Geo-engineering is a key pursuit of the Demon-worshipping 'Elites' precisely because their Demon MASTERs demand weak, feckless, fragile, 'cant fight back' humans. Easy pickings!

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(For those interested)

If you wish to read (& listen!) to more of My commentary, here is my Main Stack:


Thank You Kindly to everyone!

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BARIUM INHALATION... I have issues with many of the items on the list.

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I enjoy learning from you .. You are a fantastic journalist ands worth every penny of my small subscription fee. :) Thank you

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The monsters are consummating an antithetical terraforming of the earth to transmute it into a suitable habitations for devils. It must be getting too hot in Hell.

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There once was a patent, young guy, pretty smart, he had to transfer to a medical facility where they had his death certificate filed, he got out of that place pretty damn quick after that, he had been a USN contractor exposed to titanium trichloride.

He was all fucked up, but alive. The Navy people said he had been killed in a spill, so his medicaid was no good.

I don't know what happened, he dropped off the radar pretty dang quick, but that was fucked up.

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I have a relative who keeps asking me to show pictures of them loading the planes with the chemicals. He won’t even think this is real without those pictures. Do you have any?

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I've saved pics like you ask but unsure whether they are authentic. Similar frequently float around social media.

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Ppl have to want the truth in all its fullness, or it won’t matter WHAT you show them.

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You might find those pictures here at Dane Wigington’s https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/

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In NZ around 2016, 17 we noticed those orangey pinky sunsets turning purple. We just see the odd purple one. Not standard. Another I noticed around 2014 was the space of sky near the horizon between clouds were sometimes a light fawn/brown haze. Then around spring each year there would be torrential rain leaving a sulphur smell & yellow puddles (said to be pollen) but they were toxic folk found who unwittingly touched them ... some ending up in ED with severe breathing difficulties.

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Put a big ball of snow on your counter and watch how long it takes for it to melt. Try burning a small

clump and you'll see a smokey gas come out and it takes far too long for it to melt even under a flame. Is Russia doing it also? China? I heard Russia wanted to make a deal with the u.s. to stop the spraying and they said no. Not Ionising the atmosphere when your enemy is would be a disadvantage. The parasitic pirates are insane.

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Information is valuable, but in order to end this scourge, we need real power, and that is obtained in my e-zine in the Demand for the Government page. That page is a boycott of all the states in which you don't live for products and tourism. For geo-engineering (chemtrails) that page is at http://www.truedemocracy.net/td21/28.html the edition that proves that weather is controlled the government.

If you are reading this comment who live outside of the USA, you are also being betrayed. But you don't have to be betrayed as you can boycott every state for those products and tourism.

To read the whole edition click on this link: http://www.truedemocracy.net/td21/index.html


Arlene Johnson



To access the rest of my work, click on the icon that says Magazine. It's free.

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NASA CIA FBI NSA FDA FCC and a hundred more are all fingers of DARPA...and DARPA is run by Jews..

DARPA controls the United Nations WHO 99% of all of earths Governments..DARPA controls YOU your kids schools , your Justice system ,military UN Military which is and has been slowly infiltrating the USA for years..DARPA is in Your medical systems food travel taxes your employment.....DARPA is into Financial matters controls the earths stock markets...so almost all Goy will perish and to a Jew..anything labled as Goy will die(Goy=animal)

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And NO God or Jesus or Alpha or Allah or Tree or Sun or MickyMouse is gonna save you...No one has ever been saved by any god thing..ever!!...

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I do believe "they"--whoever "they" are--do cover us in geo-engineering crap every day now. But I am puzzled as to why the plants around me are all okay. If these chemicals are so toxic, why are the plants on my hillside flourishing so well?

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'They" are DARPA..

www.darpa.mil << go look for your self.....DARPA is an unlimited financial means........it has TOTAL IMMUNITY from anything.....including murder , child trafficking, sex slaves creating wars and eliminating anything or anyone including cities , countries.....just look at Lahaina Hawaii

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Could it be that NASA and astronomy is talking to me today?

Take a look:

1️⃣ I woke up and read this first in Twitter about 2002ve (“Zoozve”) quasi-moons


2️⃣one of my curated newsletter drooped the news from NASA: “After Three Years on Mars, NASA’s Ingenuity Helicopter Mission Ends”


3️⃣I stopped at substack and then I noticed your post.

All happened within 4 hours. I am only a Pharmaceutical scientist not an astronomer or can I be both! Lol

Nice write up.

Also, you or someone you know may benefit from my weekly updates on substack if: Post-Doc, PhD or MSc student or aspiring one. Please subscribe and share: https://gradinterface.substack.com/p/over-43m-grant-for-researchers-160

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Naw.....its just DARPA whispering......

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Is the Book Astronautics and Aeronautics: 1985 A Chronology the same as Astronautics and Aeronautics for 1985 that you reference at the start?

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I honestly enjoy reading your interesting articles. Thanks for producing them.

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