Wanna See Something Crazy? The Covid-19 Crisis Phone Number 🤔a Tangled Web of F*ckery
What do Pfizer, Microsoft, the Saudi Government, Uvalde, the World Economic Forum and an experiment have in common? The Covid Crisis Hotline...
How I accidentally stumbled across this crazy info: During the heart of the Covid-19 pandemic, a fellow Truther from my home state of Michigan showed me the Daily Covid Tracker. This Tracker was built into Microsoft Edge, meaning it wasn’t a website, it was part of the actual web browser. Anyone could locate it by using Edge and searching for information related to Covid. It showed us Covid Cases, Deaths and Vaccinations, broken down by state and week:
At the time, my only impression was that it was more propaganda; yet another way to scare people. I rolled my eyes and forgot about it. Several months later, my fellow Michigan researcher pointed out that if you zoom in, you can see a breakdown by day, and questioned why there were no cases, followed by spikes of cases, followed by no cases:
I then laid them out on a calendar and discovered a pattern in outbreaks:
I looked at 15+ other states and discovered they too appeared to be on schedules. For example, Florida had outbreaks on Fridays:
Pennsylvania had outbreaks on Wednesdays:
Montana had two outbreaks per week, one was a large spike, one was small:
Every state I looked at was like this. I thought, perhaps states were only reporting one-to-two days per week, which would explain why the data is like this, but on HHS.gov I learned they were required to report daily in order to receive government payments:
So it does seem like something was making people incredibly ill on scheduled days, which was interesting, but that’s not what this article is about.
On the Daily Covid Tracker, embedded into the Edge web browser, there was a Covid-19 Hotline featuring a Crisis Text Line phone number:
I wondered WTF a Covid Crisis is; is this a place I can text to get help with my uncle being murdered in a hospital, dying on a respirator and unable to see his family? Is it that kind of crisis? I doubted it. Being that the phone number was located directly under CDC data, I thought it could be a CDC program:
So I decided to give it a try.
Being that I never use my real phone number for investigating, I created a free phone number using Pinger. After making the disposable number, I clicked the Covid Crisis Hotline link and followed the directions; text the word "HOME" to "741741":
Guess who replied?
Nobody! I received an error message because they were able to tell that I was not using a real phone number. Apparently they only want to help you if the phone number you are messaging from is connected to a cell phone network provider (Verizon, Sprint, AT&T, etc):
Why are they referring people (who are using disposable phone numbers) to a Facebook page? Strange, eh? Being in the middle of a crisis and not being allowed to get assistance because I wasn’t using a paid phone number was a red flag, but not being able to utilize the text number program didn’t deter me from investigating and this is where things start to get crazy…
I located the website for the text number, CrisisTextLine.org and accessed their Financials page. Wanna know who is funding the Crisis Hotline? Donors, specifically anonymous donors:
I dug deeper and discovered the Crisis Text Line goes back to 2014:
The Crisis Text Line 2014 Financial statement shows the purpose of the company is to “use technology and data innovations to pioneer new approaches to support people in need”:
…and they raked in almost $4 million in their first year in business. Not bad for a brand new nonprofit organization!
Wanna see their other financial statements? Trust me, you do. In 2015 they made another $4 million:
According to a CNN article, in 2016, the Covid Crisis Hotline generated over $24 MILLION:
But, it is not declared on their 2016 or 2017 form 990. In 2016 they reported $14 million:
In 2017 they reported under $4 million, so I’m not sure where that $24 million went:
Then, in 2018, not long before Covid news would begin, they reported $27 million:
In 2019, the Crisis Text Line brought in almost $18 million:
2020 was a record year, generating over $94 MILLION:
If that’s not a load of f*ckery, what is? In 2021 the text line’s income dropped substantially to a little under $10 million:
2022 was $15 million:
The text line has not shared their 2023 statement yet, but, from what we can see, this nonprofit has generated approximately $194 million in only eight years. So what exactly is going on here? Well…
At the time the business was formed, the principal officer was Nancy Lubin, but in 2019, right before Covid, the new principal officer became Dena Trujillo. Who is Trujillo? A woman whose entire career history was spent working for Omidyar Network as the Director of Human Capital and Investments.
