Whooping Cough Chemtrails: the CIA vs the Church of Scientology - Covert Biological Attacks in Florida
The Church of Scientology went to war with the CIA and exposed covert spraying operations: an action-packed true tale of spying, robbery and Psychological Warfare. The wildest story you've never heard
Founder of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, claimed that a group of twelve men associated with the World Bank had set up psychiatry and the mental health movement as a vehicle to undermine and destroy the West … and, as you can imagine, this accusation really made Big Pharma and the US government furious…
Before we get into this mind-blowing rabbit hole that is more action-packed than a UFC championship match, you must understand that The Church of Scientology is highly against the pharmaceutical industry. The Church and its members do not believe in, or approve of, the use of chemical agents as “cures”. The church avidly broadcasted its opinions of Big Pharma’s poisons, which enraged the pharmaceutical industry, therefore enraging the US government, its international allies and the powers that be. Now that we know the roots of the tiff, are you ready to hear one of the wildest, true crime stores of all time? This just might be one of the most interesting stories you’ve heard this year (granted, it’s only March, but still…) Let’s begin!
Rewind to 1958, when the Church of Scientology published an issue of their Freedom magazine which made reference to then-Vice-President Richard Nixon. It is unknown if it was Nixon personally, or his staff, that found this publication to be infuriating, but whatever the case was, the Secret Service was sent to the Church to demand the recall of all issues of the magazine. Additionally, the Secret Service said no further copies should ever be printed and to cease and desist using Nixon’s name.
It is my assumption that the church told the Secret Service to piss off, because that same year the FDA showed up at the church and seized 20,000 vitamin pills labeled “Dianezene”. The FDA claimed the pills were misleading, yet refused to test them and instead threw them away.
Only a few years later, in the early 1960s, the FDA arrived at the church again and seized 100 E-meters, which are devices the church uses as part of their religious practice.
Next, the government revoked the churches tax exempt status and founder L. Ron Hubbard discovered that he was, and had been, under constant FBI surveillance.
The icing on the cake of harassment occurred in 1967, when a top employee at the US Department of Labor created a memo accusing the church of using LSD and shooting people as part of an initiation ceremony; allegations which the church firmly denies. This memo was then sent by the US Dept. of Labor to 52 different government agencies. Immediately following the memo, foreign Scientology Ministers were denied access to the USA. This was the last straw for the church. With zero f*cks left to give, they began fighting back, and when I say they, “began fighting back”, this is a story unlike any story you have ever heard. If you’re like me, completely sick of government overreach, you can’t help but cheer for the church. And this is where the tale begins…
It was now the late 1960s, and the church was absolutely fed up with ongoing harassment from numerous branches of government. By this point in time, it was no longer just US government that was attacking the church, it was the majority of The Five Eyes countries, meaning, the church was being harassed throughout multiple countries, which royally enraged the church, to the point of them developing a plan to thoroughly infiltrate the US government and destroy the lives of those harassing them. (← add that to the list of things I never thought I’d type about a church).
The church already had a Public Investigation Section, so, within it, they created the "Guardian's Office" (GO), which was to be it’s own version of the US government’s Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
Within the GO was one elite branch, called B-1, which was tasked with the exact same tasks as the CIA data collection through any means necessary, including bribery, robbery and blackmail as well as accessing information through other means, such as infiltration and buying information.
The goal of the Guardians Office B-1 unit was not only to infiltrate government, but they also planned to access every document the government was hiding relating to Scientology. On top of that, they were planning revenge. They wanted the harassers to pay dearly for their actions.
Before the government could be infiltrated, the training commenced. The Church selected agents from within their organization to become spies. They then ran drills to help the agents learn to perform their duties, even under pressure and scrutiny.
The first series of drills was called “TR-L”, which stands for Training Routine Lie. These drills consisted of the students learning how to lie without suspicion, even lying under oath, in court, if need be.
