Well collated and analyzed, thank you.

I had not seen this explanation and backing evidence on Deagle's doomsdaying for the U.S.

I hope you are wrong.

“I rebel, therefore I exist. What is a rebel? A man who says No; but whose refusal does not imply a renunciation. He is also a man who says Yes, from the moment he makes his first gesture of rebellion.” Albert Camus

Get free, stay safe.

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Even though the depopulation is underway I don’t see how it can get that bad by 2025. At least 2 out of 3 people will have to die to reach the 2025 goals.

You also might be correct in population numbers and death numbers being off. Why would I believe anything the Government tells me?

Great Substack here, I’m glad I found you and will be going back to read your earlier articles! Thank you

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How many American citizens were jabbed? Maybe they figure all or most of them will be gone by 2025 due to adverse reactions ( death)

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Intentional self inflicted E.M.P. air bursts, plausible deniability by blaming an "enemy" and/or a Carrington level or higher solar flare. "They" are already stating we are "due" (150yr. cycle) X40-X150 level solar flare. Multiple "supposed" independent internet platforms are voicing in lockstep with "their" predictions (eg. "Suspicious Observer" on YT). Many are stating our Moon IS inhabited, ie. Project Bluebook. "They" have a veritable plethora of "enemy agents" to blame. Power grid, and Internet not only down but destroyed irreproachably, would EASILY result in 75% loss of population in U.S. especially cause we are literally on life support with power grid and Internet. Anything! you could possibly imagine would stop immediately. From mining/refining manufacturing to ATM's GPS. When I say everything, it is not rhetorical, it IS everything. The "ONLY" way to avert this, is to by any means necessary physically remove "their" ability to exist. That's it.

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So, the grand finale is imminent. Who (or what) exactly are those doing this to us? As an avid investigator, I never seem to arrive at the genesis of the situation, who ithe devil is in there. I still see a lot of redirects, the faces we are supposed to see, but NOT, I think the, the evil geniuses behind it all. I fear there are too many who choose not to see. the coming "events" to really make the "neccesary changes" to avoid the complete destruction of humanity.

This is literally the stuff of nightmares

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Are you saying SO is shill?

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No, not at all, I think SO is about the only one telling truth about the cycle, AND what will come leading up to it. But, it has tacit agreement dialog concerning "climate" and the "ranch"

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I’m glad because his info is amazing. Terrifying, but amazing! He did a podcast with Jason Breshears of Archaix and is how I found SO.

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SO and Monkey Werx US combined info paints a clearer picture

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Yes, I'll have to check that particular one out, in the meantime check out "Cliff High" on multiple platforms, he is, well interesting! and will keep you updated on what makes constitutes and keeps our current "waves" be that what the deepstate "says" to our sides actions, also Donald Hoffman youtube on 🤔 "real" reality. And throw in some "Heliosorcery" for correct unabridged Virgin humam History. Enjoy! Brett

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In the last couple years we have had reports of food processing, warehouse, grain silos fires being destroyed by fires. In August it was announced that Tyson Food closing 6 poultry plants and Smithfield shutting down 35 pig farm and 4 processing plants. There should be food storages especially with all the illegal immigrants. Where are the eaters?


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a lot of free new housing will be available for the new colonizers coming over the non-border....

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The “great resignation” was the largest load of cow manure ever. Americans are one of the hardest working “live to work, not work to live” people on the planet and to insult one of the greatest work ethics on the planet like that just made me livid. Plenty of lazy people everywhere I know exceptions abound but Americans are unique in how they take pride in work, whatever it happens to be.

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Pam Schuffert been reporting on martial law & death camps for over a decade.

Pam Schuffert Reports https://educate-yourself.org/ps/

US Soldier in Germany Reports to Pam Schuffert on Globalist Urban Warfare Training https://educate-yourself.org/ps/psrnotefromjoningermany01jul01.shtml

"PREMONITIONS OF AN AMERICAN HOLOCAUST" An Introduction by Pamela R. Schuffert January 1, 2002 http://www.americanholocaust.50megs.com/Introduction.htm

Martial Law in the United States: Its Meaning, Its History, and Why the President Can’t Declare It https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/martial-law-united-states-its-meaning-its-history-and-why-president-cant

The CONFIRMED AMTRAK DEATHCAMP of Beech Grove IN -CIA SOURCE Confirms AMTRAK DEATHCAMP Under MARTIAL LAW- SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2009 By Pamela Rae Schuffert presenting investigative journalism with a Christian perspective- https://americanholocaustcoming.blogspot.com/2009/02/confirmed-amtrak-deathcamp-of-beech.html

from https://rumble.com/v47vqa0-walmart-insider-speaks-about-tunels-underneath-leading-to-fema-death-camps.html#comment-360165264

Walmart insider speaks about tunels underneath leading to FEMA death camps



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Lots of places are running intentionally short staffed to save money and post fake jobs. They don't want to get back to pre-COVID staffing levels. This is especially true in health care. They don't care that patient care is affected and that's why there are so many nurse protests.

I was just browsing online and while some were complaining they can't find workers, others were complaining they can't find a job to save their life, including low-wage jobs. I'm job searching now and have stumbled on a fake job or two and others constantly reposted. They have no intention of hiring but want to appear successful to shareholders.

Another issue is that many have become disabled due to vax-injuries and someone in the family will possibly have to stop working to take care of them or work flexible part-time gig work. So, that's potentially two previous workers who can no longer work. Employers are rarely sympathetic to caregivers. This does not negate the overall Deagel report though.

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Consider also that all numbers--people, employees, voters, students, insurance payouts, etc.--have been inflated as part of a massive fraud--check out Bibby Piton's work. This decline in numbers may be the resolution of the fraud without having to acknowledge the fraud.

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I watched a video recently about Transhumasim.. there are going to be 4 or 5 classes of the new humans ..

1. Old school / Amish

2. Live “forever” as human .. FOREVER

3. Become an upgraded human .. wuth Technology

4. Become two-species .. part human/part animal

5. Upload brain to cloud & live in cloud without a body ..

this guy was leader in human level AGI field

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How could they possibly have enough people to carry out their plans? Apparently there’s a labor shortage. Where will all the swat teams come from to round everyone up?

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Going to use new “energy weapons” or remote drugging with AI meds .. people are easy to move when they are drugged & passed out

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UN Troops, all those immigrants in each nation, flooding in as we speak. Foreigners who won't think twice about shooting dissenters. Not their countrymen. Hear John O'Looney's take on that: UN Soldiers are in Britain - John O'Looney: Black Watch troops have told me the plan ... truthwatchnz.is/all-categories/agenda-21...ave-told-me-the-plan

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The “newcomers”

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Has Mich been paying a monthly subsidy to anyone not working since the pandemic started?

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They did in the beginning but it ended as far as I am aware.

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Context seems to be a point in the area of Civilian Inmate Labor Programs. https://corpslakes.erdc.dren.mil/partners/pdfs/21Feb1-CILP.pdf

While in the present form "Inmate" appears to be in reference to "incarcerated non military citizens" I suppose it wouldn't take much to "flip the switch" as such to non incarcerated non military citizens.

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