MUST READ! I've researched a lot of crazy things, but this is definitely top ten material. No wonder they worked so hard to suppress the truth about these "doctors"...
Our wells and city water reservoirs have tested positive, usually on the hush hush, for pathogens, arsenic, radon, lead, pharmaceuticals, nanotech, microplastics, bleach, salts, nitrates, pesticides, herbicides, aluminum, ammonia, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, and copper, natural gas, methane, gasoline, and more.
Authorities add chlorine, chloramines, fluoride, and, no doubt, other "treatments" to the toxic brew on tap that most of us drink to sustain life and sub-optimal health. They then they tell us our city water is some of the best in the world, using, perhaps, less than truthful analyses, and remind us to be sure to hydrate often.
Is it a conspiracy to slowly degrade our health, lower our IQs, and to pacify us, along with GMO and pesticide-laced food, vaccines, chemtrails, plastics, other toxic products, EMF smog, directed microwave radiation, and sealed homes? Are dark actors poisoning us in collusion, so that we'll be ripe for the plucking or enslavement for the next "great reset"? Of course, they are.
Much of that poisoning is from CHEM_SPRAY these days.... It is far easier for the demons to spray mass areas of the earth from jets at 30K feet which contaminates the entire earth... Our water, our grasses, our soils and our air which includes the infestation of everything we eat, drink and breath.... They , the demonic entities the jews have it all controlled for this modern time of human eradication....And unfortunately for we the people, they are succeeding very well.... So that leaves us only one solution to this problem..... Full and entire annihilation of the jews world wide !!!..... Sorry for such a point blank response and for some may be far too threatening for their psych limits or liking but it really is our only way out of this mass death taking place on the human race.
Chemtrails are one of the sickest, saddest, sado operations against not only humanity but against all of flora, fauna, the soil, wind and rain and our sunlight. What's being done to children using vaccines, poisoned baby food, perverted TV, social media, and electronic brain entrainment is pretty vile, too, but what's being inflicted on too many young ones in secret rooms and retreats is really unspeakable.
Whoever is responsible for this anti-life campaign has thrown away their humanity for love of hurt and money and a false sense of entitlement. They'll wake up one day and realize they've become slave-demons for a false god who doesn't owe them any allegiance and who will dispense with their asses and assets when the reckoning comes, simply because they're still breathing.
It's all meant to end in naught in their all-or-nothing game, but do they know that?
Is it all Jews or is it only the Kabbalist Jews or the ones in Revelations who use Kabbalah and are Jews in name only, because they truly worship Satan. How about we get rid of the ones who are truly behind this agenda to kill and enslave humanity. Many people of different religions have vile people involved in this plan. Only the people at the top of the totem pole know the plan, it's the regular folks on the bottom who don't know. I'm sure there are many Jews who have no idea that some of their top leaders are involved in this genocide, just like the regular Catholic folk don't know that their Pope and some cardinals and priests are also. Do you understand what I'm saying? We would end up being no better than Hitler by killing off people who just so happened to be associated with a certain religion or ethnicity. A lot of innocent people and children would be killed for no good reason.
Indeed so. It is the Jews who say they are Jews but are not but are of the synagogue of Satan. plus their minions. They will not care for their own people.
We got an email from our San Antonio water department telling us that we might want to get our tap water tested for lead, if we actually drink it. (We don’t)
Wow, it's getting increasingly official that we're on our own when it comes to the safety of city-supplied water. But the difficult debate over specs, performance promises, and other comparisons re filters and filtration systems makes choosing them an expensive "unknown," with regular testing after they're installed. Further, many water testing labs don't test for everything, and some not much of anything. They often charge a lot more to test for extra toxins, and then there's the the frequency such should be done and the question as to the accuracy and honesty of reports.
Good thing you don't drink the tap water, but kitchen sinks and showerheads should be filtered because of off-gassing and skin absorption, especially with hot water. I've looked at getting filters for ours, but get lost with all the hype and testimonies over the different types and brands! My husband thinks all US tap water is just fine, but I buy "spring" water bottled in glass for my use, and should probably have that tested.
The municipal utilities we used to take for granted... You'd think they'd offer testing and suggestions to ameliorate any problem, especially when it comes to lead. Was the S.A. water department offering to get the testing done? And should it be trusted?
Btw, there are filters that fit on hoses, (food-grade hoses are best), that are supposed to remove most chlorine and chloramines, and some claim fluoride, for watering your garden and yard.
They poison the water and then tell people to get it tested and buy a water filter. It is a good money spinner. The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.
You’re wasting your $$$$ buying what you think is Spring Water because most bottled water is from a Tap.. I do buy Zephyrhills 100% Natural Spring water for emergencies and hurricanes.. we drink filtered water and you might want to buy a filtered water system. We live 3 blocks from the beach.. in Florida and our city water isn’t drinkable and we do have a well.. and we have rain barrels.. years ago we use to fill the water jugs with the Lithia Springs ..water …that is located in Montreat NC .. it’s a beautiful little piece of heaven in the NC mountains..where my mother and grandparents lived… and their two story cottage is located can look up the springs in Montreat…but sadly it’s probably destroyed from the flooding in Montreat. I hope not..
Those mountains sound glorious, hope the area wasn't devastated and can recover. Anyway, thanks for the advice and the name of your good source of H2O. Have not found that brand in my metro area but will look into it further. Sadly, most rainwater is chock-full of junk, thanks to the chemtrails, but many of us may have to resort to trying to collect and filter it with more involved technology, for when there are utility outages and supply line failures.
I get a fairly reputable bottled water which those-in-the-know here buy, and it tastes fine. My worries are that its source may have been contaminated by dioxins going way downstream of the East Palestine train derailment. Depending on resources downstream and downwind is less than ideal, but the prospect of shipping supplies from or relocating to alpine mountain peaks or to the North Pole isn't very tenable for us. Enjoy your beach!
Montreat is like heaven on earth. And yes!! Sadly.. The area was hit pretty hard especially Black Mountain.. Asheville and Swannona MC… there is lots of damage and a lot of lives lost…. And the water … that I mentioned is a spring water from a spring source here in Florida …. and they even sell large jugs .. with a spout … so one can keep it in the refrigerator.. for their drinking water. I agree about the rain water.. it is really bad … since all they do is pollute our skies and soil … everything … including the water and food. It’s maddening.. and yes!!! We’re blessed to live 3 blocks to the beach.. we have lots of deer.. 🐢 turtles .. raccoons.. black bears and black panthers roaming the island.. the deer walk down our back lane in the early mornings … it’s a nature lovers paradise … and we are very self sufficient …in our backyard..we have a fire pit for cooking… … And in case there’s no electricity … we can sleep …in our tent ..underneath the stars .. and we have a outdoor bathhouse …that we use year round. Before moving here … we lived in the bush of Alaska and the jungle of Costa Rica .. we lived in a Blue Zone in the Nicoya peninsula in 🇨🇷 … watch the documentary the Blue Zones and take peek at the Blue Zone website for some delicious recipes for Black Beans and Longevity Soup. All the best to you.. and Be well and check on Amazon for the natural spring water…Zephyrhills Spring water
Thanks. You have lived in some beautiful places on Earth, and your current island sounds like a wildlife sanctuary! How smart of you to have made off-grid accommodations right in your backyard. Sleeping under the stars where you can actually see them is like dreaming in a state of grace!
We received a letter from the city of Brandon’s Water Department advising us to get our tap water tested for lead. Surely they know lead is in the water so are they just trying to avoid taking responsibility for the contaminated water? Who knows but if they actually cared about our water they’d stop poisoning it and apologize for not taking action sooner.
I’m sure most people in the US would think of Brandon Florida not the city in Manitoba. We’re 2 hours west of Winnipeg. The nickname for this city/town is the Wheat City and the junior hockey team is called the Wheat Kings so there’s a big affiliation with wheat and farming in general. Most people here don’t know how think critically, very obedient.
That’s similar to saying foot-soldiers are the plague…
Besides (soft-)poisoning beverages, nowadays poisons are also hidden in vaccines, which are “shot” by ignorant MD’s, as “the usual suspects” in-DOCTOR-inated them to do.
Those plague dock-tors were using some sort of black magic and probably cut victims open while alive for adrenochrome and organ harvesting and torture the victims, as is done today. I have heard dock-tors have what is called "black crow parties" at hospitals and medical schools to celebrate the patients that died or were executed under their care...
outstanding article; my highlights from the article: From the 1300s through the 1600s was a MASS EXECUTION OF EUROPE by gov’t funded doctors? [babylonian satanists] POISONED THE WATER SUPPLY [with venom]? This article reminds me who is the most famous in American history that tried to resist being bloodlet before he was murdered by his so called care providers? He was a freemason and maybe finally refused to go along with their plan; was Washington murdered by his so called "doctors"?
Highlights from the main article “History claims, from the 1300s through the 1600s there were Plague Doctors. "[the astronomically well paid by the government] door-to-door [volunteers falsely called]“doctors” treated their [impoverished] dying patients by putting frogs or leaches on them; the vast majority of volunteers physicians preferred a different method. That method was……bloodletting. use a special tool called a [']fleam['] to slice the patients forearm or neck, cutting deep into a vein then draining the blood into a bowl..... bloodletting as an ancient satanic practice, originating from the word “let” meaning “to allow to pass, go or come.”. The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft says: “blood that is ["]let["] is believed to unleash power." [Unleashes power to WHOM or WHAT and WHY?]
[to add insult to injury these paid volunteers Plague dock-tors 1) kept the death toll records; 2) assisted [soon to be murder victims] in the writing of their final testament; helped the [victims] divide up whatever assets they may own as well as 3) performed autopsies during a time when in[ Europe were forbidden; special privileges were granted to these volunteers which allowed them to desecrate dead bodies [to determine cause of death, though it was assumed and understood from the start the plague killed the victims]…[what was going on here?]
'The government was paying for this [mass execution by paid mercenaries] to occur. Yes, tax dollars were funding anonymous male volunteers to kill the sick...
[It was found that in at least one account] THE [babylonian satanists] POISONED THE WATER SUPPLY [with venom] RESULTING IN THE MASS EXECUTION OF EUROPE.... why does this sound so familiar and RECENT?
a mass execution had occurred, with as much as 60% of Europeans being slaughtered.”
I have heard the first edition of Faust wrote about a doctor giving inoculations that killed thousands, the people loved it saying it was advanced medicine and the publisher removed that theme of the book.
About what the rabbi said about poisoning wells. My guess is that he had been seriously tortured. Also this happened throughout Europe. So suddenly you would need masses of poisonings throughout Europe - a whole army of Jews going around poisoning wells. Sweden, Spain, everywhere. It does not come across as plausible.
It is well documented that modern Jews poisoned wells on at least one occasion in Palestine this last century. And a Jewish plot to poison the German city of Nuremberg's water supply (If I remember correctly) was uncovered luckily before it could happen. So it's not like it wouldn't exactly be their M.O....indeed, they are vastly overrepresented in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry as well, especially in the early days of 18-19th century leading up to the modern allopathic zeitgeist.
Additionally, it wouldn't be all too difficult for a group of mercantile bankers/traders to plan out a mass poisoning event all throughout the gentile world. They already had sprawling communication networks between their own peoples(a prerequisite for long distance trading and international banking). Coupled with the known existence of their secret societies (they came later, but no reason to think they didn't exist prior to the 17th century), it is not just possible, but imo the most likely etiology of the black plague.
Im not sure of the specific motive in the context of the black plague, but generally, the goal is the creation of a homogeneous, Noahide-law-compliant slave race that serves Jewish interests and Jewish gods.(I.e. Look at US gentile Zionists...servants to Yahweh and money)
yup. noahides are just 7 of the 10 commandments which "can" apply to even non-joos an' even as non-joos under jooish law that means they too kin be equally blessed under god. The 7 are really basic... most folks including most Christians would not object...
"1. Do not profane G d’s Oneness in any way.
Acknowledge that there is a single G d who cares about what we are doing and desires that we take care of “His” world. God is not a man—he is a force of singular divinity the lives within us all that allows all nature to work in harmony. “He” is a Source of Being... a higher power (Abraham figured this out first...then Moses..)
2. Do not curse your Creator(do not put at risk the foundation for responsible human conduct which comes from belief in a deliberate and purposeful creator—a meaningful conductor of life on Earth)
No matter how angry you may be, do not take it out verbally against your Creator.
3. Do not murder Guard the Sanctity of Human Life.
The value of human life cannot be measured—it is divine, created in God’s divine image. To destroy a single human life is to destroy the entire world—because, for that person, the world has ceased to exist. It follows that by sustaining a single human life, you are sustaining an entire universe. (American Bill of Rights is based on this concept)
4. Honor the Sanctity of Measured Consumption /Do not eat a limb of a living animal.
Respect the life of all G d’s creatures. As intelligent beings, we have a duty not to cause undue pain to other creatures and eating meat while the animal is still living and has its soul is wrong. Respect the life and function of whatever we consume. And that is only sustainable when we recognize that all life is purposeful because it is the work of a single, deliberate and purposeful consciousness.
5. Do not steal / Respect the Sanctity of Private Property.
Whatever benefits you receive in this world, make sure that none of them are at the unfair expense of someone else. Each of our lives has its unique purpose—and those things that enter our lives and become our possessions are key to that purpose.
6. Harness and channel the human libido.
Incest, adultery, rape and homosexual relations are forbidden. The family unit is the foundation of human society. Sexuality is the fountain of life and so nothing is more holy than the sexual act. So, too, when abused, nothing can be more debasing and destructive to the human being.
The union of man and woman is a reflection of the cosmic dance by which all things come to be. It is the union of heaven and earth, spiritual and material, soul and body, energy and matter, oneness and diversity. When man and woman unite in a harmonious, caring way, their union rings throughout the universe like a song resonating in a vast chamber. All of reality plays along as an orchestra plays a grand concerto. They bring healing and blessing to the world, just as they bring new souls, dressed in pure and pristine light.
7. Establish courts of law and ensure justice in our world.
With every small act of justice, we are restoring harmony to our world, synchronizing it with a supernal order. That is why we must keep the laws established by our government for the country’s stability and harmony."
Many non-joos foller 'em. The one prohibitin' gay relations is a thing. Many Orthodox (Dennis Prager fer example) still have gay friends an' don't judge their gay pals harshly even as orthodox. So there's that.
There are added writin's on the noahides that are not laws 'er rules an' one fool scholar mentioned that not follerin' 'em should mean beheadings but if ya look at jooish history JOOS do not BEHEAD. They disregard the fool writings of singular angry or opinionated scholars as MANY voices are heard. Maimonides was very wise an' was firm that no harm should ever come to Christians an' that worshippin' Jesus was NOT idolatry. Maimonides welcomed the noahides ta be inclusive--notta baddie--that all other faiths (includin' Muslims) would be blessed if they'd honor the 7 laws I shared... BUT those that don't are neither damned nor beheaded--that's just malarkey.
