The Players Behind IVERMECTIN: How the World Became Convinced to Eat Insecticide
Documents you've never seen: a deep dive into a timeline involving some very nefarious players with a very nefarious agenda leading to a well orchestrated PSYOP deployed on the Truth Movement...
In May of 2024, I published an article called Ivermectin: Population Control Poison. In that piece, we looked at what exactly Ivermectin is and a brief history of how it came to be. Long story short: people in Africa who lived near certain bodies of water suddenly began developing symptoms; rash, skin discoloration and sometimes losing their eyesight.
This dis-ease was then named River Blindness and science concluded it must have to do with the food or water supply being poisoned biting flies that live on the river… the problem was proving it.
No matter how many studies they ran, they couldn’t prove the flies were causing infection. To plagiarize myself, “Because the monkey studies were unsuccessful, scientists switched to using other animals and methods. These new methods involved dorsal fins, removing slices of skin then keeping the skin alive to run wacky tests on it, centrifuging blood samples to try to find larvae, and more … that was when I stopped reading because it was pointless.”
The United Nations decided the solution to stopping River Blindness was to feed people hugely toxic medicines called Diethylcarbamazine and Suramin. Then the UN began poisoning the water to kill the people flies...
When poisoning the water didn’t stop the symptoms, the river-dwellers were told they must move away from the river, which ultimately destroyed their ability to flourish. It became known that Diethylcarbamazine and Suramin were causing serious harm, simultaneously, Big Pharma was searching for their next big hit. Suddenly, out of the blue, a Merck contractor stumbled across a new deadly dirt bacteria in the soil of a golf course. The scientist brought it back to his lab where a chemically modified variation of it was developed. The new concoction was “25 times more potent” than any existing parasite medication… the new concoction was Abamectin (Ivermectin).
Ivermectin was originally peddled as a cure for animals, to save them from dangerous parasites (yet another tragic hoax based on decades worth of lies). The issue with it was, because it is insecticide (poison), it was killing animals. In fact, it was so good at killing animals that it became a way to euthanize them (just like “vitamins” which are also insecticides, herbicides and rodenticides).
Then, one day, it began being peddled as a human drug for killing our evil parasites, then it was peddled not only as cure, but also as way to prevent evil parasites. What people didn’t know was that there was substantial evidence that eating insecticide was causing serious harm in animals, even huge animals, and even in very tiny doses:
Quote, “Approximately 18 hours after administering the ivermectin paste, the owner noticed signs of depression, profuse salivation, and ataxia in all 4 limbs of horse 1 and the other 2 horses that received the same dewormer.”… “When admitted to the hospital, horse 1 had hypersalivation, forelimb and hind limb ataxia, hypersensitivity to touch and sound, and bilateral mydriasis. Physical examination revealed tachycardia … Oral mucous membranes were pale and slightly tacky.” … “Clinical signs continued to progress in severity over the next 5 hours, and the mare began to head press, tremble, and have diffuse muscle fasciculations throughout the shoulder and gluteal regions. It eventually became recumbent and unable to rise. The mare appeared blind and had signs of extreme agitation such that it was unsafe to approach and treat. A decision was made to euthanize the mare on the basis of progressive neurologic deterioration and safety concerns for those providing veterinary care.” - yeah, a horse was fed Ivermectin then had a Central Nervous System attack and went blind…
It would turn out that they knew all along that this miracle cure, Ivermectin, was not a safe product. It was causing death, even in small studies.
And side effects were occurring at very tiny doses.
They also knew that when humans ate the poison insecticide, they too suffered from side effects, primarily rash, central nervous system attacks and blindness. Yep, people were being fed an insecticide to stop parasites, which they were told are the cause of rash and blindness, yet the insecticide they were consuming was known to cause the identical symptoms it was supposed to prevent. Not only did this product cause these issues, but it was a known fertility reducing agent - this will become very important shortly.
Despite the chaos the insecticide was causing, millions of doses were being prescribed and gifted annually:
Now that you know what we covered in my first article on the topic, let’s pull back the curtain and see who is behind this scheme…
To understand why we began eating insecticide for our health, we have to rewind to 1969. In this year, Rockefeller’s Population Council published a document stating fertility rates must be plummeted so population growth can reach zero. Two of the main geographical areas of population concern were Africa and India.
