I feel so stupid... I used 'horse paste' for "parasites" per information in a parasite group I was in...

Fast forward a few years to recent times. During COVID I had stopped my HIV meds because of other information I came across about HIV and Viruses not existing... Between these two things, I ended up with NO T-CELLS, and ended up in the hospital for Cryptococcal Meningitis. So did my Cryptococcal Meningitis come from the Ivermectin? I feel now, I'm lucky to be alive... not 100% yet. I really am having trouble knowing what the truth is for health. If HIV is "not a virus" or the cause of me loosing the T-Cells, then WHAT is? My best thinking got me in the hospital with Cryptococcal Meningitis. So I back peddled and just let the allopathic doctors do their thing. Just a few pills. By the time I figure out the truth about me and health, my life will be over! I appreciate your information Mr. Agent.

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I'm glad you're alive, my friend! I have also been trying to figure out what exactly HIV is. If you read my article about Fauci, there's some really interesting stuff. The military got funding from congress to create a bioweapon for which there is no cure. Keep in mind, "bioweapon" doesn't mean "virus", it means a poison that was made using a living organism (just like Vitamins and Ivermectin's Avermectin, "microbial fermentation"). They can call the sh*t they create "viruses" or anything they want. The name doesn't matter.

During this same timeframe, as the military developing AIDS, they were heavily researching "genetic weapons", which inflict harm based on biological differences that make us each unique. I am really interested in doing a deep dive into genetic weapons in the near future so I can learn how it's done. Anyway, they figured out how they can make a lab-made poison only inflict major harm on a specific type of people. In their documents they frequently use the word "race", meaning the race of people is what they were designing these poisons for. So when we look at these "viruses" that predominantly harm men, or African Americans, or whatever, I suspect those are what they call "genetic weapons".

Looking back at this Ivermectin article, in the section about the ingredients, we see that a side effect of consuming Ivermectin is a Central Nervous System attack. When we look up what exactly a CNS attack is, we see it can cause "genetic predisposition", essentially, permanently altering someone in a way that they can pass down those traits to their children. This circles back to the harm done by "genetic weapons".

I *suspect* HIV is a "genetic weapon" (not a "virus"), so the question becomes, "is there a way to remove a genetic weapon from the body?". Is there any medicine that can remove it? Repair it? Unfortunately, my understanding of the inner-workings of genetic weapons is limited. With that being said, Tim Truth recently published some exceptionally interesting content regarding P-Glycoprotein ("PG") Inhibitors. Basically, what he is saying is these "medicines" (like Ivermectin) cut off our bodies ability to flush out "the bad stuff". A PG inhibitor is the key to poisoning us, for without the PG inhibitor our bodies would flush out the contamination. With that being said, I would *suspect* that a key to all of the genetic weapons is a PG Inhibitor. I would suggest listening to Tims shows then taking a close look at the medicines and products you are being sold to see if something you are taking each day is designed to stop your body from flushing out toxins. I would suggest starting with Tims show called "The Key to Genocide" : https://rumble.com/v4t3e63-the-key-to-the-genocide-p-glycoprotein-is-a-critical-detox-pathway-that-is-.html

Tim is a great guy who is very good at reading complex medical documents. I am pretty sure if you are able to discover what is in the medications you are taking he would be happy to take a look and see if he recognizes any PG inhibitors on the list.

I will continue to seek truth for you!

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Just a thank you for your writing and research. I too was someone who spent hundreds of dollars stockpiling ivermectin. I also bought chloride dioxide, among other things. Have you done an article on chloride dioxide yet?

I didn't get into vitamins til late in life (I'm 64) and after your vitamin article, I don't want to take any of the stuff. Question: what is your approach for health and vitality? For me, I'm trying to move more and consume less (even Substack:))

Thanks for your vote of confidence regarding Tim's stuff. I'll look at that next. I'm in Detroit next week and I will wonder about you and what you will be working on when I'm close by.

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I'm fairly confident chlorine dioxide cured my Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection. My severe gastritis and acid reflux disappeared after 4 days of treatment. Note: I was kicked off of Reddit GERD for suggesting such.

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Karen is speaking of Chlorine Dioxide and it has been in use for 100 years to purify a significant percentage of America's water supply. Jim Humble has written some books on how to use it for health (kills cancer and many conditions/ailments). Dr Lee Merrit recently posted a get started video for Chlorine Dioxide and if you do some research, you will find people all over the world are using it instead of allopathic poison.

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Dr Lee Merrit? The one who predicted doom and gloom and other pesudo scientific ideas which have turned out to be rather vague

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Maybe this is your answer?


I just ordered the book so have not gone too deep yet. Looks promising.