Maimonides created Reform Judaism--he was not evil or a baddie--he forged a path to greater assimilation by lettin' joos abandon certain customs that ran contrary ta operatin' fully in society--kashrut (kosher law) was one, workin' on Saturdays an'nuther, allowin' for normal dress (no wigs/shaidels yet an'nuther)-- anywhoo... he wasn't a baddie but his "modern updates" didn't set well with at least the Ultra Orthodox... most of whom had no big issue with the Noahides an' were fine with 'em...
To track and trace everything and everyone, wirelessly. Precision healthcare for eugenics and transhumanism. And noahides do believe in beheadings. ICD10 Y35.5 proves it’s coming soon, imo
I was also wondering how one could take that Rabbi's 'confession' at face value and consequently blame "the" Jews for the bubonic plague. It's a stretch, or rather quite a leap, an implausible and quite unnecessary one. The official story of plague doctors is indeed weird and fishy, but to throw in the mix the antisemitic notion of well-poisoning Jews, coordinatedly conspiring all over Europe? That is just repeating stereotypes and adds no layer of sense whatsoever.
In fact, it is more than " just repeating stereotypes and adds no layer of sense whatsoever." People were not doing a lot of travelling. All of sudden you have Jews throughout Europe (and anywhere else the Plague hit) all being aware and travelling everywhere, seeking out each and every well (with a plentiful supply of poison!!) - as if they nahd nothing better to do. All of a sudden, nothing makes sense.
Also, attacking any criticism of anyone jewish with cries of antisemitism doesn't mean it is automatically invalid. You can't even question the need for genocide of Palestinians without being called Hitler.
Besides that, it's not all jews. Just the ones in power. And everyone in power is a psychopath.
Then be specific, please. Speaking of "the Jews" as evil is an absurd generalization that is invalid and has historically been used to incite violence and hate against a group of people.
And that is exactly the tactic used when there is any criticism of the government of Israel or any psychopath making decisions who happens to be jewish. I don't care if someone is jewish or not. I care about calling out psychopaths as being evil. It's the jewish psychopaths who cry antisemitism when being criticized. It is historically how criticism is completely stifled.
It's historical fact in Sweden, how jewish salesmen travelled the country selling goods to farmers. While doing this they had plenty of chances like no others to poison every well on every farm and village in the country.
Motive? Read their Torah and Talmud. They hate us all and want us all dead.
Elsa--grateful am I fer yer chimin' in as a voice of sanity...
yup, a lotta forced confessions happened--this is just ONE. Abu Ghirab had a lotta forced confessions too. But of COURSE one confession 'splains everything if the person forced ta confess is a joo. (sigh) LITERALLY one guy's word at a time when da joos were burned in their synagogues an' bein' killed fer poisonin' the wells--an' perhaps he wanted ta save his own skin with a lie? Who knows? Let's figger out how ta reverse the persecution of joos an' blame 'em for doin' evil stuff that makes 'em all worthy of all harms done. Fer those drinkin' this up like yer at an oasis an' thirsty fer trooth... Really? as if such a powerful poison exists (Ukrainian medieval biolabs with a lotta fundin'...) --OK if such a poison exists that could DO that kinda damage an' be manufactured on such a huge scale what was it? WHY ain't they usin' it RIGHT NOW?
Now, it could be true that people were poisoned but why would a few joos wanna kill off all YourUp? Oh, revenge? Cuz a handfulla rabbis were told not ta study kabbalah (which is NEITHER Alchemy or Black Magick--which are also a thang an' NOT only practiced by joos).
Do folks konw that da "evil jooish bankers" ALL answered ta Rome (an' Venice) an' the Black Nobility (who were not joos...none of 'em). SO... even if it really wuz the folks "behind da joos" was this a de-pop plan back then, really? If so why would Rome/Venice/Black Pope wanna kill off all the serfs 'n peasants that tilled their land, paid 'em taxes, made their goods? MAKES NO SENSE.
An' the "magicians," really, they had SO much money to do this all over YourUp? Anton Lavey (btw) follered Crowley (notta joo) but he worked fer MI5/6--he wuz an agent. Lavey was just the Hollyweird "showbiz" front man ta make satanism "cool, hip, & appealin' " but he was far less dangerous than some'a the real guys like those that hung out with the MKUltra Crowd & the talented by dark...dark... Kenneth Anger (notta joo)... So easy ta point ta select cherry picked Highway Markers... An' this ain't ta say ya don't do good work Agent (like Mister Belvedere!)... it's just that this is just a mite sloppy like a bad detour that ends up gettin' folks more lost than evah...
I know the entire virus/walrus thang is a scam but there are all manner 've real toxins that "plague" real folks--every time a person gits sick it ain't 5G (which clearly came after the middle ages) alone--an' yes, it do make folks sick, all that electromagnetic stuff... When folks don't warsh their hands or have clean warter -- stuff happens. Bad stuff. Bad stuff from handlin' dead bodies too. Used ta be that dokturds took over for midwives an' made babies & mamas die of SEPSIS--why? Cuz they'd handled dead bodies / cadavers right before an' nobuddy warshed their hands. NOT b/c poison. An' WHO said y'all gotta wash yer hands? A DIRTY JOO--yup a HATED member of da tribe who died in shame b/c he TOLD the DOKTURDS ta warsh their dang hands b/c he wanted ta help EVERYBUDDY (not just chews) an' nobuddy BELIEVED him so he got locked up in the looney bin--name of Ignaz Semmelweis
What did joos do durin' the plague? All joos washed their hands 'fore they prayed (often) an' when enterin' their homes... it's a THING. Old homes of joos had a sink right when ya entered! No black magic/majick involved. The also were forced ta live "separate" b/c hated but that may've protected them fer once--bein' behind ghetto walls. Oh, an' garlic & onions... they do offer protection an' are big time parts've E.Europe jooish cookin'.
But by all means sure, we poisoned yer wells. SIGH.
Tho' some rotten folks like Bourla are indeed joos--roundin' up folks here ta say covid is a jooish plot ta kill all Christians JUST LIKE the PLAGUE ain't actually fair (ya alluded to it--didn't actually come out 'n say it but intentions are clear). IMHO some "bad choos" involved like, say Rochelle Walensky, were just MITWITS... I'm near-certain she read her lines an' had NO CLUE 'bout the PLAN in the plandemic... By contrast, Birx knew... Fauxchee was "all in"--but others includin' some joos on da payroll were just pushed out inta the spotlight... an' collected a paycheck, ?'s likely did not even occurred to 'em...
Were the "Plague Docturds" the contact tracers an' ambulance chasers of today? Sure. But if y'all think it was only a jooish plot then how did joos benefit? I heard that whatever "plague" was, that there were folks that went around with leather gloves on spreadin' it on the doorknobs of land-owners an' homeowners (rich merchant class) so they'd all git SICK an' die an' the property became that of the dukes an' royals. THAT makes sense... More control of the land fer the higher-ups. This would be an'nuther deep dive but of course the dukes & royals were not joos... so this lesser-known theory is not eggzactly promoted (I think there's some historical back up 'bout it too) an' if can't possibly compete with "blame da joos"... eh, why botha?
I ain't the ADL so I'm all fer folks speakin' their "trooths"... but fer the benefit of posterity (as it's time ta blame da joos once again) , I shall add:
Kabbalah is not black' it was the (non-jooish) Templars of Malta that actually worshipped Baphomet... There are many who study kabbalah today that kin inform you that nothing in it is 'bout joos poisonin' wells or erasin' Christianity--an' tho there did start to trend a weirdo pahrdon-mah-french "bastardized" version of kabbalah fer the masses (cue Madonna--egads!), there are many that study it seriously an' are good people an' no it ain't satanic at all--folks like ta call it that as it certainly paints a whole swatth'a joos as evil satainsts. Dr. Zev Zelenko (may he RIP) who even helped DJT an' many members of Congress (non-joos y'all) was a scholar of kabbalah-- Many more out there who are very (VERY) good folks an' none taught ta hate--I'll spare ya's... but it's not well known this stuff...
OH an' also:
Israel didn't poison the wells in Gaza. Say what'cha want. Gazans threw garbage & junk in their wells as there wasn't trash pickup goin' on during wartime--an' I literally mean WELLS as the plumbin' system was trashed. That's a fact. Y'all know that there was a whole GREAT infrastructure includin' a modern plumbing system Israel LEFT the Gazans in 2005 when they pulled out. Gazans ALL had clean safe warter but y'a'll know what? HAMAS undid the ENTIRE plumbin' system cuz they could make pipe bombs outta all that plumbin'--yup, wasn't that nice? They (not Israel) took away the clean warter of the innocent people there NOT "da evil zionists"... SIGH. So if fetid warter causes illness--don't blame dem joos...blame the virtuous resistance fighters of Hamas fer that gift... It's FAR easier ta point a finger at the universal scapegoat (an' nope--we ain't named that b/c of baphomet who most joos have never heard of! 'tis true--not only do most joos not worship "da baphoment" but they don't even know 'bout the dude...)
FWIW--goat skin/ kidskin was fairly normal fer outerware, however sound a cherce it was ta wear it then--it wasn't "satanic wear;" whatever folks "'et" they wore--furs too... That said, the outfit was a fright... anyone'd be skeered.... but no indication these plague dokturds were joos or funded by joos... it's a good story tho!
ps I fergot 'bout da FLEAS... so poor filthy areas draw RATS an' rats did have fleas (some say tho that FLEAS were on the boids which makes the Plague DokTurd Beak velly telling...) but insects CAN bring disease... parasites? I dunno what... but I gots the weaponized lyme RIGHT from a tick (from Plum Island) so there's THAT too... an' nope, joos didn't run a flea circus ta train the fleas ta poison folks...
One, how do you know it is exactly what happened? Most farms, etc, would have had their own wells. I never heard that the plagues skipped most or all farms. This hypothesis makes no sense to me - on top of everything, based on what one rabbi said (almost certainly tortured to get him to say what he said). Two, please explain how - according to you - my religion has anything to do with this?
I know Elsa, because I have done alot of research on this topic. This research also helps me understand the jewish mind and that is how I knew you were a jewess. FYI - Judaism is satanism. The religion itself is filled with evil including the ritual genital torture and mutilation of infants, human and animal sacrifice, bloodletting (such as kosher slaughter), bloodsucking (some rabbis actually suck the blood off mutilated baby penises), cannibalism (some jews EAT the foreskins of babies believing it will help them have a baby boy), pedophilia, incest, and much more. However, practicing the jewish/satanic religion does not make one a jew. Jewishness is in the genes. Jews are a race and capable of extreme evil. Many jews experience this within their own families.
Ridiculous. Consumption of blood is forbidden by the Torah. Anyone who ritually consumes blood is not adhering to Judaism as laid out in the Torah and the Tanach.
As I said - as laid out in the law. They are not abiding by the law then, and that is precisely the point: those who supposedly do that deviate from the law, they are not representing Judaism.
Before and after the destruction of Israel and their temple in 66 A.D. the Jews fled and spread themselves out. Some of the Jewish high priest joined up with the Romans before and after it's fall in 70 A.D. They were the ones who put Jesus Christ on the cross. They did not want to lose their power and fortune. They knew he was the Messiah. After the fall of Israel and Rome, many Jews and Romans went into hiding for some time. Then, they started appearing everywhere. Most worked as bankers and merchants and lawyers. They still do and they recruit people promising power and riches. They also use bribery, threats and murder to keep people enslaved and silent. They chose people outside their religion, as well as, their own people, They chose people in high positions who's weaknesses are power, fame and fortune. That is why we, the whole world, is in this mess. We put to much trust in men and not in God and let the enemy slip in right under our noses. Think Rothschild family, the richest most powerful bankers in the world. They and their cohorts control almost everything and have for a very long time. In fact, the plan to destroy and start a New World Order has happened before by these Kabbalist and Pagans. Ever noticed how everything seems to have been "founded", discovered and started or written around the late 1700's and 1800's? Ever notice how many old building are buried halfway in the ground? Ever notice these emasculate and massive "Cathedral" and Castles that can no longer be built today? There is no answer for a lot of history, because it's been hidden from us by these people. They don't want us to know who they are or who we are, that's why! All we know is what we've been told and the majority of it is a flat out lie!
The Oera Linda contains an account of the Magi poisoning the head waters a few miles upstream of a town with lead, many centuries ago. Three years later, the town was completely dead. Our enemies are still the magi and their system of usury, slavery, and mind control. The Magi pull the shade of mystery over the heads of their victims. The priest corrupts their minds with religious superstition, and controls them through fear. No wonder they don't want us discovering our real history. How many times have they killed everybody? I'm not talking about Jews, I'm talking about false Jews, AKA, the Synagogue of Satan (as Jesus tells in Revelation). In the OT, the Hebrews are forbidden to drink blood. We're not dealing with the descendants or practices of the Hebrews. We're dealing with Babylonians, Philistines, and Canaanites. Worshipers of Baal and Moloch. Our enemies hate the real Jews a little more than everyone else. The Jews are like the Catholics. The priests are evil and the folks are not, for the most part. It's not a crime to be born Jewish. Everybody's got problems. We've all got the same devil. It's the priests. Masonic, Bubonic, Teutonic, Rabbinical, Sabbatical, and radical (priests).
I always thought whatever cv 20-1 was that it was transmitted through the water or in drinks that you buy in plastic bottles in the store. Transmission is better explained through poison then infectious disease
Transmission is a myth. Covaids was a massive psychological operation, a social engineering experiment. There wasn't an increase in deaths until they started "bumping people off" in nursing homes using midazolam and rendesiver, yes euthanising them!! Have you not viewed Event 201 yet? That's a simulation exercise depicting exactly went on in 2020 and this was televised in Oct 2019. Sure Klaus Schwab WEF fame, brought his book out in 2020 about the great reset. Publishers take up to 18 months to bring a book to market. So that means aul Schwab had this in the pipeline as far back as 2018.
I don’t think it was transmitted from person to person like an infection , everybody who got whatever it was was was exposed to the toxin through the water or food or air or toilet plumes or something maybe the radiation too. I know it wasn’t an “infection “ it was a poisoning.
"Everybody who got whatever" I don't know what you mean? There was NO whatever. If you're relating this to covid, the deaths occurred when the vaccines were rolled out. Covid was made up in a boardroom. It's vaccine deaths, not covid deaths as covid does not exist. What's the difference between covid and the flu? Nothing whatsoever. The flu has just been rebranded. You've really done zero research over 5 years just wow!!!
