Such an eye-opening and interesting article. It makes me wonder if this was the main reason for the founder of Mormonism, Joseph Smith's, issues and why his followers were kicked out of so many places. Not because they were forming a new religion centered on Judeo- Christian values, but because they were using their new "religion" as a cover for their Masonic worship practices (which still go on in the Mormon temples). There are even photos of Brigham Young, the "prophet" that took over after Joseph Smith was killed, where he is doing the Freemason hand-sign of the triangle. I also wonder if that's why the Mormons immigrated to Utah--to live in a place where there weren't any Anti-Masonic party members. There are Freemasonry symbols all over the Salt Lake City Temple. The Mormon church now has wealth amounting to billions of dollars, mostly earned by duping tithe-paying members into paying 10% of their income, while the entire time these funds were being misused. People need to understand what these churches are doing that have become a front for Freemasonry. It needs to be rooted out and brought to light.

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Not true at all. I can verify that there are no masonic practices that go on in Morman Churches, or temples.

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LoL you better learning to read, and do so and fast, before of continuing vomiting the institutionalized lie's and endless innuendos. Sapere aude!

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We need our own Anti-Party!! This article shows the power of the people way back then. Such a similar battle as we are in today! 💯🎯

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There are over 40 independent political parties active in the country now. None of them can get a foothold against the bipartisan lie.

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The Freemasons at the base of the pyramid are largely clueless of the total evil that permeates the apex. In essence, Freemasonry is Judaism for the Goyim.

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For fun, I searched on both Google and duck-duck-go, a few months back,.. “judeo-masonic”

The results were a very resounding ‘do not go there’ ‘just a canard’ ‘anti-shephartic’


For selling their souls, Mayer Amschel Bauer, Jakob Frank, and Adam Weishaupt (a truly unholy trinity) most decidedly gained the world.

Kinda ‘lock-step’ like; amazing!

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I most certainly did not know, so maybe we can ‘revisit’ our ancestral knowledge, preferably as soon as possible.

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Something else that was going on in the 1800s that few of us were aware of.


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At some point you posted a picture of your favorite books. Several I would like to read. Can you please send it to me or repost?

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Shout out from a gal from Macomb County. Funny they never chose a better name than Anti-Masonic.....or maybe later, they did....will stay tuned..... https://youtu.be/zmm8FRuzBCA?si=3fVi7Hx4P888vCLZ

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Consider using Title ANTI FMS perhaps tap into some of the dark money on the sly🤫, while removing free masonry from society?

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