$$

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"Which brings up parvo. Pls get into that gain of function lab created bullshit. They created it! "

As there are no viruses nor any bacteria that cause contagious illnesses or diseases, there can be no manmade modifications of them, hence no gain of function is possible.

The gain of function narrative -- including the official denials that it exists -- is merely to support the refuted hypothesis that viruses exist. They are pretending to NOT be covering it up just to make you think there IS something to cover up, capiche?

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In 2020, had a friend of mine for $20 forge a pcr test so that I could get back to the US. It was stupid. They made these laws while I was out of the country.

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If they can’t kill ‘em with 💉’s , commercial pet food will do the trick!!

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I stopped vaccinating my dog years ago. I don't plan on taking her to a vet ever again.

Her health is great at 14 yrs. and I give her a daily dose of Carbon 60.

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I got a mini Aussie puppy 2 years ago. Unfortunately, the breeder had inoculated all the pups with the distemper vax prior to the pups being sold. That was the end of poison shots for my pup and she eats raw and is a POWERHOUSE OF ENERGY. Never been sick. Wish I could of stopped the first one.

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I would bet $$$$$$$ that PETS got mrna shots before humans...REMEMBER, many of the vax companies CEOs are VETERINARIANS! They always start the murder on those that cannot speak...

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Look at the increasing number of pets that develop cancer, tumors and diabetes these days.

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Yes. Our dog died of cancer last summer at just five years of age. He developed lymphoma about a month after his vet visit. We have friends who have had two dogs die at the age of two from cancer as well.

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I’m so sorry. Heartbreaking at any age but one’s so young.

I’ve been recently shocked to learn just how young puppies are when they are taken from their mothers and then vaccinated to the max.

At least it’s what I’m hearing from people who have gotten dogs from breeders in recent years and not puppy mill breeders either.

My friend’s vet told her it was the norm these days. I told her to find a new vet.

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It's very difficult to get a puppy that's not vaxxed. All adoption centers require it that I have seen. You'd have to get a private breeder that has been off-grid for a long time. It's much easier to not vax your kids than your dogs.

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May 19·edited May 19

Walt Disney's 1957 movie, "Old Yeller" dramatically installed the rabies hoax in the minds of people, and a new generation of children.


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Absolutely. When my brother, sister, and I watched that movie as kids we were literally balling our eyes out. I can't think of a sadder movie. People watching it were so saddened that they wouldn't even bother to ask if rabies was proven to be real and if their were actual treatments for the dog's condition. I realized this about Old Yeller when I read about the rabies hoax on whale.to a few years ago. Now, I have to tell my husband that rabies is as much of a hoax (or more so) as C-19. A little girl in a neighboring town was recently bitten by a rabid fox and her mother was bitten as she was holding the fox down waiting for police to come. They are in the hospital recovering and likely getting rabies shots. In case one of my children is bitten by an animal, I definitely do not want them to get a rabies shot!!!

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And its not one shot I think it’s a 5 shot series in the stomach no less with a really long needle.

My sister’s Yorkie was jumped by a raccoon and my sister grabbed the raccoon and tossed it. Neither my sister or her dog were bitten or even scratched but the state (!) yes the state forced rabies shots and quarantined the whole house.

Her dog by the way had already had rabies vaccines so wth and quarantine the whole house of people who were no where near the incident.

Incidentally he died young from kidney failure.

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I had heard the rabies shot was horrendous for humans, but wow! What a ridiculous and dangerous practice. Veterinarians and most people are totally brainwashed by fear.

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And reinforced in 1960 by the ferocious rabid dog wandering a peaceful neighborhood scene in the movie To Kill a Mockingbird and Atticus has to shoot it.

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Years ago, people used to know how to identify and get rid of these hucksters. Oh no! not today! Many are so infected with a mind virus implant that they no longer have their own intelligence and discernment.

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You may recall during the manufactured "Covid" hysteria, the mockery made of people who actually did their own research? Can't have that now, can we?

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Too much fluorosilicic acid and vaccines and too much TV, movies, and digital media and too little contact with the earth and making, growing, and building one's own things rather than buying everything from someone else. People lose the ability to think if they don't use their brain cells.

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Yea so true! ❤️❤️

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I had to stop reading your article somewhere around "Egg Yolk Method #2", it was just a little bit nauseating.. What are we supposed to believe in? What are we supposed to trust? How is it, all the ballyhooed "Science" turns out to be a bunch of sticky-fingered grifters with their hands out for your money, and their "research" if not on a par with 5 year-olds making mud pies then certainly stone-aged Medicine Men cooking up a witch's brew in a 55-gallon cannibal cauldron.. 🤔🙄💩

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Exactly. People are full of shit.

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In my neck of the woods a lot of the veterinary practices both small and large animal practices are being bought out by businesses. That’s been a big red flag to me.

The problem with not having a relationship with a vet practice via regular check ups is that God forbid you have a medical emergency requiring a veterinarian you are out of luck. Veterinary emergency services at veterinary hospitals require a referral from your veterinarian. That’s also a huge red flag.

