A side-line question/observation... This vitamin A scam... 'TRANS RETINOL' chemical.

Being a poison which is added to our food supply & to vitamin pill supplements, would it not also follow that its addition to facial moisturisers & supposed 'specialist skincare products' would be fucking us all over as well?

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REDUCING THE HOST population then flooding with third worlders... its genocide

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I was never married and didn't want kids coming from a large family. But it nothing to do with society. It was a way to get out of the home and venture into life to find my way. I would have gotten married, but the person who I thought mattered to me was not very responsible and I knew in my heart eventually that there was not going to be a good future with him. It is not how we grew up. Along came another man who was responsible, but abusive. I could not force myself to love him for "security" or to make my family happy that I finally settled down. The dating world is not easy and has gotten worse over time.

The idea of divorce and seeing others get divorced saddens me. My parents stayed together until the end. Yes, Dad worked and brought home the bacon. Mom stayed at home to cook and raise the kids. After we were all grown and mostly gone, I believe she was happy when she finally found a couple of jobs to get out into society. By then, my Dad was becoming ill, had to retire early, so this was extra income until he became too sick for her to leave him home alone.

I see many couples work and raise a family. People need to realize the family unit is important. Don't have children if you really don't want them. And if you decide to have them, then teach them the important values in life, plus manners, a respect for self and for others.

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Another part of this psyop, elite gender inversion, including many famous celebs that may shock you:


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Excellent article. The real "White Supremacy" I've come to believe involves the white coats and starched white shirts (with their suits and ties)--the so-called authority figures who overplayed their hand over the last four years for all but the most obtuse.

The most dangerous to each and every one of us are our fellow citizens who are employed by government agencies and their affiliates! For longevity, one must adopt the go-along-to-get-along mentality. Whether they're ignorant pawns or socio/psychopathic minions as yet unwilling to see that their usefulness has an expiration date, the EVIL-DOERS couldn't put forth their agenda WITHOUT the assistance of many of the members of We The People!

If folks would look just below the surface, they would see that the EVIL-DOERS always tell us what they're up to.* But just as in the days of Rome, the bread and circuses are a mighty distraction for the masses. The majority of whom are all too quick to "shoot the messenger" who dares to attempt to break through the barriers of their psychological defense mechanisms that keep REALITY "safely" at bay. Until it's too late.

*For example, the CDC does NOT leave the "P" off their acronym because it's too "unwieldy:" Look at the NAACP. The "P" is left off because the agency's agenda has never been about prevention. And why wouldn't we have a food safety agency, understandably, APART from a drug safety agency? Because the EVIL-DOERS decide what food and drugs they're going to ADMINISTER to the masses--all with the help of our fellow citizens paying homage at the altar of the Almighty Dollar.

Finally, much of this can, perhaps, best be understood through the lens of Satan's handiwork. It's all to mock the greatness of God Almighty. The "glass ceiling" may also be a nod to the firmament . . . and NASA--you know, Not A Space Agency . . .

Cheers. 🕊️

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Mar 14·edited Mar 14

You mentioned the development of biological weapons in this document.

Yes, they have/had 'biological weapons' develoment, I don't doubt that.

But they have had 'biological weaponis' development In the same way they have gian of function development going on for 'viruses'.

The point being that even though bacteria and other 'biological agents' are real (unlike viruses), a goverment program to develop 'bioweapons', doesn't mean it's something that actually exists

*Bacteria themselves* or any other *biological agent themselves* don't make you sick. It's been demonstrated over and over and over again for the last 120+ years

On the other hand, if you lace a bacteria culture or a mix of biological agents with a bunch of chemicals like pesticides, arsenic, mycotoxins, heavy metals, etc., you will definitely get people sick

The psyop is in calling these things biological weapons because it keeps the narrative of 'contagion' alive. It makes us afraid of each other because there might be a 'biological agent' that can jump from one human to the other

Reality is contagion doesn't exist of any 'biological entity', regardless of there being 'development' for it or not, and 'biological entities' like bacteria are harmless. They are most likely assisting the body in most cases

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Found you some non-fortified flour... https://www.amazon.com/King-Arthur-Flour-All-Purpose-Unbleached/dp/B004AHDWSQ No "vitamins" in sight! :o)

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Another great post- thanks.

Remarkably, all of this was openly admitted by the globalists in the Richard Day lecture to pediatricians in 1969:


Day also said the Rockefeller foundation already had a cure for cancer but was withholding it from the public.

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Gates & David Rockie vids and other depop info, it's always been right in our faces:


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Just minutes before my c-section (twins) my doctor asked me if I wanted him to perform a tubal ligation during the c-section. He had never brought that up to me before. I said no. Then every doctor who visited me while I was in the hospital, and when I went to follow up appointments they all asked me which birth control I was going to go on after pregnancy. It was so bizarre. I always told them none, an answer which they all clearly did not like. It was weird.

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WELCOMETHEEAGLE88 has a stack today on the WHO DASHBOARD...where i found the "vitamin A vaccine" listed

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This is so sad where our world is at. It’s good to be aware! I wish I knew before I had my daughter.😞

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The so called feminist movement was one of the earliest assaults on the family unit. One huge psyop to trick women into thinking families only hold you back, let strangers & institutions raise your children. If you have them, 2 incomes needed to keep up with the joneses. Ok to use abortion as birth control & then celebrate it. Obviously not all people are meant to be parents & it ain’t easy, but don’t buy whatever media & institutions are selling - that giving your life & soul to corporations is the road to happiness & fulfillment.

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They seek to divide us by trivializing the sacred union between man and woman, by hatred of one another and by weaponizing the unique and complementary differences that exist between the two sexes.

"Suddenly, along the quiet road, through the shadows, and through the mist on my own eyelashes, I saw somebody coming. A man, it was. And if there be any meaning in that word as I hanna thought on, let them that read put it in. Let them put the strength and the power, the kindness and the patience, the sternness and the stately righteousness of all good men into that word, and let him wear it. For it was himself, Kester Woodseaves, the maister."

Mary Webb - Precious Bane (1924)

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Look at what Klaus Schwab has said as head of the WEF, think 15 minute cities and the mainstream narrative of another epidemic, as well as governments actively seeking to legitimise their narrative over the truth, the definition of a pandemic altered just before COVID….it just goes on

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It's goes without saying that none of these anti-human cretins was ever ordained with the power to determine who lives and who dies. Only psychotic turds falsely believe they know what's best for humanity. Zero rockyfellas would be my goal.

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