That’s a great question. I have financially supported Israel for many years. I was taught growing up that the Jews were God’s chosen people, And I never doubted that until several years ago. I started seeing things that didn’t make sense to me. I was witnessing Israelis spewing, pure hatred towards the Palestinian people. I was watching a video on YouTube one day and I saw an Israeli teenager throwing stones at a Palestinian boy and spewing some of the most racist hateful rhetoric I have ever heard come out of someone’s mouth.
It was rather apparent to me that these Israelis are being bred and taught from birth to hate the Palestinians. Then I started seeing footage where rabbis were teaching racism openly towards all Goyim. I just assumed initially it was just a handful of them, but after a while, I started seeing evidence of demonic behavior coming from not just the Israeli people, but their rabbis.
This was back in 2020, after seeing many examples, I started questioning why Christians should even be supporting Jews when they clearly hate us, lie to us, and deceive us. I did not understand what the word Zionist even meant, and I was curious as to whether or not I myself was considered a Zionist Christian.
Then I started questioning as to why any Christian would support the Jewish people, knowing that they were trying to rebuild Solomon‘s Temple just so they could offer up animal sacrifices within it.
Being familiar with the Torah, and the New Testament, I knew that Jesus Christ was the Messiah, the sacrificial lamb of God who laid down his life to reconcile sinners back to a loving father, and any other blood sacrifice would be an abomination before God.
Zionist Christians realize that blood sacrificing within that temple would be abominable to God, but they support the rebuilding of the temple anyway, because they know that the return of Jesus Christ is near when that event happens.
It did not happen overnight, but after much research and much reading, God started revealing to me pieces of the puzzle. And once I had enough pieces of the puzzle put together, I could see the overall picture of what was going on.
I still have some pieces that I am searching for, and I still don’t have all the answers… but as I continue to seek, things keep being revealed.
There are a lot of people online who hate the Jews because they notice Lots of wickedness being done in their name, but I am not one of those people.
The synagogue of Satan are not Jews, they merely claim to be Jewish.
In fact, there wasn’t even a J in the English language until a few hundred years ago and the term Jew was inserted to purposely confuse everybody as these Pharisees Are evil and always plotting against the rest of humanity. This becomes evident once a person studies the real history of the past 2000 years and they re-document such as the elder protocols of Zion., which lays out there plans for world dominion in astonishing detail. Online sources may even claim that these documents are fakes, but I have actually read them and there is no way in hell those are fake documents.
I say that because exactly what is being described in those protocols is what has been happening all around us for the past 200 years.
Subscribe or follow me and I will do my best to help catch people up to speed on this subject.
I plan on posting some of the information I have found within the protocols of Zion, to reveal their plans to anyone who is curious.
Some of the information is hard to understand since it was originally written in Russian around the 1900s, but I plan on summarizing parts of the document that I found most interesting and sharing that with my audience.
I also plan on sharing Bible scripture that supports the narrative that I am presenting and extra curricular documents such as apocryphal books that were removed from the Bible, like the book of Enoch, the book of jubilees, the book of Jasher.
I have been studying these over the past several years and there are bits of information within those books that also agree with what is in the Bible in regards to this topic.
I am no scholar, nor writer, merely a truth seeker who believes that the word of God is authentic and can be trusted, and since I have been praying for discernment my entire life, I believe the Lord has blessed me with the ability to be able to see things that others can’t see.
It’s hard to explain to people, but some of the knowledge I have isn’t because I read it in a book or saw it in a video. It’s just an understanding that comes from within.
I don’t expect anybody to believe anything that I have to say. Be a good Bornean and search the scriptures for answers, and pray and seek God for confirmation on things you are uncertain of.
We live in an age of deception, and even those we perceive as “the good guys” turn out to be wolves in sheep clothing.
I fear God, and I know that all liars and deceivers end up in the lake of fire. I also also know that cowards are on that list as well, so I want to be bold and speaking truth, even if it cost me my life. Because man can only kill my body, they don’t have the power to destroy my soul.
What better way to go out then to be martyred for being a defender of Jesus Christ, and exposing his enemies?
The only thing that I’m concerned with in life is hearing “well done thou good and faithful servant“ - after it’s over.
This is food for thought. How did you come to this conclusion? It’s interesting for sure.
