The Pharmacopeia of Pharmakeia: The Dark Art of "Medicine"- Batsh*t Crazy Untold History [Part 2]
Welcome to a mind-blowing deep dive. Once you see the truth, you can never unsee it. No wonder they went to such lengths to hide it all...
Watch how this all comes together. Once you realize what is really going on, everything will suddenly make sense. What the pharmaceutical industry does isn’t about profits or population control. Although those are both gigantic perks, the bigger picture is far more nefarious...
Before we can get into today’s piece, we must quickly look at black magic, sorcery, witchcraft and blood rituals. I promise this will get really interesting after we get past this part and I promise everyone who reads this will leave with a couple new nuggets of truth. I can tell you that researching this left me with more nuggets than a McDonalds. If you didn’t read Part 1, Foot Soldiers of Scientism, you might want to start there. You’ll end up right back here in 20 minutes. Without further ado, let’s jump in and dive deep…
Although each sect of magicians had their own specific rituals, spells and cures, the overall theme was the same whether magic was being performed by the Azande sorcerers of southern Sudan, the magicians of Israel, or European witches. [For the purpose of learning about sorcery as a whole, I am going to combine information from all different chapters from the book Hidden Truths with other online research. Because I am combining information, not everything is going to apply to every occult group but it will give you a general idea of what those who practiced ancient magic believed.]
The dark art of European witchcraft was based on making a pact with the devil, holding secret meetings (typically at night), orgies, sacrificing infants and cannibalism. In witchcraft, to cast spells, elixirs were made typically involving parts from animals or humans including blood and menstrual blood, flesh, urine, semen, nails and feces. The elixir could be secretly administered to someone who the witch chose to cast the spell upon. In witchcraft, sacrifices of living animals included chickens, goats, sheep, donkeys, cows, and dogs.
Islamic magicians are part of what is called “ulum al-ahayb”, also known as “the occult sciences”. Practitioners of Islamic magic concocted mixtures out of ointments, liquified materials and plants and combined them with special words to cast spells.
Necromancy (communication with the dead) “involves the preparation of a mixture of various products belonging to a special pharmacopoeia and poisons of every kind.”
Ritual blood sacrifice was a way to appease the gods - and this is really important because it will lay the foundation for all that is to follow:
The occultists claimed animal and human sacrifices were required to secure blessings for themselves from their deities. It was believed that drinking the blood of scarifies would transfer the soul of the deceased, whether it be human or animal. Once transferred, the soul would become owned or part of the drinker. Dismemberment of bodies, both human and animal, were also part of ritualistic sacrifice.
In magic, blood sacrifices were said to release a flash of power which the magician would then use for a spell. Animals offered as sacrifices had to be young and healthy because this ensured maximum release of energy. Torture and the letting of blood produced fear in victims who were in the throes of death. This frenzy was required to make the magic most powerful; the more pain the creature was forced to endure before death, the stronger the spell would be...
In numerous religions, sacrifices of first-born children to Baal were made typically by rolling them into pits of fire where their little bodies would be burnt to ash.
Now that this is out of the way….
Chemistry is rooted in Alchemy which comes from the Greek word "khēmeia" meaning "cast together" or "pour together" referring to the art of alloying metals. Alchemists believed they could turn regular metals into gold using “the Philosophers Stone”, “the Great Elixir”, “the Great Magisterium” and “the Red Tincture”. The story of Rumpelstiltskin is about Alchemy. If you don’t remember how that story went; a miller’s daughter was locked in a room by the king and must spin straw into gold to save her life. She was unable to do so until a mysterious little man appeared and offered to spin the straw into gold in exchange for her possessions, eventually demanding her firstborn child (exactly like the sacrifices made to Baal and the torture of young animals - that’s not totally morbid or anything…)
Alchemists also believed they could produce silver through similar preparation, but instead of the Red Tincture they would use the White Tincture. Essentially what they were doing was melting cheap metal then dying it with their assorted potions then calling it gold and silver. Honest historians on the topic of alchemy have a hard time believing the alchemists didn’t realize they were accomplishing absolutely nothing other than making a soup of melted, ruined metals and chemicals, which some described to look like a thick wine or honey.
