This Pharma Giant MADE the Drugs for the CIA to SECRETLY POISON PEOPLE. Put on an adult diaper because this is going to make you sh*t your pants when you learn who it is...
Let me assist with some additional background on DoD contracts. The CDRL form shown that is dated 2001 is the date of the latest rev of that CDRL form. That same dated form will be used forever in every DOD contract originated from 2001 until it is revised. The date on the bottom row has NOTHING to do with the date of the contract. What matters is WHEN the CDRLs are due and what the CLINs specify. And no, these forms are not "copied". They are in a digital library to be used by the program office to enumerate the CDRLS for the contract. And no one individually numbered the pages. It is all done digitally and automatically and has been for decades.
The DI-ADMIN-81501 (called a Data Item Description, or DID) is likewise a common format specifying what data items are to be included in this type of report, specifying due date, frequency, etc in blocks 10-13.
Furthermore, this is NOT a product development contract. It is a production, quality control, source management, delivery etc contract. The product referred to already existed at the time of this procurement.
🤔 So to clarify, the product referred to in the document, was already in existence (sometime circa 2001) when this version of the contract was signed and dated in October/November 2020?
No, the date of 2001 has NOTHING to do with the product or the procurement at all. It is the date of the FORM that the information was described on. The FORM was defined or updated in 2001. It was used (and probably still is) for all DoD and Federal procurements.
This contract was signed on 10/26/20. The product to be procured already existed and this contract was for the sole purpose of purchasing a whole lot of it. The product could have been developed at ANY time prior to the date of this contract. WHEN the product was actually developed is not described in this contract and is not pertinent to the procurement.
Ahhhhhh. Thank you for clarifying that and taking the time to answer my question. I thought I was muddling it.
So while it's essentially just a code for procurement and not the date the product it's procuring was made, it still indicates that the said product was made prior to it being possible to manufacture the quantities involved, even under "warpspeed" BS protecol.😐😐
I've got that straight? Because I have the feeling that this will eventually go viral mediawise and a lot of peeps will also be confused, letting those accountable muddy the already muddied waters.🤷♀️🤦♀️BTJMO
Getting closer! Nothing in the CDRL (the form with the 2001 date on the bottom) says anything at all about the product - it just describes a data item that the vendor (Lily) has to provide. The data item is a report. And it describes what must be covered in the report and how often it is to be delivered. That is all. The date at the bottom is just an artifact of the form and has no meaning at all for this or any other federal contract. Delivery dates specific to the contract are found in many parts of the contract.
Where I learned that the product to be procured already existed was when I took the link provided to the entire contract, I could tell from the descriptions therein that the ONLY work was to procure a LOT of the product, in large quantities, and the methods to ensure product quality and access to source materials, etc. Frequent reviews to see if there were problems in manufacturing or delivery, and ability to deliver on schedules. (Yes - This is where OpWarpSpeed comes into play - setting the schedules and accelerated deliveries) There was NO language describing development, test, evaluation of a new "thing" at all. If there were development of a new product, there would have been a LOT of other steps and requirements, and specifications of the required new product. So no, this was not a new product, but it was to be made in larger quantities and much faster. Hope that helps!
Right. So that's inline with the original narrative of making a small batch of the product by approximately june/July 2020 (from memory), FDA EUA approval to move forward with larger quantity where the change in formula and GMP (resulting in e.coli, DNA and SV40 fragments contamination) occurring in around October 2020.
I'm wondering though, did Eli Lilly just produce the report or did they also be involved with the Pfizer-BioNtech product and just not get credited, receiving some other compensation?🤔🤔
Thank you for the clarification. Having worked at government entities in the past (universities) I was thinking that 2001 date looked like it was just the date of the last form revision. But the situation is still super odd.
Excellent reporting, and clarification in comments. Read ANARCHY to see that Whitey Bulger, Charles Manson, AND Jack Ruby were all in the same prison (K State?) MK Ultra program with the same psychiatrist. He attended Ruby shortly after his jailing, after which he was incoherent.
Mr. Hoffman is the editor of Revisionist History® newsletter.