Additional drills game-played how to best attack the individuals within the government, and within the media, who have been mercilessly tormenting the church.
A couple scenarios discussed in Scientology’s training materials include fictitious, yet realistic, revenge-tasks such as, “Send Jones boss evidence of Jones accepting bribes on his job, with copies to police and local FBI”, as well as, “Wake him up every night by calling him on the phone and threatening him”.
Out of all their attack ideas, my favorite is revenge against Psychologists who are launching attacks against the church. To get retribution against the Psychologist, the church will select a secret agent from within, then send them to be a patient of the harassing Psychologist for a full year. During these 12 months, the agent will run Psychological Operations (PSYOPs) on the shrink. - Come on man! You gotta admit, that’s pretty impressive planning, especially from a church!
Next, the Church discussed how to seek revenge on a newspaper journalist who was harassing. For this type of harassment, poisoning the writer is one option, while another possibility is, “Spread a rumor around to the papers employees that McDonald is a Communist”.
It was in 1971 that the church pulled off an unimaginable attack against writer, Paulette Cooper. You see, Paulette was a thorn in their side, due to her ongoing publications criticizing their religion, practices and establishment as a whole. According to the church, Paulette’s writings were what was fueling the governments harassment campaign. So, the churches B-1 unit developed “Operation PC Freakout”, meaning Operation Paulette Cooper Freakout.
The original Operation PC Freakout plan was to have Scientologists impersonating Cooper make phone calls to the Arab consulate and threaten them. The next idea was to have the agent(s) impersonating Cooper go to a laundromat and make phone calls threatening to kill Henry Kissinger (I’m liking this church more and more by the minute…). However, neither of these plans were chosen. What was selected was far more diabolical, far more Netflix-seven-season-series type stuff.
The confirmed plan went off almost flawlessly…
The Church sent an agent to covertly obtain Paulette’s fingerprints on some stationary, which they then used to write fake bomb threats against the church and mail them to themselves. Cooper was quickly apprehended due to fingerprint analysis. She was then indicted on three counts of “bomb threats”. The journalist faced 15 years in jail, but was able to clear herself by taking a US government “truth serum test” (sodium pentothal test).
Despite the test proving her innocence, Mrs. Cooper would remain a suspect all the way until 1977, when the US government raided a Scientology office and discovered paperwork outlining the framing of the writer. But the raid is further along in the timeline, so pretend like that info is a World Health Organization vaccine recommendation and just ignore it.
Another attack successfully carried out by the Church was surreptitiously going through Boston attorney Michael Flynn’s law office’s dumpster at all hours of the night, for two full years! (No, not the Trump-Michael-Flynn, this is a different dude with the same name). Each time they obtained more and more confidential client communication between the law firm and its clients, some of which involved the Church.
Mr. Flynn would later accuse the Scientology agents of tampering with his private plane by putting water in the gas tank. The lawyer narrowly escaped death when his plane almost crashed.
Sir John Foster (author of the official UK Government inquiry into Scientology), Lord Balniel (who had requested the report), the National Association for Mental Health (NAMH) and the World Federation for Mental Health were also targets for retaliation by the Church. But those attacks were small potatoes when compared to what the church pulled off against the United States government. The churches infiltration and espionage of the government was so well-planned and executed to perfection that the US government would not learn of most of it until the document seizure. But that seizure is still later in the timeline, so pretend that information is your tax bill and forget about it.
It was now 1973 and Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard was ready to launch of the first counterstrike against the government.
The attacks began with the churches legal team filing dozens of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and swamping the government with over 1,000 “formal requests”, in effort to discover why they were being targeted by the US government, and specifically, the CIA.