This is a complaint among all my friends with animals.

Thanks for another great article.

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It’s them damn werewolves. Dr. Jekylls Island and Mr. Hide told us so; written in stone on the Georgia Guidestones, till they done got blasted by dewy lightning. BAM.

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Everyone I know, that vaccinates their dogs for rabies, has sickly or short-lived dogs. Most recently, my buddy lost his 18-month old black lab to leukemia. ( Same guy's been sick-as-a-dog since his ignoramous wife badgered him into the mRNA injection. He was never sick before. Now, he's overrun with cardio, respiratory and neurological issues. In his 50s, can barely function at all. Heartbreaking. Yes, I begged him not to take that bioweapon.)

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I doubt the "bioweapon" had anything biological in it. Just pure synthetic chemicals.

This temp life is a fictional story and everyone's story is unique. There is no wrong or right way to live out a fictional story. It looks like people are making bad choices -- and it looks like people can be saved from making bad choices if they were only informed with factual information, but there are no accidents or true mistakes within a fictional story. Every story of every living creature contains drama & trauma & crisis & pain in spite of that creature's best efforts to avoid or prevent those things.

When we die, this temp story ends, and we automatically & unconditionally return to our spiritual sanity & sobriety as we wake up back in our never-changing Reality (where there are no worries or disappointments).

I thank you for reporting your own personal observations about dogs who have been vaccinated. Personal testimonials are very valuable -- more so than official statistics and statements by so-called experts & authorities.

No vaccine has ever been safe or necessary.

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You're welcome and thanks for your thoughts on reality.

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I generally refrain from commenting on your Stack, but I consider it far-reaching, well-researched, and masterfully written.

This one intrigues me.

I distinctly remember hearing at the beginning of this CV circus that if someone had gotten a round of "rabies" shots, they would not get covid.

I don't know whether that is true or not, but it mattered to me.

I have flatly refused the jab, but my sons were being strong-armed 24/7/365 to comply. Two of them had already gotten rabies shots (they tend to "rescue" twitching squirrels). So I tried to use the rabies card - because they had already gotten it and remained robust, and because I would use every argument in my arsenal to dissuade them from getting jabbed. (My efforts failed.)

But I wonder if you can make any use of this.

I never could figure out why the "rabies vaccine" was considered a vaccine if it was seemingly being administered as a treatment.

Does that make any sense to anyone here?

(I'm writing this "off-the-cuff", so please excuse any errors.)

And keep doing what you are doing; your work is fascinating.

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From what "they" have said in the past, vaccines are not recommended when a person is ill, even with a cold or mild flu. It seems that the rabies vaccine was the only one (until the covid vaccine came out) that they recommend humans take if they are suspected to have rabies (covid). Kind of a parallel there - good point. Their logic isn't logical.

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Post exposure treatment with rabies vaccine seems curious. If there is such a thing as rabies, you've already got it in your wound(s) if the animal is rabid. So how is adding attenuated virus and a butt-load of toxic chemicals to an existing load of wild virus (Hypothetically speaking) supposed to help. What's the mechanism that confers the protection?

Here's something perplexing and insane: If you should happen to find a bat in your home the medical establishment will insist that every person residing within those walls must undergo a rabies vaccination series as a precaution. No consideration is given to the health of the bat. No consideration is given to the question of whether or not any person there had any contact with the bat, let alone an infectious bite. I was dumbstruck when I heard ER docs I work with defending this policy. To make it worse my own brother had this exact experience and followed the medical advice subjecting himself, his wife and their two small children to the Rabies Vax series.

What about post exposure treatment ("Prophylaxis") with Tetanus, Diphtheria and acellular Pertussis vaccine for any break in the skin as advised in every ER in the country? Those providers ignore the prevailing understanding that Tetanus is an anaerobic bacterium that needs an oxygen deprived environment to produce the toxin that is believed to cause Tetanus disease. So why are they so eager to inoculate everyone with the TDap? And why do you need another Diphtheria and Pertussis dose for your superficial abrasion?

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Gee, when I had a bat in my house, we just opened the windows until it flew out. End of story. I know several people who have done the same thing. I didn't realize the medical establishment had anything to do with that sort of thing. I guess they want to get their paycheck.

Yeah, the tetanus shot seems suspect to me as well. I have heard people who have said they just let the wound bleed out for a while before bandaging and they were fine. Plus, why do they combine certain things in a shot and not others? Why not have stand-alone shots instead of these combinations?

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I agree with you Monica. Why should medical establishment become involved?

The unfortunate answer is that your average schmo calls their doctor or the ER or an advice line not trusting their own judgement.

Once that is done they feel obliged to follow the advice of the person they bestow with the mantle of “Expert”.

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Ina similar vein, DDT was another hoax that took a promising malaria killer off the market.

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Also in my neck of the woods farmers were allowed to periodically burn their fields following safe burn protocols.

Never a problem and importantly no ticks.

