Almost every single thing in our food supply has been contaminated

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I have eaten gluten free since 1997. I lived in Spain between 2004 and 2008. I was able to eat occasional bread products there with no ill effects.

I discovered the difference between Spanish wheat flour and British wheat flour - GLYPHOSATE.

Apparently the British (and presumably US) wheat is sprayed with (Round Up) glyphosate throughout the growing phase and then, HORROR OF HORRORS, the plants are desiccated with glyphosate just before harvesting. In this way glyphosate saturates our food and is not included on the ingredients labels!

An EU member of parliament who represented my area before UK left the EU took part in a study in which everyone's urine was tested for glyphosate. She was vegan and ate only organic food. She expected to be clean. Her urine showed high levels of glyphosate!

Perhaps you need to look into this, Agent Loadsa-numbers?

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I was horrified to find out that even organic wheat is sprayed with glycosphate to desiccate it at the end of its growing season.

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They aren't allowed to use glyphosate in organic farming. Cross contamination can occur however from runoff, etc.

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Thank you for the truth. People love lies and love to spread them.

Why? I have no idea.

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No it's not. Consider the source of this misinformation because that's what it is.

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Shepherdess - the farmers get a higher yield (more profit), less bugs & less weeds - less labor costs. And in the US - most of the farmers are subsidized by govt funding. We have a long-time crop farmer friend who owns & farms 5,000 acres in Iowa.

We shared with him about the dangers of glyphosate & he mocked & scorned the info. He blamed greedy lawyers instead of seeing how corrupt the system is now.

You can share truth with someone, but, if it’s hard for them to accept & means they will have to change the way they do something - it’s usually not accepted gracefully.

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Best idea

Yes deep dive into history and story of Glyphosate

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No, organic farmers are not allowed to use glyphosate and still legally label their products as organic. That's nothing but BS.

Some organic products do test positive for trace amounts of glyphosate due to contamination from other nearby farms but would not result in a high level of glyphosate in the consumer of the organic products.

The anecdote about the woman who ate all organic and urine tested high for glyphosate is a fabrication by you or someone else.

Why write such crap? Attentions? What?

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Yes I hear you. I’ve eaten single ingredient lectin poison free foods since around 2015, it’s not easy but worth it because everything has so much crap in it. I used to be a huge vitamin taker. I stopped cold turkey over a year ago. I fell for the whole supplement psyop thing for a long time. I feel better and my wallet is heavier now too since I stopped drinking that koolaid. Better late than never

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I recently convinced my ❤️ who is in end stage kidney & liver failure to totally revamp his diet …

We saw his kidney Dr last week and she was shocked at how well he’s doing ..

He lost 50 lbs, his kidney function went up to 30% (he was about to start dialysis 2 months ago) ..

his BP is normal .. his A1C was 6.5 and

He has cut his insulin down by more than 50%…

All through diet … 🙏

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What was the most crucial change that he made, if you don’t mind my asking?

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I eat nothing but local beef and veg from my garden. I went from 300lbs to 175lbs. Never felt better and my mind is clearer than its ever been.

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yep that's what we normally ate in my childhood. Only ever saw one overweight person in my little town, hang on , two overweight. It was very rare. So also was cancer. Lotsa poison everywhere now.

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Absolutely Pam. We've been flipped all over the place, but especially in re: to the food. The depop agenda is right on track.

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Do you cover your garden? We're about to grow more veg but I'm aware the trails are poisoning our soil & seems now more necessary. They mean to get us every which way.

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Yes, I do. I have a giant blue tent tarp. I did it because the sun was burning my plants. Also great at keeping out the chemicals. The tarp hasn't hampered their growing at all.

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JosQuina74 - how high is your blue tent over your garden?

Do you have windy winters?

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That’s the way to do it 🥩 🥕

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Hoping people take heed and it sinks in. I haven't eaten any of the crap. I have only been to a fast food five times in my more than 60yrs. What is the point?!

Thanks for the article. Blessings ~

Plastics! First on my list – Toxin-free USA must have been reading my mind. Thank you!

State level on up needs to get with the program. Clean up the food, meat and dairy. Tell the truth about the nutritional pyramid and how it should be presented for the health and well being of all on this Earth. Stop the poisoning of the people, animals, land, water and sky – We have, most certainly had an adequate share of toxins into our world – Enough is enough!


