I regularly perform live singing, playing guitar. I changed tuning A to 432 a about 6 years ago and my singing has improved drastically. When I play with others at 440, I am physically wiped out afterwards. Once I learned who was behind it, it was obvious this was a nefarious change.
Indeed! I’ve observed animals behavior, temperament & physical health absolutely influenced by exposure to specific frequencies…including ones that are not audible (at least not to us…can’t speak for the animals). That is more convincing to me than tests with people…other than ones that can somehow be performed without the participants knowledge, which could be seen as unethical…& we know those are done for nefarious purposes by certain groups, so there are assumptions that can be left up to the “viewer.”
Martin-frequency is the key. You said that you have myocarditis and pericarditis and pleural effusions. That can all be taken care of with the right NATURAL high frequencies.
Those "diseases" are all caused by PARASITES that thrive in low frequency areas of your body.
Trypanosoma Cruzi is one of the deadly parasite eggs that is found in every make of the COVID "vaccine" bioweapon, and it can cause myocarditis. Microparasites inside of the cells can cause the buildup of fluids in the lungs that can cause pleural effusion and COPD.
I could be proven wrong if what I discovered didn't heal this, but it does. You are brilliant. You shouldn't die this way when you are so close to the truth about how low body frequencies connect to conditions in which parasites thrive.
Let me introduce myself so that you know who you are listening to. I am Kim Delayne Paddock of the Paddock founding family of America. We arrived in this country in 1634. My greatest grandfather was Robert Paddock who was a blacksmith, but many Paddocks were ships captains. My father, Bob Paddock, was an engineer for the Lockheed Skunkworks. He was a high functioning autist like me. Brilliant but broken I call it. I point out these facts so that you know that I am not a shill.
I began studying natural healing in 1976. I still didn't buy into the whole vitamin craze; I just ate right and paid attention. I took a few vitamins but could not tolerate most of them. My body didn't respond well, so I decided not to take them. Good thing I didn't.
I was always curious as to why all cannabis was made illegal by this mafia "government", and after a serious motorcycle accident in 2013 which left me broken and in pain, I decided to make extracts from cannabis to see if I could heal my pain, nerve damage, torn tendons and so on.
I made an extract from hemp that is suspended in alcohol that I sprayed on my skin over painful areas, and it took the pain and swelling away in no time. If you want to read more about my accident, you can go to my website.
This was the tip of the iceberg. I made a gel next because there are areas of your body that the spray is hard to use on like your face. These products healed arthritis, tendonitis, carpel tunnel, COPD, cancer, eczema, psoriasis, nerve damage, weakness from torn tendons, fungal infections, stopped pain and more.
What is the connection between so many diseases and the fact that these products can heal them? That took some time to research. It took me until 2019 to find out that what I had extracted was pure high frequency.
Enter Nichola Tesla. "If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration." That's it! I have a frequency part! That is why the test that I had laboratories do on my extract showed that it contained nothing, they were not testing for frequency.
To connect this high frequency extract to all of the varieties of disease and pain that it healed was the next step, and that came with the discovery of deadly parasite eggs in all makes of the COVID "vaccine" bioweapon.
I connected parasites to nearly every disease that is out there. High frequency kills them on contact. That is why it works so fast on conditions like arthritis and takes the swelling down in minutes. It also healed the weakness from my torn tendons in my thumbs and knees, so killing parasites wasn't all that it did.
I am willing to send you some of my products to try. I don't care about the fake money; this world needs you right now. All of my products are sourced from natural elements, not toxic poison waste. I made several videos about vitamins being toxic waste, including "vitamin D3", and included some of the information from one of your posts in the most recent one.
Look at the products on my website www.miracle-products.com and let me know what you think. I can recommend some products for your specific conditions, and I'll send a care package. I will not share any of your information of course. I will not use you to promote my products, this can be between us and confidential.
You have done so much for everyone, and I just found you. I will be catching up on your material. Thank you for your contribution to this world.
For the past 24 yrs I’ve been testing different sound frequency devices on myself and my clients, including recording vocal prints broken down using Fourier Transform analysis to show the specific frequencies of the toxic loads, pharmaceutical and chemical residues as well as which species of parasites were in the body too. It also showed which muscles, organs or emotions were weak or out of balance.
Despite me doing parasite cleanses periodically and eating as clean as possible, I still had a huge and very unexpected release of parasites after another sound healer worked on me with very high pitched tuning forks and then followed by very low but sustained frequency into the bones. He did this by setting two huge, heavy brass bowls on my upper back and sacrum then struck them with a huge wooden mallet.
Immediately I could feel a pressure on my palms and soles of my feet. It was the parasites trying desperately to exit the body. The pressure stayed for over twelve hours until I did an ionic foot detox and put my hands in the water too. They exited into the water and were about the size of 1/2 rice grain. I’ve done numerous Ionic Foot Detoxes and never had anything close to this type of release before. I knew it was the frequencies of the brass bowls driving them out. Perhaps this is part of the reason all those old world bells were all “repurposed” by melting them down.
Thank you for sharing your experiences too Kim. It’s helpful to know there are others working in like fashion to heal.
Very interesting! These parasites do not like high frequencies no matter where they come from. Parasite cleanses alone will not remove many of these parasites without the help of high frequencies.
When people use Miracle Tincture Spray or Gel (infused with the high frequency of the hemp plant) on their skin over these problem areas, the parasites will at times escape through their skin which can cause a "rash". This parasitic rash quickly heals as the parasites are killed. It is amazing how fast this can work.
You are smart to do a foot cleanse/detox too. The feet are one of the lowest frequency areas of the body, so it is common to find parasites and pain there. I had neurological pain in the bottoms of my feet to the point of the pain making it hard for me to walk. I let the condition get to this point so that I could see how my products would work on it. I used the Tincture Spray on my feet, let it dry, applied it again, and went for a walk. No pain. I use one of my skin care products on my feet at least once a day now to keep that pain away. I believe that it was caused by parasites.
The Tincture Spray can be used in foot baths too. a little goes a long way. I also made a Bath & Body Oil that can be used for foot baths, regular baths, or on the skin.
The Bath & Body Oil pulled something else out of my body after I soaked for a while. Nanoparticles. That story is also on my website. It was creepy. They go to higher frequencies...that is how they find life forms to inhabit. They came out of my skin and went to the top of the water where the high frequency Bath & Body Oil was floating. They formed magnetic chains on top of the water. Some surrounded a drop of oil. Then they began to swim, apparently looking for that life form. I sucked some of them out of the tub with a turkey baster and I still have them. We are in a war like no other.
Kim,would you consider giving your turkey blaster nano monsters a means of growing ie feed w time lapse and microscopy.Can you find a poison for them our bodies can weather ie would be an antidote yes?! I'm also curious to see if they'll bind to parasites and maybe takeover their controls,brain could you add some parasites..don't feed them too much you don't want them crawling out and up your bed some night night asking to snuggle,haha..oops bad joke cuz those suckers are seriously nasty and we need to figure out their weaknesses and set clear,non long video etc concise list of sesperate labeled and numbered protocols ie a top 10 by vote?for each type of parasite,nano,etc..The scatterednes s and lack of successful mass application of so many remedies/theories is suspect 4 years in..like something is reaching even the resisters minds..f-that let's tighten up this battleship people!
Great questions! Approach #1-bathe in high frequency Miracle Bath & Body Oil. After 3 baths, I had very few nanos coming out of me. I take about one bath a week in the bath & body oil now to keep the numbers down.
#2-magnets. Magnets destroy computers, and nanos are tiny ones. I got a 500lb test magnet and ran it over my body. I could actually feel a tingle in my body when I did that. While I have no proof that this did them in, a powerful magnet against a tiny computer seems logical. NOTE: I keep the magnet in its protective Styrofoam box next to my bed. I wouldn’t want it to destroy my laptop or attract other objects.