Michael Hoffman writes:
The gatekeepers are determined to demonize this writer with stigmas such as "holocaust denier" and "anti-semite." These scurrilous libels are devices for intimidating potential readers, colleagues and supporters, and limiting the exchange of knowledge between a scholar and fellow truth-seekers. My authentic views are as follows: Judaic people suffered severe and unconscionable persecution during World War II, including mass murder at the hands of the Nazis. I deplore these crimes and the criminal Nazi ideology which inspired and directed them. At the same time, it is necessary to have the courage to point out the many parallels between Nazi ideology and the Zionist ideology which is engaged in the on-going dispossession and killing of Palestinians.
Concerning "anti-semitism": this phrase is supposed to denote racial loathing of Judaic persons, but is often employed to stigmatize those who dare to offer a narrative of Judaism which challenges rabbinic narratives, or who dissent from the received opinion concerning Israeli actions in Palestine. Judaic dissent from Talmudism and Zionism has largely been omitted from the controversy. Consider that Norman Finkelstein, author of "Gaza: An Inquest," Noam Chomsky, and other Judaic dissidents, have been accused of "anti-semitism." This phrase is employed in many cases merely in order to gain advantage over political rivals by silencing them. My work is based on love and not hatred. My targets are ideologies and theologies, not people.
I am opposed to every form of hate with every fibre of my being. The movement to ban this writer's books and cancel my presence online should be seen for what it is: a partisan political effort to repress a legitimate opposing viewpoint and curtail the contribution my scholarship makes to the advancement of human knowledge.
My work transcends tribal atavisms and resentments. For example, in "Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare" I sought to deconstruct the command ideology of the Cryptocracy, while exploring an epistemology capable of inspiring higher consciousness by decoding the esoteric manipulation of thought patterns and the 'group mind' which impede our ability to transcend humanity's perpetual squabbles and simian warfare.
In the book "They Were White and They Were Slaves" I studied anew the circumstances surrounding so-called 'white indentured servitude' and discovered the prevalence of a far more onerous chattel enslavement of seventeenth century whites in America, and the dehumanized status of poor whites over the next two centuries.
In "Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not," I argue that during the Renaissance, gentile usurers gained firm purchase inside the Roman Church by scapegoating rival Judaic usurers. I also demonstrate that early Puritans, far from being the stereotypical skinflints and shylocks of legend, denounced and opposed usury, even as Renaissance Catholic popes and prelates were granting permission for it and benefiting from its proceeds.
"The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome,” published in 2017, is a heavily documented revisionist history of the concealed Neoplatonic-Hermetic ideology of the popes of the early modern era.
My latest book “Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People” (2019), is intended as an antidote to the Hitler hologram, and the attraction of Hitler's model of murderous dictatorship which, tragically, has become something of a template for young radicals on the Far Right.
My non-conforming research and writing do not fit simplistic Left/Right political or denominational categories, and because I violate taboos enforced by hysterical ideologues, my name and reputation have been unfairly blackened.
Those who question any significant aspect of the Establishment's holy dogma suffer the imputation of being an "irredeemable." The subsequent demonization is the penalty imposed for doubting the sacred orthodoxies of the ruling class. Political correctness is a dictatorship that disfigures and smothers nearly every truth it encounters. It ought to be defied. I will not be silenced.
Truth-seekers with the curiosity and good will to look beyond the libelous opprobrium put forth by self-appointed thought police, will encounter in my books challenges to the consensus across a broad spectrum of revisionist history and Fortean epistemology.
Author of "Secret Societies and Psychological warfare
Another perfect example of the US Government being corrupt as hell, doing the Devil's work, not giving a fuck about human life, lying, cheating and deceiving everyone for power, accomplishment and money!
Note: An ex-friend of mine was on six prescription drugs, one being Prozac, killed himself 4 years ago from alcohol poisoning and prescription pill overdose. He was 51, left behind two teenage children and a wife.