The following year, in 1970, the United Nations Development Programme funded a WHO study in West Africa regarding River Blindness.
In 1971, a scientist from Japan traveled to the US to meet with other scientists including the head of Merck Research Laboratories. He was then given money by the NIH and several large pharmaceutical companies ”to search for naturally occurring novel therapeutics”.
In 1972, the World Bank, United Nations and WHO held a joint meeting to discuss Phase 1 of the rollout of the River Blindness Partnership.
The year after, 1973, the Japanese scientist was contracted by Merck and quickly found the deadly dirt bacteria (although some claim he actually found the bacteria in 1971, either way, the timing was uncanny.)
In 1974, Phase 1 of the WHO/UN partnership began protecting 30 million people in 11 countries from River Blindness… by feeding them insecticide.
By the 1980s, fertility rates in across the world were suddenly plummeting, with Africa, shown in orange, taking the hardest hit:
In 1981, Ivermectin began being peddled by the UN and WHO as a preventative measure - now people in Africa should be eating it even when they are not ill.
In 1987, with the success shown in the Africa study, Ivermectin was given full approval to be used as a human drug. The same year, Merck established The Mectizan Donation Program in which it gifts Ivermectin for free. (Mectizan is the brand name of Merck’s Ivermectin).
…and this is where the timeline starts to get crazier than an HBO Max drama…
In 1994 a document was published by the United Nations Population and Development Division. This document was titled “Populati0n and Development in Africa, OAU & ECA” - if you think the zero in the word Population is a mistake, it is not, it is typed like that twice:
On Page 9 of the document, they write “The agriculture and economic stagnation impede the process of transition towards the lowering of fertility.”
In 1996 the World Bank published a file called Ivermectin Distribution. The documents within the file outline the Africa program and were written by Bob Pond, M.D from Decatur, Georgia:
Since there was no medical practice name associated with Dr. Pond, I wanted to look up 1301 Willivee Drive to see what I could find. I was expecting the address to be a fancy office or a giant healthcare complex, but to my surprise…
… it is this:
So this Dr. Pond, who created the details of the World Bank’s massive Ivermectin Distribution Program in Africa, was working out of a little house. Strange?
If we look at the file we see some incredibly interesting things. First, Dr. Pond was working for the World Bank on behalf of Merck. Second, he wanted to make sure the drug was going to people who were not sick and third, he was very concerned with pregnancy:
…and he was even more concerned with making sure every healthy person was consuming the insecticide and that nobody was able to take the pills away:
And just in case you’re thinking, “that’s because it was really helping people!”, here’s Merck’s Safety Data Sheet:
1997: 47 nursing home residents were given a single dose of Ivermectin, only 0.2 mg, for scabies. 15 of them died. That means roughly 1 out of every 3 who were fed the cure were executed by it.
In February of 2002, the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations announced the Gates Foundation will help stop the spread of AIDS.
A few months later, in May, the Gates Foundation bought into Big Pharma:
As part of that purchase, the Gates Foundation became deeply involved with Merck.
The same year, the Fogarty International Center (NIH), the World Bank, WHO, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation initiated the Disease Control Priorities Project (DCPP).
Shortly after, in 2003, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation got involved with Ivermectin:
In 2004, the World Bank published West Africa: Defeating River Blindness: Success in Scaling Up and Lessons Learned. Their document states, “600,000 cases of blindness have been prevented…” - to understand how they arrived at this number, we have to fast forward two years to:
2006: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank published a document called Global Burden of Disease and Risk Factors:
The document begins by explaining it was funded by Gates. It also states the information within may not be accurate:
Regardless of not being able to confirm accuracy of the content, the information was to be used as official data. On Page 52 we learn how they are arriving at the number of cases prevented… it is the number of births prevented since the inception of the program… if you are not born, you cannot catch River Blindness:
It’s just like ending poverty; when everyone is eradicated, nobody will be poor.
Come the end of the year (2006), we see the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust tax filing. It mentions Africa 123 times:
And it includes at least one program under the name Ivermectin:
The tax filing is 422 pages long, so I’m sure there’s more Ivermectin hidden in there under different names.
