My University educated child, a laboratory working person says, GMO is safe. Common sense says to me, nope. The other kids in the fam say, Listen! She is in the scientific field. Same thinking I heard after my reluctance to get the jabberdoozie. The kids say chem trails are not sinister, I'm seeing mere passenger jet contrails.
Today's corporate New Science(tm) not only discounts sceptics' logic, observations of behavior patterns, awareness of agenda, professional and laymen's research with documented proof, and personal anecdotal experience, it would rudely ignore a mom's common sense and intuition when they nearly always serve as bulwarks against danger!
My grown daughter is similarly mesmerized by New Science(tm), and, as she would say, that many people wouldn't lie to us or intentionally cause us harm, Mom. Maybe she's right, and most of them are as mesmerized as she.
Still, corporate and government officials and their key researchers and fabricators know. Their heads are clear and their so hearts hardened, as to have no problem with GMOing humanity and the entire Earth. Re-engineering nature is a big money-maker and helps humanity by culling people, flora and fauna, and then by controlling and profiteering off of the remaining successfully synthesized and standardized New Science(tm) "biologicals" with updates.
"Bulwark against danger" Yes! Very good thoughts. But what they see is taught to them by someone infinitely smarter than mom. What kids never do is come to mom long after leaving home and ask, "Tell me about yourself. How did you grow up, what happened to you, what have you read, seen, heard, intuited, watched and learned?" If they did, they would respect Mom and what she tells them. They might think about things rather than dismiss them, citing CNN, the Washington Post (what my daughter read before she voted) or Snopes for info on conspiracy theories, a term started by the CIA. Oh but mom, the CIA keeps us safe from blah blah blah...
I just want them to be vigilant! Maybe when I bring these things up, a seed is planted. I want to keep them close so I don't try to convince or argue.
I hear you about needing to not argue too much with our smart children, lest they feel pushed away by a parent with counter-narratives. Too bad how we let culture and schools with their mis-education supplant family wisdom. They've been taught to believe and respect the corrupted system and most of its twisted truths. I was a little young but can remember the 60s protest slogans to not trust The Man, Government, all institutions, and anyone over 30! Of course, that last one included parents, but there still was a modicum of respect given that generation in many households.
The script sure seems flipped, these days, with parents protesting the lies and crimes of Government and corporations, and our young ones supporting the Establishment.
I was too young also but I have older friends who were there, who were into the music, the hippie movement, the joining the Peace Corps and whatnot. They are the same ones who shamed those of us who weren't going to take a mandated shot.
Yes, free love and do your own thing, then, and targeted animosity and mandated jabs, now. They not only morphed into the Establishment, they seem to prefer they be a dictatorial one.
Though GMO labelling isn't required, providers of non-GMO's will usually state that, and it's well worth carefully reading labels on everything now. Stunted or missing seeds are now apparent in much of the produce making its way to the grocery shelves, and the speed at which our foods are changing is alarming. Pre-covid, I used to buy the wonderful packaged bagels from Whole Foods that were delicious and nutritious. Post-covid, they are now mundane in taste (flour fortified with powdered crickets?), and include at the end of the ingredient list "Made with a bioengineered ingredient." I made several calls to corporate, and also spoke directly with a store manager to find out just what that bioengineered ingredient is -- no one seems to know, or care -- since it's "substantially equivalent" to a bagel.
Same @ Publix (southern grocery store) bioengineered in most of their bakery/bread items. I sent email asking why do they use these ingredients, response was we have been using the same ingredients for years, the FDA required they put bioengineered on the labels 2 years ago.
Genesis 1:29 (NIV) Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.
Chronic effects are rarely taken into account, as we live in such a reactionary society that only knows how to treat acute harm.
This is why electromagnetic radiation (EMF) is also so harmful, because chronic, biological effects are not even considered!
My University educated child, a laboratory working person says, GMO is safe. Common sense says to me, nope. The other kids in the fam say, Listen! She is in the scientific field. Same thinking I heard after my reluctance to get the jabberdoozie. The kids say chem trails are not sinister, I'm seeing mere passenger jet contrails.
