Meet the Covid CRISIS ACTORS: NOT Conspiracy Theory. LITERAL ACTORS.
Worldwide Illusion Warfare: Actors making deathbed videos to beg others "get vaccinated", ambulances with dummy dolls on gurneys, fake doctors, staged photoshoots, reusing old footage & more...
This is not a “Conspiracy Theory” post. The people shown on this list are literal actors and I am going to show you the evidence today.
Because this is not “theory”, in order to qualify as an actor on this list, one or more of the following must be true:
They have an IMDb page (Internet Movie Database) that lists the productions they have appeared in
They have advertised themselves as an actor on their own website, a talent agency website or their own social media
The media says verbally, or in print, that they are an actor.
They have to appear in Credits of a production as an acting roll
They have appeared in multiple broadcasts, in different locations, filmed at different times, involving completely different topics
If the above criteria are not met, the individual cannot appear on this list because this is not a theory post. Kapish? Let’s start here:
Crisis Actor is an actual job and, I assume, there are reputable Crisis Actor companies throughout the USA as well as internationally. Some of the most well-known Crisis Actor companies are Crisis Cast and Crisis Solutions.
Although this may sound devious, the stated purpose of these companies is to create realistic scenarios that allow businesses to learn from them. For example, let’s say your business is a hospital and you want your staff to learn what to do if there was a mass shooting, you can hire a crisis actor company and they will bring in their actors so your staff can live action role play (LARP) what would happen if 40 injured people flood the building. This would provide hands-on training, so if the real deal does occur the medical staff knows how to react, without the initial shock-value.
Not all exercises are ran through a Professional Crisis Actor company. For example, here’s an actor job offered directly by the NHS (The National Health Service, a publicly-funded healthcare system in the United Kingdom. It’s basically the equivalent of what the NIH is in the USA). This specific paid acting job was a hospital photoshoot involving people ages 18-80:
Additionally, FEMA runs drills that are so realistic; involving entire towns, the media, churches, police and more. We will be discussing FEMA’s drill insanity within the next couple weeks, so click it or miss it:
Because this is a serious topic, I can’t just tell you they are actors, I have to show you, therefore, there’s a lot of videos below, but I edited them to be short so you can bang them all out in 30 minutes and trust me, it’s worth it.
Quick note: Yes, actors do get sick. Sure, actors can be hospitalized and yes, actors can be in long term ER. I am not saying this is fake, but what I am asking is:
“How many actors are reasonable before it becomes a play?”
One out of 4? Two out of 4? If 4 out of 4 victims were actors, is it officially considered a drama or is it still reality? I’d love to hear your opinion in the comments section. Alrighty then, let’s get to the list:
This very ill single mum was stuck in the hospital so she could no longer care for her children. And, as you know, when you are a solo parent trapped in ER while your children are being taken by the state, all you can think is, “Omg I hope this goes viral”. So, without hesitation, this mother did what we all would do; dab on eyeshadow in a nice plum color, grab the phone and hit Record. “I’m dying. My children will be raised by strangers. Please get vaccinated”, was the message she wanted to convey before she croaked. But before you lower your flag to half mast, let me inform you that it turns out this story is fake. Yeppers, this mum is a paid actor. The video was recorded by Dr. Lucy Morgan who then put it up on social media in hopes of increasing the vaccination rate: (2 minute long video):
A terrible situation we have here. Covid hunted nearly killed a young buck in his 20’s! Know why? BECAUSE HE DIDN’T GET VACCINATED! But praise Jesus, it turns out he’s a self-proclaimed, “award winning crisis actor” for hire and he’s actually doing peachy! (1 minute long video):
Here’s another young lad, only 31, who narrowly dodged the Covid-Death-Bullet. This poor fella was in ER, on a respirator, clinging to life. Not only did he develop a severe Lung Infection, he also developed an actors page on a talent recruiting website and a roll on a reality tv show. (2 minute long video)
This is by far one of the worst. Here’s a man whose sister not only died IN HIS HOME from Covid, but he was forced to make his videos with his dead sister in the room because the virus was so bad that nobody would come retrieve the body. This traumatized man made these tearful videos with sissy lying on the bed behind him. Folks, we can’t even pretend to imagine the trauma this Italian actor experienced. Let's all have a moment of silence… (40 second video):
Like G.I. Jane, this woman is a trooper. She bravely recorded this video from the Intensive Care Unit. This hero, it turned out, was also on a reality tv show… (1:10 video)
Another young, healthy man, shirtless on his cot was filming while regretting the worst decision in his life… not getting his Fauci Ouchie. Now here he is, dying from Covid, and also dying to get an Emmy award … (1:10 video)
Here is a doctor who has been battling child-impacting-Covid in ER (if you’re not aware, this is the absolute worst strain of the virus because all it does is try to quench its bloodlust with under-18's). Every single morning, rain or shine, this good doctor stepped out of her bed, put on her white jacket (and badge), picked up her doctor-sword, kicked open those hospital doors and was fearlessly ready to slay this God forsaken virus. “IN THE NAME OF SCIENCE, I COMMAND YOU TO LEAVE THIS BODY!”, she screamed, as she jabbed the life-saving needle into the arm of yet another unvaccinated 6-year-old. She saved so many children. It was like Africa, after Bill Gates brought them those Malaria Vaccines. “HOORAH!”, we all cheered … But our applause was short-lived. You see, the only problem was that her website was created the day before the commercial aired. “NO! This can’t be true! Check Yelp”, you say in shock. I checked Yelp for you, and I say nothing. I just slowly shake my head. We cry and hug. (1:40 video)
