Our Food is Now Made from PLASTIC - It's Sustainable! (PART 3)
How much more proof do people possibly need?
In Part 1 we looked at the United Nations sustainable development ploy. Being that sustainability includes being eco-friendly, the plastic waste problem is indeed a major problem that must be addressed in order to be sustainable. Additionally, sustainability includes developing science-based foods that can feed the world, especially in a food crisis. We then saw fake food appearing across the nation. From avocados seemingly made of rubber to apples that don’t rot to blueberries that can survive the washing machine and rice made from plastic, fake food is here and I even purchased a fake cucumber on January 2nd.
Yep, those are indeed fake eggs:
That video was old and from India. Let’s check in on what’s going on right here in America within the past couple years:
And this issue isn’t just related to eggs. Would you be able to tell this was made from a block of compressed waste? I wouldn’t.
This brings us to the topic of genetic modification.
In Part 2 we discussed how “genes” are so tiny we can’t see them, yet science claims to have the ability to edit them. We also learned the three utterly ridiculous techniques science uses to supposedly change genes of a plant. Let’s review them real quick:
Inject something with bacteria then electroshock it (this is reserved more for animals than plants)
Cut up a plant leaf and dip it into assorted Petri dishes containing chemicals
Inject a virus and bacteria into a leaf
And that’s it. Those are the three options. If you have ever investigated the world of “viruses”, this “gene editing” stuff is damn near a carbon copy. It sure seems like a bunch of quackery and just because they have millions of dollars worth of shiny machines and a fancy lab doesn’t mean it’s not quackery. Somehow we don’t trust a used car salesman and look at whatever vehicle he is trying to sell us with great skepticism, yet we put complete faith into the medical industry and never ask what is in pill, powder or potion prior to putting it into our bodies. And that brings us to today’s article:
When I uncovered the methods they are using to change genes and realized there is no way to permanently alter a species with electricity, bacteria or a virus, I had a lot of questions; if they’re not genetically modifying plants then how do we have lemon basil? Terminator seeds? Yellow watermelons? Seedless fruit?! Are there any alternative methods that could be deployed to create these items?
I came across a book published in 1939 called Plant Chimeras. In this book they talk about creating white-with-red roses, peach-plums and so on. Wanna know how they did it? Grafting. You take one plant, cut into it, affix a different plant to it and if they grow together you might get what we now call a “hybrid”:
Before 1940 they had successfully grafted all kinds of stuff, such as the white-with-red roses I mentioned.
Today we have all kinds of different grafts. You can do your own graft at home, no lab coat needed.
And guess what? “Seedless fruit” comes from grafting (not “gene editing”).
Guess where varieties of produce comes from? Grafting!
There’s other techniques too, such as using pollination, but what grafting and pollinating can’t do is make a food plastic, only man can do this…
Here’s a bunch of notes I made while researching this series.
Once the real food has been replaced, nobody will remember what a real avocado tastes like and over time we will become accustomed to whatever the replacement avocado is. In my piece The Great Poisoning and the Virus Scapegoat we learned how the food supply had been infiltrated since before the 1800s. In fact, it was so corrupted that by the 1800s people had forgotten what real food tasted like because they had become used to being fed counterfeits and it was making people incredibly ill. These sicknesses were then labeled viruses meanwhile the symptoms of poisoning happen to exactly mirror the symptoms of viruses. So, if they keep feeding this stuff into the market, in a matter of years we will believe cabbage doesn’t burn, but it does smoke and stretch
And we will believe this is because leafy vegetables naturally include a layer of plastic.
Is fake food the real reason they are paying farmers to destroy crops? Think about it, if you’re making tens-of-millions of pieces of food in a factory from waste, that is going to produce an abundance of food when it is filtered into the food supply. If you pay farmers to not farm the fake food will offset what the farmers are no longer producing.
What gene could you possibly edit to change the composition of flesh of a produce? The flesh gene? Do they insert a rubber gene? Being that we can’t see the genes, how would we know which ones are flesh genes?
How can you paint an invisible wall?
What “gene” could you possibly edit to make a fruit take months to expire? Fresh food rots because it is detached from the plant, it has no longer has a life source and bacteria’s job is to break it down, so, just like a deceased human body, it decays - the cycle of life. What gene could be edited to prevent a dead body from decaying with nothing to pump blood through veins and intake air into lungs?
Meanwhile, what do we know extends shelf live? Preservatives. Chemicals. Lab-made bullsh*t. The only way to make an apple take weeks or months to expire is to put a preservative into it in a lab.
Now it makes sense why people are developing “allergies” to such a large range of food - it’s because it’s not food.