Today's corporate New Science(tm) not only discounts sceptics' logic, observations of behavior patterns, awareness of agenda, professional and laymen's research with documented proof, and personal anecdotal experience, it would rudely ignore a mom's common sense and intuition when they nearly always serve as bulwarks against danger!
My grown daughter is similarly mesmerized by New Science(tm), and, as she would say, that many people wouldn't lie to us or intentionally cause us harm, Mom. Maybe she's right, and most of them are as mesmerized as she.
Still, corporate and government officials and their key researchers and fabricators know. Their heads are clear and their so hearts hardened, as to have no problem with GMOing humanity and the entire Earth. Re-engineering nature is a big money-maker and helps humanity by culling people, flora and fauna, and then by controlling and profiteering off of the remaining successfully synthesized and standardized New Science(tm) "biologicals" with updates.
"Bulwark against danger" Yes! Very good thoughts. But what they see is taught to them by someone infinitely smarter than mom. What kids never do is come to mom long after leaving home and ask, "Tell me about yourself. How did you grow up, what happened to you, what have you read, seen, heard, intuited, watched and learned?" If they did, they would respect Mom and what she tells them. They might think about things rather than dismiss them, citing CNN, the Washington Post (what my daughter read before she voted) or Snopes for info on conspiracy theories, a term started by the CIA. Oh but mom, the CIA keeps us safe from blah blah blah...
I just want them to be vigilant! Maybe when I bring these things up, a seed is planted. I want to keep them close so I don't try to convince or argue.
Well said!
I hear you about needing to not argue too much with our smart children, lest they feel pushed away by a parent with counter-narratives. Too bad how we let culture and schools with their mis-education supplant family wisdom. They've been taught to believe and respect the corrupted system and most of its twisted truths. I was a little young but can remember the 60s protest slogans to not trust The Man, Government, all institutions, and anyone over 30! Of course, that last one included parents, but there still was a modicum of respect given that generation in many households.
The script sure seems flipped, these days, with parents protesting the lies and crimes of Government and corporations, and our young ones supporting the Establishment.
I was too young also but I have older friends who were there, who were into the music, the hippie movement, the joining the Peace Corps and whatnot. They are the same ones who shamed those of us who weren't going to take a mandated shot.
Yes, free love and do your own thing, then, and targeted animosity and mandated jabs, now. They not only morphed into the Establishment, they seem to prefer they be a dictatorial one.
Though GMO labelling isn't required, providers of non-GMO's will usually state that, and it's well worth carefully reading labels on everything now. Stunted or missing seeds are now apparent in much of the produce making its way to the grocery shelves, and the speed at which our foods are changing is alarming. Pre-covid, I used to buy the wonderful packaged bagels from Whole Foods that were delicious and nutritious. Post-covid, they are now mundane in taste (flour fortified with powdered crickets?), and include at the end of the ingredient list "Made with a bioengineered ingredient." I made several calls to corporate, and also spoke directly with a store manager to find out just what that bioengineered ingredient is -- no one seems to know, or care -- since it's "substantially equivalent" to a bagel.
Same @ Publix (southern grocery store) bioengineered in most of their bakery/bread items. I sent email asking why do they use these ingredients, response was we have been using the same ingredients for years, the FDA required they put bioengineered on the labels 2 years ago.
Genesis 1:29 (NIV) Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.
Heh, obviously God isn't a globalist.
You say fomato I say fomato, let’s burn the whole bigAg/pHarma GMO thing down. Soil, seed, water, sunshine, health.
“Plants. Not Alternate, but Actual medicine”
Recommend ‘Ultra-processed People’ by Chris Ven Tulleken. Exposing the fake substantial equivalency of Nutrients on the labels.
#fightpfake #fightfraud #stayhuman
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When the government was saying "for your safety" over and over while violating our rights, and people actually believed them, this was my argument.
Heard of GMOs? Glyphosate? Monsanto? They clearly don't give a shit about our health.
However, I think that's untrue. They do care about our health. They are especially troubled when we are eating healthy food and living healthy lives.
... And mRNA modified genetic material is substantially equivalent to the God-designed stuff we are all made of. Yeppers ... got it.