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Another Great Post!! I also minimize all flour in my diet. However, I LOVE hamburgers and a burger without a bun to hold all the toppings is no bueno! I found a family farm in ID who grows, sells & ships einkorn flour (look it up). They mill it and ship it 2-day express and you store it in the fridge. No added crap. With this I can make my own bread, biscuits and buns with very few ingredients (like 4 and no sugar) and freeze them. Btw…I also make my own kombucha. It’s delicious


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Thank you😊☕️

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I wrote these books for you, @Agent131711 - a few years ago! I am the author and creator of The Ropeworm Protocol Bible and The Ascension Diet Eating To Ascend. Your journey would be exponentially more powerful if you read my books. If you are aware at all of the WEF, WHO and elite plans, you know there isn't much time left. I am sharing all of this here to TURBOCHARGE the optimal health of you and your readers. Like you, I am on a mission! https://eatingtoascend.com/2024/09/25/i-look-for-you-night-and-day/

The Internet of Bodies Biodigital Medical Convergence via S.M.A.R.T. devices ( SMART is the acronym for Surveillance Remote Analysis Recording Technology) is happening. IT IS A SOUL TRAP - not merely a genocide of the human species. Because smart devices, apps and social media mine human bio-etheric energy and STEAL THE SOUL OVER TIME, a subject I have addressed since establishing https://eatingtoascend.com and explained in detail in my books and all online writing, I have endeavored to bring healing to others in a spiritually responsible way. https://eatingtoascend.com/2021/02/24/bioapi/

I was a first generation MK Ultra targeted individual in the Washington DC area denied treatment for Lyme Disease who subsequently presented with Morgellons Syndrome from the Rockefeller military medical industrial establishment, I have provided detox and regenerative wellness support online since 2015 until 2017 on Facebook, and then, of course leaving Facebook as everyone should, on my website EatingToAscend.com.

THE ROPEWORM PROTOCOL BIBLE HUMAN ASCENSION MANUAL, 178 pages https://tinyurl.com/ropeworm

THE ASCENSION DIET EATING TO ASCEND - Alkaline Diet and Optimal Health in an EMF Nano Toxic World, 783 pages https://tiny.cc/theascensiondiet

Both books are heavily illustrated and fully documented with references.

Author pages and unsolicited reviews:

Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Laura-Rohrer-Little-Brooks/e/B096LG6H8L

Lulu https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/eating-to-ascend

Testimonials https://eatingtoascend.com/testimonial/

My email is eatingtoascend@protonmail.com and I have provided support and personal coaching consultations for parasite, heavy metal, toxin, nanotechnology and EMF detox protection and support since 2016 (originally on Facebook before Wordpress).

https://eatingtoascend.com / https://theascensiondiet.com resolve to same website

Rumble repository https://rumble.com/c/eatingtoascend

The Digital Scrolls - end Times News for the Adamic Race https://eatingtoascend.substack.com

The Ropeworm Protocol https://theropewormprotocol.substack.com

NPR Interview https://wamu.org/story/11/04/08/down_on_the_farm_local_growers_go_organic/

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Facinating. Worth the read 😊☕️

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I recognize a lot of what you are writing. I had allergies (fruits/vegetables/pollen) growing up and when I was around 25 and a bit less naïeve with regards to the world, I decided to remove all artificial flavours from my diet. That basically means 95% of what you can buy in the supermarket. Within a few months, all my allergies went away, energy levels were rising and I felt so much better overall. This led to me trying ketogenic diets, intermittent fasting and right now I am doing mostly OMAD and eating a very clean diet with lots of good fats/protein and mostly fermented vegetables.

With regards to the salt you eat, I'd advice you to opt for the Himalaya salts (sea salts contain those microplastics) and try to avoid canned foods (BPA etc).

Looking forward to the next piece!

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I was vegan for 1 year and fell off a FOOT STOOL ( a short 5” FOOT STOOL) and shattered my entire foot! It exploded but didn’t break the skin. I’ve been eating meat ever since but I’ve always eaten lots of flour products and sugar my entire life. I’ve always been on the slim side but feel bloated and overweight. I’m cutting out flour as of right now!! Thanks ! Love your writing!

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Yes, white flour fucks with our brains like you said. In fact, it fucks with the entire endocrine system (which affects the brain).

Terra Times here on SS just wrote a really good article on iodine. So I want to go ahead and give a hat tip there because the below that I’m writing a lot of that came from his article.

OK, so there’s a family of elements called halides. These consist of iodine, bromide, chloride, and fluoride.

Now our thyroids need lots of iodine. In fact, the recommendation of 150 µg is about 300 times too low!

We are exposed to bromide, chloride and fluoride every day. Fluoride in our drinking water, bromide in all cooked goods because it’s added to the flower (up until about 60 years ago, they put iodine in the flower… I have no idea why they switched to bromide because it’s toxic and dangerous AF yet I’m sure we all can imagine why because it creates disease… I digress).