Then it suddenly became illegal to burn fields with no reason given.

Time frame corresponds with the appearance of what would be known as Lyme disease.

Fields along the CT shoreline and along the lower CT River valley in Lyme and surrounding towns and inland from them no longer could be burned.

Not widely known is the area also had the first documented cases of the Lyme co-infections like bartonella, babesios and ehrlichiosis which for some reason they keep changing it’s name but its the same


All this emerged after field burning became illegal.

Ticks survive all weather including deep winter conditions such as the recent -30 degree temps we had this past winter.

They really think we are stupid.

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Another bioweapon

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willie borgdorfer made it.

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That's a new one on me.

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The book, Bitten, goes into the bioweapon backstory on Lyme disease.

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Yeah, controlled burns used to happen regularly. I haven't heard of any lately.

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Oh this angers me. What are we gonna do about it?

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Say what? Please explain? I thought DDT was supposed to be the malaria killer... 🤔

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It is the malaria killer... bogus science turned it into an environment destroyer.

Rachel Carson's book "Silent Spring" has faced significant criticism since its publication in 1962. Critics argue that Carson used dubious statistics and anecdotes to forecast a cancer epidemic that never materialized and that she romanticized a pre-pesticide era while ignoring the benefits of modern agriculture and pest control. Some scientists, like I.L. Baldwin, pointed out that Carson's work was more of an impassioned plea than a balanced scientific assessment, and others accused her of playing loose with facts and omitting information that did not support her thesis. Additionally, Carson's critics have claimed that her book contributed to the banning of DDT, which they argue could have prevented numerous deaths from diseases like malaria. But her bogus book was the 'the good kind of lying' (good for big government authoritarians and statists) and led to the establishment of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the banning of DDT in the U.S.

The US EPA and the Food And Drug Administration are the cause of so many problems.

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On the other hand there is the (unspoken) connection between DDT spraying (amongst other pesticides) and polio... My perception of leftist causes as an unalloyed Good Thing was abruptly tempered by some writer's comment: "The reason politicians are so keen on Socialism is it means the creation of an enormous bureaucracy that they get to run."

And so it is with the EPA and the FDA; both cesspools of corruption and unrelenting boondoggles.. 🤔

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May 22·edited May 22

A similar scam was pulled with AIDS. Have jaundice and test positive for HIV with the PCR scam test, then you have Auto Immune Deficiency _Syndrome_ (AIDS, ie a long menu of symptoms that increased in length to gin up the epidemic). Have jaundice and test negative then you have gallstones or whatever. Once diagnosed with AIDS then you were a candidate for Dr Fauci's toxic AZT. When you died in a few weeks after taking AZT, it proved how dangerous AIDS was. So Fauci obviously needed more money for a vaccine which never arrived. Nobel laureate Dr Duesberg, specialist in retroviruses like HIV, called him out on this scam but he was relegated to oblivion by all the scientists on Dr Fraudci's research grant gravy train. Even Dr Luc Montagnier (Nobel for "discovering" HIV caused AIDS) eventually backed down on it, reversing course after deciding HIV didnt cause AIDS; just a correlate, not a causative factor.

Does any of this sound like Covid? Dr Fraudci perfected the art of the medical fraud back in the 80s. He was in his prime in 2020.

Part of the literally sick joke is that in Africa the AIDS syndrome is a different menu of symptoms than it is in the USA or Europe. Because of course they are dying of malaria, malnutrition, bad water, etc. So you need a different set of symptoms to blame on AIDS, to have an "epidemic" and get the funding.

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This is a typical industry scam. They dump a toxic chemical into the environment. People get sick so they send in a bio team to find a virus to blame it on. Create a vaccine and industry gets paid two ways to kill people. Many speculate that polio was actually DDT paralysis. Polio went away when DDT was taken off the market. Causation or correlation?

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2 of the best researchers on polio are Jim west; harvoa.org

and aldhissla who has a substack; https://aldhissla.substack.com/

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Thanks very much. I pulled them up and they look good.

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Someone sent me your article and I was surprised to see how much it has in common with an older article attributed to Millicent Morden. Your material about "cures" from long ago, your material about various doctors who you discuss in the section NOBODY CAN FIND THE RABIES, and also the story about the mailman, all seem to have come from this article:


which was shared by Brendan Murphy last year here:


You wrote that:

"Rabies is identified as one of more of the following symptoms..." It's not really as simple as that. It may happen in some cases, but there are all sorts of lab tests used to investigate rabies. Obviously any test for a virus is not valid, but tests are used nevertheless, just as the "confirmed covid cases" were based on lab tests.

It would be helpful if you would acknowledge your sources and give references for your various statements i.e. about the jabs.

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Good get, Ms. Massey. Perhaps studying Pasteur exposes one to his dis-ability, apparently contagious, eh?

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Off topic, but I have noticed I haven't been able to "like" any of the posts on this stack for the past couple days. I can like the article itself, but not comments.

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Just checked a couple other stacks and I can't like comments on those either, so it's not just this one.

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