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It has been a heartbreaking experience for me, and others I suspect, to realize that COVID was a mass trauma inducing psyop, and the ultra nefarious endgame of all the cabal narratives and attacks.

Now, thanks to reading some of your material, I have to contend with the psychological impact of some other cherished beliefs, regarding supplements and IVM, come crashing down.

Fortunately for me I’m just after the truth, and I respect anyone sincerely trying to get there. I’m aware that no one knows everything. Once I got past the covid con, seeing 9/11 as a psyop was easy once a key thing happened: Dubya called the J6ers domestic terrorists. Then my eyes were opened to the overwhelming evidence, which I rejected before, that things were not at all as claimed. And, 9-11 fits in perfectly with the agenda.

I saw and liked some of TimTruth’s analysis of the COVID jab contents, and of the E Palestine train debacle. I was not receptive to his IVM coverage initially. Some people claim temporary relief from jab injuries (Fred Pye comes to mind) from IVM, and successful treatment of respiratory troubles (“Covid”). However you bring the receipts from the manufacturers safety sheet. I still wonder if small doses of these poisons could have therapeutic benefits, but I prefer taking nothing from Pharma companies.

I don’t believe Dr. Merritt or Dr. Yoho, both of whom have sounded the alarm about all sorts of problems with institutional medicine and the Covid tyranny, are ill intentioned. It is tough to re-examine one’s cherished beliefs constantly, basically being in a situation where you know little conclusively.

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Interesting to say the least. I’ve also read Tim’s missives. I have an open mind, but I’m unconvinced. The ‘truth’ is likely somewhere inbetween Tim’s ‘it’s gonna kill you’ and the MF ‘it’s gonna save your life’. I see the world in shades of gray. Always. The IVM thing is very, very gray.

And while I think Dr Stella (and many others) has strayed way too far far from her original mission, she likely saved my wife’s life. My wife did a phone consult with Dr Stella in December 2021. Her oxygen level had fallen below 90 and our Nebulizer and the antibiotic had not worked. She did not want to go to the hospital and was starting to panic.

The next morning UPS delivered an oxygen machine, two new antibiotics, new supplies for the Nebulizer, a weeks worth of HCQ, and written instructions for all of it. And one of Dr Stella’s NPs called everyday for a week to check on status. My wife was back in the low 90s once she got on oxygen and was able to discontinue its use after 3 days.

If she had gone to the hospital they would have put her on Remdesivir, maybe not provided an antibiotic. Don’t know. But what I do know is Dr Stella got us what we needed and we will be forever grateful.

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It is clear that HCQ is toxic in high doses; that is how they sabotaged the HCQ trials, in part. I took 200 mg of HCQ per week for 3 years, on the recommendation of AFLD which included Dr. Stella. They explained that it was a zinc isomer that would then inhibit attack by COVID of the ACE2 receptors.

I don’t know the science of it, but it worked for me. A relative has ankylosing spondylitis and took HCQ for 12 years before not being able to tolerate it anymore. Dr. Huber, Fareed and Tyson, and others had a lot of therapeutic success with HCQ and other early treatments.

I’m curious, Agent, about vitamin D as chlorocaliciferal, which is indeed rat poison as you say, how was it determined that this substance was indeed a vital nutrient, presumably something our body creates with sunlight? Or is there no credible evidence that there is any real science behind it?


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We live on our sailboat and have done so since 2011. We had HCQ on board in our medical kit, as there were places to which we travelled where Malaria was prevalent. My wife did not tolerate it well but I had no issues. So I began taking a Quercetin, NAC, Zinc combo pill early in 2020. We get a lot of sun and my Vit D levels were 75-100 ng/ml so I didn’t take any Vit D. I added HCQ in late 2020 and took the same dose as you.

My wife didn’t take anything as a prophylactic.

She ended up getting very sick in Nov 2021. I took care of her on the boat for two weeks but her O2 continued to fall. We were in a marina in a small southern town with no hospital and no car. So we contacted Dr Stella and within 24 hours we had an oxygen generator, two formulations for the Nebulizer we already had on board, more HCQ, two antibiotics and two Prednisone dose packs. And although we had not discussed it, she also sent IVM as a backup. Delivered to the marina via UPS next day. It took 3 days to get my wife’s oxygen level back above 95 (it was 88-90 on the day we spoke with Dr Stella). And it took her months to recover. I’m sure she had pneumonia and ‘Covid’ or whatever the hell it was.

Moral of the story. I have nothing but praise for Dr Stella. It is kind of sad that she has jumped on the fear porn train. But we believe she kept my wife out of the hospital and maybe saved her life.

Second, nobody will ever convince me that the prophylaxis I was doing, including the HCQ, didn’t work. I never got sick, not even a hint of feeling bad. Living on a 35ft sailboat you are literally breathing the other persons exhale with every breath. Inside living space is 125sq ft.