Admit it, you’re digging this post so far. Be like Nike and Just Do It:
Here’s another youngish man who got majorly raped by the virus. This guy here was a “Covid Long Hauler”. It took him until day #95 to start walking normal. Imagine telling your boss in April that you still can't come stock shelves because of the flu you’ve had since January…. But thank the Lord, the long-hauler finally got his balance back… just in time to star in more news broadcasts and small roles on tv shows … (50 second video)
A list of actors people who had severe, news-worthy covid and acting gigs (40 seconds)
This is a weird one. This actor was one of many actors who recorded videos while dying in Intensive Care. Allegedly, she passed away, however other researchers are claiming there is absolutely no death records of this actor woman and it appears her entire online presence is artificial, including her alleged TikTok followers. Regardless, she’s a self-proclaimed actor recording deathbed vids that urge people to get jabbed, so she’s going on this list because she fits the criteria. Make of it what you will: (1:15 video)
Paying actors is part of Illusion Warfare, but there’s also photos needed for print media (newspapers, billboards, social media ads, article images, etc). Here’s a few photoshoots-in-progress:
WTF: Concerned citizen confronts a photographer and an actor who is wearing a hazmat suit and posing for pics in the city while he pretends to disinfect it… (1:30 video)
Man catches photographer working with ambulance to get Victim-Rushed-to-ER photos. Watch how the medical staff keeps moving the gurney for the photo op (39 second video):
Project Veritas busts Covid Testing Actor Video Shoot in Michigan (1 minute video)
While the news claimed hospitals were overflowing with patients, the videos they showed involved nurses working on literal dummies laying in hospital beds (1:30 video):
According to Twitter, this doctor does not work at this hospital, despite the news claiming she was the head ER doctor. Perhaps the doctor is real, but doesn’t work there, therefore, at least some of this news report is staged. (2 minute video):
Italy and New York, both claiming this footage is of their hospital during the same week (35 second video):
This isn’t covid related, but it’s another Dummy, from a drill, being aired on live national television as a shooting victim (39 second video):
And there’s this… fake wounds, dead man wakes up and more (1 minute video)
ACTORS, ACTORS, EVERYWHERE… but especially at filmed tragedies
Maybe someone who is great at determining odds can do the math for us: what are the odds of being an actor (using the criteria outlined at the beginning of this article) and also being at a tragedy and also being filmed by the media and also having this happen more than once? If any of you can figure that out please let me know.
Actors aren’t limited to Covid. They are everywhere. Below are NINE more examples of 100% confirmed, literal actors at tragic events and giving witness testimony on news broadcasts:
50 second video;
1 minute video:
45 second video:
2:20 video:
Most people aren't aware of this one. This was the crisis actor footage found on John McCain's laptop, 1:20 second video:
2 minute video:
Actors can even start wars (46 seconds) :
Another very tragic incident and it turns out the main witness is a self-proclaimed actor: (50 second video)
Another CrISIS actor (58 second video):
How unlucky can someone be to end up at two events and also end up on the news, giving witness testimony at both?
This guy was at THREE tragedies and was interviewed by the news at all of them:
This man has even worse luck than the guy shown above. This dude here died in the Las Vegas tragedy then ended up sexually assaulting a woman in Pennsylvania (22 second video)
This woman has an identical twin, at the same tragedy, both of the twins were interviewed by the news (1 minute) :
This child victim also has an identical twin (1 minute video):
Meet Nick Pugh, another man with terrible luck (1 minute video)
So now, not only do we have a self-proclaimed actor as one of the main witnesses in the Florida tragedy, but we also have one of them across the state, in California, also being on film. Again, not saying it’s fake, but I ask, what are the odds? (2 minute video):
Some people are heroes at multiple events and also victims. (53 second video)
In some cases the media doesn’t just hire actors, they can also create the entire story or edit audio to make it fit the story (2 minute video):
In other cases they simply pay people to pretend to protest… then they deny it… (1:50 video)
These actor-groups are ran through Facebook or apps like Signal, Telegram or Discord. The video below shows a crisis acting company called Crowds on Demand whose “Operatives” specialize in Paid Protests, “Blocking Union Restrictions” and “Crippling a Business”. Their website features a password-protected login area and they operate a private Facebook group that is also blocked to public view. (40 second video)
I have hundreds of these videos and I’ll be showing more of them in future posts.
Think I tried hard on this post? Why not buy me a Coffee? Not trying to treat you like a Sugar Daddy, but if you think I tried super hard, how about two?
You like reading really crazy shit? Then you’ll really enjoy this one:
Remember Colleen Smith? She was the featured ER doctor in a NY Times video article in early 2020 telling the world about the horrific conditions in NYC due to Covid deaths, she was on ABC news talking about the "apocalyptic scenario" at Elmhurst hospital and was all over the media pimping the pandemic story.
Wait, what's her training?
Medical simulation specialist.
Never again. I don’t trust anything I see or hear. You have done incredible work here, Agent. I’m just stunned at the volume of information you’ve collected. Thank you very much and I intend to share it.