Excellent post, and your final paragraph is key. Americans have been the guinea pigs in a massive experiment involving fast and processed food and water contaminated with flouride, and the result has been an explosion in obesity, chronic health problems, and mouths full of cavities. Now they want to replace processed food with lab-grown and genetically modified food, and they have their eyes on the air and water as vaccine delivery mechanisms. Another massive experiment, driven by money, psychopathology (a complete absence of empathy and ethics), and truly "feeble minds" who don't get that they will end up victims too. How to end this reckless and "idiot" experiment is the question.

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Flouride was on trial in February, I was following it a bit and when it was over, that was it, never a ruling as far as I can tell. They were supposed to rule by the end of March. Main lawyer was Michael Connett. I saw a couple interviews with him and then nothing. Not sure what happened.

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The sick bastards have been with us for decades. We are the new science club.

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And we don't even get a Mickey Mouse watch. #ScienceClub2023

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I very much enjoyed the comedy. I should also mention that I was reading so hard I didn't notice that I threw out most of the food in the house and locked the front door. I'll explain it to my wife later.

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Great report! And I like how you add relevant thoughts/facts and "mark them out" like: and anyone who questioned elections.

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The FDA knowingly poisons the Sheeple of America with their processed foods and beverages while they allow big pharma to manufacture poisonous drugs, medicines, supplements and vaccines to keep humans alive longer so that everyone but the Sheeple can earn as much money as possible with total impunity. God bless America! 😤

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The truth makes me cry. To learn at age 67 my whole life is a lie, breaks my heart. To learn I poisoned my children with modern inventions, the organized criminal healthcare syndicate, and GMO food additives to make life easier, breaks my heart. To have my daughters believe their friends and fake science over my recent discoveries breaks my heart. The 45 communist goals, resource link on purpleforparentsindiana.org list breaking up families as one of the goals, and the UN Agenda 21/2030!

This evil is described in detail, in the Holy Bible, that too many strayed from. Too many strived for instant gratification, comfort, keep up with the Jone's fun. Not enough nutured our family, read the Holy Bible, or lived simple lives. Striving for peace, morality, ethical lives, and participating community civic duties were not priorites.

A ful football stadium of adults, combined with a baseball stadium, combined with soccer, combined with basketball, combine with one large airport of vacationers, all the men hooked on online porn, video games and beer, could clean out our corrupt government in 100 days. Millions gathered together at every state capitol could clean out the corrupted governors and legislators. How would we organize this?


We all were gaslighted by the cabal's puppets, their intel psyops, medical and science experiments, and perversed, immoral distractions.

Any info on the Pandora Papers and Mike Gill? He claims he can expose the D.C. money laundering cartel's organized crime syndicates that fund this evil. He wants to be protected as a whistleblower by US congress.

The billions of taxpayer and Federal Reserve ponzi scheme money is launder for special interest cartel projects. This corruption is embedded, hidden in thousands of pages of unread legislation - the deceit behind the yearly Omnibus spending bills, behind all lobbyist, CIA, New World Order authored legislation is destroying our national security and culture.


Placer County, Calif.

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Dang it, I was craving cream o’ wheat this morning...

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The experiments are the price we pay for being allowed to enjoy the material comforts while deluded. Decreased delusions equal the present.

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Nice article! Unfortunately evil research on innocent people has gone on for a very long time by wealthy elite types associated with universities like MIT. Vannevar Bush who was the administrator of the Manhattan Project was connected to MIT and gave government contracts to his friend as often as he could. There's a book called Plutonium Files, written by Eileen Welsome. It's a little bit dry but it mad me mad reading it, like someone needs to be hanged for this kind of evil experiments.

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Okay , now I’m suing for the watch I’m entitled to! Class action lawsuit anyone?

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Excellent research. Thank you so much!

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