You have to wonder how long mankind will survive with these clowns running the show. But I guess that's the point as they do not want us to survive.

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Speaking of poisonous body products, I started using grass fed beef tallow balm instead of lotion. It’s amazing. My husband (I’m a girl) had cactus hands (ouch!) even though he used hand lotion all the time. Now his hands are like velvet even if he doesn’t use the tallow every day. I use “Prarie Fire beef tallow with Frankincense” (If it’s good enough for Jesus . . . ) I’m sure there are many good brands.

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I’ve often thought this place is perhaps the largest asylum in the entire universe. Why else would God place an impenetrable firmament over it but to keep the crash test monkeys in.

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Whoa! Using a truth in Scripture to promote a lie?

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These menaces are totally and psychologically insane!!

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Yes, to a point. They’re more so totally and completely WICKED though b/c they know exactly what they’re doing

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I thought golden showers were part of a specific subculture and done indoors. Guess it's being expanded to be "inclusive".

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Hanson-Haber? I searched for it, found lots about geoengineering, and also the patent itself, for somebody named Hanson. I was really searching for "Haber", because I wondered if it had anything to do with the "Haber process", or even Fritz Haber himself. Well, yes it does. Obviously, I hadn't read far enough into your article yet when I did that. But I did wait until I was done to post this, and I didn't re-quote from the patent about the process. (A.K.A. Haber-Bosch.)

Congratulations on finally learning to spell "Wigington". I went through the same thing.

"Haber" brings to my mind WWI chemical warfare, the Haber Process, and the "Green Revolution". Here's a quote about Haber from Science History Institute:

"Although he received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the synthesis of ammonia, Haber was controversial for his role in developing Germany’s poison-gas program during World War I." (https://www.sciencehistory.org/education/scientific-biographies/fritz-haber/)

Nice guy. Here's another quote about him:

"For a crash course in irony, look no further than the life of Fritz Haber, the Jewish chemist whose scientific research led to the invention of Zyklon B, the cyanide-based pesticide used in death camps during the Holocaust—including against his own family." (https://www.jta.org/jewniverse/2017/this-german-jewish-scientist-led-the-way-to-zyklon-b)

Of course there is no possible connection between what's being sprayed on us now (or in the future) and poison gasses, so not to worry.

I didn't bother searching for a quote for "Green Revolution". Think synthetic chemical fertilizers bolstering the industrial farming behemoth, saving us from starvation and poisoning the world through substitution of not-exactly-food for what we used to call food, turning us into not-exactly healthy. Or something like that.

(By the way, I almost always avoid Wikipedia. It's OK if you use it, though. I struggle along with Britannica Online -- paid subscription! -- feeling extremely safe because everything is fact-checked by their editors, rather than directly by the CIA. And thanks to my father I had the print version at home in my upper grades, decades before the Internet went public. Fond memories of evenings before papers due the next day.)

I can certainly understand why Hanson would want to have Haber's name associated with his own right there in the patent. Who does he work for, I wonder.

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Operation Paperclip 📎. The majority of nazi scientists were brought to the US after WW2. They were seeded into the university system and the alphabet agencies. If you want to know how this country became so evil we need look no further than this disgusting bit of hidden history.

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Or Project Paperclip. It certainly appears to have been a milestone in our "progress" toward where we find ourselves today, operating from "the ends justify the means".

I do think we already had a more than a few problems before that. The tendency is to highlight the obvious bad guys, but our underlying problems run much deeper than that.

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Since they want us all dead, wouldn’t it be more direct to just get us into thermonuclear war? Oh wait…

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I always try to look behind what They are telling us is bad for us or good for us.. common sense is always needed and it seems to have disappeared of late in humanity, but back to the sun.. I am shocked at all They are allowed to do to stop the sun from shining its glorious rays down upon earth..they have a couple sun simulators up there now, China, Japan, Russia , USA etc are all working together on this sun simulators. Seems it's capable of Lazar and nuclear technology, seriously hardly anyone looks up anymore, a few brave souls have captured many videos of the sun behaving in odd ways, I have stopped my car and pulled over after I noticed the sun blinking, thought that was very odd, but to the point, I have watched the skies since I notice the sun went from yellow to white some years ago.