In November of 1953, a senior CIA official named Sid Gottlieb attended a meeting of Fort Detrick scientists and CIA people in the Appalachians. Later Gottlieb told the men, he put LSD in their drinks. Frank Olson, a civilian scientist from Fort Detrick (Da trick,) arrived home depressed and a week later jumped to his death from 10th floor of a New York hotel. 22 years later, Olson’s family learned about the LSD connection. 1500 Armed Forces personnel and other civilians were given LSD and other hallucinogens.
I have contacts at Eli Lilly in Australia- it's a freaking bad news company that has enjoyed protection and flying under the radar, for a very, very, very long time.
I would add that the Salk vaccine links to today's contamination issues of the c19 shots and the SV40 promoter snippets🤔🤔🤐 And include Eli Lilly s history re various war efforts, not dissimilar to Farbens in WW2. And the antidepressants look at the connection with the school shootings over the last 50 years.😉🤨😐🤦♀️
I feel pretty confident that you and I are BOTH ready for a miracle to end this hellish overlay and boot the demonic entities back to entropy. I plan to say to them, "Don't let the door hit you on your psychopathic ass on your way to a frozen state of nothingness, which is where you were headed before crash-landing in Our Paradise."
I mean, wow. Imagine what will happen to their cushy-job-keeping career clowns during a Divine Ass-Kicking. Will they implode? Explode? Deplode? Or will they simply remain evil-doing humans who are suddenly in a Creator-made frequency fence, duking it out amongst themselves in Karmic Injection Prison? So many scenarios to look forward to!
Interestingly, Stéphane Bancel of Moderna infamy, indicates that his first job was at Eli Lilly, where he moved up the ranks from sales and finally ends up leading Eli Lilly's Belgian operation. He received an MBA from Harvard in 2000 and left Eli Lilly in 2007, so he would've been at Eli Lilly at the time they were going into contract (Feb 2001) with the Dept of Defense. Of course he would've had a front row seat at Eli Lilly as to what was being planned for the upcoming depopulation bioweapon, and no doubt he wanted in on the big money. He might even have been recruited into the CIA at Harvard Business School, as that is a known hotbed for CIA recruitment.
This entire discussion of the Lily contract for PRODUCTION of monoclonal antibodies is fraught with errors and a complete lack of understanding about how DoD contracts work and what they look like. They are made up of a lot of FORMS, like CDRLs, CLINs, DIDs, etc. The FORMS are created at a point in time and then used for all contracts. I do mean ALL contracts: missiles, helicopter parts, databases, uniforms, EVERYTHING the DoD procures. The date of the FORM has NOTHING to do with any particular contract. The information for the contract is what is filled in in the forms.
That will be interesting. It is not the first time I've heard of a lot of early "prep" work. But to make the story hold water, please concentrate on the contents of the contract. A number of your readers will have been exposed to federal/DoD contracts and understand that they are structurally like a glossary of forms and parts (SOW, WBS, FAR clauses, etc). The meat is generally in the SOW.
Edit: BTW I don't dispute your CIA LSD Lily findings at all - I just want to clarify the contract understanding at the end of your article.
You know TruthStream Media on MK Ultra including Peter Breggin, Mad In America by Robert Whitaker, and of course, Thomas Szasz, my fellow lover of liberty?
They also experimented on prisoners up until 1974. Look up The Narcotics Farm. There is a book of that name and a PBS special. My Dad worked there at "NARCO" outside of Lexington KY up until 1974. It changed into a Federal Prison for Narcotics offenders. Before that it went through different phases according to what society thought would cure heroin addiction.
The 2001 dates on that form are just the version of the form. It simply has not been updated since 2001. This is common because at some point an official form will have reached a point where it's essentially perfect for what it's used for and no new versions of it are necessary.
I just discovered this article after posting my own notes on my related research. I was looking at the Big Data/AI manipulation of exploitable personality types and the relation to SSRIs. Your essay is a phenomenal deep dive into areas I was weak on.
Let me assist with some additional background on DoD contracts. The CDRL form shown that is dated 2001 is the date of the latest rev of that CDRL form. That same dated form will be used forever in every DOD contract originated from 2001 until it is revised. The date on the bottom row has NOTHING to do with the date of the contract. What matters is WHEN the CDRLs are due and what the CLINs specify. And no, these forms are not "copied". They are in a digital library to be used by the program office to enumerate the CDRLS for the contract. And no one individually numbered the pages. It is all done digitally and automatically and has been for decades.
