It comes from Kinsey, the sicko who did unspeakable things to infants for "science". They still name their organizations after him, it's disgusting.

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The God hating evil agenda has always been at work pushing dehumanization and depopulation all along. As we’ve become desensitized, they’ve become more frank and relaxed in their presentation.

Planned Parenthood is in the schools offering “sex education.” The nation’s “number one abortion provider” is shrewd; it’s in the baby body parts business because why let the scraps go to waste when you can make money off the killing and the selling?

And now they’ve strategically persuaded many murder is “health care.” If you can get people to kill their sons and daughters with a smile, they’re likely to step up with gusto when their turn comes next, I suspect.

Meantime, God sees all and waits.

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Big money with stem cell therapy also know as "Gene therapy" which many a god-fearin' American rushes to utilize not giving a crap where those stem cells for their "therapy" come from as long as they don't die and have to face God Almighty.

The vast majority of stem cells are harvested from aborted fetuses.

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Abolish the Department of Education for one!!!

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I promise you every single person whoever has had to work with the Department Of Education hates their guts. No exaggeration. They have entirely ruined the school system. Everyone hates them.

Donald Trump promised Betsy DeVos was going to do something about them. The left was so scared about it.

She did shit.

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That’s not a rabbit hole, it’s a slimy rat hole.

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There’s a certain “ religious “ group behind this……..

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Yes, and it’s not just a COHENcidence either.

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Is everyone aware that IBM was a supporter of the Third Reich, and that Bill Gates’ mother was part of their entourage? Oh, the connections… It’s like a little CLUB of DEMONS…

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Wait till you find out that they’re all connected to the Rothschilds. It’s like a big ol’Talmudic Club and we’re not supposed to question any of it.

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And it’s certainly NOT just Jewish people. Apparently they were ancient PERSIANS to begin with, then moved around, becoming the Romans after they settled in Rome, they were the DUTCH that ran the world for a while, then they because the British Empire… all the while not being technically ANY of those “peoples,” but a roving band of inbred, pathologically evil Nasties.

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Yeah, the Roths are in there, but they’re just one of a few hundred, or a couple thousand, or something like that. Not THAT many people in this Nasty Cabal of Thuggist Creeps… I donut know a lot of details, I’m just a dog. But I DO know this “Black Nobility” are a gang of thuggish, psychopathic, capitalist freaks who are centuries-long families of murderers/torturers/war mongers and control VAST sums of money, you know, the .001% that own 90% of the world’s wealth, and CAUSE MOST OF THE PROBLEMS… Time for them to be bankrupted. We’ll share their wealth among all the rest of us, and we’ll be FINE. We have to re-design our entire paradigm, but DAMN, it’ll be great. BEST JOB EVER!!!!

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Me and my siblings are "War Babies", our father was a World War Two combat veteran. We grew up in a white, ethnic, blue collar neighborhood. I assure you, if back then "they" tried to introduce this filth and perversion into our schools, our fathers alomg with our mothers would have stormed the schools and after beating the teachers and principals to a bloody pulp, would have dragged them out into the street and hung them from lampposts. It is sickening to see how far Whites have fallen.

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I didn’t even know what a gay was until I was 12 years old. I did not ever hear of it before then it’s something I didn’t even cross my mind

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It was around 1966 or 1967 that the American Psychiatric Association in conjunction with other mental health organizations reversed course and declared that homosexuality is not a sickness or perversion but merely a "preference." This along with other Tribe promoters and those Goyim feeding at the Tribe's trough opened the floodgates for the ubiquitous, disgusting, and insane depravities that are being shoved down our throats today. This in convergence with the invasion of untermenschen, if not stopped and eradicated, will ignite consequences for civilization and society that will mirror what has happened in the annals of history to all such nations. Complete disintegration and annihilation.

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I vividly remember the sex Ed class in grammar school. I already knew everything because my mother was a dog breeder. My mom and dad were livid when they found out about the class and refused to let us participate. They felt very strongly that the school system was NOT the place for such stuff. My husband’s father was a 5th grade teacher and actually brought home the slide show from his class to show my husband and his brother. My poor husband said it traumatized him for years. My father in law was a wonderful man but TOTALLY indoctrinated in the system.

I actually studied to be a high school teacher, but walked away after my student teaching because I realized that it was all about social control. Every single one of my education classes that I took in college was about social control. And on top of that they wanted you to get a masters in education. That was the main reason I walked away. I refused to spend money on a masters in education. I went to dog grooming school and never looked back.

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I am overwhelmingly shocked. 😳

I was a sheltered kid - very sheltered. In 4th grade (10 years old) a group of girls I hung out with on the playground during lunch told me where babies came from. I was in total disbelief. I came home and told my mother what I was told. I told her it was not possible that it was true. I was adamant about it. She asked, well, where do you think babies come from? I said, when the mommy and daddy are ready, the stork brings the baby to them. I remember it like it was yesterday. Yes, I know it seems silly or cute, but I truly believed it.

In 6th grade, the school had all the girls bring their mom’s to an after school evening event. I sat with all my girlfriends and our moms sat behind us in the auditorium. We watched a film and had a discussion. I think I was the only one who asked a question. You could feel everyone’s embarrassment during the entire event. I don’t know any of my girlfriends who had a sex talk with their moms prior to that. That was the kick off with the school starting the conversation. This was in 1978/79 on Long Island. Needless to say, I never discussed this again with my mother.