When in I was in an induced coma for 4 weeks in ICU, I was transferred from a mechanical ventilator onto an ECMO blood exchange unit with thick tubing surgically inserted into my jugular vein in my neck to reoxygenate my blood without any use of my then totally failed lungs at all, and when you go through that, only then will you understand reality, and not rely on trying to juggle mere statistics in your mind.
While I was in that 4 week induced coma, after a police car (actually more than one) with wailing sirens had accompanied the ambulance into the hospital, a further police team then used a powered battering ram to smash the front door clean out of the wall of my property, and tore my flat apart searching it very extensively and then my 11 year-old WordPress website, containing 3,800 articles and 50 GB or so of material were all irretrievably taken down and lost. THAT is what some call FLU. I CALL IT A GOVERNMENT INTELLIGENCE SERVICES OPERATION USING MILITARY GRADE PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONRY TO ACTIVATE SELF-REPLICATING NANOTECH BIOWEAPONRY.
This is the new police mode of arrest, using military grade psychotronic weaponry, just as was used by the US on elite Iraqi guards decades ago who became so disorientated that they just threw down their weapons, laughing and crying like children and took all their kit off, and then simply let American army bulldozers drive earth over them in their trenches and bury them alive, they were probably swimming in a sea of patterns at that time not knowing what was going on, their minds completely disclocated from their bodies and actual physical surroundings.
And this same weaponry is also used to activate whatever is in the COVID jabs to do even further damage, it is used right through your wall to disable you, then they can come in to do a thorough sweep of your place after you have been taken away while you get a good doing over in the Bolshevik slaughterhouses they call hospitals.
We are now under hostile alien foreign power military occupation dictatorship in the form of satellite governments of infiltrators running dictatorships on behalf of criminal terrorist Israel to milk dry and destroy all the slave nations under their control before total physical extermination is finally implemented using rabbinical Noahide Law against the entire Gentile population of the entire planet by the Jewish invaders, only because Gentile peoples will not stand together.
To stop this from happening, all people need to do to avoid the arranged WWIII, to avoid the arranged death jabs, all peoples in every controlled nation need to do is to arrange to gather together to march down the streets unstoppably in their millions in every enslaved nation and throw these mass-murdering bastards right out of their government office windows, defenestration is the way forward in these times when arms are forbidden to the slave classes!
During The Thirty Years' War, a military conflict that took place in Europe from 1618 to 1648, this technique of defenestration was used by the unarmed peasants to great effect, nobody can defy the effects of gravity! Not even Trump or Harris or Gates or Klaus Schwab and his pinhead midget puff sidekick Noah Harari, it is time for them all to go flying... weeeeeee! splot!
See what the Jews are REALLY plotting behind your back, their so-called religion is really nothing more than a clever political ruse, a selfish and godless terrorist death cult, it states in the Zohar very clearly that all Gentiles in the entire world are to be totally exterminated (and then sent to hell after the end of this world - this is NOT conspiracy theory).
See how flip flop orange Penguin character Trump wants a law against antisemitism in the US with a death penalty, and how for years already when POTUS before he signed documents officially granting permission each and every year in office for the exterminatory Jewish Noahide Laws to be implemented.
The Noahide Laws authorize the total extermination of all Christians, and the total extermination of all members of all other Gentile religions, in reality all Gentiles in total are intended to be exterminated to fully conform with the edicts issued in the Zohar and Torah, all Gentiles without exception are actually classed as amalek, eternal enemies of the Jews, the war against whom must be eternal states the Torah. Do not think this killing by these total sickos has not already started. .
ICD10 Y35.5, legal beheading’s and trumptard will be the Noahide king to get the party started. He’s a snake. He can shoot you dead and never lose a follower. Um, covid shots killed millions and millions but somehow he gained followers. Trauma based mind control, microwave weapons.
I work in a large nursing home and NO ONE died if covid before the shots. We lost about 30% and they are on their 10th snake bite now… one is healthier that’s for sure.
It literally has to be mind control to make people so stupid as to vote for their own self-stated intended executioner. Noahide Law executions of Christians have long already been occurring via COVID and other poison Jew juice death jabs. If people could join all the dots together they would see that is exactly what this Jew-loving enemy agent of the American people really is.
You know the Noahide Laws thing, all Christians are to be executed as idolaters, the Talmud stating all Christians are to be killed, the Zohar stating all Gentiles in the world are to be exterminated and sent to hell, the Torah stating all the temples and idols of all other religions are to be destroyed and their followers killed with them, as in Deuteronomy 20:16, surely, one might think, even the most stupid of people would start to smell a rat, and given the election result, I would expect any sensible people to revolt, but they have been conditioned to believe that a revolt might only occur if the Democrats won, all very clever mental conditioning, so people really must be daft in the overwhelming vast majority of cases, that is the problem with democracy, it is is a Jewish tool just like Hitler said, we need real leaders
As the Bukharian Jew Stalin stated, what is not so important is how people vote, what is more important is who counts the votes and how they count them.
More on this subject about COVID jabs themselves killing immediately, just to show people were dropping dead straightaway after getting COVID vaxxed, proving the 'it was just the flu' disinfo is a load of bollocks and very obviously so, though many people have been taken in by the controlled opposition government operation, as so many keep repeating it like a mantra, and for what, I really do not know, as only the Bolshevik military occupation government have anything to gain by saying that, as it gives them total deniability in any instance, as everyone can simply be said to have just died 'from the flu' from that perspective, quite frankly.
And people have even snuffed it just after getting given flu jabs, dropping dead on the spot sometimes, according to the researcher Philip Day who I have met and spoken with a couple of times around 20 years ago when he mentioned cases he knew of this happening to me.
Yes, the COVID deaths occurred when the jabs were rolled out, BUT WHEN WERE THEY REALLY FIRST ROLLED OUT (UK Bolshevik Liquidation squad 'Health Secretary' Matt Hancock: "When do we deploy the new variant?").
ON HOW MANY OTHER OCCASIONS BEFORE THE JEWISH-NAMED MATT HANCOCK SPOKE WHILE WORKING FOR THE JEWISH UK PM BORIS JOHNSON AT THAT TIME WERE THESE WEF (NOAHIDE LAW) PSYCHOTICS DEPLOYING 'NEW VARIANTS' THAT THESE UTTER MONSTERS HAD HAD COOKED UP IN BIOWARFARE MILITARY LABS BY JEWISH SCIENTISTS AND WHEN? (a video of Boris Johnson at a rabbinical ceremony in between two black-suited rabbis on stage while Johnson was wearing a ritual Jewish ultra orthodox stetson type wide-brimmed hat made of very fancy royal blue velvet saying "I am a Jew" was removed from this site after I posted it). I wonder why, you should too.
I reckon they surreptitiously whacked quite a few COVID jabs into people just to get the 'pandemic' rolling, so the 'COVID' cases were not ALL flu cases rebranded.
I had been running a series of articles on my WP website criticizing the suppression of genuine medicine including the covering of suppression of genuine fully proven treatments for cancer by the entirely malevolent American Jewish AMA Head Morris Fishbein (this suppression of the original and fully medically tested and proven version of Raymond Royal Rife technology is still in effect today, and itself alone will cause the premature deaths of quite literally BILLIONS all around the world).
Another typical example of what the criminally insane death cult Jews have really given the world is their nuclear Samson Option threat, Jewish scientists alone conceived of, desired to create, designed, and patented the atom bomb, the nuclear bomb, and the planet-killer dirty cobalt 60 nuclear bomb that its Jewish inventor Leo Szilard who patented it in the US in 1950 said is capable of permanently exterminating all forms of life on the entire planet if 400 devices of the size then able to be produced are detonated, but these devices today are vastly bigger. And another Jewish scientist invented and patented the neutron bomb.
And Jewish scientists also invented the predecessor to the current weaponized synthetic mRNA COVID jabs in the form of the Jewish Monsanto company weaponized synthetic mRNA GM crop seeds designed to be used alongside the cancer-producing glyphosate. I also included videos on my site with Rima Raibow and Jesse Ventura for instance on the bioweapon plan to poison the world in "the great culling" "to get rid of all the useless eaters" with a fake vaccine for a fake respiratory illness even before the COVID thing. I will explain how this is relevant further in this comment.
I had a medical test in an NHS hospital where I was supposed to have a single syringe inserted into my neck to take a single tissue sample, which was entirely painless, but the obviously Jewish-looking doctor with a very Jewish name started sticking more needles in me, saying he had not got enough tissue yet, and he also started whacking transparent yellow liquid filled syringes into my neck after that every few minutes (another doctor I spoke to later expressed surprise and did not recognize the colour as being indicative of any anaesthetic jabs that they knew of).
Sensing something was not right, I asked the doctor with the Jewish name to stop putting syringes into my throat after he had done this 6 times, sometimes injecting transparent yellow fluid, but he never stopped when asked, he simply walked over to the desk along the side of the examining room desk, picked up another syringe, and stuck it right into my Adam's Apple while I was still laid out on the examining table, with the needle making a very distinctive popping sound as it penetrated and entered the gristle of my voice box, leaving a bloody mark there alongside several others there which I inspected later.
He told me not to talk or swallow or move while the needle was inside me or the needle could permanently damage my vocal cords he told me, but he had no business either taking any samples as he called it from the area he did as I had a tumour that was several inches away from this area, and certainly not in my voice box, but this doctor guy was sticking needles and syringes of yellow fluid into my voice box with no genuine explanation, and if his excuse might be that he was giving me anaesthetic jabs BEFORE injecting a needle to take a sample that might be painful, when I asked him not to put any more needles into me, he still injected me with yet another syringe that looked exactly like a COVID vaccination syringe filled with transparent yellow liquid, without possibly having the slightest excuse to do so then as he was not even going to take a tissue sample after doing that.
And his official report later stated he had only taken three samples from me, so the other 4 syringes had all been these injections of mysterious yellow fluid that he dishonestly told me was a dental type anaesthetic.
But he actually gave me no anaesthetic at all, when I touched my face and throat I felt everything as normal, but just a single real dental anaesthetic lasts 1.5 to 2.5 hours officially and makes your face feel puffed up and solid feeling like it is one inch thick with a cotton wool feeling, but there was not the slightest trace of any anaesthetic feeling from any of these jabs, yet he kept on and on sticking syringes of this transparent yellow liquid in me every few minutes when a real anaesthetic jab would have numbed me totally for several times the duration of my entire appointment with him, and he kept on and on and on giving me more every few minutes, telling me I could stop him any time I wished, but when I did after 6 needles had already gone into me, he totally ignored me as if I was a mere insect and then just stuck another one in me like he was a mechanic working on a car, he was a total liar.
I had no need whatsoever for any anaesthetic in the first place, and on several occasions when I have actually been in extreme agony in hospitals and actually asked for an anaesthetic in the past, some (but not all, as some have been very decent and kind and sincerely well-meaning) nurses and doctors have routinely told me (sadistically) that I was not in any pain and refused to give me any anaesthetic because those individuals are actually very nasty twisted bastards, and I have seen them do just the same thing to other people and they do it because they literally enjoy hurting people like some tunnel rabbi would, so this perp would never have been giving me a succession of anaesthetics in a month of Sundays anyway, and he was most definitely not really giving me a succession of anaesthetics anyway, for a procedure that was entirely painless anyway, so I had no real need to be offered or to be given any jab to avoid any pain in the first place.
And some time shortly after that I ended up at home for 2 weeks heavily delirious, coughing up jugs of phlegm and suffocating, my local doctor rang me on some routine issue quite by chance when I was actually on the floor near the phone and heard I was not well and called me an ambulance when I was actually nearly already dead, diagnosed on admission to hospital as gravely ill with just 50% blood oxygen, sepsis, COVID pneumonia and COVID 19, and immediately placed in an induced coma on a mechanical ventilator at first.
I am absolutely certain this was no COVID virus as you also say, and neither was it any FLU virus though, but some internet 'experts' have assured me with absolute certainty that the flu was exactly what I really had.
I had not had a single cold or flu for well over 25 years prior to this, and have only had flu one time in my life, that was like the tiniest sniffle compared to my 'COVID' experience, even though the flu itself made me feel suddenly as if I was in my 80's when I was just in my 30's (I got the flu following a vaccination curiously enough, but not for flu, oh, wait on, just had a thought there...).
Only when you have been through it will you understand the claims that it was all just the flu for everyone in every instance to be actually very mistaken.
Undoubtedly SOME 'COVID' cases really were just flu rebranded, but the government could use that window of opportunity to attack and badly injure and even permanently get rid of a lot of political dissidents as well in all the panic and confusion that it wanted rid of for saying certain real truths online and elsewhere, while the government could use controlled opposition agents to leave many with the false impression that in any case, all of it was only ever really just the flu anyway and thus entirely natural, and surely nothing at all to do with the government then really.
But this is not what really happened. And there are just too many people presenting almost like government intelligence service agents one after the other with a pressing need to say it was all just the flu, and something does not add up here, as in any case, the anti-COVID jab campaigners know that a COVID jab itself can drop someone dead instantly or kill them hours, days, weeks, months or years later, so why would anyone want to claim with certainty that all these cases were 'just the flu'?
Very obviously indeed, someone dropping dead straight after getting COVID-jabbed is not 'just the flu'.
For so many to be saying this same thing "It was ALL just the FLU" over and over again, is totally illogical, and deeply fishy, my printed medical records with me state very differently, though I do understand the PCR tests themselves were phony.
Surely, knowing that COVID jabs themselves can kill people instantly, or in hours, or in days or in weeks or months or years later, then it smacks of a government initiated psy-op or of people duped by such a psy-op when this very obvious error in perception is continually put forward as objective truth, seemingly by a very persistent army of people who always say "It was just the flu", who remind me of the very determined little army of sayanim, exactly the same type of people, who go around obsessively saying that all the bad stuff that Jews are accused of is actually only done by what they called 'Fake Jews'.
The Talmud states unequivocally that all Christians must be KILLED, there is NO alternative 'explanations' for these words. This is exactly what the Jewish-designed COVID ethnobomb bioweapon jabs are doing, they are sterilizing everyone who is Gentile to death.
See the videos on the excellent Adam Green and Harry Vox sites with video film of these rabbis saying how they intend to kill billions of Gentiles with arranged wars, by setting one Gentile nation against another.
Zelensky and Putin are both Chabad Lubavitcher devotees and both are WEF alumni of the crypto-Jewish-led WEF, headed by Klaus Schwab, whose original mother before he was adopted was JEWISH, and Schwab certainly likes to attend his Jewish phony holocaust memorial services.
A bust of Lenin can be seen in a photo of Schwab sitting in his office with it. A hundred years ago, Lenin said that killing 9 out of every 10 people in the world would be acceptable to carry out a Communist 'revolution'. Schwab wants to kill 15 out of every 16 now, and the REAL reason is a highly audacious plan for the Jews to seize the entire planet for themselves alone to then live on with every single last Gentile on the entire planet permanently exterminated.