To quote from a newspaper of the 1800s which referred to an alchemist, “One quack invested his small change in a nail, half gold and half iron and a vial of colored water. He would immerse the nail in the solution and mutter some mysterious formula while the paint was soaking away from the gold”. Once the water had turned gold in color he would sell the concoction at a huge profit and “made a handsome fortune for himself”.
The paper continued on to say, about ten years prior an alchemist showed a leading businessman his ability to multiply gold by heating a gold coin with the Philosophers Stone. When done, the gold weighed three times as much. The businessman had him repeat the experiment in front of other businessmen which led to the formation of a company. The company had a melting furnace built and $90,000 in gold was placed in a vat over the fire inside of the furnace. The alchemist informed the businessmen that in order for the magic to work they would need to all exit the room and let the gold melt for three weeks without ever opening the lid. The men, excited to triple their riches, did as the Alchemist said. Before the end of the third week the Alchemist was called away to help another customer of his. On the first day of the fourth week, the businessmen rushed into the furnace room and opened the vat… to their dismay, all that was in the pot was useless scrap metal.
The Alchemists were also a secret society. They feared their secrets getting out so much that they created their own language of hieroglyphs. Their secret language allowed them to share their recipes with each other without fear of the ingredients in them being exposed. Does this look familiar?
Yeah, I’d say we have all seen something like that before…
Feces was a common ingredient in Alchemic medicine. In fact, it was one of the ingredients in their famous, top-secret-recipe “Philosophers Stone” which was one of the pillars of Alchemy (yes, feces was a pillar of this occult science-religion. Their version of a shitty day at work was a bit different from ours).
In addition to scamming the public with the concept of gold and silver transmutation, writing in code to hide their recipes and playing with turds, the Alchemists were practicing magic. They were big on pushing their “Great Elixir” which they claimed would give eternal life. When Kings heard of the Elixir and summoned to have it brought to them, they drank it and dropped dead. This is because there was one small problem with the potion which was… they hadn’t actually found it. That’s right, the alchemists hadn’t truly unlocked the secret formula to eternal life yet - but they were working toward that goal. The Alchemists knew they could find the cure to death if they just kept looking and they wanted to find this elixir even more than they wanted to turn cheap metal to gold. Now this is really important, so pay attention to this line: Not only did they strive to find their live-forever serum, but they also believed they could create a universal medicine that would allow them to artificially create life from the ashes of decayed organisms.
Gilles de Rais was French nobility who lived from 1405 until his execution in 1440. He was both an alchemist and satanist who also enjoyed necromancy. As a satanist he was interested in summoning demons and had an obsession with children. According to his trial transcript, he lured children to his royal castle, molested them and executed them. The blood of the murdered would be used in rituals. After the ceremony, the bodies would be dismembered and burned. de Rais is believed to be the first known serial killer in history with some historians attributing as many as 600 deaths to him - that’s a whole lotta rituals for a dude who only lived 35 total years. Want to know who his pal was? JOAN OF ARC. Remember how she died? Burned at the stake for practicing witchcraft. I might write an entire post on this duo because it’s a dark yet fascinating story that those of us who are trying to uncover true history have never heard:
Paracelsus (Par-a-cell-sus), whose name sounds like that of a Greek mythology god, was born Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim (do you supposed he changed it because he was sick of writing that long of a name? Or did he change it like a cult leader does to sound important? Or was it a win-win?). Anyway, Paracelsus (aka Phillip) was a dude who lived not long after the Alchemist-Satanist-child-killer-creepy-weirdo de Rais and he too was a famous alchemist (1493 -1541). Phil Paracelsus believed mercury, salt and sulphur were poisons which caused disease but he also believed poisons, when administered in small doses, were the cures to all diseases.