As far as nanos and parasites are concerned, they have no real connection that I can find. They don’t need one. Parasites are doing just fine at killing living beings as they have done since the beginning of time. Parasite eggs are being introduced into our bodies in food, vaccines, chemtrails (new video about that coming soon.) along with the heavy metal, mold and funguses that they surround themselves with in the body to protect them from your immune system.
Nanos are man-made parasites that can carry agents into the body and can change a life form’s DNA and intracellular structures or perform multitudes of other tasks. They can reproduce using the elements of our bodies as well. They really are amazing little machines. I really have no need to mess with the ones in my jar and have little time to experiment with them. If you want, you can order many different kinds of them online and play with them if you like.
Private,wondering if you feel the vaccine is intentionally using the parasites or adding to them more parasites to do the evil it does or if any tie in is merely coincidental and not key to the vaccines nano or otherwise mission?are we talking nano possessing the parasites to burrow in key places,ie brain? <,
There’s quite a bit of this research around waves/frequencies and their relationship to sound and colors and it takes us back to theories around architecture, specifically the ‘Old World’ architecture or what some are referring to collectively as Tartarian. You did those articles recently and I figure you are tying those together soon.
The stained glass rose windows, the organs, were these the original healers? Or is this just another coordinated narrative being sold to the public? The reasoning being not just commercial, but about control by the secret societies. Michael Hoffman’s work fits in well here, though he repeats many of the popular narratives, like the JFK assassination as a KingKill33 ritual, further cementing the notion that JFK was indeed assassinated that day. But what’s most interesting about his work is the ‘rule by secret society’ as being an operation of the Catholic Church and the Secret Societies in lockstep, which seems pretty clear at this point.
If you read Fulcanelli’s book, The Mystery of the Cathedrales, cymatics was part of the cathedrals’ structure and this is where the organs come in, and the colors. The conclusion of the book speaks very clearly to the vow of secrecy. Why? Why is this secrecy so necessary? What harm would come if the masses knew all about it? “The masses” — The Catholic masses for the masses, the symbolic rituals, just like the scriptures written in a language the masses don’t speak. It’s all about control.
mary-lou, you got that right. I have a friend who is very intelligent, MENSA member since a child, and a Freemason. When I told him Freemasons are bad, he said 'look a the Shriners (Masons and Children's Hospital). My reply: when people meet in secret, plotting to kill billions of people, that's just plain evil.
hopefully you're still friends? Freemasons are an interesting bunch. the original masons (Greek, Roman, Hindu) were true craftsmen, their knowledge symbolised by the amazing properties of the keystone used to finish building a bridge or an arch.
Tony,high intelligence without love, compassion,loyalty to the virtues,values that make life worth living is the most dangerous poisoner ie Lucifer n gang had more then adequate intelligence to know their destruction wake in advance...A relatively uncorrupted baby is not so intelligent but we often value their vibe smile more then finest jewels,or the smartest guy we know...many excessively private churches and solitary cults were taken over by the Mas ones and Jesuits by them scouring for town power points of people's leaders,often found in too secretive closed doorsl where morally compromised souls were vying for social,economic advantages,easily w long effort bot off , compromised... So now few uncompromised groups...Yes if we're out in the open mixing w community were vulnerable too but there's a balance needed to discern ie guarding your heart and being open hearted and keeping ones heart and soul from the black evils spectrum is key to eventually inevitably dying with your soul very much alive with a spark of goodness where you can be rescued, transitioned by God cuz you still exist with him inside,some are dead inside basically feeding on us like zombies or parasites..
Checkout JFK secret societies video where he says they've taken over ,are out to get him and us and he's barely holding on for just a bit longer likely in so many words...Was told this was pulled off the air back in 1963,not sure and only out on internet a decade or so ago,someone should deep dive the networks actions there and players " oh my quick get the stage hook" haha- ok not funny JFK seriously took on all the dark forces his father sold out to and he did too too lesser extent to get in office..or maybe he always had a plan-best speech writer for generals and presidents ever...anyway Bible indicated God releases outside evils upon us if we don't respect goodnesses individually and as a society enough to bear enough of a harvest (forged good souls)of decent repented of evil qualitys..how could he reward us goodnesses when we're already mingling with Satan and minions flameouts going down too much to not be burnt inside..( channeling spirits most extreme example,one could accurately say that Christ basically came to end channeling or combining HYBRIDIZING our energies by choice with fallen angels for power or advantage outside God's blessings ie GREEDY!- THESE FALLEN BEINGS RESEMBLE MONSTEROUS DRAGONS,SNAKES,AND YES WORMS/PARASITES.ITS NO COINCIDENCE WERE DEALING WITH HYPER POWER PARASITES INTERNALLY SPIRITUAL CONNECTION IS REAL AND WITHIN JUSTICE RE.OUR LONG HISTORY).it's no favor to take away the pain of burning when ones hands are unknowingly in fire cuz of deceptions..God is merciful if there's a spark enuff and a path doable back to him cuz first he's a Creator,destructions only by our collective or individual will,no love without free choice to be evil and hate God and some do..Solutions simple: Ditch your connections to vices demons attach too tightly,ask God to begin free of them and if done sincerely all parasites physical and spiritual ( kinda same thing a bit..)will vanish by transition time ie death..Christ said to live we need to die off our choice for evil,sin,demonic relations ...I don't think he wants those nasty buggers up in heaven lies cuz then it couldn't be heavenly right!? God's not unforgiving,it's simply our choice,he doesn't demand justice,he paid our excess bills with a clever plan ie Tortured Christ who was innocent and worth the lot of us..take that Satan! Read the Bible! Tainted as it is it's more then we deserve as a tossed rope,worth the climb effort!
Tony response:hmmm actually I made a longer elaborated multi point argument defending your posts point on several levels beyond but including your one arguments angle. I'm guessing your not crazy about the handful of Christians on here and my going into my take therefore on spiritual intertwining with physical and technology in an attempt too make sense of this turmoil were in now on all sides including nanotech and parasites..Noticed you've got a few occultic sounding likes.Do you feel Christians are suspect cuz of Church corruptions,failures,I do too ,but don't belong to any and dropped my affiliations w Catholic raise as a child. I dodge direct affiliations with all groups at present.I surf sites where I find issues on poisons,toxins etc in the physical and spiritual and Christian sites for moral support and seeing the more joy,love filled people with the holy spirit around abundantly.
I'm not trolling or attacking anyone's substack actually,looking for ways to support those like yourself with elaborations.I love the open mindedness here apart from woke lands.If anything I wrote detracted from your anti cult secret society position it would be an error on my part,just reviewed my post can find nothing not boosting your position and in good style minus the parts perhaps of separate issue classic Christianity ie accept Christ's offer ie repentance and defeat the serpent's(worms too) stuff cuz energetically several nano posters believe there on the same evil frequency ie hellish..I'll try to confine my Christian take a bit more ie in respect to tighter subject at hand is my only fault here but I won't apologize for it cuz some of the best stuff I ever wrote or seen on the parasites are too degrees worms are snakes are dragons are fallen angels energetic tie in getting beyond mere less meaningful nano parasites issue.