Trump and Harris are both entirely treacherous in their total dedication to the lethal parasite Israel, and when this fact is fully appreciated it means that neither candidate was ever fit to stand for election and that both of them should have been disqualified.
When I was brought out of the 4 week induced coma in ICU, barely alive after a stroke and heart attack and suffering secondary pneumonia with very serious lung damage from the mechanical ventilator and tocilizumab, a drug specifically known to very heavily damage lungs, a tall male doctor in a black suit with black hair and an Israeli complexion and physiognomy looking exactly like a Chabad Lubavitcher walked down the side of my bed in my high security isolation room and stood to the side of the foot of my bed and the first thing he asked me was why I had made allegations to the police about a certain (Jewish) MP. HOWZAT for NHS medical care? And he was even waving my hand-written original statement in his hand in front of me at the time. It just shows those doctors really do care ABOUT JEWS. Something tells me this was not really 'the flu' at all.
Criticizing the criminal terrorist British (Israeli) government is a major cause of COVID it seems.
And I never got officially COVID jabbed in the UK, I refused it, but I am pretty certain I got surreptitiously jabbed by these evil bastards, and they are evil enough to do just that, in Australia it is legal to COVID vax a non-compliant person without informing them first, and in NZ they can forcibly restrain you and COVID jab you.
If you look around there are a lot of videos taken in different nations where army type medical teams hold people down in the streets and COVID jab them, or force their way through doors into people's houses to COVID jab them while holding them down, not just in China but in several other nations.
I reckon they did that everywhere just to get the pandemic scare started by 'infecting' people with self-replicating, self-spreading by shedding nanotech COVID bioweaponry forcefully to spread it there and then, not only in the very beginning of the officially recorded start of the pandemic, but very well before that time, even so that new symptoms could even be classed as new symptoms attributable to new strains of flu, to further confuse the issue, and that real cases of something vastly worse than flu, illnesses caused by self-replicating nanotech bioweapons activated by weaponized 5G frequencies were already in play.
So many 5G transmitters were being hurriedly put up during the lockdown for instance very suspiciously, and the first officially noted COVID cases were occurring in places like on a cruise ship where 5G had just been installed for instance. From this fact alone it was definitely not just the flu that was used to do this.
And while we are told when 5G was OFFICIALLY first deployed, how do we know when it was REALLY first deployed, or WHEN and WHERE, and what disease conditions resulted from that, and what bioweapon jabs were already deployed at those times and in what areas.
You say the COVID deaths are caused by the vaccine, I would concur with that, and that there is no real COVID virus, I concur with that also, but there is a COVID nonetheless, even with no virus, with nearly 1,300 illnesses ascribed to it all at once according to documents Pfizer was froced to reveal by court order that it had wanted to keep secret for 75 years, but then you jump to saying the COVID and the Flu are the same thing. No they are not, not in any sense.
C-v is radiation poisoning, identical symptoms, including blood clotting. All locations that experienced "outbreaks" had recently installed and turned on their 5/6 G grids.
We've no 5g in our town and our local funeral directors are raking the money in, increasing their car parks to cope with the demand because it's death after death after death. The local cemetery who set aside acres for 25yrs capacity is now looking for extra land and probably will end up demanding people get cremated as they've now warranted a licence to construct a new crematorium in the province as we'd only one and it can't cope. Do you not think injecting heavy metals plus other crap like formaldehyde, aborted foetal cells, monkey kidney cells and bovine calf serum would cause your blood to clot due to the foreign nature of the soup in vaccines the body doesn't recognise it? People have totally feckin lost it. They're still queuing up at the pharmacy and docs to get these things and blaming it on radiation. God please get me away from these morons.
The initial "outbreaks" were radiation poisoning -- the 5G wavelength was chosen becos it targets blood cells in particular, thus all the respiratory and clotting problems allowing people to be killed in hospitals.. These "outbreaks" instilled the panic and the contagion idea, enough to get people to take the death jabs that are now (and will continue to) fill graveyards. Do you know the great work of Barrie Trower re frequency weapons? He spent his whole life in the military working in this field. He says the symptoms of ANY disease can be produced thru the use of frequencies. I have a longer post somewhere on here about the various plagues in earlier times that i believe were caused by frequency weapons. Also "flu" comes from the word "influence", which is the influence on living beings, lining up with all the "flu epidemics" of the last centuries with the introduction of the various stages of new frequencies, including the electrification of the world, radar, etc. The book The Invisible Rainbow goes into all. Tom Cowan's Contagion Myth explains how the false idea of contagion was socially engineered into the human psyche. BTW 5G is EVERYWHERE now, impossible to get away from. The small towers are disguised as shrubbery, they are on rooftops all over towns and cities, on all schools and public buildings, etc. No permission is required for these to be put up. Plus the big towers in rural areas cover a wide range, all causing many people to be unwell. And BTW the wifi frequency range was particularly chosen becos it adversely effects water molecules, and our bodies are at least 80% water (as is most of nature).
And yes, we ARE getting away from all this insanity, currently selling up and moving from Canada to Mexico. Adios!
There weren't any "initial outbreaks" of anything. There's NO statistics at all supporting that. I contacted 11 councils in N Ireland in May 2020 and not one had an increase in deaths. How come the hospitals were empty if there were that many dying with radiation poisoning? Northern Italy, on UK news had an aging population that they hospitalised and euthanised just as they did in a local nursing home where 14 residents died in one week. It's called the Liverpool Care Pathway when opioids, muscle relaxants and nil by mouth including water is refused by the medical dummies. Our angels in scrubs are really devils. And yes I've got Arthur Furstenbergs book.
HAARP is just one of 70+ installations working together, some of them on ship. The NEXRAD system on all military bases is linked to it all. Mex is not exempt, as witnessed by the massive floods inflicted Acapulco. Agent explains why and how it is being done in his excellent Big Picture expose "Chemtrails: Drought & Storms will Make People BEG US for GeoEngineering to Save Them. " Mexico actually outlawed geoengineering, yet they still have geoengineering. Why? This is explained in Agent's article above:
"In 2023, their plan went exactly as intended. They were able to get Mexico, who had previously completely banned GeoEngineering, to be under such an extreme drought that they lifted the ban and begged for the GeoEngineers to make it rain."
There is no "safe" place to go, the genocide is being carried out worldwide. But in every past cataclysm (and there have been many) some people always survive. There are places where people can live more simply, naturally and more remotely, and even without any cell phones and other addictive suicide tech. There is food hanging off the trees year round in Mex, whereas our Canadian garden will not be producing anything over the winter.
However there IS 5G in Mex and apparently it is spreading. The only way to counter the "influence" of 5G on your body and mind wherever you are located is to LEARN HOW TO RAISE YOUR OWN FREQUENCY so you transmute it's effect on you.
You might want to listen to the videos by Dane Wigington on YOutube. HIs website is For the scoop on our future on crater Earth or lack thereof.
I wonder when the idea of residing within a city first began (verses strictly for commerce). While it may offer convenience, it also offers a concentration of victims.
Agent, I'll bet you a pot of strong coffee that Daszak, Fauci & Collins have already conducted research on transmitting deadly diseases using fleas as vectors. And you & I likely funded it.
You're watching too much crap on Netflix or Hollyweird movies. It wouldn't be possible that fleas are responsible for disease. All disease comes from your own doing, it manifests in a toxic, sick body due to lack of vitamins and minerals or you've been poisoned. The flea vector is a deflection.
I understand that Roger but what you're saying about Fauci et al is disturbing. You know what you typed initially and it's utter nonsense. The story about genetically modified mosquitoes and killer bees in the news in the past is total pish. 99% of news is a fallacy. It's fear based and they know how to control the masses and instill fear. It's a psychological game and they're winning if they read your composition.
We know Fauci was responsible for the Beagles being "eaten alive" by sand fleas...those tests were being conducted in Tunisia, I believe. They were certainly testing fleas for some reason.
I vaguely recall krampus characters in European parades along with plague doctors, do they intertwine?
Other bizarre creatures accompanied the krampus. Vaguely similar to the children's book where the wild things are but much more scary and if I recall targeted at children
Wow, yeah, now that you mention it I do have the same association!! I remember seeing these figures in the context of Krampus/Perchten who are up and coming again - events featuring these morbid zombie creatures draw huge crowds all over the Alps region, southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland....
The Mayan calendar did not end in 2012, it is still running. For now. When it was created, it was based on a 360 day year. Was it around 700 AD when the sun was seen to retrograde and the calendars were (one by one around the world) changed to a 365.24 day year? However, scholars have calculated 365.24 days going all the way back to the start of the Mayan count, instead of using 360 then 365.24. So they are off by a few years. I think it's 2046 when it finishes. Great article about the plague doctors though. I think they were the early 'Men in Black' lol
The years 2040 and 2046 are specifically mentioned in literature and, increasingly, online as dates when a cataclysmic solar event will occur. Basically, most life is thought to be scourged from Earth in a true Great Reset really soon, as has been cyclically happening throughout the ages to varying degrees. This time it's to be a biggie, according to the eschatological experts in science, history, art, and mythology. Seriously dark occultists have passed down this knowledge to their own over the many generations and have kept the rest of us in the dark, but for some predictive programming in literature and, recently, movies.
An upcoming "apocalypse" may be why the proliferation of DUMBs, deep underground cities and connecting tunnels, billionaire bunkers, super yachts, seed vaults, as well as underground storage of fine art, gold and precious metals, and the rapid development of AI, robotics, and genetic engineering have been occurring. Lately, they scarcely hide the sun worship and child sacrifice they've been doing forever to appease their false gods in the mistaken belief blood atrocities against especially children will save their own backsides.
They knew 2012 would not be the end of the Earth but played it up for ritualist purposes, imo.
Yes I understand Nostradamus and Mother Shipton, amongst others, both mention 2040 and 2046. Are you familiar with Jason of Archaix? He goes deep into this, and has amazing knowledge of the true chronology of this realm after decades of researching old books and manuscripts.
I've seen some of his really comprehensive videos and am familiar with his simulation theory, (could be?!), and also his research into Earth cycles driven by Sun events. Didn't he calculate that 2040 would be the year of the upcoming gamma burst "game's over" scenario? His library is impressive, but the fact he's read most of those tomes is true heavy lifting!
Velikovsky asserted that ours is a turbulent solar system in his book, "Worlds in Collision" (1950). Also, Doug Vogt and Suspicious Observers cover this ground. Likely more. Hope it's a terrible psy-ops.
His 2040 prediction is based on what he calls the Phoenix cycle, which is a destructive 'force' (object in the sky) that comes round every 138 years. He asserts it has gone by many names over the centuries, but many cultures have documented it's appearance. Sometimes it's very destructive, sometimes only affects local areas. The last one in 1902 was interesting, as many phenomena were recorded in local records around the world, but it seems major news outlets at the time glossed over it. He suspects every 3 or 4 138 year cycles are the big ones.
The 2046 event is what he puts down to the Nemesis X or Nibiru phenomenon, which is every 700+ years (can't remember the exact timeframe), but there has only been one time in recorded history where both events happened really close together like this one we have coming up.
His knowledge of the past is amazing. I have always been interested in History and to learn that so much of what we have been taught is either amended or totally fabricated is fascinating to me. Jason's theory on simulation - which wasn't his originally but he has come to the same conclusions as others after seeing how cyclical this world is - is quite overwhelming at first but the more and more you learn, the more it makes sense.
I haven't read Velikovsky yet, it's on my list though lol. I read Charles Forts Book of the Damned which is worth a read for all the strange events that never quite 'made the news' and were glossed over. Currently on Kersey Graves' The worlds 16 crucified saviours.
Yes, the Phoenix phenomenon every 138 years I remember, except for what is likely to cause it. Thanks for the clearer info, and on Nibiru, also.
Re Nemesis X/ Nibiru-- is Jason's belief that it's a dead twin star with satellites and an exaggerated oblique orbit to this solar system that comes in periodically and wreaks havoc, some cycles more than others? Or, that it's just a large far away sister planet and moon system with gravitational or EM effects and perhaps a debris trail that periodically orbit close enough to the sun to rain devastation on Earth?
And how do these destruction cycles relate to Simulation Theory? Does he think of them as rebooting or resets? Either way, I think our lowered collective consciousness manifests them and that higher frequency would shield us, a little like how low atmospheric pressure brings in the dramatic weather, whereas high means smooth sailing, except that it's on some kind of psychic/ spiritual EM scale ranging from evil to love!
You don't need to answer, as we've veered off the poisoning as pandemic post, but I'll check out the sources you recommend.
Funny how the Elite here and now are supposedly leaving the country as DOGE makes plans. DOGE --the planned agency led by Dark Maga El Elyon. The Doge back in ancient Venice ruled by the Black Venetian nobility was the 'elected' chief magistrate. I wonder what his task was. And, a cloak made from GOAT skin, eh? Do you know what goat offspring are called? KIDS.
My questing is about all of the cats that were killed throughout Europe by Pope Gregory IX (1227-1241). The plague has been blamed on the mass extermination he was responsible for that killed most of the cats in Europe--it was blamed on the cats not being there to kill the vermin that carried the fleas. From what I've read, Pope Gregory had all of the cats killed because he thought cats bore Satan's spirit. Could the cats being murdered have been some kind of preliminary occultic sacrifice in preparation for the plague? I know this might sound weird, but maybe somehow the cats were an obstacle to their satanic agenda.
And, we're still being poisoned.
Our wells and city water reservoirs have tested positive, usually on the hush hush, for pathogens, arsenic, radon, lead, pharmaceuticals, nanotech, microplastics, bleach, salts, nitrates, pesticides, herbicides, aluminum, ammonia, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, and copper, natural gas, methane, gasoline, and more.
Authorities add chlorine, chloramines, fluoride, and, no doubt, other "treatments" to the toxic brew on tap that most of us drink to sustain life and sub-optimal health. They then they tell us our city water is some of the best in the world, using, perhaps, less than truthful analyses, and remind us to be sure to hydrate often.
Is it a conspiracy to slowly degrade our health, lower our IQs, and to pacify us, along with GMO and pesticide-laced food, vaccines, chemtrails, plastics, other toxic products, EMF smog, directed microwave radiation, and sealed homes? Are dark actors poisoning us in collusion, so that we'll be ripe for the plucking or enslavement for the next "great reset"? Of course, they are.
Much of that poisoning is from CHEM_SPRAY these days.... It is far easier for the demons to spray mass areas of the earth from jets at 30K feet which contaminates the entire earth... Our water, our grasses, our soils and our air which includes the infestation of everything we eat, drink and breath.... They , the demonic entities the jews have it all controlled for this modern time of human eradication....And unfortunately for we the people, they are succeeding very well.... So that leaves us only one solution to this problem..... Full and entire annihilation of the jews world wide !!!..... Sorry for such a point blank response and for some may be far too threatening for their psych limits or liking but it really is our only way out of this mass death taking place on the human race.