In 2012, The END Fund was established to control and eliminate tropical disease in Africa and India - the identical two areas that Rockefeller’s Population Council, back in 1969, stated needed growth driven down to 0.
The END Fund (which is a creepy name, isn’t it?) is an “ongoing mass drug administration program”. One of The END Fund’s main funders is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, another funder is a convicted felon who was sentenced to 16 years in prison but only served 19 months followed by two months under house arrest. Other big donors include names like the Children’s Investment Fund, Rothschild, Later-Day Saints and more:
(Fun Fact: The Campbell Family Foundation, shown above, is not only active in the Ivermectin arena, it is also hugely part of the Agriculture industry. In my series The Literal Milk War & the Rise of the DAIRY CARTEL: Raw Cheese and Untold History, we discussed how the government, through the Milk Cartels, took control over the output of dairy and began poisoning it. They then ran PSYOPs on the American public, using our tax dollars, to convince us to eat it. Anyway, that is what Campbell is also involved in.)
Skip ahead three years to 2015: The birth rate was continuing to plummet in Africa and it had substantially decreased worldwide:
It was at this time that Ivermectin became an essential medicine per the WHO. It also officially became “award winning” when the Nobel Prize was given to the Japanese scientist who found the alleged dirt bacteria. Now if you’re like me, your next question is, “Who selects the Nobel Prize winners?”. In this case, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Who are they? A branch off the Royal Society. The Royal Society is an advocate of population control. Oh, and just to be clear, Ivermectin never won the Nobel Prize - when people are telling you this they are either mistaken or lying. Who won the Nobel was the Japanese scientist who discovered the dirt bacteria.
In 2018, large-scale Ivermectin distribution began in Samoa:
As well as in Cameroon:
In Cameroon, back in 2009, there were 600,000 total people with vision imparment. 11 years later, which was only 24 months after the mass Ivermectin campaign began, Cameroon logged 2.6 million people suffering from vision impairment of which 100,000 were fully blind:
The cause? Insects, they say. The solution: eat insecticide to save yourself.
The following year, 2019, the Event 201 pandemic tabletop exercise was hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In the Event 201 scenario, a fictional virus called CAPS appeared out of nowhere and shut down the world. Because a vaccine had not yet been developed, alternative treatments were needed, so currently existing drugs were examined and a fictional drug called Extranavir was presented as a potential treatment for CAPS virus. Interestingly, real-life Ivermectin would exactly mirror the make-believe Extranavir. Did they choose to publish this meeting to deploy predictive programming so when a virus appeared, the world closed, and a repurposed medicine was discovered to be a cure, it would go unquestioned? Or did they broadcast the meeting because, as believers in The Law of Karma / Revelation of Method, they have to show us? Only they know the answer to this, but what happens next is fascinating:
In January of 2020, the first Covid-19 case appeared in the USA and within a matter of months, Ivermectin was being peddled as a miracle cure. I wanted to know who was the very first to publish this, but I would quickly discover it was not an easy thing to track down because, as of December 2024, a large quantity of content was scrubbed from the internet - it began to feel like there was a conspiracy to delete all of the articles and studies that first linked eating insecticide to stopping the virus.
After 40 minutes of research, most of which was pissed away trying to recall now-scrubbed content, it appeared the first mention of Ivermectin for treating Covid-19 Virus occurred on April 3rd which was less than three months after the first Covid-19 case was recorded in the USA:
Quote, “A collaborative study led by the Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute (BDI) with the Peter Doherty Institute of Infection and Immunity (Doherty Institute), a joint venture of the University of Melbourne and Royal Melbourne Hospital, has shown that an anti-parasitic drug already available around the world kills the virus within 48 hours.” - Wow! Just like the Event 201 Extranavir! So who are these entities who discovered this alternative cure?
Three of the four entities are in a partnership:
…and The Gates Foundation is listed on their donors page. The fourth entity, Monash, is also an ongoing recipient of Billy-boy’s money for all kinds of different virus research projects.
So, the first paper that suggested the insecticide cured the nonexistent virus is directly linked to Gates who not only makes money off Ivermectin, but is also a huge advocate of population control. Now we have a starting point for how this alleged fact, Ivermectin cures Covid, came to be. What happened next?
