They're MAKING FAKE STARS! Guess Who Owns the Patent?
Do you ever get to the point where you wonder if anything is real anymore?
Today we are going to run through a list of things in the sky that we know are fake.
In the 1960s, when artificial comets were first created they were made using “ice, frozen chemicals and perhaps dirt…”
By the 1980s they were created by injecting lithium and barium into the atmosphere. These chemical comets spanned up to 12,427 miles in length (20,000 km)
To give you an idea of how long that is, here’s 1,000 miles in length. Imagine that, multiplied by 12!
If you just use Lithium, you get a red-pink comet:
Who would have ever thought that even Auroras could be fake? Artificial Auroras began back in the 1940s
And have continued on ever since.
NASA makes them these days using Barium and Strontium. Great to see our tax dollars hard at work.
Yep, they make those too. In the late 1950s they were making ‘em out of aluminum pellets.
They still blast them off but now they are all made from chemicals.
Artificial clouds began being made back in the 1950s
Now there are ground-based mobile cloud generators: (35 second video)
If you feel like the clouds came out of nowhere and appeared super fast, now you know why. Citizens have caught these things in use by following the trail of clouds.
Here is a timelapse video:
Starting in the 1970s, barium payloads were used to create bluish-white clouds that spanned 600 miles long each (10,000+km):
Check out my series Evergreen & the Black Budget Operation to learn about the firefighting planes that don’t fight fires but do have patents for spraying sh*t into the sky from their fleet of Boeing Supertankers… and happened to be a CIA front company…
After they spray the clouds they use frequency to move the clouds to block the sun to fight “climate change” (“Global Warming” which they claim is caused by radiation from the sun)
…and they try to tell us this is just normal air traffic…
Yet as the sun moves, the lines follow…
Other than the sprayed clouds and frequency deployed to block the sun, this is one of the worst…
What most people don’t know is the chemicals they are releasing into the sky are super toxic, kills the insects (including bees) and actually are not even guaranteed to make rain! When you spray chemicals to artificially induce rain in one area it causes drought in another. By the 1960s weather modification had become so bad that 400 farmers joined forces to save their livelihoods by stopping the geoengineering. These farmers were experiencing horrific drought meanwhile, several states away, cities were being flooded. Come the 1980s, droughts were used to crush California.
Here were the countries engaged in making artificial rain back in 1978:
Want to hear something really interesting? In the early 1900s Nikola Tesla invented a way to make rainfall using only electricity, no chemicals required, but the rainmakers weren’t interested.
In my article, Military Causing Power Outages Dropping Chaff: Blackouts as a Weapon, we learned how they can stop lightning too. These people have full control over our skies.
Here’s a Sun Simulator:
Granted, this is what we are allowed to see, imagine what we don’t get to see. There is a lot of evidence that something is going on with the sun recently and it sure ain’t normal. People are videoing something in the sky that looks exactly like the artificial sun patents.
Check out my 2-part series on this topic, 2 Suns in the Sky: Optical Illusion or Military Operation and Sun Simulator Deployed Worldwide? for some pretty damning proof that something is going on with the sun in recent times.
In Chemtrails: Fake Snow vs Blowtorch we discussed this new snow showing up all over the world. This chemical snow doesn’t melt like normal snow.
It’s not just snow and rain - they also make hail, fog, sleet, mist - and it has caused epic levels of destruction.
The hail is so severe that hail cannons are now required to counteract the giant hail. Hail cannons work by sending sonic booms into the atmosphere to break up the hail - now think about what this is doing to nature:
So, they make clouds, lightning, meteors, auroras, comets, rain, drought, fog, sleet, snow, hail and probably have an artificial sun, so should we really be too shocked that they make stars too?
Here’s a patent for “Synthetic Guide Star Generation” that states it is to “create a “guide star” in the upper atmosphere”. A Guide Star is the really bright star that is used in astronomy:
Guess who owned this patent?
Yep, THE US DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY… the government. In fact, the government hired the University of California (Contract No. W-7405-ENG-48) and paid them in our tax dollars to make this fake star. A few years later the US Department of Energy transferred the patent to Lawrence Livermore National Security:
Lawrence is basically a part of the Department of Energy. Although federally funded, Lawrence is managed privately and operated by Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC (a partnership of the University of California, Bechtel, BWX Technologies, Amentum, and Battelle Memorial Institute in affiliation with the Texas A&M University System). One of its areas of expertise is in the development of “weapons of mass destruction” - and apparently they dabble in fake stars. But keep in mind, the fake star patent is over 20 years ago. Over 50 years prior to that patent they were making fake stars…
Artificial stars have since become so common that there are companies you can now hire to pop off some fake stars for you. Meet ALE, a Japanese business that makes stars…
…and fake meteor showers too…
ALE can even turn a shooting star different colors. Do you know how they accomplish this? Through burning metals… the same metals NASA and geoengineering operations use; Lithium, Barium, Strontium and more.
ALE says their fake stars “can be clearly seen anywhere, even in the city”.
What can they do with all of this technology? As I showed you in The 2024 Arctic Free was MAN-MADE! Undeniable Proof, I had the opportunity to hop on a flight during the Arctic Freeze and view the nation from above. What I discovered shocked me. It appeared frequency weapons were used to create the terrible storm that caused severe damage to property and livelihoods. The exact technique of moving the clouds was used to drastically reduce the temperature very quickly and that was combined with seeding the sky with chemicals to shower giant amounts of snow upon us.