Gluten allergies are actually Glyphosate chemical allergies. Lactose intolerance is due to processed (and poisoned) dairy. Seafood is (was?) the most counterfeited food in the world so it’s no wonder people are allergic to something that isn’t even what it’s supposed to be. The book Real Food, Fake Food: Why You Don’t Know What You’re Eating outlines how, in New York, 58% of retail stores, 39% of restaurants and 100% of sushi restaurants were serving fake seafood, “and the practices in New York, it would turn out, were the rule, not the exception, for the entire country”.
And New York is a state on the ocean, located right by Maine which is known for the best seafood in the nation. Now imagine if you live in a non-ocean state like me.
The same book also outlines how there is literally no real red snapper in America. In this case, what is being served instead is Tilefish which are “drug-laden”. In other instances, people are being served pufferfish, which is the second most deadly fish in the world. The shrimp aren’t shrimp, scallops aren’t scallops, lobster isn’t lobster… so one must ask, are people who are allergic to seafood actually allergic to these natural creatures? Or are they allergic to poison and lab-produced garbage?
The same book found that beef, olive oil, cheese and more is all fake - but when they say fake they mean other foods being peddled as a food it isn’t whereas when I say fake I mean it is not food at all.
Now do you want a plot twist? The book was published by Chapel Hill. Who is Chapel Hill? The same place that published the pro-population control program in North Carolina (1970s) which ties into Rockefeller’s Population Council and the 1960s document I spoke of earlier (the one that talks about putting fertility reducing agents into food at processing plants). Would you like another plot twist? How it was determined that the foods we are being sold are indeed food (just not the food that is advertised) was through DNA testing. Guess who performed that DNA testing? Mostly Rockefeller University. So what we have here is Rockefeller University telling us that the food is real food, it’s just not as advertised, in a book that was published by the population control people.
There is no such thing as a fertility-reducing avocado yet GMO foods are known to impair our ability to reproduce, why? Because they’re probably fake foods made from chemicals, byproduct waste. Obviously these toxins are going to cause reproductive harm. Along those same lines, I no longer believe there is any way to “drug” fresh corn with pharmaceuticals and vaccines but when you make it in a lab, birth control and other poisons can be added in. (This video was posted 13 years ago:)
The United Nations is all-in on sustainability and solving the food crisis while also solving the pollution problem is required for sustainability. Making food from plastic and waste solves all of the aforementioned problems…
Livestock, such as pigs, are also being fed literal trash. The end result is that we eat the trash and we also eat the pigs - our bodies are being used as garbage disposals… for the greater good… for the sustainable future…
I now believe they have to steal the seeds to prevent us from having real food. I think this is the real reason for the Doomsday seed vault; it’s not about “genetically modified” food, its about outright fake food vs real seeds and real food created by them.
Stealing the seeds isn’t hard when two companies control 40% of the world’s seed supply.
Not long ago I wrote about Terminator seeds (this was before I really thought about the entire concept of GMOs). So here’s the story with Terminator Seeds,:
As you can see, the story is they are genetically modifying seeds to make the crops grow better, ok, BUT if we look deeper, “due to backlash” Monsanto assured the public they would not produce this technology. So as of now, there is no such thing as a Terminator Seed - but that isn’t the end of the story.
Further research revealed that commercial farmers don’t save seeds anyway because it isn’t an economical use of their time and the even bigger reason they don’t save seeds is hybrid plants. You see, the plants made through grafting (and pollination techniques); the further down the generations go, the sh*ttier the plant becomes because it wasn’t a natural plant to begin with - the peach tree never wanted to graft to a plum tree, so its grandchildren seeds will produce lousy plants. This means nobody wants to save the seeds from this man-tweaked stuff. This also means even if farmers were given the opportunity to save Monsanto’s “genetically modified” soy and corn seeds, they don’t want to anyway because the second generation of plants would be crappy and the third generation would be so lousy the farmer would take an extreme financial loss. This is basically this is the equivalent of Charmin telling you that you can’t save your used toilet paper which you didn’t want to save in the first place. With that being said, Monsanto has a contact which requires farmers to only buy their seeds and to buy them every year, so there is no reason for them to force these terminator seeds upon farmers. Terminator seeds, like GMOs, are a nonexistent problem at this time.
Remember, the reason they claim to be gene editing plants is to increase yield and make the plants more resistant to diseases. However, grafting does the exact same thing they are claiming to do through genetic modification:
We already know for sure that this food is fake, made from poison…
…so why wouldn’t this food be fake too?