Most people are wondering if there's still a God that cares and if so how could he let this seeming scifi Godless nanobots tied to parasites tied to killer elites seeming deal happen ie their losing hope and even leaving smaller genuine Christ only churches.or beliefs..I offered a better explanation then the very few who've attempted to answer that weighty question typos galore and all.In short Tony consider I'm on your side on sub issue of wrongful societys..but we need a fuller picture and hope,if there's no afterlife to target with goodness,there's tremendously less motivation to resist the pleasures of corruption. We need a good God and yes even a handful of annoying sometimes genuine from the heart no church baggage preachers,that is if Christ is who he said he is,if not seems were doomed to hang with worms and snakes ,demons forever,I've placed my wager and I'm all in for repentance and Christ being enough to solve all.issues by the way,even if we go to our graves with nano and parasites and snakes and hidden dragons all around...Have you checked out mudfossileunivrrsitys ie YouTube 1000 mile fossilized dragon which is the Atlas Mtn ranges,a perfect biometric dragon head to tail with perfectly spaced scales..Biggest wonder of the world and matches Greek Hellenistic lore of Atlas being cursed as a demigod,even mentions plopped in Morocco.Roger is very Brite and witty and found numerous titans matching lore in Europe, world..I'm not hiding much of nothing actually sir and supporting people like you and your good position against the selfish closed off elite and the devils they worship.
The Placebo effect is incredible, Agent. I saw it work repeatedly during the 26 years I was in practice. When used in concert with advance hypnotherapy techniques, indeed one can heal dramatically because their will has changed.
The reason for the endless repetition of any message in print, music, TV commercials etc., is simple. Repetition is the foundation of all healing (and damage when intended to harm), so long as we are contained in a state of hypnosis. Nagging does not work because the message is linked to a bad feeling, which is why it is counter-productive.
When we are in a deep state of hypnosis, generally only 3 repetitions while 'feeling' safe is all that is needed to cause a change in a consenting individual. I say 'consenting' because if an individual is seeking change to please someone else, the brain will take measures to protect the status quo. In addition, when a person is not in a deep state of hypnosis and presented with absurd or questionable information, they will immediately discard it. this is all why you should never, ever, ever fall asleep with a TV or radio on.
You will notice how after X minutes of watching an intense, attention-captivating program, suddenly a totally irrelevant commerical comes on that you have been served maybe hundreds of times during the week already. This same situation happens when one is sitting in an oncologist's office, scared to death of being told they have cancer because they found a lump. The individual is highly suggestible and will jump to Big Pharma slash and burn treatments as soon as the doctor mentions it, never asking about natural approaches.
Because I was well aware of how the medical profession operates to suggest people right into Big Pharma's waiting arms, when I was in the hospital donating bone marrow to my younger brother and the doctors were trying to scare me into the waiting arms of Big Pharma purportedly to ward off the leukemia they assured me I had, even though I had no symptoms, I simply kept visualizing the word 'liar' the whole time they were talking, because the word liar evokes an emotion and my brain links that emotion to danger and takes steps to get me away.
Back to how marketers use hypnosis in entertainment: First the TV program brings you down into a deep hypnotic state (this is why you really can't remember what you just watched most times and you completely lose track of time). Once in that state, all suggestions bypass the critical mind so that the commericals can suggest all sorts of ridiculous scenarios with equally ridiculous 'claims' stated as 'facts'. The commerical is always positive and always contains great feelings and imagery, which is usually the exact opposite to what the program provided.
So, repeatedly during an hour, you are brought to a deep state of hypnosis, and at the exact moment when you can be most influenced, about 6-8 minutes in, imagery and sounds that evoke wonderful feelings of safety suddenly appear, linked to a message. The message is repeated, the safe feelings are generated at least 3-6 times every program...this is all it takes to get you to buy a product or ask your doctor for a deadly pharma drug.
How do you think we got hook on conventional doctors and see them as 'gods'? Because when Rockefeller switched real medicine out for his pharma drugs, he needed people to believe in his salesmen - conventionally-trained doctors. He funded endless programs such as Dr. Kildare, Marcus Welby, MD, etc where every single time the doctor saved lives and was hailed a hero.
They do the same thing to keep us hooked on lawyers ... every lawyer program repeats how much they care about their clients, believe in their case and 'win' the day. This is all nefarious use of hypnosis, because actual real-life experience shows us the truth about both professions is the EXACT opposite. They are deadly, corrupt and immoral.
I was trained (I mean really trained) in advanced medical hypnotherapy (not just the use of hypnosis) and every session was a re-enforcment of a fact in the brain, and an emotion stored in the subconscious (positive and healing of course). When a well-trained hypnotherapist repeatedly links a fact to an emotion, the physical body reflects the connection, especially if it is all anchored to a common 'thing' in the persons life. Everytime the anchor appears, the feeling and fact is automatically engaged.
You can also use the same process to make someone 'hate' something: for example, some people are addicted to M & Ms (yes really!) so you can, with repetition, have the brain regard M & M's as rabbit droppings, and link that to the feeling of disgust. (Nocebo effect) If done correctly, you couldn't bribe the individual to even look at another M & M. Same with alcohol (after the root issue driving the addiction is neutralized, of course).
Sadly, hypnosis, which is a very natural state for children, is also their Achilles Heel, because they can be made to 'believe' anything by those who keep repeating a manufactured 'fact' and attaching it to a good feelings generated by lots of bright colours and happy sounds. Telling a child that they will be safe, loved and appreciated if they mutiliate their bodies to become a different sex, is just one example of how their suggestibility is used against them.
My father was in advertising. Watching television with him as a kid was extremely frustrating because he was always ruining shows by telling you the plot line (most TV has 5 main plots recycled over and over and over) and he could with pinpointed accuracy tell you what commercials would be in any given show. I can still hear him saying the shows are designed around the commercials not the other way around. I hated it as a kid but SO appreciate it now because he taught me how to recognize propaganda at an early age.
Hello Grace, fellow hypnotherapist here. I have created my own way of using hypnosis as I really did not like the idea of regressing back to 'trauma' as a way to heal..even saying it sounds ridiculous :-) I am interested in the method you described with medical hypnotherapy and would love to know what specific method you trained in if you don't mind sharing.
I ran 'top 40 music ' 24/7 in my kitchen, as my mom did ( she was not a tv fan)
Was raised on Swing/Great Songbook/ Jazz...
Upon listening to the top 40 for years...
Horrible issues with ear-worms and agitation especially sleep issues the final straw was an ear worm phrase which lasted for 2 weeks!!!
As one switched to classical radio 24/7 ( no jazz on regular broadcast) brain calmed, temperament calmed and NO EAR-WORMS...
Read somewhere ages ago, studies of Classical music specifically, Mozart and possibly Beethoven seems to challenge the brain, as it anticipates the progression of the notes etc. the stress is relieved since the anticipation and the notes coincide... not discordant...
Creates a calming effect/ frequency for the most part with chamber music, and waltzes...
I had a friend who used to leave a radio on in the barn for her horses tuned to the local country music station. At least 3 times a week she would find the radio out in the paddock, tossed there by one of her horses. I suggested that she try classical music after she had to replace the radio for the 6th or 7th time. The horses never touched the radio again once she did that. Animals know!
there are no drum sets used in classical music and often the rhythm/metre fluctuates, even within one movement (also for the dances). variation galore, unlike commercial pop music.
Agent. Bravo. You my friend are next on my list to receive some love. Dr. Leonard Horrowitz, after being granted access to the Rockefeller Library, wrote a paper on the international conspiracy (fact) that the musical scale standard was changed, per your article. I read that technical paper in 2012. Horrowitz 528 love websites are not accessible when I checked yesterday.
LOL I wonder if it has to do with the decibel and frequency levels the new music is produced at. I cannot cite the finding, but the music from the present generation was actually modified ( I don't know when) to play at a different frequency or decibel rate rate than the music from previous generations...
classical music and 'Great Songbook' era music.
Thus there is validity in this posters info. AND the fact that classical music: specifically Mozart and I believe Beethoven IMPROVE and enhance BRAIN function in a POSITIVE manner!
There are proven scientific images of increased blood flow etc. in the brains!!!
Again: I honestly am too lazy to research and cite these studies, point is, it is not here-say!
There is a guy who is part of the Healing Frequency Music Project named Michael Tyrrell. He produced a set of CD's called WholeTones. I bought it. There are 7 CD's each with a different frequency explained. The 444Hz he calls the Key of David, the master key. He also has a website michaeltyrrell.com. Just thought you might be interested in this for your frequency journey.