Paracelsus was more than just a famous alchemist, he was a medicine man whose cures included opium, alcohol, purging and bloodletting. It was the alchemist, Paracelsus, who claimed fever could be treated by drinking sweat from a mammal and sold people on the idea of consuming whale sperm for their health. He was big on prescribing inorganic salts, minerals and metals as medicine and it was he who came up with "Only the dose makes the poison", a phrase which he used to defend his toxins when the public criticized his chemical concoctions as too deadly to be used as therapeutic agents. In addition to the aforementioned, Paracelsus loved and encouraged animal experimentation, exactly like the Alchemists, Satanists, witches and magicians that came before him.
Paracelsus was (and is) the darling of the occult world of chemistry and science and their meeting point; medicine. To this day, Paracelsus is honored as one of the originators of modern medicine. They adored his medicines so much that in the 1618 edition of Pharmacopeia (Pharmacopea, Pharmacopoea) appeared a chapter called Paracelsian remedies. This book also listed flesh of new born puppies as a cure and promoted rolling a live spider in butter to form a pill to be used as an antidote for Jaundice. Want to strengthen your eyesight? Eat powder made from deceased humans or drink broth made from slaughtered vipers.
One hundred years later, in 1752, R. James M.D published “Pharmacopaeia Universal”. It was the official medical bible. This book expanded on Paracelsus’ magical cures and included mixing horse blood with “caustics and septics” (literal sh*t, just like the alchemists and witches loved) which James claimed would cure pretty much any symptom. The medical bible said horse dung stopped hemorrhages and stated drinking saliva from a horse’s mouth for three days straight would cure a cough. Removing the teeth from a colt when they first began to appear would “facilitate dentition in infants” (= ripping out the teeth of a baby horse would help your kid teethe). Burning ivory, which was obtained by cruelly cutting the tusks off elephants, had medical benefits which included stopping uterine hemorrhages and jaundice and it even cured general pain (Have a headache? Brutalize an elephant!). If you burned a nest of swallows (birds) to ash, it cured bad eyesight. For this recipe to work the nest had to include the mother and her young. Blood of birds was said to benefit eye sight while their feces cured rabies. As crazy as it may sound, animals were not the only species being brutalized and consumed as remedies…
According to the medicine men, human hair, nails, saliva, earwax, sweat, milk, urine and blood all had medicinal properties. Nails were said to stop vomiting. Saliva of a man fasting was recommended for snake bites as well as rabies. Earwax was a colic remedy. Blood was said to be effective against epilepsy but it must be harvested and drank “recent and hot”. Pharmacopaeia Universal was over 700 pages long, filled with more of the same disgusting, torturous quackery from magician charlatans who claimed to have the cure.
Let’s skip ahead another hundred years to 1873 when “A Handbook for the Physiological Laboratory” was published featuring “a comprehensive guide to physiological laboratory techniques”. This guide was a compilation of important experiments for all students of the sciences and is currently labeled “one of the most important contributions to scientific literature…”. Techniques in this book included vivisection and other heinous activities. The term “vivisection” means cutting up the alive and cutting up the alive is exactly what they were doing because that is what their medical-science bibles ordered to be done, exactly as it had been done throughout the entire history of their dark art religions.
One of the popular “studies” recommended in this book involved using “elaborate stoves” in which little creatures (like rabbits) would be inserted with their heads sticking out. They would then be baked to death. The scientist would watch their pain as their body was consumed by fire. The nerves of the head would then be cut out and electrically charged using a battery. Another technique showcased in “one of the most important contributions to scientific literature” involved putting highly toxic oil into tiny glass balls, cutting incisions into the backs of animals and inserting the balls along their spines. Once the incisions were fully healed, pressure would be applied to shatter the glass, thus causing the poison oil to leak from the broken glass and permeate the nerves, spine and tissues of the innocent creature. Intolerable pain inflicted by man was suffered by the animal causing it dis-ease.