Chemtrails are one of the sickest, saddest, sado operations against not only humanity but against all of flora, fauna, the soil, wind and rain and our sunlight. What's being done to children using vaccines, poisoned baby food, perverted TV, social media, and electronic brain entrainment is pretty vile, too, but what's being inflicted on too many young ones in secret rooms and retreats is really unspeakable.
Whoever is responsible for this anti-life campaign has thrown away their humanity for love of hurt and money and a false sense of entitlement. They'll wake up one day and realize they've become slave-demons for a false god who doesn't owe them any allegiance and who will dispense with their asses and assets when the reckoning comes, simply because they're still breathing.
It's all meant to end in naught in their all-or-nothing game, but do they know that?
Is it all Jews or is it only the Kabbalist Jews or the ones in Revelations who use Kabbalah and are Jews in name only, because they truly worship Satan. How about we get rid of the ones who are truly behind this agenda to kill and enslave humanity. Many people of different religions have vile people involved in this plan. Only the people at the top of the totem pole know the plan, it's the regular folks on the bottom who don't know. I'm sure there are many Jews who have no idea that some of their top leaders are involved in this genocide, just like the regular Catholic folk don't know that their Pope and some cardinals and priests are also. Do you understand what I'm saying? We would end up being no better than Hitler by killing off people who just so happened to be associated with a certain religion or ethnicity. A lot of innocent people and children would be killed for no good reason.
Indeed so. It is the Jews who say they are Jews but are not but are of the synagogue of Satan. plus their minions. They will not care for their own people.
We got an email from our San Antonio water department telling us that we might want to get our tap water tested for lead, if we actually drink it. (We don’t)
Wow, it's getting increasingly official that we're on our own when it comes to the safety of city-supplied water. But the difficult debate over specs, performance promises, and other comparisons re filters and filtration systems makes choosing them an expensive "unknown," with regular testing after they're installed. Further, many water testing labs don't test for everything, and some not much of anything. They often charge a lot more to test for extra toxins, and then there's the the frequency such should be done and the question as to the accuracy and honesty of reports.
Good thing you don't drink the tap water, but kitchen sinks and showerheads should be filtered because of off-gassing and skin absorption, especially with hot water. I've looked at getting filters for ours, but get lost with all the hype and testimonies over the different types and brands! My husband thinks all US tap water is just fine, but I buy "spring" water bottled in glass for my use, and should probably have that tested.
The municipal utilities we used to take for granted... You'd think they'd offer testing and suggestions to ameliorate any problem, especially when it comes to lead. Was the S.A. water department offering to get the testing done? And should it be trusted?
Btw, there are filters that fit on hoses, (food-grade hoses are best), that are supposed to remove most chlorine and chloramines, and some claim fluoride, for watering your garden and yard.
A countertop distiller for drinking water is a good option.
They poison the water and then tell people to get it tested and buy a water filter. It is a good money spinner. The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.
You’re wasting your $$$$ buying what you think is Spring Water because most bottled water is from a Tap.. I do buy Zephyrhills 100% Natural Spring water for emergencies and hurricanes.. we drink filtered water and you might want to buy a filtered water system. We live 3 blocks from the beach.. in Florida and our city water isn’t drinkable and we do have a well.. and we have rain barrels.. years ago we use to fill the water jugs with the Lithia Springs ..water …that is located in Montreat NC .. it’s a beautiful little piece of heaven in the NC mountains..where my mother and grandparents lived… and their two story cottage is located can look up the springs in Montreat…but sadly it’s probably destroyed from the flooding in Montreat. I hope not..
Those mountains sound glorious, hope the area wasn't devastated and can recover. Anyway, thanks for the advice and the name of your good source of H2O. Have not found that brand in my metro area but will look into it further. Sadly, most rainwater is chock-full of junk, thanks to the chemtrails, but many of us may have to resort to trying to collect and filter it with more involved technology, for when there are utility outages and supply line failures.
I get a fairly reputable bottled water which those-in-the-know here buy, and it tastes fine. My worries are that its source may have been contaminated by dioxins going way downstream of the East Palestine train derailment. Depending on resources downstream and downwind is less than ideal, but the prospect of shipping supplies from or relocating to alpine mountain peaks or to the North Pole isn't very tenable for us. Enjoy your beach!
Montreat is like heaven on earth. And yes!! Sadly.. The area was hit pretty hard especially Black Mountain.. Asheville and Swannona MC… there is lots of damage and a lot of lives lost…. And the water … that I mentioned is a spring water from a spring source here in Florida …. and they even sell large jugs .. with a spout … so one can keep it in the refrigerator.. for their drinking water. I agree about the rain water.. it is really bad … since all they do is pollute our skies and soil … everything … including the water and food. It’s maddening.. and yes!!! We’re blessed to live 3 blocks to the beach.. we have lots of deer.. 🐢 turtles .. raccoons.. black bears and black panthers roaming the island.. the deer walk down our back lane in the early mornings … it’s a nature lovers paradise … and we are very self sufficient …in our backyard..we have a fire pit for cooking… … And in case there’s no electricity … we can sleep …in our tent ..underneath the stars .. and we have a outdoor bathhouse …that we use year round. Before moving here … we lived in the bush of Alaska and the jungle of Costa Rica .. we lived in a Blue Zone in the Nicoya peninsula in 🇨🇷 … watch the documentary the Blue Zones and take peek at the Blue Zone website for some delicious recipes for Black Beans and Longevity Soup. All the best to you.. and Be well and check on Amazon for the natural spring water…Zephyrhills Spring water
Good luck.
Thanks. You have lived in some beautiful places on Earth, and your current island sounds like a wildlife sanctuary! How smart of you to have made off-grid accommodations right in your backyard. Sleeping under the stars where you can actually see them is like dreaming in a state of grace!
Isn’t that literally their job? Taxpayers pay them to monitor water quality!
Monitor it yes. 'Mm, not poisonous enough. Lets' add a few chemicals'.
We received a letter from the city of Brandon’s Water Department advising us to get our tap water tested for lead. Surely they know lead is in the water so are they just trying to avoid taking responsibility for the contaminated water? Who knows but if they actually cared about our water they’d stop poisoning it and apologize for not taking action sooner.
Is that where 'Let's go Brandon' comes from? :)
I’m sure most people in the US would think of Brandon Florida not the city in Manitoba. We’re 2 hours west of Winnipeg. The nickname for this city/town is the Wheat City and the junior hockey team is called the Wheat Kings so there’s a big affiliation with wheat and farming in general. Most people here don’t know how think critically, very obedient.
Yes. There is a Brandon in the UK in Suffolk which I have been through, but had forgotten until now.
Doctors ARE the plague. They are big pharma drug pushers and drugs more than any pathogen or virus are a plague upon humanity.
That’s similar to saying foot-soldiers are the plague…
Besides (soft-)poisoning beverages, nowadays poisons are also hidden in vaccines, which are “shot” by ignorant MD’s, as “the usual suspects” in-DOCTOR-inated them to do.
For + information
Those plague dock-tors were using some sort of black magic and probably cut victims open while alive for adrenochrome and organ harvesting and torture the victims, as is done today. I have heard dock-tors have what is called "black crow parties" at hospitals and medical schools to celebrate the patients that died or were executed under their care...
outstanding article; my highlights from the article: From the 1300s through the 1600s was a MASS EXECUTION OF EUROPE by gov’t funded doctors? [babylonian satanists] POISONED THE WATER SUPPLY [with venom]? This article reminds me who is the most famous in American history that tried to resist being bloodlet before he was murdered by his so called care providers? He was a freemason and maybe finally refused to go along with their plan; was Washington murdered by his so called "doctors"?
Highlights from the main article “History claims, from the 1300s through the 1600s there were Plague Doctors. "[the astronomically well paid by the government] door-to-door [volunteers falsely called]“doctors” treated their [impoverished] dying patients by putting frogs or leaches on them; the vast majority of volunteers physicians preferred a different method. That method was……bloodletting. use a special tool called a [']fleam['] to slice the patients forearm or neck, cutting deep into a vein then draining the blood into a bowl..... bloodletting as an ancient satanic practice, originating from the word “let” meaning “to allow to pass, go or come.”. The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft says: “blood that is ["]let["] is believed to unleash power." [Unleashes power to WHOM or WHAT and WHY?]
[to add insult to injury these paid volunteers Plague dock-tors 1) kept the death toll records; 2) assisted [soon to be murder victims] in the writing of their final testament; helped the [victims] divide up whatever assets they may own as well as 3) performed autopsies during a time when in[ Europe were forbidden; special privileges were granted to these volunteers which allowed them to desecrate dead bodies [to determine cause of death, though it was assumed and understood from the start the plague killed the victims]…[what was going on here?]
'The government was paying for this [mass execution by paid mercenaries] to occur. Yes, tax dollars were funding anonymous male volunteers to kill the sick...
[It was found that in at least one account] THE [babylonian satanists] POISONED THE WATER SUPPLY [with venom] RESULTING IN THE MASS EXECUTION OF EUROPE.... why does this sound so familiar and RECENT?
a mass execution had occurred, with as much as 60% of Europeans being slaughtered.”
I have heard the first edition of Faust wrote about a doctor giving inoculations that killed thousands, the people loved it saying it was advanced medicine and the publisher removed that theme of the book.
Who was the highest paid gov't employee and is currently getting million dollar security protection as a private citizen? You know who. FAUCI.
good point...there are so many extremely terrible things it is hard to process it all.
About what the rabbi said about poisoning wells. My guess is that he had been seriously tortured. Also this happened throughout Europe. So suddenly you would need masses of poisonings throughout Europe - a whole army of Jews going around poisoning wells. Sweden, Spain, everywhere. It does not come across as plausible.
It is well documented that modern Jews poisoned wells on at least one occasion in Palestine this last century. And a Jewish plot to poison the German city of Nuremberg's water supply (If I remember correctly) was uncovered luckily before it could happen. So it's not like it wouldn't exactly be their M.O....indeed, they are vastly overrepresented in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry as well, especially in the early days of 18-19th century leading up to the modern allopathic zeitgeist.
Additionally, it wouldn't be all too difficult for a group of mercantile bankers/traders to plan out a mass poisoning event all throughout the gentile world. They already had sprawling communication networks between their own peoples(a prerequisite for long distance trading and international banking). Coupled with the known existence of their secret societies (they came later, but no reason to think they didn't exist prior to the 17th century), it is not just possible, but imo the most likely etiology of the black plague.
What's the motive?
Im not sure of the specific motive in the context of the black plague, but generally, the goal is the creation of a homogeneous, Noahide-law-compliant slave race that serves Jewish interests and Jewish gods.(I.e. Look at US gentile Zionists...servants to Yahweh and money)
I like the way you think, Paul.
Unfortunately, this sect of Jews seems to be dominating most peoples...most of the worlds population have adopted noahide-compliant religions.
However, it behooves these so-called good Jews to vehemently separate themselves from and condemn those who are responsible for the evil we see.
yup. noahides are just 7 of the 10 commandments which "can" apply to even non-joos an' even as non-joos under jooish law that means they too kin be equally blessed under god. The 7 are really basic... most folks including most Christians would not object...
"1. Do not profane G d’s Oneness in any way.
Acknowledge that there is a single G d who cares about what we are doing and desires that we take care of “His” world. God is not a man—he is a force of singular divinity the lives within us all that allows all nature to work in harmony. “He” is a Source of Being... a higher power (Abraham figured this out first...then Moses..)
2. Do not curse your Creator(do not put at risk the foundation for responsible human conduct which comes from belief in a deliberate and purposeful creator—a meaningful conductor of life on Earth)
No matter how angry you may be, do not take it out verbally against your Creator.
3. Do not murder Guard the Sanctity of Human Life.
The value of human life cannot be measured—it is divine, created in God’s divine image. To destroy a single human life is to destroy the entire world—because, for that person, the world has ceased to exist. It follows that by sustaining a single human life, you are sustaining an entire universe. (American Bill of Rights is based on this concept)
4. Honor the Sanctity of Measured Consumption /Do not eat a limb of a living animal.
Respect the life of all G d’s creatures. As intelligent beings, we have a duty not to cause undue pain to other creatures and eating meat while the animal is still living and has its soul is wrong. Respect the life and function of whatever we consume. And that is only sustainable when we recognize that all life is purposeful because it is the work of a single, deliberate and purposeful consciousness.
5. Do not steal / Respect the Sanctity of Private Property.
Whatever benefits you receive in this world, make sure that none of them are at the unfair expense of someone else. Each of our lives has its unique purpose—and those things that enter our lives and become our possessions are key to that purpose.
6. Harness and channel the human libido.
Incest, adultery, rape and homosexual relations are forbidden. The family unit is the foundation of human society. Sexuality is the fountain of life and so nothing is more holy than the sexual act. So, too, when abused, nothing can be more debasing and destructive to the human being.
The union of man and woman is a reflection of the cosmic dance by which all things come to be. It is the union of heaven and earth, spiritual and material, soul and body, energy and matter, oneness and diversity. When man and woman unite in a harmonious, caring way, their union rings throughout the universe like a song resonating in a vast chamber. All of reality plays along as an orchestra plays a grand concerto. They bring healing and blessing to the world, just as they bring new souls, dressed in pure and pristine light.
7. Establish courts of law and ensure justice in our world.
With every small act of justice, we are restoring harmony to our world, synchronizing it with a supernal order. That is why we must keep the laws established by our government for the country’s stability and harmony."
Many non-joos foller 'em. The one prohibitin' gay relations is a thing. Many Orthodox (Dennis Prager fer example) still have gay friends an' don't judge their gay pals harshly even as orthodox. So there's that.
There are added writin's on the noahides that are not laws 'er rules an' one fool scholar mentioned that not follerin' 'em should mean beheadings but if ya look at jooish history JOOS do not BEHEAD. They disregard the fool writings of singular angry or opinionated scholars as MANY voices are heard. Maimonides was very wise an' was firm that no harm should ever come to Christians an' that worshippin' Jesus was NOT idolatry. Maimonides welcomed the noahides ta be inclusive--notta baddie--that all other faiths (includin' Muslims) would be blessed if they'd honor the 7 laws I shared... BUT those that don't are neither damned nor beheaded--that's just malarkey.
Maimonides created Reform Judaism--he was not evil or a baddie--he forged a path to greater assimilation by lettin' joos abandon certain customs that ran contrary ta operatin' fully in society--kashrut (kosher law) was one, workin' on Saturdays an'nuther, allowin' for normal dress (no wigs/shaidels yet an'nuther)-- anywhoo... he wasn't a baddie but his "modern updates" didn't set well with at least the Ultra Orthodox... most of whom had no big issue with the Noahides an' were fine with 'em...