After that last long comment of mine, I only have time for a quick one about the video "two sand/salt-and-frequency experiments, one using 444 Hz and one using 440 Hz".
That second tone is definitely not a pure 440. I can hear the dissonance of multiple frequencies directly. On my spectrum analyzer, I am seeing two frequency bars for 444hz and six for 440hz, spanning ~440 to more than 1K! I can't stop to do a spectrograph recording right now, but I might be able to do one later if there is interest.
Yes. I was in an informal singing group (not an organized choir -- separate from it) at another former church, and we had someone in it who was a bit tone deaf. Dissonance is important to be able to recognize! But we let him sing with us.
It occurred to me that "temperament" also alters music frequencies. I don't think that is a conspiracy. I hope not.
Because this is a long post, I'm going to comment part-way through so that I don't lose what I'm thinking now before I reach the end. Dangerous, I know. And this is necessarily technical, as is this entire post series.
First, reflecting on what I said earlier (https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/the-frequency-of-disease-part-1/comment/83235983) about singing in choirs, what I was referring to was traditional, harmonious, choir music, usually arranged as printed octavos. That is mostly what my present choir does. My previous choir did mostly contemporary music arranged for choir, presented as PDF "choir sheets". We memorized it, and did not use choir folders. It was a different experience.
I was singing tenor then, and our section often was singing melody (there were reasons for that, not worth the space to explain), so I couldn't hear and feel the harmonies as readily. Many pieces did not have the "feel", usually, of the traditional arrangements, many of those quite beautiful. The healing effects that I sometimes experience now are mostly a new thing of the past three years, since I joined this choir, and of much earlier years (I've belonged to six choirs over three decades, tenor for most of that time but alto for the last three years).
I really don't want to get into the subject of "worship wars", but I have to touch the fringes of it in order to point out something "frequency related". This church I belong to, and with which I enjoy a love-cringe relationship, has separate contemporary and traditional congregations, the obvious difference being the music. This is a big problem, threatening the future of the church, and involving more than just music -- it is rooted in generational culture war (promoted by the powers that shouldn't be). Portions of the older (traditional) generations see what the younger (contemporary) generations cannot. The younger generations are very heavily influenced by the surrounding, deeply corrupt secular culture, and its corrupt music -- the frequencies, the often self-centered lyrics, and the frequent lack of beauty in what is presented.
The only reason I bring this up is that the situation has necessitated that we bring more contemporary music into the traditional service in an attempt to bridge the gap (I'm greatly oversimplifying for sure, but I don't want to be at this all night). The choir has been receiving these scores as "lead sheets" and "choir sheets" printed out from PDFs (it's properly licensed; that's not an issue).
The lead sheets are melodies with chords that sometimes include "hints" about how to improvise harmony. When you have 30 people in a choir improvising this way, it is not harmonious. Recently we have been receiving choir sheets instead, which are proper choral arrangements, four-part harmonies, at least in the choruses, and now I am hearing something I did not recognize before. At last, I'm getting to the point!
Our sections are each singing the same part now (rather than improvising individually), if they have time to learn them -- not everybody has learned to sight-sing. Some of these harmonies are weird. I'm speaking for the alto section where we are all sight-singers -- I don't know about what the other harmonizing sections (tenor and bass) are experiencing -- but the chord positions we are reading are often "don't go there" ones that we would instinctively avoid if we were improvising. They "work" as chords, but they are jarring. They are not healing, for sure. I would expect that the effect upon listeners would be subtle, subliminal.
There is something very peculiar going on with this contemporary music. I feel the stress that it generates, just as I feel the healing that the well-arranged traditional choral music produces. I don't think I am saying anything different that Agent131711 isn't saying. I'm just affirming it, coming from a different approach. My subject is choral church music, but the contemporary forms of that come straight out of the contemporary music of the culture. We are looking at and seeing the same thing.
Bells and gongs have been used as signals for thousands of years.
And we do know that the geniuses who discovered and refined bell tone technology also recognized that the conditions created inside the mind of a person hearing certain bell tones could be exploited through prayer and meditation for various types of empowerment. And the organized church used very pleasing bell tones to facilitate the prayers of their faithful until very recently.
During the middle ages the churches in Europe used bells to mark time. At 7 am they would be rung for 5 minutes in accordance with the protocol for the Angelus, Angels Prayer, which was repeated at 12 noon and again at 7 pm.
In addition to the three ringings of the Angelus the Church would have an afternoon mass where the bells were rung again for five to ten minutes to call the faithful. Once congregated the Priest would say a few words relative to the present situation, read a passage in Latin from the Bible and then the church bells with their very special tones and ringing cadence would be rung yet again to empower the prayers by providing a frontal cortex stimulating audio envelope. Specifically, the church bells rang while the faithful prayed.
Edgar Allen Poe wrote about this:
Hear the tolling of the bells-
Iron Bells!
What a world of solemn thought their monody compels!
Just spent the last while going through both articles on frequency... It is definitely a field of study that I think has practical value and importance on many fronts.
As a believer in the Creator of the heavens, the earth, vegetation, creatures, and humans... scriptural verses that have led to more in depth consideration of the world around us were coming to mind (as they frequently do while reading your articles) about creation being manifested by the voice of the Creator, the power of our words, the duties of Lucifer before his fall being involved in music/worship in the highest heaven.... Lucifer's rebellion against Our Creator, and us, which is at the root of all lies/deceptions, thievery, and murder, destructive practices & on & on...
When I was a young girl and we would gather around what my father called the idiot box to watch Walt Disney world on Sunday night, one movie of theirs that made me feel very uncomfortable on an internal level was Fantasia... I still feel, internally, an aversion to it and 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice'. We had an album of Fantasia that I didn't care to listen to either.... and I grew up listening to quite a variety of music as a child (late 50s-70s), classical, children's, Scottish,... So, these two articles connected quite deeply to my life's journey.
Thank you for digging in and inspiring a multitude of areas to consider, reconsider, and provide opportunities to review so much going on around us from new, and more valuable perspectives.
Very interesting. I think the healing frequencys helps by using certain ones that will "explode" a bad cell (like cancer.). Remember the old Ella Fitzgerald ad where she sang that high note and it exploded the wine glass? I'm thinking it works something like that.
I regularly perform live singing, playing guitar. I changed tuning A to 432 a about 6 years ago and my singing has improved drastically. When I play with others at 440, I am physically wiped out afterwards. Once I learned who was behind it, it was obvious this was a nefarious change.
What I observed is my cat did not like 440 at all! Laid back ears, pursed eyes, and ready to run. 432 did not illicit the same reactive response.
Indeed! I’ve observed animals behavior, temperament & physical health absolutely influenced by exposure to specific frequencies…including ones that are not audible (at least not to us…can’t speak for the animals). That is more convincing to me than tests with people…other than ones that can somehow be performed without the participants knowledge, which could be seen as unethical…& we know those are done for nefarious purposes by certain groups, so there are assumptions that can be left up to the “viewer.”
Martin-frequency is the key. You said that you have myocarditis and pericarditis and pleural effusions. That can all be taken care of with the right NATURAL high frequencies.
Those "diseases" are all caused by PARASITES that thrive in low frequency areas of your body.
Trypanosoma Cruzi is one of the deadly parasite eggs that is found in every make of the COVID "vaccine" bioweapon, and it can cause myocarditis. Microparasites inside of the cells can cause the buildup of fluids in the lungs that can cause pleural effusion and COPD.
I could be proven wrong if what I discovered didn't heal this, but it does. You are brilliant. You shouldn't die this way when you are so close to the truth about how low body frequencies connect to conditions in which parasites thrive.