Those are only two examples out of an entire book; their guide to their science. The absolute torture and sacrifice of animals was, is, and always had been, required for their “studies” and their “medicines”, exactly like the sacrifices of old were required to appease the occult gods. Worst of all, it was enjoyed by the torturers. In fact, the evil practices which the scientists took much delight in had become so out of control that by 1876 activist groups were trying to stop the insanity. Through my research, I discovered an unexpected ally in the fight to end the practice of ritualistic torture in science and medicine. This unexpected ally was, of all entities, The Royal Society. (I know they’re a*sholes but we have to give credit where credit is due)
Members of The Royal Society were on a mission to have Acts passed to completely end animal torture in scientific medicine, thus ending science’s ability to practice their dark art rituals openly. The Society spent incredible amounts of time compiling evidence, getting eyewitness testimonials, and reviewing medical books and documents which prescribe these evil practices. They then met with government to inform the politicians of their findings in hopes of change. One of the things the Society mentioned during their meeting which I found to be of particular interest was that they had discovered books and documents were being revised to remove or rewrite the parts that promoted torturous activities in effort to pacify the outraged public. The Society had located 370 pages which had been “culled from various books” - and let me tell you, as a researcher, it is no easy task to find deleted material. Removing these pages from literature was not a sign of science choosing to cease these practices. In fact, the opposite was true; science was actively making “a determined effort to train students in physiology by the practice of” animal torture experiments because they needed to create an army of desensitized occultists scientists who would carry on their rituals for future generations. The dark art of the occult realized schools were the platform they needed to install their traditions.
In one school, a teacher brought a dead rabbit in her purse along with a living lobster. The lobster, dying from lack of water, was placed on a table and tortured in front of a class of young, female students. The little girls watched in horror as the teacher hacked off the lobster’s claws and let it die in pain in front of them. The dead rabbit was then experimented on. Only one child was brave enough to tell her parents what was happening in class which she claimed was now occurring on a regular basis. When the Royal Society confronted the school, the principal was “extremely anxious that no further inquiry should take place…”
Lectures were given in which a professor would experiment on a monkey, slicing through it’s skull and into it’s brain, causing it severe suffering and retardation. The Royal Society infiltrated one of his lectures and watched the professor brag about the intense suffering he caused to the animal and joke about the injured creature’s “stupidity” after the surgery. The professor found it to be hilarious that the monkey could no longer function normally and it’s movements were now involuntary. One of the members of the Society found the lecture so repulsive that he had to exit the room before it ended.
Alive dogs were covered with turpentine and lit on fire to be burnt to ash - the same fate suffered by the birds of the Pharmacopaeia Universal. Living animals were boiled, frozen, choked, poisoned, starved, blinded, drowned and resuscitated to be drowned again, disemboweled, had their nerves removed while awake, kidneys and livers were ripped out, skulls drilled into, brains injected with blood, feces and poisons, pregnant animals were forcefully squeezed so hard the fetus would come out… all in the name of studying science and medicine - all done under the guise of finding a cure, but as the Royal Society members pointed out, these ghastly experiments had been taking place for hundreds of years and no such cure had ever been found because there was no cure to find in these horrific experiments. Despite never finding a cure, science continued to repeat the exact same unfathomably cruel “studies” on animals as outlined in their scientific-medicine bibles; rituals. And this was not just a European thing. As the Society noted, in the United States of America, the laws which protect animals do not apply to vivisection and in America these rituals were every bit as active and widespread.
The same year as the meeting between the Society and government, the Times newspaper assured the public absolutely no abuse was occurring while other papers admitted to animal experimentation but noted it was necessary for the purpose of developing vaccines and medicine; we must keep hunting the cure!
During this time Louis Pasteur was making his satanic “rabies vaccine” which involved the outright mutilation and sacrifice of dozens of animals and additional torture of 100 more. The end result of his escapade of unimaginable cruelty was extracting pus from mutilated rabbits and injecting it into humans.