Then there was the CDC and FDA warning of the dangers of the sun, cancer, cancer, cancer, bunch of baloney, it turns out its the sun tan lotions with cancer causing ingredients..UV light my rear end.. through the lifetimes of earth since when was this ever a concern, when in a simulator that very well is the problem.

Then I noticed Everything you buy now , is UV protected, from lipstick to light bulbs and even plastics to cover a green house, what the heck is that ? Obviously there is something very wrong here..the sun, the real sun is life for all living things on earth.. I watched a video where Sun flower farmers are filming their sun flowers all turning away from this sun..

About the urine, this is such a big topic as well, there are huge groups and many doctors who drink urine everyday, history shows that this was done in many cultures. Seems there are health benefits that come from this practice, I can't remember, but it's on YouTube where this town in another country gathers urine from schools and do a procedure on this urine and use it to fertilize their fields of crops rather than use chemicals that harm the environment and their foods.. punch in Urine on YouTube and it all comes up..

Without a doubt anything good for mankind is made into something else to harm mankind..that much is clear.

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True. Urine contains valuable enzymes. I plan to use that knowledge only when I'm stranded in a wilderness with no water. Decades ago I bravely decided to see if I COULD drink it. It totally wasn't hard to do. Also, urine is sterile. And many years after I learned THAT, I got to wondering if/why fecal matter isn't. Turns out it is sterile and here's the shocker, even Google doesn't suppress that fact, even though they're part and parcel of the propagandists who want us to have shame and revulsion about our bodies and their normal everyday functions.

That said, spraying ANYTHING in the skies is evil, period.

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It's all so glum to hear about. The rare times the sun has been clear in the sky, I stare directly at it for 30 seconds in the morning or evening. Do the same with eclipses. Don't use glasses anymore since I started. They're hiding the sun just like they're hiding the shape of the earth. All to deceive, to control. But I know where to find truth :)

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Hanson. is Matthew Vernon Hanson, to be specific (from the patent). It seems he has additional patents involving "covid" "vaccines". (https://patents.justia.com/inventor/matthew-vernon-hanson)

Another nice guy. Someone with the same name has also published several books over the past few years, all out of print now. Curious. Not to be confused with Matthew Vernon, or Matthew Vernon Hansen. (And I hope I didn't.)

There was a company, Matthew V. Hanson, Inc., but it's gone now. (https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_ma/001247840).

He has a trademark, "Flood Biotech". (https://trademarks.justia.com/owners/matthew-vernon-hanson-4643198/)

Flood Biotech is a company, a Delaware corporation, yet, and it appears to have or have had a website, https://flood.bio. The site appears to be down at this time, at least for me (I tried with and without VPN). From search engine results it looks like they are (were?) into viruses, bacteria, and other fun stuff. The company doesn't appear to have gone away (https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_de/5229320)

What does it all mean? I don't know. I have a feeling about it, but I'd rather not say.

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May 25·edited May 26

I have smelled urine in the air all ready, last week first time!

Thought I was losing my mind! But I know my environmental smells and it made no sense.

Not near a wall but in the middle of the yard! I have firewood smells, mulch smells, smell of fresh cut grass, horse smells the smell of a damp woods is not a heavy urine smell!

They try new crap by me have since the 1950’s!

Crazy, smelled for two days straight last week! I have dogs etc I know the smell of piss.

This was in the air! Crazy stuff! Since I smelled it!

Universal golden shower fits right in! These sick bastards!

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Wait till they start spraying diluted shit on us, you definitely won’t be confused.

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The Ultimate golden shower.

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Ok, that's yuk!

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Psuchopaths R Us. Ewwww

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I'm getting so depressed living in this world. The beauty and order have disappeared. Where can we sign up to leave for that Garden of Eden world?

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We could build a car engine that would re-burn urea and ammonia but the Peehicle is being suppressed. Free the Peehicle.

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These chemtrail maggots are dangerous, and should be first people to get the rope after the Pfizer executions.

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Scumbags to say the least

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