Only three days after the first publication, on April 6th of 2020, a second paper confirmed the same findings as the first:
I wonder how all of these entities knew to research Ivermectin at the exact same time? This second paper was coauthored by Surgisphere Corporation, which also receives Gates Foundation funding, and the University of Utah, which is deeply tied to Gates.
Come April 14th of 2020, which was less than two weeks since the publication of the first paper, ABC news ran a story and did a live segment promoting the possibility of using the insecticide as a Coronavirus treatment:
Now that the studies were published, the time had come to officially roll out a large-scale PSYOP on the Truth Movement…
Everything came down to the studies; the Gates Foundation-linked studies that were published under the names of a variety of different entities, thus giving the illusion that a bunch of organizations were all coming to the same conclusion, and that conclusion was that Ivermectin was a Godsend. (43 second video)
…and it worked... Ivermectin went from Iver-what? to a household name.
Joe Rogan, the host of one of the biggest podcasts in the world, made sure of that:
Why Rogan? Does it have to do with his audience being primarily Centrists, Right-Wingers and affiliation-free Truthers? The exact demographic which would debate getting the jab? Or was it just ironic timing?
Now we knew Ivermectin was the solution because we had the studies and Rogan even confirmed how miraculous it was for him, but there was still a problem for the PSYOP: the issue was that the vast majority of the population didn’t want to go to the doctor when they were healthy, so it was time to implement Phase 2 of the Operation - and I gotta hand it to them, as someone who has been involved with marketing, I am impressed with how well this PSYOP was designed. It’s evil genius stuff that everyone should study because once we see the magicians tricks, he can never fool us again.
PHASE 2: We were then shown that we don’t even need a prescription to obtain the miracle drug, we can buy horse paste right from a feed supply store. The media walked us through the process. Watch this video and you will now see exactly how they held our hands and guided us to the feed store, all disguised as news:
Remember, the players behind these strategic operations have some of the best marketing minds in the world working for them, developing such well-designed mind-manipulations that you cannot help but be in awe of of their talent.
When people ate the insecticide and became ill, Covid was blamed and we were told Ignore the media! This is just them trying to convince you not to take it because they want you to get the vaccine! When the National Poison Data System reported that there was a 245% jump in poisoning cases in a single month, we were told It’s a hoax! It’s a Big Pharma disinformation campaign! Ivermectin is a Nobel Prize winning drug that has been around forever!
And because a Black Propaganda campaign involves publishing information that appears to come from both sides of the artificial debate, the PSYOP masters began to roll out headlines like this:
But if you open the link, you discover the insecticide was less deadly than Remdesivir:
Even when people who proudly supported consuming the insecticide began dying, we were told This is unrelated! Keep taking it!
Next, trusted doctors in the Truth movement raved about the product and we had faith in them so without question we kept taking it, and when people died from taking it those deaths got to added to the virus death toll. Those deaths were then used to mock the Truth Movement “anti-vaxxers”, thus pushing normies further into Big Pharma’s open arms:
PHASE 3: Now that the studies on both sides were published, the Truth Movement knew they could get Ivermectin from feed stores (as well as sites like and the trusted sources within the Freedom Movement were rallying behind the insecticide, it was time for the third tier of the Operation: they upped the ante by telling us people were dying because they couldn’t get access to Ivermectin:
This meant, not only do we need to impulse buy right now, but should anyone we love fall ill, we need to dose them ASAP, it was the only way to save them from the virus.
…and the death toll continued to grow:
Then we combined Ivermectin with substances like rat-poison-vitamin-D and the hugely toxic Blood Brain Barrier Crossing HCQ:
(HCQ contains ingredients nearly identical to the Covid vaccine, including iron oxide / graphene oxide). But once again, when people died, we were told it is just the media trying to sell vaccines; ignore it.