The Times news was quick to run an article justifying the CIA investigating the church. However, what was not known back then was that, at the time of the Times publication, the CIA was in control of over 200 media sources, which also leads to the question, were Paulette Cooper’s anti-Scientology publications part of the government-owned media? Was the government essentially ghost writing content against Scientology to grant themselves powers to investigate the organization? It is exceptionally possible… (17 second video)
What the church received from the government, in response to their FOIAs and formal requests, included a treasure trove of previously unknown information, including documents outlining a 15-year campaign, ran by the FBI, to disrupt groups they didn’t like. These organizations included the Black Panthers and groups that opposed the Vietnam War, which tied in to COINTELPRO. Now that the Church had confirmation that the US government, including the CIA, were indeed harassing, infiltrating and attempting to destroy organizations they weren’t fond of, the Church upped the ante…
Hubbard penned plans for their biggest operation, code-named, “Snow White”. The goal of Snow White was to gain access to all federal agencies and obtain every file each agency had on Scientology.
Because the Church of Scientology had balls made of steel that were coated in titanium, the first step of the plan was to have the trained B-1 agents to gain lawful employment at 136 different government branches. The government organizations targeted for infiltration include:
AEC - Atomic Energy Commission
CIA - Central Intelligence Agency
FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigations
FTC - Federal Trade Commission
FDA - Food and Drug Administration
IRS - Internal Revenue Service
IRS Office of International Operations
NSA - National Securities Administration
US Air Force
US Army
US Navy
US Attorney Generals Office
DEA - Drug Enforcement Agency
US Coast Guard
DOJ - Department of Justice
US Department of Labor
DOT - Department of Treasury
US Immigrations Office
US Marshalls Office
US Senate
US Attorney's offices in Washington, D.C.
US Attorney's offices in Los Angeles, CA
AMA - American Medical Association
Headquarters of the AMA
Even the US Post Office!
and more!
The plan was to obtain evidence by any means necessary, including eavesdropping, wiretapping, “bugging” rooms with listening devices, breaking and entering and stealing.
Michael Meisner, an agent for the Scientology B-1 unit, was selected to oversee Operation Snow White infiltrations and burglaries of the US government offices.
In 1975, Meisner selected Scientologist Gerald Wolf to infiltrate the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) by getting a job as a clerk.
After Wolfe had been given an IRS ID Card, which allowed him access to the building, the Scientology B-1 team went to work forging more ID cards. These forgeries were use to burglarize a shocking list of government IRS-entities, including:
Offices of the IRS Chief Counsel
Several IRS attorneys
The IRS Exemptions Office
The Tax Division of the U.S. Justice Department
The Deputy General of the U.S.
The IRS Office of Intelligence Operations
The Department of Justice Information and Privacy Unit
They even illegally accessed and burglarized the Interpol Liaison Office using the fraudulent identification cards!
Mr. Meisner’s strategic planning was so skillful that agents working under him were able to get into government offices and steal or Xerox over 30,000 government documents and files.
1977: After a full year of Scientology infiltrating the aforementioned US government offices, someone within the IRS caught-on to the forged key cards. This led to the FBI raiding the Scientology offices.
It was during this raid and church document confiscation, that the US government learned that Church hadn’t just broken into the IRS-related offices, but additionally, the agents of Scientology had also successfully obtained access to the DEA, the US Coast Guard, and the US Department of Labor!
The US government took action by making arrests within The Church of Scientology, including founder L. Ron Hubbard’s wife. But did this stop the Church? F*ck no! The exact opposite occurred; Scientology would launch their most massive attack next…
In the year following the raid and arrests, the church began publicly broadcasting that the US government was harassing them:
Not only did they claim that the government was illegally pestering them, but they went on to state that the CIA recruited the medical industry to go on a 20 YEAR harassment campaign against the church for their promotion of natural medicine. These public statements made by the church were the “warning shot” to the CIA that the church was ready to take the entire war public.
