These SPY LIGHTS are being installed all over the USA, Canada and the Virgin Islands!
Let me tell you how I stumbled across this information, because it was quite a fluke. Call it Divine Intervention, call it having three shots of whiskey and getting lost in an old-document-rabbit-hole, call it whatever you want, here’s how it happened:
Last month I wrote Purple Street Lights: Manufacturer Defect or Something Evil for Agenda 2050?. At the time of clicking publish, I assumed I had thoroughly covered streetlights and I would likely not write about it again… weeks later, here I am, with more bombshells… about streetlights. STREET LIGHTS! WTF times are we living in that I am sharing major news about STREET LIGHTS… for a second time in a month?!
February 7, 2024: I had just finished writing Vitamin C is GMO Corn Syrup, Mold and Chemicals and was trying to find more government documents that link (synthetic) vitamins to population control. Through searching for that data I found this old, little audio clip that was miscategorized as “Vitamins”. The audio is of a news broadcast, archived in 2013. You need to listen to this for the rest of this post to make sense: (2 minute clip)
In the same archived post, someone shared a cell phone screenshot showing what the “wireless access points, named after intersections” looked like in their phones Wifi Settings:
Keep in mind, this archived evidence is over a decade old. I’m not sure if the wireless access points are still labeled like this, but it’s something for us all to watch for (if you come across some, let me know!).
I then learned that also back in 2013, InfoWars got their hands on some official City of Seattle documents showing the Seattle Spy System… attached to streetlights, because, clearly the evil-doers have a thing for streetlights. Kinky!
But that was 11 years ago, which is a really long time when it comes to technological advancements. I knew from writing my Purple Street Lights article that new technology allows them to convert any existing streetlight to a 5G light in a matter of minutes, and the 5G box is completely hidden from public view, so what else can they hide?
…and this is where things get crazy…
Through further research, I stumbled across “IntelliStreets”, which appears to be a name brand:
I couldn’t find anything juicy on IntelliStreet.com. This company sells these new Smart City Intelligent Streetlights. The lights are promoted as a necessity because they are eco-friendly due to their ability to only turn on when motion is detected. The lights can be programmed to play music, display advertisements, change colors for special occasions and be dimmed or turned off entirely. On the surface, nothing about the lights seemed creepy at all. But a single internet search isn’t good investigative journalism, so I switched browsers, threw on my VPN and tried again, and oh boy, it paid off.
The second internet search pulled up different results, that led me to immediately pause writing my Vitamin C follow-up investigation, which will be a deep-dive into Omega-3 supplements. What I discovered is something that needs to be shared far and wide ASAP…
Through this new internet search, I discovered a company called Sternberg Lighting, who installs IntelliStreets products, which happen to be the exact same lights as shown on IntelliStreets site, however, unlike IntelliStreet.com, Sternberg’s website promotes the additional capabilities of these lights:
Yes, these lights have the ability to see, hear and record because they are equipped with cameras, microphones and sensors… but they look exactly like normal streetlights:
So, there is absolutely no way for us to tell which is just a light, which is a 5G light and which is a 5G spy light. Would you ever expect this to be recording you?:
Right about now, I was starting to ponder why IntelliStreets, who appears to be the owner of IntelliStreets brand lights, accidentally forgot to mention all the additional capabilities…
Wouldn’t all those added features be a major selling point?
…it sure seems like they accidentally forgot to tell us these lights can listen to us, record us, log us and count us because they don’t want us to know…
I also discovered that Sternberg Lighting, has already installed IntelliStreets Smart City Lights in 44 US locations:
For people reading this on a cell phone, here’s a closeup:
I’d like to mention that just because Sternberg Lighting has only installed in 44 USA locations, there are lots of other companies also putting in these Smart City products, so there is no way for us to know exactly how many are installed and where. Also, Sternberg is installing these lights internationally, including in Canada and the Virgin Islands.
On Sternberg’s site, I clicked on the installation overview for Oklahoma:
And looked at the installation details and noticed this, “SV1D Lens”:
I assumed “SV1D Lens” relates to the surveillance system in the streetlights because it sounds like a camera part, but I was not prepared for what I uncovered next.
I discovered yes, it is indeed part of a surveillance camera, but the technology links back to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA.gov):
This FAA document, about Synthetic Vision Technology Demonstration, “SV1D”, was published in 1993!:
I read a little more and discovered…
-> This document was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. Did you hear that?!? IN THE INTEREST OF “INFORMATION EXCHANGE”!←
I had no interest in reading the document, but if you want to, here you go. Let’s get back to looking at the streetlights, because investigating streetlights, “Vitamins” and soy-fish is apparently what my life has become.
As I dug through documents, I began coming across photos showing these lights come with a blue feature, sometimes called an “indicator light” (indicator of what? I don’t know.):
Which made me wonder, is this why streetlights, worldwide, are turning shades of purple/blue? Are they all these RGB surveillance lights that were defective and stuck in indicator mode? But it gets worse….