Chloride/chlorine is everywhere as well, most cities use it to clean the water, it’s in the pool in our bath

Now bromide, chlorine and fluoride are naughty little fuckers, because if there’s not enough iodine in our bodies, they will crowd out the iodine and start hogging the thyroid or receptors. Which means whatever little iodine we already have in our body, which is obviously not enough, it gets kicked out

And what happens? Well you start to have an under active thyroid. And of course, you’re gonna go to the doctor and get the test, TSH, T3, T4 and everything is gonna look normal… But most under active thyroids are subclinical! Which means you will have normal test results, but you will have problems.

What are those problems? Weight gain. Tiredness. Unable to lose weight even though you’re exercising like a crazy person. Trying brittle nails. Hair falling out. Tired muscles. Need to nap many times a day. High stress. More anxiety. Fluctuating blood pressure.

Oh, didn’t think that high stress, anxiety, and fluctuating blood pressure is something the thyroid would cause if it doesn’t have enough iodine?

Well, it’s kind of funny doesn’t necessarily affect these things… But the thyroids best buddy and pea in the pod is the adrenal glands. And if the thyroid is thrown off, the adrenal glands are thrown off. So they start riproaring and increasing the cortisol in your body, which then causes additional stress and anxiety, and of course, blood pressure problems. And stubborn weight gain!!

So of course, the first thing to get that junk shit food out of your house. The next thing is get your thyroid enough iodine! Not only for your bodily functions, but also also to kick those other nasty halide assholes out of your system.

The best way to do this is to get Lugols iodine 2%. One drop has 2.5 mg. The government recommends they have 150 µg. Which is hell not enough.

Start taking 5 mg in the morning once a day for a week. Then bump up to 10 mg in the morn for a week, then bump up to 25 mg a week, then up to 40 mg. Week five he bumped up to 60 to 100 mg, do that for six weeks, then start tight training back down. This means you’ve been loaded your body with iodine to replenish the deficiency, and then you dial back for maintenance. Your mileage may vary, I am not a doctor.

The above titration is recommended because some people start off with 50 mg and do they have a bunch of crap going on. Because what’s happening is your body starts a detox those naughty halide motherfuckers, and it’s really hard on your body. To solve that, you drink a quarter teaspoon of salt in water, Wait an hour, and if you don’t pee , do it again until you pee. Only do this for a few days. And make sure you’re taking 100 µg of selenium, 1 g of vitamin C every day as well because that will help the iodine function and support your body during the detox. And oh 400 mg of magnesium… Yes, I know you’re against supplements with these minerals are really important when you’re getting your iodine up and running. Protect kidneys!

Now, you may be asking about the salt water… why would you do that? Well that’s because salt has sodium – – – which we do need when we drink water so we hydrate – – – but it also has chloride. Now, why would you want more of the naughty halide? Well chloride binds to bromide and then helps get the bromide out of your body via the kidney.

There’s protocol by Dr. Brownstein that are highly recommended, including much more in-depth information on iodine, why we need much higher doses, how to manage the detox

OK, and here’s the last end of my rant. Hang in there.

Women are going through menopause lose their hair, they’re tired, their sluggish, they can’t think, high BP, high stress, high anxiety, can’t lose weight, dry, flaky nails.

And we’re told oh it’s just the menopause.

However, under active thyroid is very common in menopause. And as I mentioned above, usually it does NOT it get caught by lab work. We know most of our doctors are just held back on following those lab results are supposed to action listening to the symptoms of the patient! Once again, I digress…

Do you know what else affects and upwards of 75% of women in menopause? Sleep apnea. That’s right! Three out of four women in menopause have sleep apnea. Rather they develop it during menopause. That’s interesting isn’t it?

I’m harping on this because I was just diagnosed with sleep apnea. I was butt ass dragging tired for three months that I could sleep for four hours during the day and it’s still would not be enough on top of sleeping all night long. So tired that I couldn’t even exercise… And I have a damn good bloody diet. I’ve been eating clean for three decades.

And I was pissed off when I found out about this. I was waking up on average seven times an hour, and my oxygen saturation rate was only 70%. So not good because sleep apnea is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular problems.

So I start doing some research. And I find out that 3/4 of women in menopause have sleep apnea and I’m thinking why the fuck hasn’t anything been done about this?

And then I start thinking about all my other symptoms of under active thyroid so I’m like… Is there a link between sleep apnea and the thyroid?

And behold… There is. 40% of people with sleep apnea have an under active thyroid. And then another 30 to 40% of people with sleep apnea have a clinically diagnosed hypothyroid which means that shows up on the blood test.