In 1892 Louis Pasteur was working on developing a vaccine for lockjaw which he claimed was caused by “tetanus bacteria”. His research involved putting what he claimed to be tetanus on splinters of wood and inserting them under the skin of guinea pigs and mice. Some of the creatures were then injected with pus from infections Pasteur caused in horses through mutilation. When these creatures died, “tetanus” was to blame. When the animals survived it was deemed to be because the horse-pus “vaccine” saved them and this meant the same pus was ready to go into the arms of humans to save us from tetanus, therefore, the next step was to mutilate horses in quantities large enough to secure enough filth for the arm of every citizen.
Come 1895, The Birmingham Age Herald from Alabama reported “a humorous” story in which “students of the Birmingham Medical College amused themselves at the expense of the poor” by offering $10,000 a head to dissect [living] poor people - and, based on the report, it appears they carried this out. This was “The Progress of Science”; the making of the next generation of student doctors; young men who had become so desensitized to torture that they too enjoyed it.
In 1906, the US government was debating the first product labeling laws which would also apply to medicines. The New Jersey City News wrote, “The patent medicine people, who have had a big and expensive lobby of chemists… are moving heaven and earth to have the proposed law fixed up so they they won’t have to tell how much alcohol, opium and other poisons are contained in their nostrums. They claim, and with a good deal of truth, that to do so will in many cases hurt their business.”. Another claim the medicine men made was that the small quantities of poisons in their products were so tiny that they were “unimportant as not to be dangerous to health”.
Amounts so tiny that they are not dangerous to health, you say? Where have we heard this before? Oh yes, 400 years prior, from the alchemist medicine man Paracelsus, who needed to justify his mercury, metals and toxins in his potions. And where else do we hear the same? Today, from the medicine men regarding their mercury, metals and toxins in vaccines, poisons in “vitamins”, and injurious ingredients served to us as food additives.
According to the New York Times (January 24th, 2025) these poisons are not only danger-free, they are actually good!:
Now you know where the belief that poison is a cure in small doses comes from; the occult religions of the magicians. If I had a dollar for every time someone said to me, “You’re a liar! You’d have to take a ton of Vitamin D for it to harm you! The amount of poison is so tiny it doesn’t hurt us!” … keep parroting the same thing the sorcerers of science have claimed for 500 years…
Let’s get back to the timeline: As I was saying, the US government was looking at passing the labeling laws, so the medicine men insisted on The Lovering Amendment which would allow for them to put small quantities of anything into their pills, powders and potions providing it was okayed in the Pharmacopeia book, their medical bible.
Want to know who was responsible for writing this bible? The government and 50 leading “experts”; the same people who are involved in ritualistic terror for the production of the cures are the same people deciding what is safe to put in them.
Meanwhile, the public was being tricked into believing the government was working diligently toward ending the satanic practices of “cutting up the alive” and other animal torture. Here’s how this went down: a real Anti-Vivisection group in New York was fighting like hell to get a Bill passed which would completely eliminate all animal torture “experiments” and “studies” and would include the ghastly activities required for the manufacturing of “medicine”. Should their Bill pass, any activities which violated animal abuse laws would no longer be allowed to be performed under the guise of science or medicine. This Bill was a major problem for the ritualists so, what had happened was, shills popped up with their own Anti-Vivisection Bill and pushed to have this alternative Bill passed instead of the real Bill. This version of the Bill had disclaimers which would not only allow vivisection but would also make it secretive:
….so, as long as the purpose is labeled “the advancement of physiological knowledge” and as long as a bonified college, hospital or laboratory is involved, the diabolical practices of the dark arts could continue on…
In 1909 the real Anti-Vivisection movement wanted John D. Rockefeller petitioned to “reconsider his charity” because it was discovered that cruel and unusual animal torture experiments had been taking place at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. The newspapers, with few exceptions, were now under the control of Rockefeller or JP Morgan. The papers attacked the Anti-Vivisection organization, calling them “militant” and basically claiming the organization of Anti-Vivisectionists wanted the public to be sick because they wanted to stop science from finding cures (interestingly, this is the exact same thing people say about me and
when we simply try to show people the ingredients in modern day “supplements” and how they are manufactured).Meanwhile, the smallpox vaccine and all other vaccines were being manufactured using the same techniques as outlined in the medical bible; grotesque torture to cows, similar to Pasteur’s creation of the rabies vaccine, resulting in pus from infected wounds being injected directly into humans. The recent government-mandated smallpox vaccination campaign in England was shown to be killing more children than those deemed to die from smallpox itself.