…much worse…
…much, much worse…
…mucho no bueno type-worse…
I found this graphic on Sternberg’s site:
And upon first skim, I didn’t see it. But, when I slowed my roll and looked closely:
Yep, concealed cameras, a f*cking pedestrian and motorist counter and “HOMELAND SECURITY”. Yes, these lights are connected to HOMELAND SECURITY. The name of the Department of Homeland Security Program these lights are a part of is, “Overt Human Intelligence Collection Program”.
Further digging revealed that the government, including DHS and FEMA are able to remotely “hijack” these Smart City lights to broadcast announcements (because that’s not absolutely terrifying or anything). But that’s not all! These new lights are part of the “PLAN program” (Personal Localized Alerting Network), which links our cell phones to the network, allowing the Spy Lights to synch with our phones and even synch Emergency Alert Messages to our phones.
Lastly, I discovered that these IntelliStreets lights aren’t even a new concept! I located an article from 2009 on a site called IdentityPR.com that talks about these lights and how great these lights are for Homeland Security purposes. Two years prior, in 2007, the UK government was working on a similar project, but the main difference is their streetlights would X-RAY citizens! In 2010, Dutch police were given a large government grant to create a “mobile weapons detector” spy light.
Folks, I don’t know what we should do with this information, other than broadcast it so people become aware of what is going on around them, with their tax dollars, but without their permission. People have the right to know that high-tech spy systems are being covertly installed around them. People have the right to know that these spy systems look exactly like normal streetlights, but can watch us, listen to us, record us, log our GPS location, log our GPS location history, log our internet searches, probably log everything from our phones, might be blasting us with radiation to x-ray us, and additionally…
…they are COUNTING US like cattle…
The Omega-3 supplement investigation is coming next! Stay tuned for that crazy sh*t!
Now that you know this, read my Purple Street Lights masterpiece Substack post:
I don’t use all my sources, but I keep them in here in case someone wants to do more research on the topic:
A shocking revelation - Seattle police have spent $2.6 million on a system supposedly for "communication"... but now found to be, in reality, a massive wireless spy system that can track your every move. This massive illegal spying operation was undertaken WITHOUT city council approval. Yet the system is now already completely installed and operational. Is this also happening in your city?
The audio is a Seattle news report on this illegal spying activity, and supporting PDF documentation included here also under "other files" below, or "read online" left. Included is the contract for installation of this system, which also describes its complete spying capability.
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." -- US Constitution, Bill of Rights Spy System and Propaganda for Streetlights - Intellistreets
PRISM And Domestic Surveillance - EFF, Cory Doctoro, et al
The Right To Privacy - One of the Most Important Reviews in Legal History
Chinese-Style Control for Americans Under Agenda 21 - The Globalist's Nightmarish Dream
Government Using Drones Against Americans - The Real Reason Revealed
Drones Over America, Tyranny at Home - John W. Whitehead
"Aruba – the company that provided the boxes to the Seattle Police Department – brags in its technical literature about how the boxes can keep track of “rogue” or “unassociated” devices, in other words your cellphone even if you have refused to let the system access your device’s wi-fi component. The user’s guide for one of Aruba’s recent software products states: “The wireless network has a wealth of information about unassociated and associated devices.” That software includes “a location engine that calculates associated and unassociated device location every 30 seconds by default… The last 1,000 historical locations are stored for each MAC address.” (I.e., for each and every wireless device.) When reporters Matt Fikse-Verkerk and Brendan Kiley asked the Seattle Police Department and the Department of Homeland Security to explain what the boxes were for, the DHS refused to comment and Seattle Police detective Monty Moss would only state that the department “is not comfortable answering policy questions when we do not yet have a policy.”"
Not only has the system NOT been turned off as promised, but it has also been discovered and documented that this system (and undoubtedly others like it) are designed to feed a massive DHS nationwide tracking and databasing system!
Notice that the Seattle spy mesh feeds directly into DHS tracking and databasing 'fusion' centers. Your location in Seattle recorded every 30 seconds (by default), and stored - forever. UPDATE: (Nov 15. 2013) Observers in Los Angeles now report that similar "white boxes" are now being installed at various locations in Los Angeles too.
44 locations installed USA: https://www.sternberglighting.com/projects?results=120&spectype_34=34_2959a648cad4b1c8b067820c9f52956a26c6bef9
installing https://archive.org/details/witnde-Quick_Clip_-_LED_Smart_Street_Lights_Installed
My husband and I witnessed this near a shopping center parking lot in Pennsylvania roughly 10 years ago. These transmitters are nothing new, but I'm sure it's tied to Visible Light Communication. Works well enough that they can use the vibration of your voice and convert it into data using transmission receiver that uses LED light source and can even detect conversations in your home with any devices nearby. Hope y'all aren't noisy in bed because nothing is private anymore.
I think we were talking about the Patriot Act and I was warning my teenage son about government surveillance 5 or 6 years ago. Being a teenager he said something like, “Why would I care if I’m not doing anything wrong?” After Covid hit, and the totalitarian mandates where rolled out, I was able to open that conversation up again and point out that suddenly, it’s “wrong” to go to church, visit family/friends, work, peacefully assemble or protest, breath fresh air, and it’s especially wrong to refuse to accept magic pharmaceutical injections.
Things aren’t looking good for us. Feeling more 1984 everyday.