At this time, in 1978, the CIA and US government was under the impression that they had seized all of the churches documents two years prior, but little did they know, they didn’t get them all. Through the infiltration of the US government offices, the Church of Scientology gained access to many nonpublic CIA documents, and these documents were not taken in the raid, and this is where the story gets extra juicy…
In 1979, with some of their members still incarcerated, the Church publicly stated that they were ready to hold press conferences and reveal damning evidence against the government. These revelations included; seven years prior, the CIA was developing and testing a biological warfare “harassment system” and was in the process of “large-scale production of microorganisms” for covert biological warfare experiments.
Additionally, the Church released documentation proving the CIA's MK-ULTRA program conducted open-air biological warfare tests around New York city. We will be discussing those crazy documents soon, so click it or more it:
Next the Church released confidential CIA records which revealed that covert biological warfare attacks were performed on American citizens in Florida in 1955. Through research, the church was able to link these biological spraying experiments to an outbreak of “Whooping Cough” in Florida that same year. The biological weapon testing increased Whooping Cough cases by 300% that year and killed at least 12 people, of which five were children.
The church claimed the CIA records they garnered access to prove that shortly before the Florida Whooping Cough biological attack, the CIA signed out a specimen of whooping cough bacteria known as Hemophilus Pertussis from the Army's biological warfare center at Fort Detrick, Maryland. (Have you read my post Merck Developed Biological Weapons and Vitamins? Fort Dietrick was built for Merck. “Biological Weapons” are bacteria mixed with poison or straight up poison… and Merck knew them both well)
The Church then revealed that, only days after the CIA obtained the “whooping cough” from Fort Dietrick, additional receipts prove the intelligence agency purchased jeeps, lumber, several test animals and made numerous long distance calls regarding security set up at "field test sites" for spraying their biological materials.
Did the church stop there? Hell no! They went on to expose that the CIA killed the animals through the bio attacks then shipped the dead animals away, because nothing makes people more angry than the senseless killing of innocent animals.
Later that year, the Church was first to broadcast a breaking story, which was that the CIA had spent over $150,000 on additional biological warfare experiments from 1969 through the 1970s. These covert experiments directly defied President Nixon’s ban on the production and stockpiling of biological weapons (1969). I have a crazy article coming soon which outlines what happened next, which is the raid of the CIA’s “storage room”. You won’t believe what was discovered in there, so if you forgot to click it, here’s another chance, but you better click it soon, because you are running out of opportunities:
The church of Scientology then formed a group called, “American Citizens for Honesty in Government”, which began analyzing chemical and biological testing programs run by the Army, CIA and accomplices in the 1950s and 1960s. (Check out my posts General Mills Cereal Made Biological Weapons and Quaker Oats Poisoned Children)
Next, the Church published a Freedom magazine article which revealed that the US Army had also conducted secret biological warfare experiments on American citizens.
Additionally, Scientology ousted “Operation Big City”, which consisted of five consecutive days of secret biological warfare experiments performed on the American populous. Operation Big City was a joint collaboration, conducted by the CIA with the cooperation of US Army personnel in 1956.
A spokesman for the CIA said the agency would have no comment on any of the reports.
The same year as the Churches attacks, a judge working for the US government agreed to allow the release of selectively chosen Scientology documents which were part of the 1977 FBI raid. The government then released documents showing that Scientology had also successfully infiltrated the American Medical Association (AMA) by planting spies within the organization. This espionage was part of their “Doom Program” subprogram called “Operation AMA Doom”, in which Scientologist agents photocopied and stole documents and files.
The reason the AMA was such a target was because they were trying to end the entire chiropractic industry by calling “quackery”. Being that Scientology believes in homeopathic medicine, they took great offense to the AMA going to Congress to recommended that Congress exclude payment for chiropractic services from federally supported health programs. The AMA wanted people to instead use chemical-based medicine and have surgeries, because, they claimed, these treatments are proven to work.
Additional documents show that, as part of the Doom Program, Church leaders planned to, quote, “take over control” of the National Institute of Mental Health near Washington. The National Institute of Mental Health is another organization that promotes chemical medicines and condemns natural remedies.