Let me introduce myself so that you know who you are listening to. I am Kim Delayne Paddock of the Paddock founding family of America. We arrived in this country in 1634. My greatest grandfather was Robert Paddock who was a blacksmith, but many Paddocks were ships captains. My father, Bob Paddock, was an engineer for the Lockheed Skunkworks. He was a high functioning autist like me. Brilliant but broken I call it. I point out these facts so that you know that I am not a shill.
I began studying natural healing in 1976. I still didn't buy into the whole vitamin craze; I just ate right and paid attention. I took a few vitamins but could not tolerate most of them. My body didn't respond well, so I decided not to take them. Good thing I didn't.
I was always curious as to why all cannabis was made illegal by this mafia "government", and after a serious motorcycle accident in 2013 which left me broken and in pain, I decided to make extracts from cannabis to see if I could heal my pain, nerve damage, torn tendons and so on.
I made an extract from hemp that is suspended in alcohol that I sprayed on my skin over painful areas, and it took the pain and swelling away in no time. If you want to read more about my accident, you can go to my website.
This was the tip of the iceberg. I made a gel next because there are areas of your body that the spray is hard to use on like your face. These products healed arthritis, tendonitis, carpel tunnel, COPD, cancer, eczema, psoriasis, nerve damage, weakness from torn tendons, fungal infections, stopped pain and more.
What is the connection between so many diseases and the fact that these products can heal them? That took some time to research. It took me until 2019 to find out that what I had extracted was pure high frequency.
Enter Nichola Tesla. "If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration." That's it! I have a frequency part! That is why the test that I had laboratories do on my extract showed that it contained nothing, they were not testing for frequency.
To connect this high frequency extract to all of the varieties of disease and pain that it healed was the next step, and that came with the discovery of deadly parasite eggs in all makes of the COVID "vaccine" bioweapon.
I connected parasites to nearly every disease that is out there. High frequency kills them on contact. That is why it works so fast on conditions like arthritis and takes the swelling down in minutes. It also healed the weakness from my torn tendons in my thumbs and knees, so killing parasites wasn't all that it did.
I am willing to send you some of my products to try. I don't care about the fake money; this world needs you right now. All of my products are sourced from natural elements, not toxic poison waste. I made several videos about vitamins being toxic waste, including "vitamin D3", and included some of the information from one of your posts in the most recent one.
Look at the products on my website www.miracle-products.com and let me know what you think. I can recommend some products for your specific conditions, and I'll send a care package. I will not share any of your information of course. I will not use you to promote my products, this can be between us and confidential.
You have done so much for everyone, and I just found you. I will be catching up on your material. Thank you for your contribution to this world.
For the past 24 yrs I’ve been testing different sound frequency devices on myself and my clients, including recording vocal prints broken down using Fourier Transform analysis to show the specific frequencies of the toxic loads, pharmaceutical and chemical residues as well as which species of parasites were in the body too. It also showed which muscles, organs or emotions were weak or out of balance.
Despite me doing parasite cleanses periodically and eating as clean as possible, I still had a huge and very unexpected release of parasites after another sound healer worked on me with very high pitched tuning forks and then followed by very low but sustained frequency into the bones. He did this by setting two huge, heavy brass bowls on my upper back and sacrum then struck them with a huge wooden mallet.
Immediately I could feel a pressure on my palms and soles of my feet. It was the parasites trying desperately to exit the body. The pressure stayed for over twelve hours until I did an ionic foot detox and put my hands in the water too. They exited into the water and were about the size of 1/2 rice grain. I’ve done numerous Ionic Foot Detoxes and never had anything close to this type of release before. I knew it was the frequencies of the brass bowls driving them out. Perhaps this is part of the reason all those old world bells were all “repurposed” by melting them down.
Thank you for sharing your experiences too Kim. It’s helpful to know there are others working in like fashion to heal.
Very interesting! These parasites do not like high frequencies no matter where they come from. Parasite cleanses alone will not remove many of these parasites without the help of high frequencies.
When people use Miracle Tincture Spray or Gel (infused with the high frequency of the hemp plant) on their skin over these problem areas, the parasites will at times escape through their skin which can cause a "rash". This parasitic rash quickly heals as the parasites are killed. It is amazing how fast this can work.
You are smart to do a foot cleanse/detox too. The feet are one of the lowest frequency areas of the body, so it is common to find parasites and pain there. I had neurological pain in the bottoms of my feet to the point of the pain making it hard for me to walk. I let the condition get to this point so that I could see how my products would work on it. I used the Tincture Spray on my feet, let it dry, applied it again, and went for a walk. No pain. I use one of my skin care products on my feet at least once a day now to keep that pain away. I believe that it was caused by parasites.
The Tincture Spray can be used in foot baths too. a little goes a long way. I also made a Bath & Body Oil that can be used for foot baths, regular baths, or on the skin.
The Bath & Body Oil pulled something else out of my body after I soaked for a while. Nanoparticles. That story is also on my website. It was creepy. They go to higher frequencies...that is how they find life forms to inhabit. They came out of my skin and went to the top of the water where the high frequency Bath & Body Oil was floating. They formed magnetic chains on top of the water. Some surrounded a drop of oil. Then they began to swim, apparently looking for that life form. I sucked some of them out of the tub with a turkey baster and I still have them. We are in a war like no other.
Kim,would you consider giving your turkey blaster nano monsters a means of growing ie feed w time lapse and microscopy.Can you find a poison for them our bodies can weather ie would be an antidote yes?! I'm also curious to see if they'll bind to parasites and maybe takeover their controls,brain could you add some parasites..don't feed them too much you don't want them crawling out and up your bed some night night asking to snuggle,haha..oops bad joke cuz those suckers are seriously nasty and we need to figure out their weaknesses and set clear,non long video etc concise list of sesperate labeled and numbered protocols ie a top 10 by vote?for each type of parasite,nano,etc..The scatterednes s and lack of successful mass application of so many remedies/theories is suspect 4 years in..like something is reaching even the resisters minds..f-that let's tighten up this battleship people!
Great questions! Approach #1-bathe in high frequency Miracle Bath & Body Oil. After 3 baths, I had very few nanos coming out of me. I take about one bath a week in the bath & body oil now to keep the numbers down.
#2-magnets. Magnets destroy computers, and nanos are tiny ones. I got a 500lb test magnet and ran it over my body. I could actually feel a tingle in my body when I did that. While I have no proof that this did them in, a powerful magnet against a tiny computer seems logical. NOTE: I keep the magnet in its protective Styrofoam box next to my bed. I wouldn’t want it to destroy my laptop or attract other objects.
As far as nanos and parasites are concerned, they have no real connection that I can find. They don’t need one. Parasites are doing just fine at killing living beings as they have done since the beginning of time. Parasite eggs are being introduced into our bodies in food, vaccines, chemtrails (new video about that coming soon.) along with the heavy metal, mold and funguses that they surround themselves with in the body to protect them from your immune system.
Nanos are man-made parasites that can carry agents into the body and can change a life form’s DNA and intracellular structures or perform multitudes of other tasks. They can reproduce using the elements of our bodies as well. They really are amazing little machines. I really have no need to mess with the ones in my jar and have little time to experiment with them. If you want, you can order many different kinds of them online and play with them if you like.
Private,wondering if you feel the vaccine is intentionally using the parasites or adding to them more parasites to do the evil it does or if any tie in is merely coincidental and not key to the vaccines nano or otherwise mission?are we talking nano possessing the parasites to burrow in key places,ie brain? <,
Nice comment Kim. You are The Truth Bomb.
There’s quite a bit of this research around waves/frequencies and their relationship to sound and colors and it takes us back to theories around architecture, specifically the ‘Old World’ architecture or what some are referring to collectively as Tartarian. You did those articles recently and I figure you are tying those together soon.