Domination .
What was the motive for "covid" and "vaccines made for it"?
To track and trace everything and everyone, wirelessly. Precision healthcare for eugenics and transhumanism. And noahides do believe in beheadings. ICD10 Y35.5 proves it’s coming soon, imo
You seem not to have followed anything related to the Cabal. Please do some research. Plenty of motives.
If you know the answer to the above question, then you also know the reason for the plague!
I was also wondering how one could take that Rabbi's 'confession' at face value and consequently blame "the" Jews for the bubonic plague. It's a stretch, or rather quite a leap, an implausible and quite unnecessary one. The official story of plague doctors is indeed weird and fishy, but to throw in the mix the antisemitic notion of well-poisoning Jews, coordinatedly conspiring all over Europe? That is just repeating stereotypes and adds no layer of sense whatsoever.
In fact, it is more than " just repeating stereotypes and adds no layer of sense whatsoever." People were not doing a lot of travelling. All of sudden you have Jews throughout Europe (and anywhere else the Plague hit) all being aware and travelling everywhere, seeking out each and every well (with a plentiful supply of poison!!) - as if they nahd nothing better to do. All of a sudden, nothing makes sense.
You talk like Europe was extremely primitive but that's obviously not the case. Extensive trade networks go back to ancient Greece at least.
And of course they didn't have to poison every well, just many of the biggest ones.
Also, attacking any criticism of anyone jewish with cries of antisemitism doesn't mean it is automatically invalid. You can't even question the need for genocide of Palestinians without being called Hitler.
Besides that, it's not all jews. Just the ones in power. And everyone in power is a psychopath.
I'ts the satanic occultists who hide behind being Jewish. They are happy to have you be angry at Jews until you turn blue.
Then be specific, please. Speaking of "the Jews" as evil is an absurd generalization that is invalid and has historically been used to incite violence and hate against a group of people.
And that is exactly the tactic used when there is any criticism of the government of Israel or any psychopath making decisions who happens to be jewish. I don't care if someone is jewish or not. I care about calling out psychopaths as being evil. It's the jewish psychopaths who cry antisemitism when being criticized. It is historically how criticism is completely stifled.
It's historical fact in Sweden, how jewish salesmen travelled the country selling goods to farmers. While doing this they had plenty of chances like no others to poison every well on every farm and village in the country.
Motive? Read their Torah and Talmud. They hate us all and want us all dead.
Elsa--grateful am I fer yer chimin' in as a voice of sanity...
yup, a lotta forced confessions happened--this is just ONE. Abu Ghirab had a lotta forced confessions too. But of COURSE one confession 'splains everything if the person forced ta confess is a joo. (sigh) LITERALLY one guy's word at a time when da joos were burned in their synagogues an' bein' killed fer poisonin' the wells--an' perhaps he wanted ta save his own skin with a lie? Who knows? Let's figger out how ta reverse the persecution of joos an' blame 'em for doin' evil stuff that makes 'em all worthy of all harms done. Fer those drinkin' this up like yer at an oasis an' thirsty fer trooth... Really? as if such a powerful poison exists (Ukrainian medieval biolabs with a lotta fundin'...) --OK if such a poison exists that could DO that kinda damage an' be manufactured on such a huge scale what was it? WHY ain't they usin' it RIGHT NOW?
Now, it could be true that people were poisoned but why would a few joos wanna kill off all YourUp? Oh, revenge? Cuz a handfulla rabbis were told not ta study kabbalah (which is NEITHER Alchemy or Black Magick--which are also a thang an' NOT only practiced by joos).
Do folks konw that da "evil jooish bankers" ALL answered ta Rome (an' Venice) an' the Black Nobility (who were not joos...none of 'em). SO... even if it really wuz the folks "behind da joos" was this a de-pop plan back then, really? If so why would Rome/Venice/Black Pope wanna kill off all the serfs 'n peasants that tilled their land, paid 'em taxes, made their goods? MAKES NO SENSE.
An' the "magicians," really, they had SO much money to do this all over YourUp? Anton Lavey (btw) follered Crowley (notta joo) but he worked fer MI5/6--he wuz an agent. Lavey was just the Hollyweird "showbiz" front man ta make satanism "cool, hip, & appealin' " but he was far less dangerous than some'a the real guys like those that hung out with the MKUltra Crowd & the talented by dark...dark... Kenneth Anger (notta joo)... So easy ta point ta select cherry picked Highway Markers... An' this ain't ta say ya don't do good work Agent (like Mister Belvedere!)... it's just that this is just a mite sloppy like a bad detour that ends up gettin' folks more lost than evah...
I know the entire virus/walrus thang is a scam but there are all manner 've real toxins that "plague" real folks--every time a person gits sick it ain't 5G (which clearly came after the middle ages) alone--an' yes, it do make folks sick, all that electromagnetic stuff... When folks don't warsh their hands or have clean warter -- stuff happens. Bad stuff. Bad stuff from handlin' dead bodies too. Used ta be that dokturds took over for midwives an' made babies & mamas die of SEPSIS--why? Cuz they'd handled dead bodies / cadavers right before an' nobuddy warshed their hands. NOT b/c poison. An' WHO said y'all gotta wash yer hands? A DIRTY JOO--yup a HATED member of da tribe who died in shame b/c he TOLD the DOKTURDS ta warsh their dang hands b/c he wanted ta help EVERYBUDDY (not just chews) an' nobuddy BELIEVED him so he got locked up in the looney bin--name of Ignaz Semmelweis
What did joos do durin' the plague? All joos washed their hands 'fore they prayed (often) an' when enterin' their homes... it's a THING. Old homes of joos had a sink right when ya entered! No black magic/majick involved. The also were forced ta live "separate" b/c hated but that may've protected them fer once--bein' behind ghetto walls. Oh, an' garlic & onions... they do offer protection an' are big time parts've E.Europe jooish cookin'.
But by all means sure, we poisoned yer wells. SIGH.
Tho' some rotten folks like Bourla are indeed joos--roundin' up folks here ta say covid is a jooish plot ta kill all Christians JUST LIKE the PLAGUE ain't actually fair (ya alluded to it--didn't actually come out 'n say it but intentions are clear). IMHO some "bad choos" involved like, say Rochelle Walensky, were just MITWITS... I'm near-certain she read her lines an' had NO CLUE 'bout the PLAN in the plandemic... By contrast, Birx knew... Fauxchee was "all in"--but others includin' some joos on da payroll were just pushed out inta the spotlight... an' collected a paycheck, ?'s likely did not even occurred to 'em...
Were the "Plague Docturds" the contact tracers an' ambulance chasers of today? Sure. But if y'all think it was only a jooish plot then how did joos benefit? I heard that whatever "plague" was, that there were folks that went around with leather gloves on spreadin' it on the doorknobs of land-owners an' homeowners (rich merchant class) so they'd all git SICK an' die an' the property became that of the dukes an' royals. THAT makes sense... More control of the land fer the higher-ups. This would be an'nuther deep dive but of course the dukes & royals were not joos... so this lesser-known theory is not eggzactly promoted (I think there's some historical back up 'bout it too) an' if can't possibly compete with "blame da joos"... eh, why botha?
I ain't the ADL so I'm all fer folks speakin' their "trooths"... but fer the benefit of posterity (as it's time ta blame da joos once again) , I shall add:
Kabbalah is not black' it was the (non-jooish) Templars of Malta that actually worshipped Baphomet... There are many who study kabbalah today that kin inform you that nothing in it is 'bout joos poisonin' wells or erasin' Christianity--an' tho there did start to trend a weirdo pahrdon-mah-french "bastardized" version of kabbalah fer the masses (cue Madonna--egads!), there are many that study it seriously an' are good people an' no it ain't satanic at all--folks like ta call it that as it certainly paints a whole swatth'a joos as evil satainsts. Dr. Zev Zelenko (may he RIP) who even helped DJT an' many members of Congress (non-joos y'all) was a scholar of kabbalah-- Many more out there who are very (VERY) good folks an' none taught ta hate--I'll spare ya's... but it's not well known this stuff...
OH an' also:
Israel didn't poison the wells in Gaza. Say what'cha want. Gazans threw garbage & junk in their wells as there wasn't trash pickup goin' on during wartime--an' I literally mean WELLS as the plumbin' system was trashed. That's a fact. Y'all know that there was a whole GREAT infrastructure includin' a modern plumbing system Israel LEFT the Gazans in 2005 when they pulled out. Gazans ALL had clean safe warter but y'a'll know what? HAMAS undid the ENTIRE plumbin' system cuz they could make pipe bombs outta all that plumbin'--yup, wasn't that nice? They (not Israel) took away the clean warter of the innocent people there NOT "da evil zionists"... SIGH. So if fetid warter causes illness--don't blame dem joos...blame the virtuous resistance fighters of Hamas fer that gift... It's FAR easier ta point a finger at the universal scapegoat (an' nope--we ain't named that b/c of baphomet who most joos have never heard of! 'tis true--not only do most joos not worship "da baphoment" but they don't even know 'bout the dude...)
FWIW--goat skin/ kidskin was fairly normal fer outerware, however sound a cherce it was ta wear it then--it wasn't "satanic wear;" whatever folks "'et" they wore--furs too... That said, the outfit was a fright... anyone'd be skeered.... but no indication these plague dokturds were joos or funded by joos... it's a good story tho!
Some balance:
ps I fergot 'bout da FLEAS... so poor filthy areas draw RATS an' rats did have fleas (some say tho that FLEAS were on the boids which makes the Plague DokTurd Beak velly telling...) but insects CAN bring disease... parasites? I dunno what... but I gots the weaponized lyme RIGHT from a tick (from Plum Island) so there's THAT too... an' nope, joos didn't run a flea circus ta train the fleas ta poison folks...
And yet, it is EXACTLY what happened. Are you jewish Elsa?
One, how do you know it is exactly what happened? Most farms, etc, would have had their own wells. I never heard that the plagues skipped most or all farms. This hypothesis makes no sense to me - on top of everything, based on what one rabbi said (almost certainly tortured to get him to say what he said). Two, please explain how - according to you - my religion has anything to do with this?
I know Elsa, because I have done alot of research on this topic. This research also helps me understand the jewish mind and that is how I knew you were a jewess. FYI - Judaism is satanism. The religion itself is filled with evil including the ritual genital torture and mutilation of infants, human and animal sacrifice, bloodletting (such as kosher slaughter), bloodsucking (some rabbis actually suck the blood off mutilated baby penises), cannibalism (some jews EAT the foreskins of babies believing it will help them have a baby boy), pedophilia, incest, and much more. However, practicing the jewish/satanic religion does not make one a jew. Jewishness is in the genes. Jews are a race and capable of extreme evil. Many jews experience this within their own families.
Ridiculous. Consumption of blood is forbidden by the Torah. Anyone who ritually consumes blood is not adhering to Judaism as laid out in the Torah and the Tanach.
Tell that to the rabbis who suck blood off of mutilated baby penises.
Also see here:
As I said - as laid out in the law. They are not abiding by the law then, and that is precisely the point: those who supposedly do that deviate from the law, they are not representing Judaism.
And no, I am not Jewish either, don't even bother to claim that.
You might be Ilies--Blood line, you and EL-sa.
FYI. My religion is not Judaism. You have an enormous amount to learn.
I'ts the satanic occultists who hide behind being Jewish. They are happy to have you be angry at Jews until you turn blue.
Before and after the destruction of Israel and their temple in 66 A.D. the Jews fled and spread themselves out. Some of the Jewish high priest joined up with the Romans before and after it's fall in 70 A.D. They were the ones who put Jesus Christ on the cross. They did not want to lose their power and fortune. They knew he was the Messiah. After the fall of Israel and Rome, many Jews and Romans went into hiding for some time. Then, they started appearing everywhere. Most worked as bankers and merchants and lawyers. They still do and they recruit people promising power and riches. They also use bribery, threats and murder to keep people enslaved and silent. They chose people outside their religion, as well as, their own people, They chose people in high positions who's weaknesses are power, fame and fortune. That is why we, the whole world, is in this mess. We put to much trust in men and not in God and let the enemy slip in right under our noses. Think Rothschild family, the richest most powerful bankers in the world. They and their cohorts control almost everything and have for a very long time. In fact, the plan to destroy and start a New World Order has happened before by these Kabbalist and Pagans. Ever noticed how everything seems to have been "founded", discovered and started or written around the late 1700's and 1800's? Ever notice how many old building are buried halfway in the ground? Ever notice these emasculate and massive "Cathedral" and Castles that can no longer be built today? There is no answer for a lot of history, because it's been hidden from us by these people. They don't want us to know who they are or who we are, that's why! All we know is what we've been told and the majority of it is a flat out lie!
The Oera Linda contains an account of the Magi poisoning the head waters a few miles upstream of a town with lead, many centuries ago. Three years later, the town was completely dead. Our enemies are still the magi and their system of usury, slavery, and mind control. The Magi pull the shade of mystery over the heads of their victims. The priest corrupts their minds with religious superstition, and controls them through fear. No wonder they don't want us discovering our real history. How many times have they killed everybody? I'm not talking about Jews, I'm talking about false Jews, AKA, the Synagogue of Satan (as Jesus tells in Revelation). In the OT, the Hebrews are forbidden to drink blood. We're not dealing with the descendants or practices of the Hebrews. We're dealing with Babylonians, Philistines, and Canaanites. Worshipers of Baal and Moloch. Our enemies hate the real Jews a little more than everyone else. The Jews are like the Catholics. The priests are evil and the folks are not, for the most part. It's not a crime to be born Jewish. Everybody's got problems. We've all got the same devil. It's the priests. Masonic, Bubonic, Teutonic, Rabbinical, Sabbatical, and radical (priests).
I always thought whatever cv 20-1 was that it was transmitted through the water or in drinks that you buy in plastic bottles in the store. Transmission is better explained through poison then infectious disease
Transmission is a myth. Covaids was a massive psychological operation, a social engineering experiment. There wasn't an increase in deaths until they started "bumping people off" in nursing homes using midazolam and rendesiver, yes euthanising them!! Have you not viewed Event 201 yet? That's a simulation exercise depicting exactly went on in 2020 and this was televised in Oct 2019. Sure Klaus Schwab WEF fame, brought his book out in 2020 about the great reset. Publishers take up to 18 months to bring a book to market. So that means aul Schwab had this in the pipeline as far back as 2018.
I don’t think it was transmitted from person to person like an infection , everybody who got whatever it was was was exposed to the toxin through the water or food or air or toilet plumes or something maybe the radiation too. I know it wasn’t an “infection “ it was a poisoning.