I couldn’t imagine having been told about sex, etc. before I was 12. Looking back, it was so important to be naive as a child. Why would these monsters want to talk about a very adult subject with 5 year olds?? Just speaking for myself, I wouldn’t have been able to comprehend it. I’d be the one shouting back “thats not true, even if you say dogs do this, too!”

Sex is a very private topic and should not be discussed 1) so young 2) in a very public setting and 3) without parents present. This disgusts me.

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Humanity (and perhaps ManKind also?) has been programmed for overly rapid reproduction, ala fractional reserve banking. Eventually, the rats in a closed system eat each other, ala our current condition.

Which of us escape our cages, find our Strong Soul Family, and build better mouse… dwellings? 👐😇👐

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If I were a rat I might agree with you, but seeing as I'm a human being and have no interest in behaving or being a rat or building myself a mouse dwelling since I'm not any sort of rodent, I have to resoundingly say your argument makes no logical sense when applied to anything other than rodents.

What it does inform me though, is that you see yourself and other human beings as rodents. How very strange.

Have you considered joining the "Furries" where you could dress up like a rat?

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I mean, I just raise chickens and ducks, and my child seems to understand the basics, repeatedly;)

Seriously; the barnyard needs to be brought back to school education, and cooking, and building, and playing nicely with others.

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Notice how slyly the Theory (unproven by one single piece of evidence) of Evolution is introduced in these films as well. Equating human sexuality with frogs and dogs and chickens.

The Theory of Evolution which promotes eugenics as it's natural conclusion. Why wait on nature to randomly execute natural selection when we can speed the process through the controlled selective breeding of mankind?

Why have a problem with eugenics at all if we are animals who randomly evolved from the muck? Why have a problem with injecting people/animals with nanotech that will "enhance" them? Why have a problem with euthanasia for people/animals? Don't we put down old and sick animals everyday?

Why not have sex with children and have sex like an animal and euthanize and experiment on human animals?

We're just animals after all. God Bless.

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Yes, eugenics is their ultimate goal. I’m surprised they haven’t rebranded it as SmartGenics.

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They call it Transhumanism. Rolls off the tongue much more elegantly than eugenics.

Transhumanism = Eugenics

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Pornography being acceptable in the home was a big part of the acceptance in the schools. My father had stacks of Playboys "hidden" in his closet. Of course, we knew where they were and they were of a sufficient quantity, my brothers took "favorite" issues and hid them under their mattresses just like dear ol' dad. We were in elementary school.

We all looked at them. There were many pedo jokes if not pictures, but by 1975 Brooke Shields at ten years old was photographed completely nude and published in Playboy for anyone to purchase. As well as the pedo movie, Pretty Baby. Released in regular movie theaters. Not ones where men wore trench coats and you had an age limit of 21 years to be admitted. No. Right out in public.

It was illegal child pornography and no one did a thing.

No wonder Brooke gets depressed. Child abuse will do that to people.

Soon after, pornography was sold at the checkout counters of grocery stores. For "convenience".

There were pornography Drive-Ins. Us children would peek through the fences. It was easy.

Now pornography nets more money than Amazon on the internet and we do nothing about it. Any child who can work a computer or a phone can access pornography and we all know it.

My point being, yes, the schools are and were grotesque and this has steadily progressed to the mess we have today, but it was allowed and promoted at home in many families and in society in general as well and still is today. We are all responsible for this mess.

This is what happens in a godless society. Period. God Bless.

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Explains why the system protects pedophiles. Absolutely horrible.

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Also explains how the system MAKES pedophiles.

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Can't believe how gormless everyone else in the meetings seems in those first three videos. No one says anything. It seems so strange that it's been going on for so long because I've never heard of anything like it. Certainly didn't happen in my schools in Australia. It's bewildering.

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Ditto that! The NON reaction of those attending the meetings shown is as if not more concerning than the FACT that this kind of material is readily available is schools

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When I was in 6th grade in the very conservative school district in Plano, Texas in about 1975 these very kinds of materials were presented to students whose parents gave permission to do so. Almost everyone got permission and it was just a one time thing at the end of the school year. The idea that these kinds of materials were being presented to much younger children in other schools is particularly appalling.

By 6th grade I can tell you there wasn't much in these presentations that anyone I knew didn't already know something about. By 7th grade there were kids actually passing around copies of The Happy Hooker and doing narrations between classes. Probably around 6th or 7th is the correct time for some reasonable sex education because I can tell you the cat is out of the bag by then regardless and dangerous misinformation is rampant.

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Yes, there's nothing wrong with sex education per se and as you say kids find out anyway, children who grow up in a farm situation especially. Yep, I remember reading the Happy Hooker goggle-eyed as a young teenager and when my twin sister and I were about 10 someone passed around a raunchy page from The Godfather. We were like, "Our parents have a book with that title but it must be a different book because they wouldn't have a book like that." We checked. LOL.

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Different countries have been used for different experiments. We can see some of the current ones Australia was used for. America was used for this. And much more, of course.

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Mid 1970s where I lived in Canada, we were 12 and needed parental permission to participate in sex ed. Parents could attend if they wanted. We were divided up, boys and girls. Girls learned about menstruation and how babies were made. No graphic images. Just the facts.

I think it was a good age and well done.

I would do everything possible to pull my kids out of school if I was a parent now.

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