But it wasn’t just the children of England being executed by the injection of animal-infection-pus-and-chemicals, death was everywhere the vaccination campaigns were.
…yet they continued to be pushed by governments and those that spoke out against vaccinations were accused of being fools who were dangerous to the safety of society.
In 1915, due to ongoing public pressure, the medical bible reluctantly agreed to remove whiskey and brandy from its cures. This infuriated the druggists. Remember, during this time alcohol was hugely poisoned because it was being manufactured from highly toxic industrial chemicals. When people drank it and became ill, the medicine men pointed to their germ theory and used that to highlight the need for their ritualistic hunt for cures. It is only through causing people suffering that the occult practices of the infliction of pain and animal sacrifice could continue under the cloak of science and medicine.
In 1918 it was discovered the Red Cross (Rothschild) was also involved in animal torture. It turned out they sought donations from the American public to save injured people then quietly appropriated $100,000 of the funds to evil animal experimentation in France (equal to over $2 million in today’s currency).
Come 1919, the Typhoid vaccine campaigns were causing “Paratyphoid”, a bacterial infection - which makes sense because the dark art of science required “typhoid virus” to be obtained from human feces from patients running a fever and therefore deemed infected with “typhoid virus”. “This mass of filth is then forcibly injected into a horse who is thereby poisoned, enfeebled, fevered… The horse is tortured to the limit of brute endurance when his poisoned, debased blood is cruelly drawn off, grandiloquently called serum and force pumped into healthy humanity.”. When this morbid concoction was injected into humans, they developed fevers, headaches, became weak and suffered other symptoms but because they were vaccinated against Typhoid, these symptoms could not possibly be Typhoid, therefore they were a different, yet identical disease, Paratyphoid, which was blamed on “ingestion of water or food contaminated with human feces”. - just to be clear here, they claimed people were running fevers due to consuming feces, so they injected a horse with feces, waited for it to be on the verge of death, withdrew its blood (blood letting) and injected it into people to save them…
It would turn out that the US government, through their massive laboratory in Washington, was involved in the creation of these “fraudulent serums and vaccines” in enormous quantities.
Other locations were making the injections too, all funded by tax dollars and all based on diabolical levels of animal torture - remember, in order for the spell to be most powerful, the tortured must be worked into a frenzy of fear as it realizes it is going to be executed…
In 1919 Louis Pasteur claimed the Brucellas “Germ” / Virus / Bacteria was hiding in raw milk and infecting the populous. This is what led to milk pasteurization. What the public never knew was that Louis never obtained the so-called “germ” from milk. The only way he could “find it” was by injecting the testicles of guinea pigs and slaughtering starved and tortured monkeys then cutting out their organs and examine them for imperfections. These imperfections, “lacerations”, were said to be caused by “the germ” in the raw milk, yet the monkeys had never been given plain, fresh raw milk.
In 1920, another effort was made to end “the black art of medicine”, this time in California.
In October of that year, an election year, the people of California were told ending vivisection (“Proposal No. 7”) was a destructive measure created by the misguided and supported by the misinformed.
Citizens were told that without vivisection, they would be sickly because disease would plague their food and families. People were told it is the serums, created through vivisection practices, which keep them safe.
These “Vote No on Proposal 7” campaigns flooded the highly-controlled papers. The following month, November, when the votes were tallied in California cities, the torture rituals were given the green light to keep going and all efforts to eliminate vaccinations were squashed.
