Secret POPULATION CONTROL Operations: Drug the Water Supply, Destroy the Family, Reduce Fertility (1969)
Rockefellers Population Council's publication states THE GOAL IS "ZERO GROWTH", and here's how they're going to achieve it...
“Let us assume that today’s national family planning programs, mainly based on voluntary contraception, are not “enough” - when “enough” is defined not necessarily as achieving zero growth in some extended present but simply as lowering birth rates quickly and substantially. “Enough” begs the question of the ultimate goal and only asks that a faster decline in population growth rates be brought about than is presently being achieved or in prospect - and within the range of the possible, the faster the better” … “let us say that the proximate goal is the halving of the birth rate in the next decade or two…” - Bernard Berelson, President of the Population Council (1969)
Take a journey with me, back to the 1960’s, shortly after the crazy Eugenics program was banned. If you haven’t read my post on Eugenics, it’s another dose of incredible, untold history that every American should read (and you Canadian’s and German’s too, you guys were just as bad as us). So, as I was saying, Eugenics had been recently outlawed because it had spun completely out of control. When it was banned the public assumed this meant the crazy sh*t was over… little did they know, while everyone was distracted by the (Tavistock) Hippie Movement and the Vietnam War, the population control agenda was just beginning.
Prior to 1970, 30 heads of worldwide governments had already endorsed efforts to limit the population. The National Family Planning Program had already been adopted in a couple dozen countries and was activley supported by the United States, Sweden and many more (lemme guess, Canada and Germany too?)
In early 1969, a 12-page document titled, “Beyond Family Planning” was published by Bernard Berelson, who was the proud president of the Rockefeller-founded Population Control Council.
In the document, Mr. Berelson writes, “Indeed, the ultimate goal of population policy - that is, zero growth - need not be agreed upon or even considered by officials who can agree upon the immediate goal of lowering growth by a specified amount by “as much as possible” within a period of years. And since there are always goals beyond goals, one does not even need to know what the ultimate goal is - only the direction in which it will be found. Would insistence now on the acknowledgement of an ultimate goal of zero growth advance the effort…”, “There is agreement, however, that the problem is of such magnitude and consequence that additional efforts are needed to reach a solution…”
The document goes on to scheme ways to reduce the population, with the ultimate goal being “zero growth”. Today we are going to discuss many of the president of The Population Council’s ideas.
“Liberalize induced abortion”. Berelson writes, “since it is voluntary it can be justified as a contribution to the effective personal freedom of individual couples”, then goes on to say, “with gradual effort it will be politically accepted.” And here we are today…
Do you know who holds the patent on the Abortion Pill (Mifepristone)? The answer just might shock you… (2 minute video)
YEP, the Population Council holds the patent for the Abortion Pill!
They feel, because population growth is such a problem, the government should regulate births. A fertility control agent, designed to lower fertility to 75% below the current birth rate could be deployed. This chemical would be included in the water supply in urban areas and administered by “other methods” elsewhere.
Adding these sterilants to staple food is another way to secretly dose people. - I find this to be exceptionally interesting because I recently published Vitamin A: Population Control - United Nations Evil Food Fortification Program, and in this article I show you that Vitamin A (a lab-made chemical that we are being duped into believing is a Vitamin), is a secret fertility reducing agent that is a teratogen. In addition to causing sterility, miscarriages and still-births, teratogens are responsible for 5% of ALL birth defects!
Yet it is being pushed on women as prenatal vitamins, and women are literally gobbling them up. 24,000 reviews on a single product containing this evil chemical:
Then, if the child survives through birth, whether born with birth defects or not, it is fed formula fortified with more Vitamin A, followed by baby food loaded with multiple Vitamins, then childhood Vitamins. If the child breastfeeds and the mother is taking Vitamins, both the mother and child are being dosed.
Berelson goes on to question, “How are fertility control agents or sterilants to be administered on an involuntary mass basis in the absence of a central water supply or food processing system?”.
Clearly, it is imperative that as many people as possible are forced to utilize a centralized water supply because that ensures the public is being dosed with fertility reducing agents.
Regarding a centralized food processing system, this phrase stood out to me because I wrote this post called Poison Food Supply: History of Food Fortification - Adding Toxic Chemicals Under the Guise of “Vitamins”, in which I shared a true story of corruption, bribery and extortion, leading to our food supply being forever adulterated with chemicals. That tale begins with salt “fortification” in the 1920s. Once salt was allowed to be chemically treated, the chemical manufacturers saw a goldmine, so, before you knew it, milk needed chemical Vitamin A and D (rat poison, hazardous), then flour, then grains, then, quite literally, everything processed suddenly needed added Vitamins (the United Nations dictates which chemicals are to be used to keep us healthy).
In 2024, it is impossible to find non-fortified flour at any of my local grocery stores. Every single one contains Vitamin A and a lengthy list of other poison chemicals Vitamins. This system of drugging us only works with centralized food processing. If you are producing your own food, or buying from a local farm, or an Amish farm, the government cannot force-drug your family, and this is a problem.