In theory, you don’t even need to make the supposedly “genetically modified” plant stronger, you just need to make the non “genetically modified” weaker, therefore the so-called GMO plant becomes stronger by default. If you used the same grafting and pollination techniques to create an inferior product that will be suspectable to disease, have stunted growth, and quickly perish when in contact with specific chemicals, consumers will want the “genetically modified” variation.
Bill Gates “genetically modified” mosquitoes were released to stop malaria:
Which method do you supposed Gates used to edit the genes of the mosquitoes? Electroshock? Gene cannon? Or did he dip 2.4 billion mosquitoes in Petri dishes? Malaria is a hoax. Science could never prove mosquitoes carry the supposed virus nor could they prove mosquitoes carried any virus, but what do these headlines do? They make the public fear viruses while reinforcing the ability to modify genetics.
Bill Gates is also “genetically modifying” food to increase its “vitamin content”:
Which is this:
Being that science cannot take a supposed “vitamin” out of food, how are they making more vitamins in it? That’s stupid. The only way science could indeed increase “vitamin” content is if the food was made in a lab and they dump more of their chemical “vitamins” in.
And lastly, let’s look at something deep:
Do you remember being a kid and making the genetic charts in school called Punnett Squares? They told us these charts give us the odds of a genetic feature, like the eye color someone will have.
Yet people have green eyes despite their mom having blue eyes and their dad having brown, or both parents have brown eyes and the kid has blue eyes. How can two short people have a tall kid? This defies logic of what we have been told about genetics so it has to be explained and for this we are told it’s “recessive genes” - not only are there billions of invisible genes but there are also recessive, less dominate genes mixed in with them.
When it comes to our family tree, the way supposed recessive genes work is, you scour your family tree until you eventually locate someone with that trait then you say Ah ha! Matt has long fingers because his great-great-great grandmother had long fingers! Meanwhile millions upon millions of people have long fingers and they are not offspring of Matt’s great-great-great grandmother. People have blue eyes, green eyes and brown eyes because they are eye colors. Some people have one blue eye and one brown eye. Blond hair, brown hair, black hair, red hair, they’re hair colors so you’re going to get one of them. Some people are tall, some are short. Some people are albino. On a tomato plant, some are big, some are small, some are more red and some are more orange-ish, they are not all carbon copies of each other but according to genetics, they should be because the tomatoes genes have not changed from one branch to another. The fact that these Punnett Squares are not always accurate means they are not genuine science - science should be repeatable.
We can’t take a tall persons gene and put it into a short person to make them tall, because there is no tall gene and a trait can’t be extracted from a person. Equally we can’t put a bird wing gene into a platypus and make it grow wings. Further disproving “genes”; only compatible species can breed and be crossbred which is why inseminating women with horse sperm doesn’t result in a Centaurs.
And it doesn’t matter how much frog you mix with bacteria, you can’t shoot into a rhino to make the rhino start hopping, although you can cross-breed two different species of rhino and create a hybrid rhino which is still a rhino. I think science is way less advanced then they want us to believe, but by using big words and futuristic-sounding terminology combined with propaganda, it confuses us. This is why we have no problem drilling that used car salesman with questions; we know what an engine is, we know what leak means and we understand what a warranty does, but we don’t know what transgenic is, how genetic mutations of T-cells work or what Agrobacteria infiltration means, so we just accept it as a truth. Let’s get back to food:
The amount of money I have spent on organics over the past 10-15 years, I probably could have bought a Mercedes in cash - and I did it all to avoid GMOs and chemicals. Did I spend my money wisely? Let’s find out…
According to a survey by the Organic Trade Association, 82% of American households buy organic on a regular basis. Because of this, the organics industry made almost $50 billion (BILLION!) in 2016. But what exactly are we purchasing when we buy organic? Anna Lappé, the co-founder of the Small Planet Fund and Institute, said “The USDA Organic label tells you a lot about your food: It’s a guarantee your food was not irradiated, grown with sewage sludge, made from genetically engineered seeds, or grown with one of the thousands of highly toxic pesticides allowable in chemical agriculture.” - ok, so when we buy an organic tomato we are paying for a tomato and we are also paying for an assurance about the tomato, but if we don’t buy the organic version then we are still paying for a tomato, it just doesn’t come with the assurance. This means what we are actually paying extra money for is the assurance; we are spending nearly-double in many cases for an unknown source to claim a tomato was not grown with toxins, cloaked in chemicals or genetically modified… but if we buy the non-organic tomato, it doesn’t mean it was grown in toxins, cloaked in chemicals or genetically modified, it just means we don’t know if it was or not. But if GMOs are a hoax, then what we are paying extra for is the assurance of the avoidance of toxins on our food. Are we on the same page so far?