That’s a great question. I have financially supported Israel for many years. I was taught growing up that the Jews were God’s chosen people, And I never doubted that until several years ago. I started seeing things that didn’t make sense to me. I was witnessing Israelis spewing, pure hatred towards the Palestinian people. I was watching a video on YouTube one day and I saw an Israeli teenager throwing stones at a Palestinian boy and spewing some of the most racist hateful rhetoric I have ever heard come out of someone’s mouth.
It was rather apparent to me that these Israelis are being bred and taught from birth to hate the Palestinians. Then I started seeing footage where rabbis were teaching racism openly towards all Goyim. I just assumed initially it was just a handful of them, but after a while, I started seeing evidence of demonic behavior coming from not just the Israeli people, but their rabbis.
This was back in 2020, after seeing many examples, I started questioning why Christians should even be supporting Jews when they clearly hate us, lie to us, and deceive us. I did not understand what the word Zionist even meant, and I was curious as to whether or not I myself was considered a Zionist Christian.
Then I started questioning as to why any Christian would support the Jewish people, knowing that they were trying to rebuild Solomon‘s Temple just so they could offer up animal sacrifices within it.
Being familiar with the Torah, and the New Testament, I knew that Jesus Christ was the Messiah, the sacrificial lamb of God who laid down his life to reconcile sinners back to a loving father, and any other blood sacrifice would be an abomination before God.
Zionist Christians realize that blood sacrificing within that temple would be abominable to God, but they support the rebuilding of the temple anyway, because they know that the return of Jesus Christ is near when that event happens.
It did not happen overnight, but after much research and much reading, God started revealing to me pieces of the puzzle. And once I had enough pieces of the puzzle put together, I could see the overall picture of what was going on.
I still have some pieces that I am searching for, and I still don’t have all the answers… but as I continue to seek, things keep being revealed.
There are a lot of people online who hate the Jews because they notice Lots of wickedness being done in their name, but I am not one of those people.
The synagogue of Satan are not Jews, they merely claim to be Jewish.
In fact, there wasn’t even a J in the English language until a few hundred years ago and the term Jew was inserted to purposely confuse everybody as these Pharisees Are evil and always plotting against the rest of humanity. This becomes evident once a person studies the real history of the past 2000 years and they re-document such as the elder protocols of Zion., which lays out there plans for world dominion in astonishing detail. Online sources may even claim that these documents are fakes, but I have actually read them and there is no way in hell those are fake documents.
I say that because exactly what is being described in those protocols is what has been happening all around us for the past 200 years.
Subscribe or follow me and I will do my best to help catch people up to speed on this subject.
I plan on posting some of the information I have found within the protocols of Zion, to reveal their plans to anyone who is curious.
Some of the information is hard to understand since it was originally written in Russian around the 1900s, but I plan on summarizing parts of the document that I found most interesting and sharing that with my audience.
I also plan on sharing Bible scripture that supports the narrative that I am presenting and extra curricular documents such as apocryphal books that were removed from the Bible, like the book of Enoch, the book of jubilees, the book of Jasher.
I have been studying these over the past several years and there are bits of information within those books that also agree with what is in the Bible in regards to this topic.
I am no scholar, nor writer, merely a truth seeker who believes that the word of God is authentic and can be trusted, and since I have been praying for discernment my entire life, I believe the Lord has blessed me with the ability to be able to see things that others can’t see.
It’s hard to explain to people, but some of the knowledge I have isn’t because I read it in a book or saw it in a video. It’s just an understanding that comes from within.
I don’t expect anybody to believe anything that I have to say. Be a good Bornean and search the scriptures for answers, and pray and seek God for confirmation on things you are uncertain of.
We live in an age of deception, and even those we perceive as “the good guys” turn out to be wolves in sheep clothing.
I fear God, and I know that all liars and deceivers end up in the lake of fire. I also also know that cowards are on that list as well, so I want to be bold and speaking truth, even if it cost me my life. Because man can only kill my body, they don’t have the power to destroy my soul.
What better way to go out then to be martyred for being a defender of Jesus Christ, and exposing his enemies?
The only thing that I’m concerned with in life is hearing “well done thou good and faithful servant“ - after it’s over.
Thank you so much for your thoughtful response. I’m going to dive into this.