The stained glass rose windows, the organs, were these the original healers? Or is this just another coordinated narrative being sold to the public? The reasoning being not just commercial, but about control by the secret societies. Michael Hoffman’s work fits in well here, though he repeats many of the popular narratives, like the JFK assassination as a KingKill33 ritual, further cementing the notion that JFK was indeed assassinated that day. But what’s most interesting about his work is the ‘rule by secret society’ as being an operation of the Catholic Church and the Secret Societies in lockstep, which seems pretty clear at this point.
If you read Fulcanelli’s book, The Mystery of the Cathedrales, cymatics was part of the cathedrals’ structure and this is where the organs come in, and the colors. The conclusion of the book speaks very clearly to the vow of secrecy. Why? Why is this secrecy so necessary? What harm would come if the masses knew all about it? “The masses” — The Catholic masses for the masses, the symbolic rituals, just like the scriptures written in a language the masses don’t speak. It’s all about control.
secrets are always about control.
mary-lou, you got that right. I have a friend who is very intelligent, MENSA member since a child, and a Freemason. When I told him Freemasons are bad, he said 'look a the Shriners (Masons and Children's Hospital). My reply: when people meet in secret, plotting to kill billions of people, that's just plain evil.
hopefully you're still friends? Freemasons are an interesting bunch. the original masons (Greek, Roman, Hindu) were true craftsmen, their knowledge symbolised by the amazing properties of the keystone used to finish building a bridge or an arch.
Tony,high intelligence without love, compassion,loyalty to the virtues,values that make life worth living is the most dangerous poisoner ie Lucifer n gang had more then adequate intelligence to know their destruction wake in advance...A relatively uncorrupted baby is not so intelligent but we often value their vibe smile more then finest jewels,or the smartest guy we know...many excessively private churches and solitary cults were taken over by the Mas ones and Jesuits by them scouring for town power points of people's leaders,often found in too secretive closed doorsl where morally compromised souls were vying for social,economic advantages,easily w long effort bot off , compromised... So now few uncompromised groups...Yes if we're out in the open mixing w community were vulnerable too but there's a balance needed to discern ie guarding your heart and being open hearted and keeping ones heart and soul from the black evils spectrum is key to eventually inevitably dying with your soul very much alive with a spark of goodness where you can be rescued, transitioned by God cuz you still exist with him inside,some are dead inside basically feeding on us like zombies or parasites..
Checkout JFK secret societies video where he says they've taken over ,are out to get him and us and he's barely holding on for just a bit longer likely in so many words...Was told this was pulled off the air back in 1963,not sure and only out on internet a decade or so ago,someone should deep dive the networks actions there and players " oh my quick get the stage hook" haha- ok not funny JFK seriously took on all the dark forces his father sold out to and he did too too lesser extent to get in office..or maybe he always had a plan-best speech writer for generals and presidents ever...anyway Bible indicated God releases outside evils upon us if we don't respect goodnesses individually and as a society enough to bear enough of a harvest (forged good souls)of decent repented of evil qualitys..how could he reward us goodnesses when we're already mingling with Satan and minions flameouts going down too much to not be burnt inside..( channeling spirits most extreme example,one could accurately say that Christ basically came to end channeling or combining HYBRIDIZING our energies by choice with fallen angels for power or advantage outside God's blessings ie GREEDY!- THESE FALLEN BEINGS RESEMBLE MONSTEROUS DRAGONS,SNAKES,AND YES WORMS/PARASITES.ITS NO COINCIDENCE WERE DEALING WITH HYPER POWER PARASITES INTERNALLY SPIRITUAL CONNECTION IS REAL AND WITHIN JUSTICE RE.OUR LONG HISTORY).it's no favor to take away the pain of burning when ones hands are unknowingly in fire cuz of deceptions..God is merciful if there's a spark enuff and a path doable back to him cuz first he's a Creator,destructions only by our collective or individual will,no love without free choice to be evil and hate God and some do..Solutions simple: Ditch your connections to vices demons attach too tightly,ask God to begin free of them and if done sincerely all parasites physical and spiritual ( kinda same thing a bit..)will vanish by transition time ie death..Christ said to live we need to die off our choice for evil,sin,demonic relations ...I don't think he wants those nasty buggers up in heaven lies cuz then it couldn't be heavenly right!? God's not unforgiving,it's simply our choice,he doesn't demand justice,he paid our excess bills with a clever plan ie Tortured Christ who was innocent and worth the lot of us..take that Satan! Read the Bible! Tainted as it is it's more then we deserve as a tossed rope,worth the climb effort!
Tony response:hmmm actually I made a longer elaborated multi point argument defending your posts point on several levels beyond but including your one arguments angle. I'm guessing your not crazy about the handful of Christians on here and my going into my take therefore on spiritual intertwining with physical and technology in an attempt too make sense of this turmoil were in now on all sides including nanotech and parasites..Noticed you've got a few occultic sounding likes.Do you feel Christians are suspect cuz of Church corruptions,failures,I do too ,but don't belong to any and dropped my affiliations w Catholic raise as a child. I dodge direct affiliations with all groups at present.I surf sites where I find issues on poisons,toxins etc in the physical and spiritual and Christian sites for moral support and seeing the more joy,love filled people with the holy spirit around abundantly.
I'm not trolling or attacking anyone's substack actually,looking for ways to support those like yourself with elaborations.I love the open mindedness here apart from woke lands.If anything I wrote detracted from your anti cult secret society position it would be an error on my part,just reviewed my post can find nothing not boosting your position and in good style minus the parts perhaps of separate issue classic Christianity ie accept Christ's offer ie repentance and defeat the serpent's(worms too) stuff cuz energetically several nano posters believe there on the same evil frequency ie hellish..I'll try to confine my Christian take a bit more ie in respect to tighter subject at hand is my only fault here but I won't apologize for it cuz some of the best stuff I ever wrote or seen on the parasites are too degrees worms are snakes are dragons are fallen angels energetic tie in getting beyond mere less meaningful nano parasites issue.
Most people are wondering if there's still a God that cares and if so how could he let this seeming scifi Godless nanobots tied to parasites tied to killer elites seeming deal happen ie their losing hope and even leaving smaller genuine Christ only churches.or beliefs..I offered a better explanation then the very few who've attempted to answer that weighty question typos galore and all.In short Tony consider I'm on your side on sub issue of wrongful societys..but we need a fuller picture and hope,if there's no afterlife to target with goodness,there's tremendously less motivation to resist the pleasures of corruption. We need a good God and yes even a handful of annoying sometimes genuine from the heart no church baggage preachers,that is if Christ is who he said he is,if not seems were doomed to hang with worms and snakes ,demons forever,I've placed my wager and I'm all in for repentance and Christ being enough to solve all.issues by the way,even if we go to our graves with nano and parasites and snakes and hidden dragons all around...Have you checked out mudfossileunivrrsitys ie YouTube 1000 mile fossilized dragon which is the Atlas Mtn ranges,a perfect biometric dragon head to tail with perfectly spaced scales..Biggest wonder of the world and matches Greek Hellenistic lore of Atlas being cursed as a demigod,even mentions plopped in Morocco.Roger is very Brite and witty and found numerous titans matching lore in Europe, world..I'm not hiding much of nothing actually sir and supporting people like you and your good position against the selfish closed off elite and the devils they worship.
Following for more, thank you.
Greg may be an example of a troll or chatbot troll folks. Straight out of the playbooks.
The Placebo effect is incredible, Agent. I saw it work repeatedly during the 26 years I was in practice. When used in concert with advance hypnotherapy techniques, indeed one can heal dramatically because their will has changed.
The reason for the endless repetition of any message in print, music, TV commercials etc., is simple. Repetition is the foundation of all healing (and damage when intended to harm), so long as we are contained in a state of hypnosis. Nagging does not work because the message is linked to a bad feeling, which is why it is counter-productive.