If we look deeper we discover, “A prevalent green myth about organic agriculture is that it does not employ pesticides. Organic farming does, in fact, use insecticides and fungicides to prevent predation of its crops. More than 20 chemicals are commonly used in the growing and processing of organic crops and are acceptable under the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s arbitrary and ever-shifting organic rules. Many of those organic pesticides are more toxic than the synthetic ones used in ordinary farming.”. Now watch this 1-minute video:
Reality is, we just don’t know what we are paying extra for but we hope the food has not been covered in toxins and grown in sewer sludge - that’s the truth, the truth sucks, it is what it is.
Now let’s discuss the toxins which shouldn’t be on the organic tomato but may-or-may-not be on the regular tomato: are these toxins in the fruit or on the fruit? Has glyphosate been found inside of a tomato? Because if the issue is the toxins on the outside, we should be able to wash them off, and if the fruit is a banana, nobody eats the peel anyway, so what exactly are we paying such a premium for? I guess this leaves the final debates, “irritation” and whether it was grown in sewer sludge.
As far as irradiation is concerned, the “Radura” logo or text saying the food as been irradiated should appear somewhere on the packaging.
They claim they have to blast the food with radiation to kill viruses and germs…
…and yep, those bastards made it look like nature to trick us.
We just need to avoid products with this logo, that’s all.
Regarding sewer sludge, is this in the fruit or on the fruit? According to organic websites, the reason we need to pay for organics to avoid the possibility of sewer-sludge-grown produce is because it could contain viruses- and there we go, we did a full loop and ended up back at invisible viruses being another reason we need to pay more for organic foods that haven’t had their invisible genes edited.
Folks, I’m really thinking we are being taken for a ride here and organics are mostly a ploy to financially break us, one penny at a time. We already spend over half of our income paying assorted taxes, fees in addition to bills. Groceries are now expensive AF and if they can get us to tack on an additional $75 a week to have the organic versions of everything, which look and taste identical to the regular versions, no wonder the industry made $50 BILLION in 2016.
With that being said, does that mean by buying organic we are avoiding counterfeit, fake food like rubber avocados? NO. Rubber avocados would indeed be organic because they are created without specific pesticides and are not genetically modified. So what do we do now? We need to start by really looking into this entire concept of genetically modifying invisible genes and ask ourselves if this makes any sense…
…and if it doesn’t make sense, then we need to review what we are paying extra money for in effort to avoid GMOs. If we find some of these added charges aren’t necessary, we can save money and that’s fantastic!
Like all the time and energy I put into my posts? Keep me hydrated!
You can figure out the exact type of plastic something is. Here’s a fantastic chart showing each type of plastic and how it acts when burned, put in water and cut.
Irradiated foods present a danger to Colorado’s consumers, school children and local ranchers, according to “A Dangerous Deal: How Irradiated Foods Put Colorado Consumers at Risk,” a report released last week by the Colorado Public Interest Research Group (CoPIRG) and Public Citizen. https://www.summitdaily.com/news/consumer-groups-question-food-irradiation/
1929 https://archive.org/details/safetyofirradiat0000dieh/page/n5/mode/2up
Most fresh foods receive a dosage of one kG, meats up to seven kG, while herbs, spices and medical supplies are bombarded with 30 kG–10,000 times the lethal dose of 50 percent of the human population!
Just a comment about the "plastic" lettuce in the clip where she accidentally froze the lettuce - lettuce that has been frozen does this naturally - it is because its leaves are made of cellulose, its not because it has been coated in plastic or made of plastic. I've had that happen to a lettuce that I know has come straight from the ground, been washed and put in the fridge where it was a bit too cold for it, and the leaves go translucent and plastic looking. So not everything in those clips is "wrong" or shows "fake food" and some of it is because people don't actually know anything about real food
Sustainability is just a word. I work in hospital Supply in Northwest PA. Due to the germ/virus scam... hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars are wasted on "one use" medically critical items. Blood pressure cuffs, electrodes, Pulsox (O2 monitors), IV start kits, Imed Tubing, and list goes on and on. (where does all this trash go?) We receive hundreds of Fed Ex and UPS packages Mon-Friday (costing thousands in freight fees) and loaded with tons of plastic, styrofoam and cardboard (you know boxes within boxes). This is not about the planet or anyone's health... evolution teaches survival of the fittest. Therefore, if the evolution crap is true... anything goes. They have revealed what they are doing for years. It is just so far-fetched and against common sense that it defies logic. Try sharing this with people you know. Thank you Agent. Who needs horror movies, just look around.