So 75% of women are wandering around this world like absolute zombies unable to function because they’re being told well it’s just the menopause screwing with your sleep (and BP, energy, hair, nails, libido)… More than likely it’s just the case of the fact that their thyroid needs more iodine.

And to be that men have the same symptoms… It’s hard for you guys to lose weight when you get older, your hair thin starts to fall out.

And if you take a look at people in United States, it’s considered that almost 95% of people are iodine deficient. Now, when all of your foods have bromide in it, as well as most of the products use like your iPhones, it’s a flame retardant, it’s talking up your receptor sites and already you’re not consuming enough iodine. Of course this is gonna happen!

The doctors are gonna freak out and say oh you can’t increase it. Iodine is dangerous… The Japanese eat almost 600 times more iodine than Americans,do. And that’s because they have tons of seaweed and seafood and their diet. I was interesting. is they have much less cardiovascular problems than Americans, yet they smoke an upwards of seven times more than a typical American.

Check out Dr. Brownstein’s work on iodine. Get yourself a bottle of Lugols. And get yourself feeling better again.

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It's helped me tremendously.

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Me too!

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They’ve taken Lugol’s off the shelves!

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you can still get it on amazon.

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What???!!! so now they’re coming after that. I live in Europe and we can still get it.

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No. People just say inflammatory things. No wonder inflammation is such a rampant problem these dayz...ha.

Maybe Walmart took it off the shelves in the US but it's still there in supplement stores across the US.

Thank you for your post. I learned a lot and wrote much of it down.

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Also can get it at biovea.com

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Interesting post. I have wondered why I could not handle bread in the US but could from Europe. I think Italian flour is not fortified, which is a possible explanation.

Your experience of craving vegetables is also a good signal. I always found it to be a load of BS from the carnivore and lectin free people about wanting to avoid vegetables. Why then, in so many cultures, would recipes have these vegetables? So craving broccoli or dandelion greens or other vegetables, whether a leafy green or root vegetable, is probably a good health signal.

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A previous post's comment on this stack linked to this guy's site - https://ggenereux.blog/2024/05/13/niacin-is-it-another-bogus-vitamin/

where the post above details the unpleasant truth about eating ANY form of flour - organic etc., in Canada - and maybe true for USA as well...

by government mandate ALL flours have to be "fortified" with the usual suspects - niacin in particular being Genereux's bete noire - the piece above describes his journey towards full understanding of the perils of living under a regime of medical terrorism... even sans Covid scams.

While the EU previously kept high(er)standards with regards to full disclosure of ingredients(GMOs etc.,)and the flour from there was indeed free of that crap, the regime is now loosing all such restrictions and will by next year allow any and everything into the food supply since there will no longer be any requirement for manufacturers to disclose full ingredients.

Unfortunately, even if the flour mill is clean, the bolthole of buying Euro flour will be useless since anything imported into the country needs meet the poisoning, err...'fortification' requirement.

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Thank you for the heads up. However, I’ll use the signal of what my body is telling me.

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Other cultures use different methods of preparation which is the important part in avoiding oxalate, lectins, etc. fermentation, boiling then getting rid of the water it was cooked in and adding a cheese to chelate the oxalate , for example to measure the oxalate is removed through the colon verses stored in your organs and soft tissues.

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Get a mill and mill your own organic wheat. You will be amazed at how good you feel!

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This is crazy, but I believe it, AND you should also check out Corn. It’s in absolutely everything. Even eating animals gives us corn, because it’s what they are eating!

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Yes, the Round Up glyphosate is used on all forms of carbohydrate grown in western countries!

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Root crops are sprayed 1 week before harvesting as well

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I've had very similar experiences going through the sane diet changes, with a major difference being ny addiction was sugar using candy. It's been a few year process of going from pints of Haagen Dazs washed down with candy bars to none of this at all, with a number of relapses along the way. I accidentally ate some M&M's that my daughter mixed with popcorn and was struck by the lack of chocolate taste to the candy, all I could taste was the chemical shell covering. It was shocking how disgusting they tasted. Great post Agent

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Try sweet or purple potatoes instead of white. You will get much more nutrition

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White potato not the same as white flour. Regular russet potatoes have plenty of nutrition (grown properly). No reason to poo poo white potatoes. You can survive on just them alone quite nicely (and some have). Do not get sucked into the bad carb thing. White rice in Asian countries is the staple, and they traditionally very slim.

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They don't eat very much brown rice in Japan and are much healthier than we are in the US. Eating brown rice is like eating the husk of an ear of corn. It's not good for you. It's a scam because it's cheaper not to hull the rice and sell it brown. That's it. Period.

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