The DI-ADMIN-81501 (called a Data Item Description, or DID) is likewise a common format specifying what data items are to be included in this type of report, specifying due date, frequency, etc in blocks 10-13.
Furthermore, this is NOT a product development contract. It is a production, quality control, source management, delivery etc contract. The product referred to already existed at the time of this procurement.
🤔 So to clarify, the product referred to in the document, was already in existence (sometime circa 2001) when this version of the contract was signed and dated in October/November 2020?
Yeah? Or am I confusing it?🤗
No, the date of 2001 has NOTHING to do with the product or the procurement at all. It is the date of the FORM that the information was described on. The FORM was defined or updated in 2001. It was used (and probably still is) for all DoD and Federal procurements.
This contract was signed on 10/26/20. The product to be procured already existed and this contract was for the sole purpose of purchasing a whole lot of it. The product could have been developed at ANY time prior to the date of this contract. WHEN the product was actually developed is not described in this contract and is not pertinent to the procurement.
Ahhhhhh. Thank you for clarifying that and taking the time to answer my question. I thought I was muddling it.
So while it's essentially just a code for procurement and not the date the product it's procuring was made, it still indicates that the said product was made prior to it being possible to manufacture the quantities involved, even under "warpspeed" BS protecol.😐😐
I've got that straight? Because I have the feeling that this will eventually go viral mediawise and a lot of peeps will also be confused, letting those accountable muddy the already muddied waters.🤷♀️🤦♀️BTJMO
Getting closer! Nothing in the CDRL (the form with the 2001 date on the bottom) says anything at all about the product - it just describes a data item that the vendor (Lily) has to provide. The data item is a report. And it describes what must be covered in the report and how often it is to be delivered. That is all. The date at the bottom is just an artifact of the form and has no meaning at all for this or any other federal contract. Delivery dates specific to the contract are found in many parts of the contract.
Where I learned that the product to be procured already existed was when I took the link provided to the entire contract, I could tell from the descriptions therein that the ONLY work was to procure a LOT of the product, in large quantities, and the methods to ensure product quality and access to source materials, etc. Frequent reviews to see if there were problems in manufacturing or delivery, and ability to deliver on schedules. (Yes - This is where OpWarpSpeed comes into play - setting the schedules and accelerated deliveries) There was NO language describing development, test, evaluation of a new "thing" at all. If there were development of a new product, there would have been a LOT of other steps and requirements, and specifications of the required new product. So no, this was not a new product, but it was to be made in larger quantities and much faster. Hope that helps!
Right. So that's inline with the original narrative of making a small batch of the product by approximately june/July 2020 (from memory), FDA EUA approval to move forward with larger quantity where the change in formula and GMP (resulting in e.coli, DNA and SV40 fragments contamination) occurring in around October 2020.
I'm wondering though, did Eli Lilly just produce the report or did they also be involved with the Pfizer-BioNtech product and just not get credited, receiving some other compensation?🤔🤔
Thank you, it helps🙏😊
Thank you for the clarification. Having worked at government entities in the past (universities) I was thinking that 2001 date looked like it was just the date of the last form revision. But the situation is still super odd.
Same thing I thought for the same reason. In fact I do my form docs the same way, DTG to indicate form edits.
Excellent reporting, and clarification in comments. Read ANARCHY to see that Whitey Bulger, Charles Manson, AND Jack Ruby were all in the same prison (K State?) MK Ultra program with the same psychiatrist. He attended Ruby shortly after his jailing, after which he was incoherent.
Mr. Hoffman is the editor of Revisionist History® newsletter.
Michael Hoffman writes:
The gatekeepers are determined to demonize this writer with stigmas such as "holocaust denier" and "anti-semite." These scurrilous libels are devices for intimidating potential readers, colleagues and supporters, and limiting the exchange of knowledge between a scholar and fellow truth-seekers. My authentic views are as follows: Judaic people suffered severe and unconscionable persecution during World War II, including mass murder at the hands of the Nazis. I deplore these crimes and the criminal Nazi ideology which inspired and directed them. At the same time, it is necessary to have the courage to point out the many parallels between Nazi ideology and the Zionist ideology which is engaged in the on-going dispossession and killing of Palestinians.