When we are in a deep state of hypnosis, generally only 3 repetitions while 'feeling' safe is all that is needed to cause a change in a consenting individual. I say 'consenting' because if an individual is seeking change to please someone else, the brain will take measures to protect the status quo. In addition, when a person is not in a deep state of hypnosis and presented with absurd or questionable information, they will immediately discard it. this is all why you should never, ever, ever fall asleep with a TV or radio on.
You will notice how after X minutes of watching an intense, attention-captivating program, suddenly a totally irrelevant commerical comes on that you have been served maybe hundreds of times during the week already. This same situation happens when one is sitting in an oncologist's office, scared to death of being told they have cancer because they found a lump. The individual is highly suggestible and will jump to Big Pharma slash and burn treatments as soon as the doctor mentions it, never asking about natural approaches.
Because I was well aware of how the medical profession operates to suggest people right into Big Pharma's waiting arms, when I was in the hospital donating bone marrow to my younger brother and the doctors were trying to scare me into the waiting arms of Big Pharma purportedly to ward off the leukemia they assured me I had, even though I had no symptoms, I simply kept visualizing the word 'liar' the whole time they were talking, because the word liar evokes an emotion and my brain links that emotion to danger and takes steps to get me away.
Back to how marketers use hypnosis in entertainment: First the TV program brings you down into a deep hypnotic state (this is why you really can't remember what you just watched most times and you completely lose track of time). Once in that state, all suggestions bypass the critical mind so that the commericals can suggest all sorts of ridiculous scenarios with equally ridiculous 'claims' stated as 'facts'. The commerical is always positive and always contains great feelings and imagery, which is usually the exact opposite to what the program provided.
So, repeatedly during an hour, you are brought to a deep state of hypnosis, and at the exact moment when you can be most influenced, about 6-8 minutes in, imagery and sounds that evoke wonderful feelings of safety suddenly appear, linked to a message. The message is repeated, the safe feelings are generated at least 3-6 times every program...this is all it takes to get you to buy a product or ask your doctor for a deadly pharma drug.
How do you think we got hook on conventional doctors and see them as 'gods'? Because when Rockefeller switched real medicine out for his pharma drugs, he needed people to believe in his salesmen - conventionally-trained doctors. He funded endless programs such as Dr. Kildare, Marcus Welby, MD, etc where every single time the doctor saved lives and was hailed a hero.
They do the same thing to keep us hooked on lawyers ... every lawyer program repeats how much they care about their clients, believe in their case and 'win' the day. This is all nefarious use of hypnosis, because actual real-life experience shows us the truth about both professions is the EXACT opposite. They are deadly, corrupt and immoral.
I was trained (I mean really trained) in advanced medical hypnotherapy (not just the use of hypnosis) and every session was a re-enforcment of a fact in the brain, and an emotion stored in the subconscious (positive and healing of course). When a well-trained hypnotherapist repeatedly links a fact to an emotion, the physical body reflects the connection, especially if it is all anchored to a common 'thing' in the persons life. Everytime the anchor appears, the feeling and fact is automatically engaged.
You can also use the same process to make someone 'hate' something: for example, some people are addicted to M & Ms (yes really!) so you can, with repetition, have the brain regard M & M's as rabbit droppings, and link that to the feeling of disgust. (Nocebo effect) If done correctly, you couldn't bribe the individual to even look at another M & M. Same with alcohol (after the root issue driving the addiction is neutralized, of course).
Sadly, hypnosis, which is a very natural state for children, is also their Achilles Heel, because they can be made to 'believe' anything by those who keep repeating a manufactured 'fact' and attaching it to a good feelings generated by lots of bright colours and happy sounds. Telling a child that they will be safe, loved and appreciated if they mutiliate their bodies to become a different sex, is just one example of how their suggestibility is used against them.
My father was in advertising. Watching television with him as a kid was extremely frustrating because he was always ruining shows by telling you the plot line (most TV has 5 main plots recycled over and over and over) and he could with pinpointed accuracy tell you what commercials would be in any given show. I can still hear him saying the shows are designed around the commercials not the other way around. I hated it as a kid but SO appreciate it now because he taught me how to recognize propaganda at an early age.
can you make a post of those main 5 plot lines? As a gratitude post for your dad.
Hello Grace, fellow hypnotherapist here. I have created my own way of using hypnosis as I really did not like the idea of regressing back to 'trauma' as a way to heal..even saying it sounds ridiculous :-) I am interested in the method you described with medical hypnotherapy and would love to know what specific method you trained in if you don't mind sharing.
Sure, can you message me and I'll give you my protonmail address?
Please make a post, using the above comment.
Super interesting!
I ran 'top 40 music ' 24/7 in my kitchen, as my mom did ( she was not a tv fan)
Was raised on Swing/Great Songbook/ Jazz...
Upon listening to the top 40 for years...
Horrible issues with ear-worms and agitation especially sleep issues the final straw was an ear worm phrase which lasted for 2 weeks!!!
As one switched to classical radio 24/7 ( no jazz on regular broadcast) brain calmed, temperament calmed and NO EAR-WORMS...
Read somewhere ages ago, studies of Classical music specifically, Mozart and possibly Beethoven seems to challenge the brain, as it anticipates the progression of the notes etc. the stress is relieved since the anticipation and the notes coincide... not discordant...
Creates a calming effect/ frequency for the most part with chamber music, and waltzes...
Thus: "It wasn't me"! LOL
Very interesting article thank you!
I had a friend who used to leave a radio on in the barn for her horses tuned to the local country music station. At least 3 times a week she would find the radio out in the paddock, tossed there by one of her horses. I suggested that she try classical music after she had to replace the radio for the 6th or 7th time. The horses never touched the radio again once she did that. Animals know!
there are no drum sets used in classical music and often the rhythm/metre fluctuates, even within one movement (also for the dances). variation galore, unlike commercial pop music.
Thank you Tony!!!
I thought I read that somewhere!!!
This new frequency messes with people's psyche for sure!
What is an ear worm?
Hi Sherry, when a musical phrase or song repeats in your mind repeatedly, when the mind is supposed to be at rest...
For example:
Just a phrase and the tune:
"Whats love got to do with it..." ( sung by Tina Turner)
Repeating incessantly, inside your mind, with little to no connection to the rest of the tune or phrase!
Agent. Bravo. You my friend are next on my list to receive some love. Dr. Leonard Horrowitz, after being granted access to the Rockefeller Library, wrote a paper on the international conspiracy (fact) that the musical scale standard was changed, per your article. I read that technical paper in 2012. Horrowitz 528 love websites are not accessible when I checked yesterday.
Got it! Thanks! I get those quite often. LOL!
LOL I wonder if it has to do with the decibel and frequency levels the new music is produced at. I cannot cite the finding, but the music from the present generation was actually modified ( I don't know when) to play at a different frequency or decibel rate rate than the music from previous generations...
classical music and 'Great Songbook' era music.
Thus there is validity in this posters info. AND the fact that classical music: specifically Mozart and I believe Beethoven IMPROVE and enhance BRAIN function in a POSITIVE manner!
There are proven scientific images of increased blood flow etc. in the brains!!!
Again: I honestly am too lazy to research and cite these studies, point is, it is not here-say!
There is a guy who is part of the Healing Frequency Music Project named Michael Tyrrell. He produced a set of CD's called WholeTones. I bought it. There are 7 CD's each with a different frequency explained. The 444Hz he calls the Key of David, the master key. He also has a website michaeltyrrell.com. Just thought you might be interested in this for your frequency journey.
what is the difference of 432 to 444? 440 seems to be considered 'bad'
After that last long comment of mine, I only have time for a quick one about the video "two sand/salt-and-frequency experiments, one using 444 Hz and one using 440 Hz".
That second tone is definitely not a pure 440. I can hear the dissonance of multiple frequencies directly. On my spectrum analyzer, I am seeing two frequency bars for 444hz and six for 440hz, spanning ~440 to more than 1K! I can't stop to do a spectrograph recording right now, but I might be able to do one later if there is interest.