City after city voted for torture because the citizens had been tricked by the magicians… which is literally what a magician does, he tricks people...
A similar effort followed in Chicago, Illinois to stop the “black art of medicine” and its Vivisection. Citizens also wanted schools to stop making children afraid of “imaginary disease germs” in effort to solicit vaccinations.
But the end results were the same as California.
In 1921 an important article appeared in the Duluth News Tribune:
Quote, “Don’t overlook this bet. Every human being - from the manufacturer who makes serum and vaccine, to the smug public official who touts them, to the subsidized editors who deceive you about them, to the greedy punchers and squirters who draw huge fees for polluting humanity with them - concerned with this putrescent junk is financially interested in foisting it, for revenue only, upon a befooled public. They don’t tell you whence and how come these slugs of putrescence. If they did tell you the whole damnable conspiracy against human life and against human rights would blow up. And they know it and that is the sole reason why they disguise putrescent pus products with a mess of scientific verbal masks”.
The article goes on to outline how “Diphtheria Virus” is made by torturing horses. It says old, sick horses are injected with “excretions” from the throats of humans who doctors deem to be suffering from diphtheria (chemicals like formaldehyde are also always added to these injections). “These injections are continued to the limit of tolerance, i.e; until the tortured animal is full of poison as his skin can hold and escape the boneyard. When this living reservoir of empoisoned putridity is as full of poison as he can hold and continue to breathe he is then “tapped” by a particularly atrocious process thusly; this head is securely tied so that movement is impossible. Two sturdy thugs then take a sharp-pointed tube two inches in diameter and twelve inches long and drive it by force into the left side of the horses neck, seeking a large blood vessel. If they strike it the first time all right, if they don’t they keep driving it in until they do.”. When blood begins gushing from the horse’s neck a glass bucket is used to collect it. This is considered the “anti-toxin” for humans. “From two to three gallons per week are drawn from the same horse until he succumbs to death or intolerable weakness.”. - Horse blood, exactly as outlined in the 1752 Pharmacopaeia Universal and before that in sorcery. All that changed in hundreds of years is the name; what was called blood letting is now called serum - sounds so much nicer, doesn’t it?
A single tortured horse could furnish science with eight quarts of his blood a week for four years, providing he live. In 1921 the cost of the old horse to the torturers was $25 and the sell price of the vaccinations was $75,000… but the ritual to appease their god was priceless...
In 1938 (only 86 years ago) the same occult rituals were still going strong and governments were ramping up mandatory vaccination campaigns. Meanwhile, disease was increasing at alarming rates.
Due to the rapid increase in illness, Serology (the absurd practice of claiming to look for antibodies in serum by obtaining a sample, dumping chemicals and dyes all over it, spinning it in machines and blasting it with radiation) had become a mainstream thing. The reason they have to perform these idiotic processes to find disease is because there is simply no other way to locate it; the medicine men have never successfully located a virus or germs and have never proven transmission of such. This is why, during this exact time, Rockefeller’s scientists, who were in the process of proving Yellow Fever came from mosquitoes, had to inject monkeys with dead monkey blood to make them sick then claim that was identical to a mosquito bite.
When human Yellow Fever trials occurred people were paid in gold if they “showed symptoms” of Yellow Fever. As you can guess, everyone became horribly ill and this proved the virus was real and was caused by tiny insects. And because Yellow Fever had now been proven, a vaccine was made by Rockefeller and forcibly injected into all members of the US military and allies located in areas with infections. This vaccine was made by torturing live chicken embryos by stabbing a syringe needle through the egg shell and into the tiny creature then injecting it with filth. Three to four days later the little chick embryo would be ripped out of its shell and liquified along with human blood. It was then mixed with chemicals and injected into people. This vaccine led to a huge outbreak of disease amongst the troops because it was “accidentally contaminated”.