I went to Florida for Hurricane Debby (August 2024). When I arrived the sky was blue.
That evening, it was as if someone flipped a switch and an electrical storm began flashing like a strobe light.
The following day I watched the sky being sprayed then frequency being used to move the clouds. You can see the frequency lines - and note the white, oval-ish sun is blocked by clouds:
Storm clouds suddenly moved in and completely covered the area within a matter of two hours. It was like someone pulled a giant blanket across the sky.
Once the sky was covered the frequency pulsing began and the clouds started clumping:
And if you’re thinking “How do you know it’s frequency?!”. Answer: Because we see the identical phenomena when frequency is applied to water:
And when they crank it up high you can see the it in puddles, ponds and small bodies of water!
Next the news began pumping hurricane fear:
Every channel of the four channels my hotel room television had was hurricane broadcasts. The following day the media reported the destruction had begun.
I stayed in Florida a few additional days, watching more of the same until the airport canceled my flight home. I tried to book a new flight but couldn’t so I took an Uber to Orlando to catch a flight home from there. Evacuations started as I was leaving the coast.
The sky in Orlando was grotesque too. That ring around the sun wasn’t “cloud”, it’s chemicals / micronized heavy metals.
I got an upper floor hotel room so I could sky watch. I noticed the lowest level of clouds was being pushed from inland Orlando out toward the hurricane areas. I also noticed the geoengineering toxins were killing Florida’s trees just like the trees in my home state, Michigan
The following morning, frequency was deployed to continue to move more sprayed clouds to the coast.
Leaving Orlando, the clouds were in rows:
And from above, we get a clear view of frequency being blasted:
And again, we can see this same phenomena in water. Look how fast they can whip “the clouds” around using EMF:
People are going to say we this is all HAARP - personally, I think the HAARP in Alaska is the least of our concerns because there are baby HAARPS in our back yards (“5G” towers, NEXRAD) and mega frequency blasters owned by the “space” agencies that can reach across the world:
Interestingly, if you plot the locations of the mega frequency blasters out on a random flat earth map, you end up with something like this:
Just sayin’. I’m not trying to argue the shape of the earth because I don’t know the shape of the earth. Why don’t I know? Because NASA won’t bring me to space (and won’t even show me a real photo of earth from space or a satellite in space) and Antarctica travel is forbidden with very few exceptions. In fact, the government will not allow any travel past the 60th parallel - it is all completely off limits. Anyway, HAARP is of least concern when compared to their other devices.
So to answer the question, “What can they do with all of this technology?”, I think the question is better phrased as “What can’t they do with all this technology?”…
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From hurricanes to earthquakes to tornadoes and everything in between, It’s all fake. Here’s just a couple of patents:
803180 – October 31, 1905 – Means for Producing High Potential Electrical Discharges
0462795 – July 16, 1891 – Method Of Producing Rain-Fall
1103490 – August 6, 1913 – Rain-Maker
1225521 – September 4, 1915 – Protecting From Poisonous Gas In Warfare
1279823 – September 24, 1918 – Process and Apparatus for Causing Precipitation by Coalescence of Aqueous Particles Contained in the Atmosphere
1284982 – November 19, 1918 – Process and Apparatus for Procuring and Stimulating Rainfall
1338343 – April 27, 1920 – Process And Apparatus For The Production of Intense Artificial Clouds, Fogs, or Mists
1358084 – November 9, 1920 – Method of Producing Fog-Screens
1619183 – March 1, 1927 – Process of Producing Smoke Clouds From Moving Aircraft
1665267 – April 10, 1928 – Process of Producing Artificial Fogs
1892132 – December 27, 1932 – Atomizing Attachment For Airplane Engine Exhausts
1895765 – January 31, 1933 – Artificial Production of Fog
1928963 – October 3, 1933 – Electrical System And Method
Tesla invented the ability to make tides so high they could sink a fleet of Navy ships. Here’s a massive list of patents, thanks to Dane Wigington over at
LOL - watch it go up, turn and come down… then cut to CGI
I read two books, entitled, “ everything you have been told is a lie “ the other book, everything you know is a lie. Both books only dealt with historical lies during the revolution war era and the civil war era. It’s much worse than we could ever imagine. We have been brainwashed and manipulated for thousands of years, and most of us are completely clueless. Telling the truth and insisting on the truth, requires courage, a moral foundation and strength. Telling lies, excepting HALF TRUTHS, and living with fraud as a way of life is easy, because it requires no courage, no moral foundation and no strength. True freedom starts when you question the reality you’ve been given. You can ignore reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of ignoring reality, the TRUTH is not for all men, but only for those who seek it. HAVE I BECOME YOUR ENEMY BECAUSE I TELL YOU THE TRUTH!
We’re living in a ‘Truman Show’, reality.
Whenever the veil is lifted on the illusion of our collective un-reality, there’s massive resistance. Most can’t manage having their beliefs, ideology or perceptions challenged.
The propaganda and disinformation is so unrelenting, so many layers deep, that we’ve all formed unique, highly individualized yet (often) false paradigms of what’s fact or fiction.
This works to the advantage of the cryptocracy, to confuse, fracture and schism the populace.
They’re fixing our gaze upon the illusory and superficial, while stealing, racketeering, poisoning and committing for-profit democide.