Just letting you know.
ClearMiddle, I heard the same. I'm a musician, so maybe it's easier for me to detect such dissonance.
Yes. I was in an informal singing group (not an organized choir -- separate from it) at another former church, and we had someone in it who was a bit tone deaf. Dissonance is important to be able to recognize! But we let him sing with us.
It occurred to me that "temperament" also alters music frequencies. I don't think that is a conspiracy. I hope not.
Because this is a long post, I'm going to comment part-way through so that I don't lose what I'm thinking now before I reach the end. Dangerous, I know. And this is necessarily technical, as is this entire post series.
First, reflecting on what I said earlier (https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/the-frequency-of-disease-part-1/comment/83235983) about singing in choirs, what I was referring to was traditional, harmonious, choir music, usually arranged as printed octavos. That is mostly what my present choir does. My previous choir did mostly contemporary music arranged for choir, presented as PDF "choir sheets". We memorized it, and did not use choir folders. It was a different experience.
I was singing tenor then, and our section often was singing melody (there were reasons for that, not worth the space to explain), so I couldn't hear and feel the harmonies as readily. Many pieces did not have the "feel", usually, of the traditional arrangements, many of those quite beautiful. The healing effects that I sometimes experience now are mostly a new thing of the past three years, since I joined this choir, and of much earlier years (I've belonged to six choirs over three decades, tenor for most of that time but alto for the last three years).
I really don't want to get into the subject of "worship wars", but I have to touch the fringes of it in order to point out something "frequency related". This church I belong to, and with which I enjoy a love-cringe relationship, has separate contemporary and traditional congregations, the obvious difference being the music. This is a big problem, threatening the future of the church, and involving more than just music -- it is rooted in generational culture war (promoted by the powers that shouldn't be). Portions of the older (traditional) generations see what the younger (contemporary) generations cannot. The younger generations are very heavily influenced by the surrounding, deeply corrupt secular culture, and its corrupt music -- the frequencies, the often self-centered lyrics, and the frequent lack of beauty in what is presented.
The only reason I bring this up is that the situation has necessitated that we bring more contemporary music into the traditional service in an attempt to bridge the gap (I'm greatly oversimplifying for sure, but I don't want to be at this all night). The choir has been receiving these scores as "lead sheets" and "choir sheets" printed out from PDFs (it's properly licensed; that's not an issue).
The lead sheets are melodies with chords that sometimes include "hints" about how to improvise harmony. When you have 30 people in a choir improvising this way, it is not harmonious. Recently we have been receiving choir sheets instead, which are proper choral arrangements, four-part harmonies, at least in the choruses, and now I am hearing something I did not recognize before. At last, I'm getting to the point!
Our sections are each singing the same part now (rather than improvising individually), if they have time to learn them -- not everybody has learned to sight-sing. Some of these harmonies are weird. I'm speaking for the alto section where we are all sight-singers -- I don't know about what the other harmonizing sections (tenor and bass) are experiencing -- but the chord positions we are reading are often "don't go there" ones that we would instinctively avoid if we were improvising. They "work" as chords, but they are jarring. They are not healing, for sure. I would expect that the effect upon listeners would be subtle, subliminal.
There is something very peculiar going on with this contemporary music. I feel the stress that it generates, just as I feel the healing that the well-arranged traditional choral music produces. I don't think I am saying anything different that Agent131711 isn't saying. I'm just affirming it, coming from a different approach. My subject is choral church music, but the contemporary forms of that come straight out of the contemporary music of the culture. We are looking at and seeing the same thing.
My mentor, Edger Cayce, also known as The Sleeping Prophet said in the mid 1940’s that “ light and sound will be the medicine of the future.”
Because of his prodigious record of healing ( Read The Sleeping Prophet)
I absolutely believe his light and sound comment.
It takes about three days to get over the worst of the flu, but,
with medical intervention it takes about three days to get over the worst of the flu...
If you took an aspirin with a glass of water and your headache was relieved
was it the aspirin or the water that relieved the headache ?
(Note: dehydration is expressed via many symptoms)...
In the prisons they rely on repetitive pop music to keep the inmates under control. It's said that it is an essential part of inmate management.
Bells and gongs have been used as signals for thousands of years.
And we do know that the geniuses who discovered and refined bell tone technology also recognized that the conditions created inside the mind of a person hearing certain bell tones could be exploited through prayer and meditation for various types of empowerment. And the organized church used very pleasing bell tones to facilitate the prayers of their faithful until very recently.
During the middle ages the churches in Europe used bells to mark time. At 7 am they would be rung for 5 minutes in accordance with the protocol for the Angelus, Angels Prayer, which was repeated at 12 noon and again at 7 pm.
In addition to the three ringings of the Angelus the Church would have an afternoon mass where the bells were rung again for five to ten minutes to call the faithful. Once congregated the Priest would say a few words relative to the present situation, read a passage in Latin from the Bible and then the church bells with their very special tones and ringing cadence would be rung yet again to empower the prayers by providing a frontal cortex stimulating audio envelope. Specifically, the church bells rang while the faithful prayed.
Edgar Allen Poe wrote about this:
Hear the tolling of the bells-
Iron Bells!
What a world of solemn thought their monody compels!
In the silence of the night,
How we shiver with affright
At the melancholy menace of their tone!
For every sound that floats
From the rust within their throats
Is a groan.
And the people- ah, the people-
They that dwell up in the steeple,
All Alone
And who, tolling, tolling, tolling,
In that muffled monotone,
Feel a glory in so rolling
On the human heart a stone-
They are neither man nor woman-
They are neither brute nor human-
They are Ghouls:
And their king it is who tolls;
And he rolls, rolls, rolls,
A paean from the bells!
And his merry bosom swells
With the paean of the bells!
And he dances, and he yells;
Keeping time, time, time,
In a sort of Runic rhyme,
To the paean of the bells-
Of the bells:
Keeping time, time, time,
In a sort of Runic rhyme,
To the throbbing of the bells-
Of the bells, bells, bells-
To the sobbing of the bells;
Keeping time, time, time,
As he knells, knells, knells,
In a happy Runic rhyme,
To the rolling of the bells-
Of the bells, bells, bells:
To the tolling of the bells,
Of the bells, bells, bells, bells-
Bells, bells, bells-
To the moaning and the groaning of the bells.
I think this ties into what Sabrina Wallace is trying to warn us about.
Just spent the last while going through both articles on frequency... It is definitely a field of study that I think has practical value and importance on many fronts.
As a believer in the Creator of the heavens, the earth, vegetation, creatures, and humans... scriptural verses that have led to more in depth consideration of the world around us were coming to mind (as they frequently do while reading your articles) about creation being manifested by the voice of the Creator, the power of our words, the duties of Lucifer before his fall being involved in music/worship in the highest heaven.... Lucifer's rebellion against Our Creator, and us, which is at the root of all lies/deceptions, thievery, and murder, destructive practices & on & on...
When I was a young girl and we would gather around what my father called the idiot box to watch Walt Disney world on Sunday night, one movie of theirs that made me feel very uncomfortable on an internal level was Fantasia... I still feel, internally, an aversion to it and 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice'. We had an album of Fantasia that I didn't care to listen to either.... and I grew up listening to quite a variety of music as a child (late 50s-70s), classical, children's, Scottish,... So, these two articles connected quite deeply to my life's journey.
Thank you for digging in and inspiring a multitude of areas to consider, reconsider, and provide opportunities to review so much going on around us from new, and more valuable perspectives.
Very interesting. I think the healing frequencys helps by using certain ones that will "explode" a bad cell (like cancer.). Remember the old Ella Fitzgerald ad where she sang that high note and it exploded the wine glass? I'm thinking it works something like that.