I’m not taking HCQ anymore, but we do have a supply on board. I wouldn’t hesitate to take it again. My arthritis was definitely better when I was on it. And I’m still taking the combo pill I mentioned earlier along with Tumeric. It’s made in the US, in Illinois, by a family owned company who says they source 100% of their raw materials from the US or Canada. And they operate a very large testing lab where both raw materials and finished products are tested.

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Wow! Thanks for the post!

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You are most welcome. Thanks for your kind comment. Probably like you we are just waiting for whatever it is that’s coming over the hill. We can see the storm clouds gathering on the horizon, but they are still to far in the distance to assess the magnitude of the storm. But we know it’s coming.

In that regard, we operate with just a few simple rules.

Boat Rules

1. Be the northernmost boat in the anchorage (unless you are in the southern hemisphere).

2. It’s never wrong to wait for a better weather window.

3. Safety always comes first.

Money/Investment Rules.

1. He who panics first, panics best.

2. After me, the deluge.

And the two General Rules that literally and figuratively govern everything we do…or in many cases, don’t do.

1. One needs to at least be open to the possibility that everything we’ve been taught, is a lie. (h/t F.O.G.)

2. If you’re not a contrarian, you’re destined to become a victim.

The name of our sailboat is Blessings. So I am sending some of those your way on this sunny, but very windy, Saturday afternoon.

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Thank for your blessings : ) Back at ya! I certainly do assume all are lies. Especially after flat earth arrived on my radar. I'm a truth seeker from way back - https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/master_file/masterfile.htm#INDEX

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Thanks for the link. More free time reading. Add it to my list. M so far behind in things I want to read. And I read very fast.

Some of those titles are subjects very familiar to me. Some I recognize but couldn’t discuss. And some are new.

Going to start with those

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but how do you not know if your wife would have gotten better at that time anyway? Maybe she was starting to get better naturally?

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Your blog inspired me to look up the definitions, chemical structures, and side effects of the ingredients I had been merrily ingesting in my over-the-counter supplements. And mind you, these were definitions etc. from the most mainstream of mainstream sources - NIH, Wikipedia, WebMD. What an eye opener: Not one component in my prostate health supplement is safe for long-term consumption. The EU may have declared chemicals like titanium dioxide unfit for humans (given that they inflict damage on DNA and accumulate in the body - among other things), but that hasn't stopped German and French pharma players shipping these substances all over Eastern Europe in pills like laxatives. Every high street pharmacy stocks truckloads of these.

That said, this IS a fraught and confusing topic. Last year I developed every symptom in the book of prostate cancer, from blood in the sperm to persistent lower back pain. A naturalist / anti-gene-therapy local doctor gave me MMS to mix with (yes...) DMSO and drink with filtered water every hour. Now, I'm not a naivist who thinks that the industrial complex wishes me well - but all the symptom did clear within a week. Go figure. Also, when I run a search on MMS, it's the usual Stay Home / Save Grandma / Get Your Sixth Booster crowd who issue the shrillest warnings.

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When I was a new RN in SF ( 1970) I had an unforgettable parasite experience. I was working a shift and was floated to the Pediatric floor. I was tasked with caring for 3 young boys from Vietnam/Cambodia. Next to each of the beds ( all 3 in the same room) were white 5 gallon buckets . When I took a gander at what was in said buckets I saw worms , white and many feet long. They were coming out of these children. I will never forget that day as long as I lived. That experience inspired me to specialize and I never worked a pediatric floor again.

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That sounds like the stuff nightmares are made from!

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Thanks again for more information on timely topics.

Here is the old fashion recipe for chloroquine. I make this every time my husband and I get a cold or flu (which is just our bodies detoxing)

Homemade Chloroquine:

5 organic Lemons

5 organic Limes

5 organic Grapefruit

2 heaping spoonfuls of cinchona bark (what they make quinine from)

Peel only. No flesh, no pips.

Cover the peels and bark with water, bring to a boil, COVER (important to keep the steam in) and simmer for 2 hours.

What is left is a very bitter browny yellow solution.

Can be mixed into honey or lemon juice.

20 mls 4x a day until feeling better

Grapefruit is not recommended for pregnant women or anyone on certain heart medications.

This solution will keep for 9 months in the fridge.

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This well-researched article prompts a question:

Since ivermectin is toxic and known to cause reproductive harm, why did TPTB even bother with "Covid"? They could have just dosed all us useless eaters with the stuff and gotten the same result, faster and a hell of a lot cheaper.

And an observation:

Having read all your articles to date about pharmaceuticals, vitamins, and supplements, I'm frankly amazed that so many of us are still alive. If your conclusions are correct, Pharma and AgChem have given the entire planet the Dresden treatment ... yet many of us remain alive and well. How can that be? Or is it just too early to see the final results?