Regarding the Beyond Family Planning document, they want to make sure people do not fall ill from the chemicals. I highly doubt this is because they care. I suspect it is because people would start asking questions then demanding this chemical concoction be removed from the water and food supply.
The idea was to have people collect ten certificates, which would then allow the person to have one child. Certificates could be earned, purchased or inherited. - Sounds like a f*cking video game or scavenger hunt. Disgusting.
A “time-capsule contraceptive” would be given to all girls, as well as women after delivery of a child. Reversing the time capsule would require governmental approval. This could also tie into the certificate system mentioned above.
Another idea was to give people a free gift, like a transistor radio. (Thought to self: Free gifts? Kinda like this?…)
The Population Council went on to suggest that people could also earn bonuses for “non-pregnancy”. A lottery scheme was also proposed. Where have we heard of this before? Oh yes, now I remember…
Now that I think about it, I know two women who had miscarriages after taking the jab. One was pregnant with twins at the time that she, and her husband, got vaccinated together. A couple weeks later, her husband died on the couch from a heart attack in the middle of the night. My family donated to the GoFundMe Campaign and purchased some items for a fundraiser raffle. Before the raffle took place, she miscarried one of the twins. The other was born with birth defects that December. The other woman who miscarried was my sister-in-law's sister, only three weeks after the booster. Doctors assured her it was not the vaccine and was “just stress from work”, because, you know, women weren’t designed to carry a baby and also deal with stress, they are just too fragile. Sh*t like this makes me want to walk into the nearest hospital and punch the first doctor I see in the face.
Additionally, the Population Council discussed a plan to “offer incentives for vasectomy”. Vasectomy is considered a permanent form of male sterilization, and boasts a 99% success rate at forever-preventing pregnancy.
As we saw with Covid, the government loves “the carrot or the stick” PSYOP. If you choose carrot, you quickly discover it’s a GMO carrot, fortified with Vitamin A. If you choose the stick, you discover it’s actually a Naginata:
Either way, the government hates you and wants you to die (but only after Big Pharma can experiment on you for 40+ years; just pretty-please die before you reach the age of collecting a single benefit you spent your whole life paying in to).
Regarding the Population Council document, the stick options they discussed include:
Removing government benefits
Imposing fines and taxes. They especially love the idea of taxing births idea
Limiting medical treatment …Gosh, this sure sounds more and more like Covid
Restricting scholarship opportunities for the kid you were not supposed to have, and if you want a scholarship, too f*cking bad!
Limiting the ability to obtain loans
Involuntary vasectomies (Um, guys, this is the Eugenics program that was just outlawed. Did it ever end or was it simply rebranded?)
A little personal story for you: When I was growing up in the 1980s, my father worked and my mother stayed home to raise three kids. We were by no means wealthy, but we always had utilities and food, without government assistance. If the old car needed repair, dad wrenched on it until he figured it out. Us kids got new clothing when our older cousins outgrew theirs. Other than using some canned fruits and vegetables, mom cooked every meal from scratch. We wasted nothing. We had stew made from scraps so often, that as an adult, I refuse to eat it; I have not had stew in 25+ years and still don’t want it, lol.
Fast food was a very rare splurge and only purchased with a coupon combined with pre-planning to maximize savings; there was no such thing as ordering a Taco Bell Taco Supreme, you get a regular taco and add sour cream at home or you get nothing.
When my little brother was pestering my parents about, “can we please take a vacation?”, they bought a used tent and set it up in the back yard for him. Other than that, our only vacation was within our home state of Michigan, once a year, to a place where my family got a steep discount because they knew the owner.
Despite never having “the finer things in life”, my family did fine off one income… but I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to being envious of fellow students opening their brand-new-every-year lunch boxes to display fancy fruit roll-ups in shiny wrappers, juice boxes and Spaghetti-O’s in a flashy, new thermos, while I had yet another sandwich with 2 pieces of ham and a slice of cheese. My mom refused to cut off the crust because that’s wasteful, so I was the one kid with sandwich crust.
Although we didn’t have what the cool kids had, we had a two-parent household, with a mom who was always home to clean our scraped knees, take our temperature when we were sick, whip us when we were bad, and who always had a homecooked meal on the table for dad when he got home from work. As an adult, I realize that this was far more important than fancy lunch box contents.
I mention all of this because, somewhere on my shadow-banned Twitter account, I have this video explaining how, around the 1960’s, they planned to rig the system to ensure that, over time, it would become nearly impossible for a single income to support a family. I tried like hell to find this video, but my content is so shadowed that even I can’t locate it.
Anyway, point being, they schemed to disrupt the childhood I grew up with and a key factor is getting women out of the home and into the workforce. In the document, they state that women could be forced to labor outside of the home, although they later point out that this could impact the ability of men to work, due to lack of job positions. This would then lead to men being at home, which doesn’t solve the problem of a stay-at-home-parent.