Operation Snow White extended to Canada.
Eventually, nearly a dozen Scientologists were imprisoned over Snow White, but by 1990, all eleven defendants were freed.
In October 1990, the Church of Scientology filed a petition with the FDA claiming that Prozac caused suicide and asking the FDA to withdraw its approval
By 1993, the Church owned stock in two drug companies, one of which was Pfizer.
In 1994, it would come to light that Prozac manufacturer, Eli Lilly made a generous donation to the church (Read my article MKUltra & Eli Lilly: Mind and Population Control at the Same Time)
During these same years, the Church would continue to rally against Big Pharma
… which, as you can imagine, lead to a brutal falling-out and lawsuit between the drug maker and the Church. This time around, the Church quickly went public with the feud:
The US government and Five Eyes countries and associated continue(d) to fight against Scientology due to their advocacy against the medical industry and psychiatry.
In 2005, Belgium rejected Scientology's application for the status of a recognized religion.
In 2009, in the United Kingdom, an Independent senator in the Commonwealth Parliament, Nick Xenophon, under parliamentary privilege in the Senate, declared that the Church of Scientology is a criminal organization. This same year, in Chile, Scientology had been considered a cult.
In 2012, MetaBunk (who is heavily rumored to be yet another government-controlled ghost-writing front organization), published that there is no evidence of the CIA spraying Whooping Cough in Florida. Which is interesting, because I have written several Substacks about nearly identical, covert government biological weapons testing (on American Citizens) that are from the governments own documents. Meta accidentally doesn’t mention any of these 100% confirmed, secret human experiments, because that’s not how “Fact Checking” works.
In 2017, it was discovered that Scientology had infiltrated the Haus der Kunst museum and a scandal ensued.
To this day, the Church rallies behind natural treatments, and continues to condemn pharmaceuticals.
And, to this day, the government despises Scientology, but, despite the governments counterattacks, the Church continues to wage war.
And that, my friends, was the true story of Scientology vs the US Government. I hope you liked it as much as I did! If you think I tried hard, please consider buying me a coffee or making a Ko-Fi donation. Any amount truly helps!
MetaBunk says it’s false lol https://www.metabunk.org/threads/debunked-cias-whooping-cough-experiment-in-1955-kills-12-people-scientology-speculation.630/
By 1955 Whooping cough was killing more children in Florida than
Question: Then why did high profile ‘actors’ like Tom Cruise promote the CLOT SHOT so much if they are ‘against’ pharmaceuticals? There were many more as well as Tom.
I really enjoyed the article. But there is way more to the Church of Scientology than their feud with the govt. (Reminds me of 2 mafia families fighting for control.)
I lived in L.A. for many years and had many encounters with them. Have you ever seen Leah Rimini's accounts of her time with them? Truly abusive to children who happen to have Scientology parents. Many of the kids say they were sexually abused by adults in the camps where parents sent them away at very young ages. They also don't believe in attachment parenting. Quite the opposite.
And God help you if you try to leave. I had friends who left, but their church made their life hell for doing so. One of the rules is that if you leave, none of the members are allowed to have anything to do with you at all, even if they are family! Shunning on steroids.
And those same agents who fight the government go full on terrorist on anyone who leaves. I actually met someone whose job it was to harrass and torture anyone who wanted to leave. She eventually got that same treatment herself when she left.
And their recruitment process is unnerving. They tried to recruit me. I wasn't interested, but they resorted to shaming and name calling.
They don't really believe in God, but a God dynamic. (not judging, don't care what they believe) And L. Ron admitted he wanted the business he started to be a church for tax reasons. All in all, they fit the definition of a cult. (again, I don't care if anyone wants to be in a cult or not, just stating fact.)
However, I do admire their stance on psychiatrists and drugs and they were correct that the AMA was wrongly targeting chiropractors. Just adding more info about them.