In the 1940s came the Flu vaccine. Let me see if I can recall this off the top of my head without rereading my piece. I think it went something like this: Dr. Jonas Salk obtained “the virus” by injecting dead animal blood into nine ferrets, three chicken egg embryos and five mice then letting it sit for 20-something days then aerosolizing it and spraying it up the noses of men in an insane asylum for 4 minutes straight… then jabbing all of the men with chemicals thus voiding any possible “control group” but there never was a control group to begin with because they were all likely heavily medicated because they were institutionalized in a hospital for the insane. The studies proved nothing so they based effectiveness of the vaccine on how hot the men’s fevers were and this was enough to put the flu vaccine into production and start jamming it in arms of the public.
Here’s government video footage from the 1950s (only 70ish years ago, we are getting closer, my friends) which shows the process of manufacturing the disgusting, poison polio vaccine which has to incubate for 66 hours… watch the magicians as they make their potion: (2 minute video)
It’s easy for people to say, “That was back then! We didn’t know what we know now so all medicine was goofy, but they don’t do any of that stuff these days! We have laws to prevent stuff like that!”. So, in the next part of this series I am going to tie it all together and blow your mind by showing you that these magic rituals, based on occult religions with animal sacrifices, torture, spells and sorcery, are thriving; this is the pharmaceutical and science-medicine industry. Modern day practices are just as bad, if not worse, than what has been outlined in this post. All that has changed in 500+ years is:
They tried their best to scrub their terror from books which the public could access
They stopped bragging about the torturous activities in the media
They moved their rituals behind closed doors of “bonified” universities, hospitals and laboratories
And most importantly, they renamed their experiments, spells and potions
This has been done to conceal the truth and it worked… until now…
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If you missed Part 1, here you go:
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Other stuff: Today is February 1st. I typically publish paid subscriber exclusives on the 1st and 15th but I am running behind schedule. The paid sub article should be published in a couple days. If you want access to all of my exclusives you can read any of these and subscribe when you get to the paywall. Because exclusives are not public, we can discuss stuff that we can’t discuss openly due to excessive censorship these days. I have my account set for the absolute lowest Substack will allow me to accept which is $5 a month or $50/year.
Uvalde PART 2: A Huge Discovery was the Biggest Mistake of My Life
Uvalde PART 3: A Fatal Flaw in the Timeline & My Downward Spiral
Zika Virus: Exposing an Insane PSYOP that Has NOTHING to do with a virus or vaccine
PURPLE STREET LIGHTS: Manufacturer Defect or Something More More Sinister?
FEMA Red and Blue List: According to Insiders, We’re All On It
Covid is NOT What We Think! Old Documents Provide NEW Evidence
How They Keep Them QUIET: From False Flags to Chemtrails: 8 Shocking Ways to Maintain Silence
The Brooklyn Subway Shooting: Unexplainable Oddities Discovered on Videos
333 Days Before Columbine, An Identical School Shooting Took Place
The Other Columbine Before Columbine (Westside Middle School)
I don’t use all of the links in this section but I leave them here for anyone who wishes to continue this line of research.
1897 Lymph calves
1889 Cruelty to Calves
1877 lymph from cow pox
1903 calf lymph scotland
church congress
Pastor approves
The Continental Lie
Anti Viv Society “The Black Art of Viv”
1932 Vaughn Bill - Dogs
Royal Society
Really awful. I can see why people don't want to see the truth. The horrible stuff that's been going on right under our noses is difficult to even comprehend. They've also accomplished the feat of getting the churches involved and created a subset of people who seem to want to stay oblivious whilst preaching tolerance. It's time for all of the uncontainable Christians who have the courage to look this evil square in the face to start calling these demonic strongholds down. We've all been put here at this time for a reason. You don't need to belong to a religious denomination to do this--every single one of us has that power within us.
Thank you for all your hard work digging into this topic. It may not be pleasant to read but it is necessary in order to spiritually see this is a battle for life and souls. God bless you, I would love to send this information to numerous folks, but the spell has the majority of people deceived-unfortunately.