Concerning "anti-semitism": this phrase is supposed to denote racial loathing of Judaic persons, but is often employed to stigmatize those who dare to offer a narrative of Judaism which challenges rabbinic narratives, or who dissent from the received opinion concerning Israeli actions in Palestine. Judaic dissent from Talmudism and Zionism has largely been omitted from the controversy. Consider that Norman Finkelstein, author of "Gaza: An Inquest," Noam Chomsky, and other Judaic dissidents, have been accused of "anti-semitism." This phrase is employed in many cases merely in order to gain advantage over political rivals by silencing them. My work is based on love and not hatred. My targets are ideologies and theologies, not people.
I am opposed to every form of hate with every fibre of my being. The movement to ban this writer's books and cancel my presence online should be seen for what it is: a partisan political effort to repress a legitimate opposing viewpoint and curtail the contribution my scholarship makes to the advancement of human knowledge.
My work transcends tribal atavisms and resentments. For example, in "Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare" I sought to deconstruct the command ideology of the Cryptocracy, while exploring an epistemology capable of inspiring higher consciousness by decoding the esoteric manipulation of thought patterns and the 'group mind' which impede our ability to transcend humanity's perpetual squabbles and simian warfare.
In the book "They Were White and They Were Slaves" I studied anew the circumstances surrounding so-called 'white indentured servitude' and discovered the prevalence of a far more onerous chattel enslavement of seventeenth century whites in America, and the dehumanized status of poor whites over the next two centuries.
In "Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not," I argue that during the Renaissance, gentile usurers gained firm purchase inside the Roman Church by scapegoating rival Judaic usurers. I also demonstrate that early Puritans, far from being the stereotypical skinflints and shylocks of legend, denounced and opposed usury, even as Renaissance Catholic popes and prelates were granting permission for it and benefiting from its proceeds.
"The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome,” published in 2017, is a heavily documented revisionist history of the concealed Neoplatonic-Hermetic ideology of the popes of the early modern era.
My latest book “Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People” (2019), is intended as an antidote to the Hitler hologram, and the attraction of Hitler's model of murderous dictatorship which, tragically, has become something of a template for young radicals on the Far Right.
My non-conforming research and writing do not fit simplistic Left/Right political or denominational categories, and because I violate taboos enforced by hysterical ideologues, my name and reputation have been unfairly blackened.
Those who question any significant aspect of the Establishment's holy dogma suffer the imputation of being an "irredeemable." The subsequent demonization is the penalty imposed for doubting the sacred orthodoxies of the ruling class. Political correctness is a dictatorship that disfigures and smothers nearly every truth it encounters. It ought to be defied. I will not be silenced.
Truth-seekers with the curiosity and good will to look beyond the libelous opprobrium put forth by self-appointed thought police, will encounter in my books challenges to the consensus across a broad spectrum of revisionist history and Fortean epistemology.
Author of "Secret Societies and Psychological warfare
A must read for all who want to know!
Hunker Down and be vigilant!
Excellent post, Agent. 👍👍👍👏👏👏
Another perfect example of the US Government being corrupt as hell, doing the Devil's work, not giving a fuck about human life, lying, cheating and deceiving everyone for power, accomplishment and money!
Note: An ex-friend of mine was on six prescription drugs, one being Prozac, killed himself 4 years ago from alcohol poisoning and prescription pill overdose. He was 51, left behind two teenage children and a wife.
In November of 1953, a senior CIA official named Sid Gottlieb attended a meeting of Fort Detrick scientists and CIA people in the Appalachians. Later Gottlieb told the men, he put LSD in their drinks. Frank Olson, a civilian scientist from Fort Detrick (Da trick,) arrived home depressed and a week later jumped to his death from 10th floor of a New York hotel. 22 years later, Olson’s family learned about the LSD connection. 1500 Armed Forces personnel and other civilians were given LSD and other hallucinogens.