We already saw these efforts to get women to abandon the household and join the workforce play out during World War II with Rosie the Riveter
To this day, these efforts continue with the unending push for women to “break the glass ceiling” :
They define the Glass Ceiling as an invisible barrier designed to stop certain people (meaning everyone except white men) from reaching high positions in a company:
Because the ceiling is invisible (just like viruses and vitamins), there is no conclusive way to show it has been broken, therefore the ploy can indefinitely continue. By the way, for those who don’t know, the reason women didn’t vote was because they didn’t want to, because the power of voting came with automatically being eligible to be drafted for war. Men wanted to protect women and women needed to be home to protect their children and household, not go fight a war.
Another idea to get women out of the house was convincing them to extend their education by going to college (which in itself is a rabbit hole, far beyond propagandizing the youth. A large quantity of these colleges are basically front organizations for biological weapons programs. No, biological weapon does not mean “virus”. I plan to share this crazy info with you soon, so click it or miss it:)
They state these efforts, combined with encouraging later age of marriage, “all contribute to population control in a significant way”.
They also mention ending maternity leave would be a fantastic solution.
Getting women out of the home is only part of the population control plan. The other essential component is to, “introduce distractions into people lives to take them away from their family”. Think about what we have today; music that applauds infidelity, casual sex and the single life while degrading the opposite sex. We are bombarded with free pornography, cell phone games, social media, streaming services, not to mention the news media, which broadcasts endless chaos… all distractions.
“Selective restricting of the family in relation to the rest of society”, is another idea the Population Council suggests.
They go on to say, “social measures designed to affect the birth rate indirectly” have been proposed by the United Nations, the Small Family Norm Committee, the Central Family Planning Council, and have, “appeared in almost every issue of publications such as Family Planning News, Centra Calling and Planned Parenthood”
You can’t directly tell people, “don’t get married because then you might have children”, so instead they choose to convince women that they don’t need a worthless man for anything:
I like to joke around and say, “Women don’t need men until it’s time to open the pickle jar…”
Let me be clear, I have nothing against gay people whatsoever. I couldn’t care less what people do in the bedroom as long as it ain’t diddling kids. But reality is, being gay is wonderful for population control because two people of the same sex cannot procreate. People wrongly assume that Pride is pushed so hard because they want “Gay Rights”. This is blatantly false. They want No Rights for anyone, including gay people. They want “zero population growth”, and people who physically cannot procreate are far superior to a vasectomy that has a 1% failure rate
Regarding the pressuring of religious organizations, now the Pope is endorsing same-sex relationships.
Then the Pope upped the ante and now supports Transgenderism, which is even better than being gay if you can convince people to completely lop off their kids wee-wee.
Btw, in that Eugenic piece I wrote, they were performing “A-Sexualization” surgeries and sterilizing kids as young as six, in the 1940s! Is it ironic that today we have the Transgender movement targeting this same demographic? I think not. Was Eugenics actually the Transgender Movement 1.0?
Regarding the topic of Abortion, the current stance from the Pope is pretty much, “it’s bad, but we should stay out of it because it’s a political issue”, which is a great way to play both sides:
The Beyond Family Planning document states The World Health Organization, UNICEF and UNESCO “have moved some distance toward family planning, if not population control, but only slowly”, this is why the new agency is imperative.
This new entity would have the power to take “whatever steps are necessary to establish a reasonable population size”. … which is yet another attempt at resurrecting the Eugenics program, then feeding it crack cocaine and meth so it goes into overdrive.
The president of the Population Council says his is a great option because it is not expensive. Do we even need to discuss the filth being pushed in schools? Pride flags hanging in classrooms? Transgenderism and “Glass Ceiling” curriculum? Teaching everyone that all white men have oppressed them for all of history, meanwhile never teaching them that the real oppressor is the government?
Those were the highlights of their ideas.
During the document, they emphasize, more than once, how the public perceives the program is of utmost importance. They want to make sure it is not seen as population control but instead promoted as “freedom”…
Not only are women who don’t have children more free, but they are smarter than their child-bearing peers:
In the 1969 document, they go on to call people having multiple children ignorant… just like modern-day content:
Still deciding if you want kids or not? Let these celebrities try to persuade you:
On page 7 they use the word “infanticide”, and in the next sentence ask, “How many innocent or unknowing men may be vasectomized for a fee?” before they are forced to stop this practice due to morals (damn morals, always getting in the way of everything!)…
Speaking of Infanticide, did you read my piece, The NIH’s INFANTICIDE Experiments? That took place at the exact same time as Eugenics.
I took a handful of other screenshots from the document to share with you:
One of the most important admissions from this document is that they are unable to control a large population of refusers:
I should close out this article by mentioning that this document was authored primarily targeting India’s population, but, as you can see, the exact tactics Rockefellers Population Council fantasized about in 1969 came to be, across the world, as if in Lockstep.
Did you enjoy this article about how the government wants to kill you and your family? If so:
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1994: World Pop Summit
A side-line question/observation... This vitamin A scam... 'TRANS RETINOL' chemical.
Being a poison which is added to our food supply & to vitamin pill supplements, would it not also follow that its addition to facial moisturisers & supposed 'specialist skincare products' would be fucking us all over as well?
REDUCING THE HOST population then flooding with third worlders... its genocide