PHASE 4: Now it was time for the Big Kahuna, the icing on the cake, the grand finale before the curtain call, the final stage of the PSYOP. In this phase, the media warned the drug was going to be banned. The trusted sources assured us the reason Ivermectin was going to be taken away was because it was hurting the vaccine industry:
600,000 saved? Wasn’t that the exact number the World Bank said about Ivermectin back in 2004?:
Maybe it’s just another coincidence? Either way, we were told the good doctors were fighting hard to make sure it doesn’t get banned, meanwhile, the public (myself included), rushed to stock up on the stuff because we wanted to be able to protect ourselves and our families. In addition to all of the horse paste purchases, Ivermectin was the 314th most prescribed drug of 2022:
I would later discover this identical scam is ran worldwide every seven-to-eleven years, in which it is claimed governments are going to ban supplements and leads to a financial windfall for Big Pharma, the vitamin kings:
But the truth is, the government would never ban vitamins, HCQ or Ivermectin because they desperately want us to consume them. This is just more genius propaganda and we fall for it every time.
Back to Ivermectin: So, after half of the population got Big Pharma’s poison vaccines and after the other half loaded up on Big Pharma’s poison insecticide, now the PSYOP was complete and Covid vanished like a thief in the night. And shortly after this happened, it was suddenly determined that Ivermectin actually was a great, safe, cure so the FDA agreed to remove all of it’s anti-Ivermectin content.
Once the content had been deleted, it was determined that, not only was Ivermectin a miracle, but the product which they stated they were going to ban, now needed to be openly available to all US citizens:
Truthers cheered for the victory over the evil FDA and Big Pharma, meanwhile, the international push to jam Ivermectin down the throats of every man, woman, child and animal continued. Factually, it never ended. Even during the it is going to be banned PSYOP, the insecticide was being deployed worldwide.
Those who sought refuge were fed the insect poison:
Merck expanded their territory and began actively dosing the Brazilian public:
In India, the wonder drug isn’t used for River Blindness, it is instead used to fight what they say is mosquito-transmitted Lymphatic Filariasis, a dis-ease which causes swelling and rash, just like River Blindness:
And in India, Ivermectin dose is determined by a pole - anyone 5’ 2” or taller gets four tablets and children as small as only three-feet tall get one tablet:
And all of this is being orchestrated by the Gates Foundation, World Bank, WHO, NIH, United Nations and pals.
In fact, Ivermectin is such a miracle drug that Gates is working on a “long-acting injectable” formulation of it:
Do you know what else is injectable?
And that, my friends, is how we became convinced to eat insecticide. Appreciate the time and energy I put into all this research? Support truly independent journalism:
Launched April 2020
April 3rd,-Ivermectin,-eliminates-SARS-CoV-2-in-cells-in-48-hours
April 13th 2020 Paper now deleted
2017 “Over the past several years, DARPA-funded researchers have pioneered RNA vaccine technology, a medical countermeasure against infectious diseases that uses coded genetic constructs to stimulate production of viral proteins in the body, which in turn can trigger a protective antibody response. As a follow-on effort, DARPA funded research into genetic constructs that can directly stimulate production of antibodies in the body”
Dr. Paul Marik Explains the Latest Study on Ivermectin & COVID: ‘’ We Could Have Saved 600-800k Lives (in the USA alone)’’
Blindness sky rockets
\India dosing everyone
Ivermectin is just like Vitamin A!
”a combination of ivermectin, diethylcarbamazine, and albendazole (IDA) was safe and more effective in treating lymphatic filariasis than the World Health Organization-recommended two-drug combinations, WHO began recommending the three-drug combination in 2017.”
World Bank
World bank #2
Everyone blindly soak up this article with a dunce biscuit. I could easily make a scarry post on table salt to scare people with it's LD50 levels and citing articles of salt poisoning.
THIS AUTHOR DOESN'T KNOW A SINGLE PERSON IN HIS CIRCLE THAT HAS DIED FROM IVERMECTIN!!!. I will bet my bottom dollar on it!!But how could I be so confident in my statements and betting tactics??
I have seen many(100s) people take this with 0 problems. I had 3 girlfriends in 2020. I had a baby with 1 of them. WE BOTH WERE TAKING IVERMECTIN WHEN SHE GOT PREGNANT!!!
I have personally seen shitloads of people cure their cancer with Ivermectin among other things.
i have seen ivermectin cure diseases that no one is talking about. Let them catch up.
All the fools that believe this post can ignorantly(IGNORE) die from cancer while knowing ivermectin also cures cancers.
What's your angle here agent ?? Who the fuck calls themselves an agent?? that's looking for peoples trust?
All pharmaceuticals are poisons. The decision was never in question for me.