Nice piece Viroliegy and Agent. Make a good team😉
I have contacts at Eli Lilly in Australia- it's a freaking bad news company that has enjoyed protection and flying under the radar, for a very, very, very long time.
I would add that the Salk vaccine links to today's contamination issues of the c19 shots and the SV40 promoter snippets🤔🤔🤐 And include Eli Lilly s history re various war efforts, not dissimilar to Farbens in WW2. And the antidepressants look at the connection with the school shootings over the last 50 years.😉🤨😐🤦♀️
I feel pretty confident that you and I are BOTH ready for a miracle to end this hellish overlay and boot the demonic entities back to entropy. I plan to say to them, "Don't let the door hit you on your psychopathic ass on your way to a frozen state of nothingness, which is where you were headed before crash-landing in Our Paradise."
I mean, wow. Imagine what will happen to their cushy-job-keeping career clowns during a Divine Ass-Kicking. Will they implode? Explode? Deplode? Or will they simply remain evil-doing humans who are suddenly in a Creator-made frequency fence, duking it out amongst themselves in Karmic Injection Prison? So many scenarios to look forward to!
Interestingly, Stéphane Bancel of Moderna infamy, indicates that his first job was at Eli Lilly, where he moved up the ranks from sales and finally ends up leading Eli Lilly's Belgian operation. He received an MBA from Harvard in 2000 and left Eli Lilly in 2007, so he would've been at Eli Lilly at the time they were going into contract (Feb 2001) with the Dept of Defense. Of course he would've had a front row seat at Eli Lilly as to what was being planned for the upcoming depopulation bioweapon, and no doubt he wanted in on the big money. He might even have been recruited into the CIA at Harvard Business School, as that is a known hotbed for CIA recruitment.
This entire discussion of the Lily contract for PRODUCTION of monoclonal antibodies is fraught with errors and a complete lack of understanding about how DoD contracts work and what they look like. They are made up of a lot of FORMS, like CDRLs, CLINs, DIDs, etc. The FORMS are created at a point in time and then used for all contracts. I do mean ALL contracts: missiles, helicopter parts, databases, uniforms, EVERYTHING the DoD procures. The date of the FORM has NOTHING to do with any particular contract. The information for the contract is what is filled in in the forms.
I have 4 more contracts coming that have dates of 2015-2018 for the 2020 pandemic.
That will be interesting. It is not the first time I've heard of a lot of early "prep" work. But to make the story hold water, please concentrate on the contents of the contract. A number of your readers will have been exposed to federal/DoD contracts and understand that they are structurally like a glossary of forms and parts (SOW, WBS, FAR clauses, etc). The meat is generally in the SOW.
Edit: BTW I don't dispute your CIA LSD Lily findings at all - I just want to clarify the contract understanding at the end of your article.
Well sleuthed, much new here for me, thank you!
You know TruthStream Media on MK Ultra including Peter Breggin, Mad In America by Robert Whitaker, and of course, Thomas Szasz, my fellow lover of liberty?
Keep safe and free.
They also experimented on prisoners up until 1974. Look up The Narcotics Farm. There is a book of that name and a PBS special. My Dad worked there at "NARCO" outside of Lexington KY up until 1974. It changed into a Federal Prison for Narcotics offenders. Before that it went through different phases according to what society thought would cure heroin addiction.
The 2001 dates on that form are just the version of the form. It simply has not been updated since 2001. This is common because at some point an official form will have reached a point where it's essentially perfect for what it's used for and no new versions of it are necessary.
I've got to 'Oraflex' but need a change of adult diapers before reading on ...
Now that sir, is a fucking good post.
I'm not only reposting as a note but also as a post... Excellent investigatory work.
I just discovered this article after posting my own notes on my related research. I was looking at the Big Data/AI manipulation of exploitable personality types and the relation to SSRIs. Your essay is a phenomenal deep dive into areas I was weak on.
BTW - How did you miss the Rumsfeld Lily anthrax Gilead Remdesivir connection?
Check out Mark Kulac at