"Everybody who got whatever" I don't know what you mean? There was NO whatever. If you're relating this to covid, the deaths occurred when the vaccines were rolled out. Covid was made up in a boardroom. It's vaccine deaths, not covid deaths as covid does not exist. What's the difference between covid and the flu? Nothing whatsoever. The flu has just been rebranded. You've really done zero research over 5 years just wow!!!
When in I was in an induced coma for 4 weeks in ICU, I was transferred from a mechanical ventilator onto an ECMO blood exchange unit with thick tubing surgically inserted into my jugular vein in my neck to reoxygenate my blood without any use of my then totally failed lungs at all, and when you go through that, only then will you understand reality, and not rely on trying to juggle mere statistics in your mind.
While I was in that 4 week induced coma, after a police car (actually more than one) with wailing sirens had accompanied the ambulance into the hospital, a further police team then used a powered battering ram to smash the front door clean out of the wall of my property, and tore my flat apart searching it very extensively and then my 11 year-old WordPress website, containing 3,800 articles and 50 GB or so of material were all irretrievably taken down and lost. THAT is what some call FLU. I CALL IT A GOVERNMENT INTELLIGENCE SERVICES OPERATION USING MILITARY GRADE PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONRY TO ACTIVATE SELF-REPLICATING NANOTECH BIOWEAPONRY.
This is the new police mode of arrest, using military grade psychotronic weaponry, just as was used by the US on elite Iraqi guards decades ago who became so disorientated that they just threw down their weapons, laughing and crying like children and took all their kit off, and then simply let American army bulldozers drive earth over them in their trenches and bury them alive, they were probably swimming in a sea of patterns at that time not knowing what was going on, their minds completely disclocated from their bodies and actual physical surroundings.
And this same weaponry is also used to activate whatever is in the COVID jabs to do even further damage, it is used right through your wall to disable you, then they can come in to do a thorough sweep of your place after you have been taken away while you get a good doing over in the Bolshevik slaughterhouses they call hospitals.
We are now under hostile alien foreign power military occupation dictatorship in the form of satellite governments of infiltrators running dictatorships on behalf of criminal terrorist Israel to milk dry and destroy all the slave nations under their control before total physical extermination is finally implemented using rabbinical Noahide Law against the entire Gentile population of the entire planet by the Jewish invaders, only because Gentile peoples will not stand together.
To stop this from happening, all people need to do to avoid the arranged WWIII, to avoid the arranged death jabs, all peoples in every controlled nation need to do is to arrange to gather together to march down the streets unstoppably in their millions in every enslaved nation and throw these mass-murdering bastards right out of their government office windows, defenestration is the way forward in these times when arms are forbidden to the slave classes!
During The Thirty Years' War, a military conflict that took place in Europe from 1618 to 1648, this technique of defenestration was used by the unarmed peasants to great effect, nobody can defy the effects of gravity! Not even Trump or Harris or Gates or Klaus Schwab and his pinhead midget puff sidekick Noah Harari, it is time for them all to go flying... weeeeeee! splot!
See what the Jews are REALLY plotting behind your back, their so-called religion is really nothing more than a clever political ruse, a selfish and godless terrorist death cult, it states in the Zohar very clearly that all Gentiles in the entire world are to be totally exterminated (and then sent to hell after the end of this world - this is NOT conspiracy theory).
See how flip flop orange Penguin character Trump wants a law against antisemitism in the US with a death penalty, and how for years already when POTUS before he signed documents officially granting permission each and every year in office for the exterminatory Jewish Noahide Laws to be implemented.
The Noahide Laws authorize the total extermination of all Christians, and the total extermination of all members of all other Gentile religions, in reality all Gentiles in total are intended to be exterminated to fully conform with the edicts issued in the Zohar and Torah, all Gentiles without exception are actually classed as amalek, eternal enemies of the Jews, the war against whom must be eternal states the Torah. Do not think this killing by these total sickos has not already started. .
ICD10 Y35.5, legal beheading’s and trumptard will be the Noahide king to get the party started. He’s a snake. He can shoot you dead and never lose a follower. Um, covid shots killed millions and millions but somehow he gained followers. Trauma based mind control, microwave weapons.
I work in a large nursing home and NO ONE died if covid before the shots. We lost about 30% and they are on their 10th snake bite now… one is healthier that’s for sure.
It literally has to be mind control to make people so stupid as to vote for their own self-stated intended executioner. Noahide Law executions of Christians have long already been occurring via COVID and other poison Jew juice death jabs. If people could join all the dots together they would see that is exactly what this Jew-loving enemy agent of the American people really is.
You know the Noahide Laws thing, all Christians are to be executed as idolaters, the Talmud stating all Christians are to be killed, the Zohar stating all Gentiles in the world are to be exterminated and sent to hell, the Torah stating all the temples and idols of all other religions are to be destroyed and their followers killed with them, as in Deuteronomy 20:16, surely, one might think, even the most stupid of people would start to smell a rat, and given the election result, I would expect any sensible people to revolt, but they have been conditioned to believe that a revolt might only occur if the Democrats won, all very clever mental conditioning, so people really must be daft in the overwhelming vast majority of cases, that is the problem with democracy, it is is a Jewish tool just like Hitler said, we need real leaders
As the Bukharian Jew Stalin stated, what is not so important is how people vote, what is more important is who counts the votes and how they count them.
More on this subject about COVID jabs themselves killing immediately, just to show people were dropping dead straightaway after getting COVID vaxxed, proving the 'it was just the flu' disinfo is a load of bollocks and very obviously so, though many people have been taken in by the controlled opposition government operation, as so many keep repeating it like a mantra, and for what, I really do not know, as only the Bolshevik military occupation government have anything to gain by saying that, as it gives them total deniability in any instance, as everyone can simply be said to have just died 'from the flu' from that perspective, quite frankly.
And people have even snuffed it just after getting given flu jabs, dropping dead on the spot sometimes, according to the researcher Philip Day who I have met and spoken with a couple of times around 20 years ago when he mentioned cases he knew of this happening to me.
Yes, the COVID deaths occurred when the jabs were rolled out, BUT WHEN WERE THEY REALLY FIRST ROLLED OUT (UK Bolshevik Liquidation squad 'Health Secretary' Matt Hancock: "When do we deploy the new variant?").
ON HOW MANY OTHER OCCASIONS BEFORE THE JEWISH-NAMED MATT HANCOCK SPOKE WHILE WORKING FOR THE JEWISH UK PM BORIS JOHNSON AT THAT TIME WERE THESE WEF (NOAHIDE LAW) PSYCHOTICS DEPLOYING 'NEW VARIANTS' THAT THESE UTTER MONSTERS HAD HAD COOKED UP IN BIOWARFARE MILITARY LABS BY JEWISH SCIENTISTS AND WHEN? (a video of Boris Johnson at a rabbinical ceremony in between two black-suited rabbis on stage while Johnson was wearing a ritual Jewish ultra orthodox stetson type wide-brimmed hat made of very fancy royal blue velvet saying "I am a Jew" was removed from this site after I posted it). I wonder why, you should too.
I reckon they surreptitiously whacked quite a few COVID jabs into people just to get the 'pandemic' rolling, so the 'COVID' cases were not ALL flu cases rebranded.
I had been running a series of articles on my WP website criticizing the suppression of genuine medicine including the covering of suppression of genuine fully proven treatments for cancer by the entirely malevolent American Jewish AMA Head Morris Fishbein (this suppression of the original and fully medically tested and proven version of Raymond Royal Rife technology is still in effect today, and itself alone will cause the premature deaths of quite literally BILLIONS all around the world).
Another typical example of what the criminally insane death cult Jews have really given the world is their nuclear Samson Option threat, Jewish scientists alone conceived of, desired to create, designed, and patented the atom bomb, the nuclear bomb, and the planet-killer dirty cobalt 60 nuclear bomb that its Jewish inventor Leo Szilard who patented it in the US in 1950 said is capable of permanently exterminating all forms of life on the entire planet if 400 devices of the size then able to be produced are detonated, but these devices today are vastly bigger. And another Jewish scientist invented and patented the neutron bomb.
And Jewish scientists also invented the predecessor to the current weaponized synthetic mRNA COVID jabs in the form of the Jewish Monsanto company weaponized synthetic mRNA GM crop seeds designed to be used alongside the cancer-producing glyphosate. I also included videos on my site with Rima Raibow and Jesse Ventura for instance on the bioweapon plan to poison the world in "the great culling" "to get rid of all the useless eaters" with a fake vaccine for a fake respiratory illness even before the COVID thing. I will explain how this is relevant further in this comment.
I had a medical test in an NHS hospital where I was supposed to have a single syringe inserted into my neck to take a single tissue sample, which was entirely painless, but the obviously Jewish-looking doctor with a very Jewish name started sticking more needles in me, saying he had not got enough tissue yet, and he also started whacking transparent yellow liquid filled syringes into my neck after that every few minutes (another doctor I spoke to later expressed surprise and did not recognize the colour as being indicative of any anaesthetic jabs that they knew of).
Sensing something was not right, I asked the doctor with the Jewish name to stop putting syringes into my throat after he had done this 6 times, sometimes injecting transparent yellow fluid, but he never stopped when asked, he simply walked over to the desk along the side of the examining room desk, picked up another syringe, and stuck it right into my Adam's Apple while I was still laid out on the examining table, with the needle making a very distinctive popping sound as it penetrated and entered the gristle of my voice box, leaving a bloody mark there alongside several others there which I inspected later.
He told me not to talk or swallow or move while the needle was inside me or the needle could permanently damage my vocal cords he told me, but he had no business either taking any samples as he called it from the area he did as I had a tumour that was several inches away from this area, and certainly not in my voice box, but this doctor guy was sticking needles and syringes of yellow fluid into my voice box with no genuine explanation, and if his excuse might be that he was giving me anaesthetic jabs BEFORE injecting a needle to take a sample that might be painful, when I asked him not to put any more needles into me, he still injected me with yet another syringe that looked exactly like a COVID vaccination syringe filled with transparent yellow liquid, without possibly having the slightest excuse to do so then as he was not even going to take a tissue sample after doing that.
And his official report later stated he had only taken three samples from me, so the other 4 syringes had all been these injections of mysterious yellow fluid that he dishonestly told me was a dental type anaesthetic.
But he actually gave me no anaesthetic at all, when I touched my face and throat I felt everything as normal, but just a single real dental anaesthetic lasts 1.5 to 2.5 hours officially and makes your face feel puffed up and solid feeling like it is one inch thick with a cotton wool feeling, but there was not the slightest trace of any anaesthetic feeling from any of these jabs, yet he kept on and on sticking syringes of this transparent yellow liquid in me every few minutes when a real anaesthetic jab would have numbed me totally for several times the duration of my entire appointment with him, and he kept on and on and on giving me more every few minutes, telling me I could stop him any time I wished, but when I did after 6 needles had already gone into me, he totally ignored me as if I was a mere insect and then just stuck another one in me like he was a mechanic working on a car, he was a total liar.
I had no need whatsoever for any anaesthetic in the first place, and on several occasions when I have actually been in extreme agony in hospitals and actually asked for an anaesthetic in the past, some (but not all, as some have been very decent and kind and sincerely well-meaning) nurses and doctors have routinely told me (sadistically) that I was not in any pain and refused to give me any anaesthetic because those individuals are actually very nasty twisted bastards, and I have seen them do just the same thing to other people and they do it because they literally enjoy hurting people like some tunnel rabbi would, so this perp would never have been giving me a succession of anaesthetics in a month of Sundays anyway, and he was most definitely not really giving me a succession of anaesthetics anyway, for a procedure that was entirely painless anyway, so I had no real need to be offered or to be given any jab to avoid any pain in the first place.
And some time shortly after that I ended up at home for 2 weeks heavily delirious, coughing up jugs of phlegm and suffocating, my local doctor rang me on some routine issue quite by chance when I was actually on the floor near the phone and heard I was not well and called me an ambulance when I was actually nearly already dead, diagnosed on admission to hospital as gravely ill with just 50% blood oxygen, sepsis, COVID pneumonia and COVID 19, and immediately placed in an induced coma on a mechanical ventilator at first.
I am absolutely certain this was no COVID virus as you also say, and neither was it any FLU virus though, but some internet 'experts' have assured me with absolute certainty that the flu was exactly what I really had.
I had not had a single cold or flu for well over 25 years prior to this, and have only had flu one time in my life, that was like the tiniest sniffle compared to my 'COVID' experience, even though the flu itself made me feel suddenly as if I was in my 80's when I was just in my 30's (I got the flu following a vaccination curiously enough, but not for flu, oh, wait on, just had a thought there...).
Only when you have been through it will you understand the claims that it was all just the flu for everyone in every instance to be actually very mistaken.
Undoubtedly SOME 'COVID' cases really were just flu rebranded, but the government could use that window of opportunity to attack and badly injure and even permanently get rid of a lot of political dissidents as well in all the panic and confusion that it wanted rid of for saying certain real truths online and elsewhere, while the government could use controlled opposition agents to leave many with the false impression that in any case, all of it was only ever really just the flu anyway and thus entirely natural, and surely nothing at all to do with the government then really.
But this is not what really happened. And there are just too many people presenting almost like government intelligence service agents one after the other with a pressing need to say it was all just the flu, and something does not add up here, as in any case, the anti-COVID jab campaigners know that a COVID jab itself can drop someone dead instantly or kill them hours, days, weeks, months or years later, so why would anyone want to claim with certainty that all these cases were 'just the flu'?
Very obviously indeed, someone dropping dead straight after getting COVID-jabbed is not 'just the flu'.
For so many to be saying this same thing "It was ALL just the FLU" over and over again, is totally illogical, and deeply fishy, my printed medical records with me state very differently, though I do understand the PCR tests themselves were phony.
Surely, knowing that COVID jabs themselves can kill people instantly, or in hours, or in days or in weeks or months or years later, then it smacks of a government initiated psy-op or of people duped by such a psy-op when this very obvious error in perception is continually put forward as objective truth, seemingly by a very persistent army of people who always say "It was just the flu", who remind me of the very determined little army of sayanim, exactly the same type of people, who go around obsessively saying that all the bad stuff that Jews are accused of is actually only done by what they called 'Fake Jews'.
The Talmud states unequivocally that all Christians must be KILLED, there is NO alternative 'explanations' for these words. This is exactly what the Jewish-designed COVID ethnobomb bioweapon jabs are doing, they are sterilizing everyone who is Gentile to death.
See the videos on the excellent Adam Green and Harry Vox sites with video film of these rabbis saying how they intend to kill billions of Gentiles with arranged wars, by setting one Gentile nation against another.