What is Omidyar Network? An investment firm:
Which happens to be a partner with the World Economic Forum. On their WEF profile, they state their purpose is “social change”:
Perhaps you are wondering what specifically Omidyar means when they say social change? What they are referring to the full implementation of Digital ID and Digital Currency (which the WEF has been pushing hard for because Bitcoin was invented by the NSA):
Let’s recap really quick: The World Economic Forum is partnered with an investment firm called Omidyar Network, which specializes in social change Digital ID and has a long-time employee, Dena Trujillo, who is also the principal officer for the Crisis Text Line, which has raked in almost 200 million dollars in only eight years (from anonymous donors), and you need to have a cell phone connected to a cellular data company to seek help through this charity. Ok, let’s continue:
Other than Digital ID, guess what else Omidyar, the investment firm, funds? None other than the Crisis Text Line:
Although Dena is the principal officer of the Crisis Text Line, the president of the company is Danah Boyd… who is also a partner at Microsoft Research and the founder of Data & Society.
Here she is, giving a lecture at MIT:
They sure know how to weave a tangled web, eh?
Now let’s go back to the 990 tax filings for CrisisTextLine.org to see what exactly the money is being spent on:
Here we see several large expenses. First is legal fees, followed by a large amount of money paid to IMPACTIVE SOLUTIONS, LLC for “Equity Transformation”. Impact Solutions helps social and health-related organizations structure their businesses. The third payment is to ANDELA INC, which is a company founded in 2015 that received $24 million from The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative was founded and owned by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan. The fourth payment is to a staff recruitment company and the last payment is the most interesting, The Glover Park Group, LLC:
The Glover Park Group was founded by Clinton White House democrats. Their clients included Pfizer, Visa, the Alliance for Climate Protection, Microsoft, Whole Foods Market, the Saudi Government, Hilary Clinton, Verizon Wireless, they were even hired to promote of Michael Moore's documentary Fahrenheit 9/11. (in 2021, Glover became FGS Global)
So, that company, the Glover Group, was on the payroll of the Covid Crisis Text Line.
CrisisTextLine.org’s website states that they recognize that issues like gun violence and climate change are connected to mental help.
You can’t make this sh*t up: The Crisis Text Line was utilized to run an experiment involving the Uvalde shooting. The experiment was to see if a traumatic event involving a gun would lead to more people feeling disturbed enough to contact the Text Line seeking emotional support related to gun crime. Or would the amount of people reaching out for support during a heavily publicized gun-related tragedy be the same volume as if a crime had not occurred?
To conduct this experiment, the Crisis Text Line developed AI which analyzed all of the communications they received from those seeking help and looked for keywords relating to guns.
The Uvalde Experiment concluded “there was a significant increase in the number of conversations mentioning firearms following the shooting, with the largest spike occurring the day after the shooting (n=159) on May 25, 2022.” … “Within firearm conversations, grief issue tags showed a significant increase in proportion in the week following the shooting, while “isolation/loneliness,” “relationships,” and “suicide” issue tags showed a significant decrease in proportions the week following the shooting.”
Let me translate what is going on here: this means Crisis Text Line is being used to monitor the impact of media propaganda on citizens mental wellbeing.
Uvalde wasn’t the first or last experiment ran by the Crisis Text Line:
Experiment: Hurricane Ida’s Impact on Mental Health - through this experiment they learned that a Hurricane leads people to be emotional, experience higher-than-normal levels of stress and anxiety, which can lead to drug use and contemplation of suicide, in addition to feeling the pain of loss:
This same experiment was ran using “Temperature Extremes” (2019), “Winter Storms and Power Outages in Texas” (2021) and “Wildfires” (2022). They point out that, due to Climate Change, the weather is going to continue to get worse as we approach complete devastation, so these figures will continue to ramp up. (Of course there is no mention of the Climate being deliberately changed via GeoEngineering and the Military Causing Blackouts by Dropping Chaff)
The Text help line gathered data on Suicidal Youth, by State, During Covid:
They determined that Covid, government restrictions and mandates and propaganda had an extreme impact on children, especially teens, leading to suicide. Utah and Montana had the highest levels of suicidal youth. (btw, Teen Suicide is also known as Population Control).
Folks, this is a diabolical data gathering operation being ran by WEF Partners, Microsoft and others, posing as a nonprofit that offers free counseling. Not only is the Crisis Text Line used to compile intelligence but it is weaponized to push political issues, all under the guise of helping the public. This data aggregation company is learning the connection between the media and people’s breaking points so it can be perfected as a tool to be used against us, and it is now going worldwide:
Your researching skills are epic!!! 🧐🕵♂️🔥
Michigan pride, you give me. I have also noticed Craigslist users to now have a cell phone before you can place a paid ad, and my landline does not qualify. So Craigslist no longer gets my business. They want to track everybody. I do not comply.