In the past few years, Summer is now synonymous with getting eaten alive by mosquitos for me.... I question if they are 'militarized mosquitos. They literally attack me at my desk and while sleeping. It's quite traumatic. It's a lot of bites.
In the past few years, Summer is now synonymous with getting eaten alive by mosquitos for me.... I question if they are 'militarized mosquitos. They literally attack me at my desk and while sleeping. It's quite traumatic. It's a lot of bites.
Nevada was known for not having mosquitos. For the past 2 years it has been HORRIBLE. Everyone is getting bit and the bites are terribly itchy and last for over a week. Our skies are sprayed here almost daily, wouldn't be surprised if they added mosquitos to the mix.
We are told to make sure we don't have stagnant water anywhere. Nevada is the driest state in the nation.
In the past few years, Summer is now synonymous with getting eaten alive by mosquitos for me.... I question if they are 'militarized mosquitos. They literally attack me at my desk and while sleeping. It's quite traumatic. It's a lot of bites.
Nevada was known for not having mosquitos. For the past 2 years it has been HORRIBLE. Everyone is getting bit and the bites are terribly itchy and last for over a week. Our skies are sprayed here almost daily, wouldn't be surprised if they added mosquitos to the mix.
We are told to make sure we don't have stagnant water anywhere. Nevada is the driest state in the nation.