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yes... maybe be wary about anything you are reading

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Firstly, the absolute evil human beings maintain when it comes to experimentation on animals. It's quite sickening actually. Is this really progress?

On another note, Dr. Yoho checked in on Medicine Girls stack to claim that the "agent" is part of and funded by the "cabal." I presume he was referencing you. WTF is the cabal anyway? Everyone seems to have an opinion on who comprises this group. From bankers to technocrats to politicians. Either way, since you're apparently part of this so-called group of nefarious actors, perhaps you publish a stack providing the details.

It appears that providing content that can open or shift one's perspective, and just may improve overall health qualifies as an op! Cuz injecting monkeys with fly larvae and God knows what else is completely legit!

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I've never heard of Dr. Yoho, but send me the link. I appreciate you telling me. The craziest part of these attacks is, all we are doing to showing people the product label and how stuff is made. We are allowed to do this with processed foods, so why is it taboo to do with medicines and supplements?

I think everyone should do (and take) what is right for them, but my stance is simple: avoid poisons as much as possible and eat clean. Support your local farms and small business food producers. Take the time to research the real safety data for chemical names on food labels.

Question why exactly we all feel the need to take something. Learn about the "weeds" that are growing in your yard because you will discover that most are actually miracle medicines that were used as medicine for all of history, until Rockefeller took over the industry and pushed people into chemicals. That doesn't sound unreasonable or "deep state ploy to harm people" to me. The problem is, there is no money in telling people to eat produce from local farmers and learn about "weeds" instead of buying a lab-made product, so the messenger must be attacked, discredited and destroyed.

I know Medicine Girl. She works a normal 9-5 job like the rest of us. She's a really kind person who, like myself, was a big advocate of supplements until her son was severely harmed by high dose Vitamin D. She is also mercilessly attacked for speaking out. If we were part of some diabolical well-funded mafia we would be promoted, not shadow banned. We would be invited on large shows to do interviews. If we were part of any "cabal" Agenda, our message would be front-and-center, not hidden in a corner, mocked, ridiculed and ultimately scrubbed.

Lastly, I have gotten three total interview offers, ever. That's it, three. One was a AM radio show, I can't remember which channel. The other was Jerm Warfare and "The Delingpod: A James Delingpole Podcast". Those are the only people willing to go against the grain and risk being attacked for asking questions. If I'm so wrong for showing people ingredients labels and history, why don't I get invited onto famous doctor shows so they can show the world how wrong I am? My opinion: because no matter how many positive NIH studies you show, you can't get around the fact that the manufacturers safety data sheet says it is a hazardous poison.

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I've actually spoken to Yoho about his book Judas Dentistry. He's staunchly against root canals and that was the gist of our conversation. I didn't see his reference to you. Overall, I'd categorize him as someone who is seeking the truth about the healthcare system. He's willing to talk to readers and I appreciate that interaction.

I am thankful that you are energetic enough to do all the research you do agent.

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Well, I certainly enjoy what you're doing. I responded to Dr. Yoho asking how exactly he knew the particulars of funding. I did not get a response and wasn't too surprised. Keep it up!

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Your stack is one of the BEST!

YES, I say, please do! Re:

"...meaning, everyone with cancer has parasites and if you did not have parasites you would be cancer-free. - I cannot find any evidence of this. I will write a deep dive into this topic...."

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Absolutely amazing deep dive. I just became a paid subscriber so I can say thank you!! I was tempted same as you but I never bought any. Thank God for the Diamond Princess and John Ioannidis.

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Thanks for your persistence and meticulous research. After a long day, I read your posts for the humor and entertainment value. We all need a chuckle at the end of the day. I am reminded that nobody can argue with a Safety Data Sheet! Thanks for the reminder that we can all search the Internet, engage in critical thinking, and save ourselves from the medical community before they kill us. You have an audience that appreciates you, Agent131711.

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While people were trusting the government and media to take the jab, the anti-jabbers were looking for alternatives, and hey presto Ivermectin turns up. We patted ourselves on the back for not falling for the Covid propaganda only to fall into another trap. Ivermectin was one of the many array of medicine cures I considered taking, sucked into the whole 'parasites are the real cause' lie. DMSO is another toxic chemical thats been pushed as a cure all. Thank you for your insights and research. I like your style! 😊

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Thank you for your extensive research which is very illuminating and I hope to hear your discussion with James Delingpole soon!

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Here Reese spins no-virus & parasite smoothie🍹-the aim is for you to take drugs like IVM.


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Agent, have you heard the claims that Ivermectin is curing cancer? Let us know what you think about this! Thanks bunches 🙏🏼


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