Zelensky and Putin are both Chabad Lubavitcher devotees and both are WEF alumni of the crypto-Jewish-led WEF, headed by Klaus Schwab, whose original mother before he was adopted was JEWISH, and Schwab certainly likes to attend his Jewish phony holocaust memorial services.
A bust of Lenin can be seen in a photo of Schwab sitting in his office with it. A hundred years ago, Lenin said that killing 9 out of every 10 people in the world would be acceptable to carry out a Communist 'revolution'. Schwab wants to kill 15 out of every 16 now, and the REAL reason is a highly audacious plan for the Jews to seize the entire planet for themselves alone to then live on with every single last Gentile on the entire planet permanently exterminated.
Trump and Harris are both entirely treacherous in their total dedication to the lethal parasite Israel, and when this fact is fully appreciated it means that neither candidate was ever fit to stand for election and that both of them should have been disqualified.
When I was brought out of the 4 week induced coma in ICU, barely alive after a stroke and heart attack and suffering secondary pneumonia with very serious lung damage from the mechanical ventilator and tocilizumab, a drug specifically known to very heavily damage lungs, a tall male doctor in a black suit with black hair and an Israeli complexion and physiognomy looking exactly like a Chabad Lubavitcher walked down the side of my bed in my high security isolation room and stood to the side of the foot of my bed and the first thing he asked me was why I had made allegations to the police about a certain (Jewish) MP. HOWZAT for NHS medical care? And he was even waving my hand-written original statement in his hand in front of me at the time. It just shows those doctors really do care ABOUT JEWS. Something tells me this was not really 'the flu' at all.
Criticizing the criminal terrorist British (Israeli) government is a major cause of COVID it seems.
And I never got officially COVID jabbed in the UK, I refused it, but I am pretty certain I got surreptitiously jabbed by these evil bastards, and they are evil enough to do just that, in Australia it is legal to COVID vax a non-compliant person without informing them first, and in NZ they can forcibly restrain you and COVID jab you.
If you look around there are a lot of videos taken in different nations where army type medical teams hold people down in the streets and COVID jab them, or force their way through doors into people's houses to COVID jab them while holding them down, not just in China but in several other nations.
I reckon they did that everywhere just to get the pandemic scare started by 'infecting' people with self-replicating, self-spreading by shedding nanotech COVID bioweaponry forcefully to spread it there and then, not only in the very beginning of the officially recorded start of the pandemic, but very well before that time, even so that new symptoms could even be classed as new symptoms attributable to new strains of flu, to further confuse the issue, and that real cases of something vastly worse than flu, illnesses caused by self-replicating nanotech bioweapons activated by weaponized 5G frequencies were already in play.
So many 5G transmitters were being hurriedly put up during the lockdown for instance very suspiciously, and the first officially noted COVID cases were occurring in places like on a cruise ship where 5G had just been installed for instance. From this fact alone it was definitely not just the flu that was used to do this.
And while we are told when 5G was OFFICIALLY first deployed, how do we know when it was REALLY first deployed, or WHEN and WHERE, and what disease conditions resulted from that, and what bioweapon jabs were already deployed at those times and in what areas.
You say the COVID deaths are caused by the vaccine, I would concur with that, and that there is no real COVID virus, I concur with that also, but there is a COVID nonetheless, even with no virus, with nearly 1,300 illnesses ascribed to it all at once according to documents Pfizer was froced to reveal by court order that it had wanted to keep secret for 75 years, but then you jump to saying the COVID and the Flu are the same thing. No they are not, not in any sense.
I’ve done research and a lot of it I have dismissed as controlled opposition.
"Toilet plumes"??? Aye, you've done great research Asa.
C-v is radiation poisoning, identical symptoms, including blood clotting. All locations that experienced "outbreaks" had recently installed and turned on their 5/6 G grids.
We've no 5g in our town and our local funeral directors are raking the money in, increasing their car parks to cope with the demand because it's death after death after death. The local cemetery who set aside acres for 25yrs capacity is now looking for extra land and probably will end up demanding people get cremated as they've now warranted a licence to construct a new crematorium in the province as we'd only one and it can't cope. Do you not think injecting heavy metals plus other crap like formaldehyde, aborted foetal cells, monkey kidney cells and bovine calf serum would cause your blood to clot due to the foreign nature of the soup in vaccines the body doesn't recognise it? People have totally feckin lost it. They're still queuing up at the pharmacy and docs to get these things and blaming it on radiation. God please get me away from these morons.
The initial "outbreaks" were radiation poisoning -- the 5G wavelength was chosen becos it targets blood cells in particular, thus all the respiratory and clotting problems allowing people to be killed in hospitals.. These "outbreaks" instilled the panic and the contagion idea, enough to get people to take the death jabs that are now (and will continue to) fill graveyards. Do you know the great work of Barrie Trower re frequency weapons? He spent his whole life in the military working in this field. He says the symptoms of ANY disease can be produced thru the use of frequencies. I have a longer post somewhere on here about the various plagues in earlier times that i believe were caused by frequency weapons. Also "flu" comes from the word "influence", which is the influence on living beings, lining up with all the "flu epidemics" of the last centuries with the introduction of the various stages of new frequencies, including the electrification of the world, radar, etc. The book The Invisible Rainbow goes into all. Tom Cowan's Contagion Myth explains how the false idea of contagion was socially engineered into the human psyche. BTW 5G is EVERYWHERE now, impossible to get away from. The small towers are disguised as shrubbery, they are on rooftops all over towns and cities, on all schools and public buildings, etc. No permission is required for these to be put up. Plus the big towers in rural areas cover a wide range, all causing many people to be unwell. And BTW the wifi frequency range was particularly chosen becos it adversely effects water molecules, and our bodies are at least 80% water (as is most of nature).
And yes, we ARE getting away from all this insanity, currently selling up and moving from Canada to Mexico. Adios!
There weren't any "initial outbreaks" of anything. There's NO statistics at all supporting that. I contacted 11 councils in N Ireland in May 2020 and not one had an increase in deaths. How come the hospitals were empty if there were that many dying with radiation poisoning? Northern Italy, on UK news had an aging population that they hospitalised and euthanised just as they did in a local nursing home where 14 residents died in one week. It's called the Liverpool Care Pathway when opioids, muscle relaxants and nil by mouth including water is refused by the medical dummies. Our angels in scrubs are really devils. And yes I've got Arthur Furstenbergs book.
Mexico is subject to HAARP microwave frequencies just like the rest of us.
HAARP is just one of 70+ installations working together, some of them on ship. The NEXRAD system on all military bases is linked to it all. Mex is not exempt, as witnessed by the massive floods inflicted Acapulco. Agent explains why and how it is being done in his excellent Big Picture expose "Chemtrails: Drought & Storms will Make People BEG US for GeoEngineering to Save Them. " Mexico actually outlawed geoengineering, yet they still have geoengineering. Why? This is explained in Agent's article above:
"In 2023, their plan went exactly as intended. They were able to get Mexico, who had previously completely banned GeoEngineering, to be under such an extreme drought that they lifted the ban and begged for the GeoEngineers to make it rain."
There is no "safe" place to go, the genocide is being carried out worldwide. But in every past cataclysm (and there have been many) some people always survive. There are places where people can live more simply, naturally and more remotely, and even without any cell phones and other addictive suicide tech. There is food hanging off the trees year round in Mex, whereas our Canadian garden will not be producing anything over the winter.
However there IS 5G in Mex and apparently it is spreading. The only way to counter the "influence" of 5G on your body and mind wherever you are located is to LEARN HOW TO RAISE YOUR OWN FREQUENCY so you transmute it's effect on you.
You might want to listen to the videos by Dane Wigington on YOutube. HIs website is For the scoop on our future on crater Earth or lack thereof.
If you stress bacteria out enough they will produce powerful toxins.
Doctors should start wearing that same outfit again so the gullible might get a clue.
Why are current figures on the light side warning us to "watch the water?" Same reason. Thanks for the research, Agent. Great article!
I wonder when the idea of residing within a city first began (verses strictly for commerce). While it may offer convenience, it also offers a concentration of victims.
Agent, I'll bet you a pot of strong coffee that Daszak, Fauci & Collins have already conducted research on transmitting deadly diseases using fleas as vectors. And you & I likely funded it.
You're watching too much crap on Netflix or Hollyweird movies. It wouldn't be possible that fleas are responsible for disease. All disease comes from your own doing, it manifests in a toxic, sick body due to lack of vitamins and minerals or you've been poisoned. The flea vector is a deflection.
I was speaking of Fauci et al, not of me. Haven't had a tv set in our home for over a decade.
I understand that Roger but what you're saying about Fauci et al is disturbing. You know what you typed initially and it's utter nonsense. The story about genetically modified mosquitoes and killer bees in the news in the past is total pish. 99% of news is a fallacy. It's fear based and they know how to control the masses and instill fear. It's a psychological game and they're winning if they read your composition.
We know Fauci was responsible for the Beagles being "eaten alive" by sand fleas...those tests were being conducted in Tunisia, I believe. They were certainly testing fleas for some reason.
I vaguely recall krampus characters in European parades along with plague doctors, do they intertwine?
Other bizarre creatures accompanied the krampus. Vaguely similar to the children's book where the wild things are but much more scary and if I recall targeted at children
Wow, yeah, now that you mention it I do have the same association!! I remember seeing these figures in the context of Krampus/Perchten who are up and coming again - events featuring these morbid zombie creatures draw huge crowds all over the Alps region, southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland....
The Mayan calendar did not end in 2012, it is still running. For now. When it was created, it was based on a 360 day year. Was it around 700 AD when the sun was seen to retrograde and the calendars were (one by one around the world) changed to a 365.24 day year? However, scholars have calculated 365.24 days going all the way back to the start of the Mayan count, instead of using 360 then 365.24. So they are off by a few years. I think it's 2046 when it finishes. Great article about the plague doctors though. I think they were the early 'Men in Black' lol
The years 2040 and 2046 are specifically mentioned in literature and, increasingly, online as dates when a cataclysmic solar event will occur. Basically, most life is thought to be scourged from Earth in a true Great Reset really soon, as has been cyclically happening throughout the ages to varying degrees. This time it's to be a biggie, according to the eschatological experts in science, history, art, and mythology. Seriously dark occultists have passed down this knowledge to their own over the many generations and have kept the rest of us in the dark, but for some predictive programming in literature and, recently, movies.
An upcoming "apocalypse" may be why the proliferation of DUMBs, deep underground cities and connecting tunnels, billionaire bunkers, super yachts, seed vaults, as well as underground storage of fine art, gold and precious metals, and the rapid development of AI, robotics, and genetic engineering have been occurring. Lately, they scarcely hide the sun worship and child sacrifice they've been doing forever to appease their false gods in the mistaken belief blood atrocities against especially children will save their own backsides.
They knew 2012 would not be the end of the Earth but played it up for ritualist purposes, imo.
Yes I understand Nostradamus and Mother Shipton, amongst others, both mention 2040 and 2046. Are you familiar with Jason of Archaix? He goes deep into this, and has amazing knowledge of the true chronology of this realm after decades of researching old books and manuscripts.
I've seen some of his really comprehensive videos and am familiar with his simulation theory, (could be?!), and also his research into Earth cycles driven by Sun events. Didn't he calculate that 2040 would be the year of the upcoming gamma burst "game's over" scenario? His library is impressive, but the fact he's read most of those tomes is true heavy lifting!
Velikovsky asserted that ours is a turbulent solar system in his book, "Worlds in Collision" (1950). Also, Doug Vogt and Suspicious Observers cover this ground. Likely more. Hope it's a terrible psy-ops.
His 2040 prediction is based on what he calls the Phoenix cycle, which is a destructive 'force' (object in the sky) that comes round every 138 years. He asserts it has gone by many names over the centuries, but many cultures have documented it's appearance. Sometimes it's very destructive, sometimes only affects local areas. The last one in 1902 was interesting, as many phenomena were recorded in local records around the world, but it seems major news outlets at the time glossed over it. He suspects every 3 or 4 138 year cycles are the big ones.
The 2046 event is what he puts down to the Nemesis X or Nibiru phenomenon, which is every 700+ years (can't remember the exact timeframe), but there has only been one time in recorded history where both events happened really close together like this one we have coming up.
His knowledge of the past is amazing. I have always been interested in History and to learn that so much of what we have been taught is either amended or totally fabricated is fascinating to me. Jason's theory on simulation - which wasn't his originally but he has come to the same conclusions as others after seeing how cyclical this world is - is quite overwhelming at first but the more and more you learn, the more it makes sense.
I haven't read Velikovsky yet, it's on my list though lol. I read Charles Forts Book of the Damned which is worth a read for all the strange events that never quite 'made the news' and were glossed over. Currently on Kersey Graves' The worlds 16 crucified saviours.
Yes, the Phoenix phenomenon every 138 years I remember, except for what is likely to cause it. Thanks for the clearer info, and on Nibiru, also.
Re Nemesis X/ Nibiru-- is Jason's belief that it's a dead twin star with satellites and an exaggerated oblique orbit to this solar system that comes in periodically and wreaks havoc, some cycles more than others? Or, that it's just a large far away sister planet and moon system with gravitational or EM effects and perhaps a debris trail that periodically orbit close enough to the sun to rain devastation on Earth?
And how do these destruction cycles relate to Simulation Theory? Does he think of them as rebooting or resets? Either way, I think our lowered collective consciousness manifests them and that higher frequency would shield us, a little like how low atmospheric pressure brings in the dramatic weather, whereas high means smooth sailing, except that it's on some kind of psychic/ spiritual EM scale ranging from evil to love!
You don't need to answer, as we've veered off the poisoning as pandemic post, but I'll check out the sources you recommend.
Funny how the Elite here and now are supposedly leaving the country as DOGE makes plans. DOGE --the planned agency led by Dark Maga El Elyon. The Doge back in ancient Venice ruled by the Black Venetian nobility was the 'elected' chief magistrate. I wonder what his task was. And, a cloak made from GOAT skin, eh? Do you know what goat offspring are called? KIDS.
My questing is about all of the cats that were killed throughout Europe by Pope Gregory IX (1227-1241). The plague has been blamed on the mass extermination he was responsible for that killed most of the cats in Europe--it was blamed on the cats not being there to kill the vermin that carried the fleas. From what I've read, Pope Gregory had all of the cats killed because he thought cats bore Satan's spirit. Could the cats being murdered have been some kind of preliminary occultic sacrifice in preparation for the plague? I know this might sound weird, but maybe somehow the cats were an obstacle to their satanic agenda.
They hated their 'miaow-sic'! Is this a prelude today?
Thanks! Just a few days ago, I came to the realization that the "plague" was well poisoning.
Indeed, Ida. I've reat that study aswell. Impressive. It teuly makes sense. Thats exacyly how they operate.
God bless you.