Thank you. I grew up eating Vitamin C tablets like candy when I was a kid. Didn’t touch anything until my husband and I started our family. My OB gyn told me I had to take RX or OTC prenatal vitamins. I suffered many miscarriages that I now believe were directly related to them. Stopped and have 2 beautiful kids. But, I guess I needed to really learn my lesson because I started taking all kinds of crazy supplements from Gundry back in 2018 up until 15 months ago. In my case I started to have neuropathy in my feet that scared the crap out of me because I’m a dancer. I couldn’t figure out what it was until I happened on a article one day about how poisonous they are. Here I was, screaming from the rooftops from 2020 that Covid is a scam, germ theory is a scam and I’m downing handfuls of poison supplements daily and folks like ADV are pushing them. I do know that Alec Zeck and others have changed their opinions on this but for Amanda ( drink your pee) I think she’s a narcissist freak. Thank god i woke up to all of this, and thank YOU for speaking out !!

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Vollmer also pushes the FE psyop... and gets angry if u do not follow the same cult... JFI.. and ofc the pee and supplement stuff she pushes is also crap. But let me EDIT and say she said also many truths... like viruses are fake. While mega shills like Ardis push Covid as real AND sell/recommend suppletments etc So even worse (plus ofc ppl like Malone there seem to be hundreds of shill "doctors" and profs nowadays. And this medicine "Girl" here is not much better, would not trust "her" one bit - is just another Vollmer but selling other stuff

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Nope - many supplements are actually great. You just have to know what to look out for, just like shopping at the grocery store. Some of that food is terrible for you, but some of it is actually healthy.

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Can you show me one? I want to see what exactly is in it and what kind of magic it purports to perform.

Best I can tell is that there are a handful of small supp outfits that source all their own food for the pills and powders from their own company gardens and control production on site. If they aren't adding anything in from lab facilities in India or China, that might be ok. But then I think to myself, if it's just dried kale or ground up mushrooms, why wouldn't I just eat the food? For the $$$ I spent on magic pills, I could just get myself a greenhouse or spend a little more time in the kitchen.

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I am also interested in what Pete asked "Can you show me one? I want to see what exactly is in it and what kind of magic it purports to perform." ? So pls answer us Lucas

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Question: Did your neuropathy go away after stopping the supplements?

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Where u "vegan" perhaps, cuz this can easily cause also such symptoms (esp. w/ nerves, brain etc which may suffer first cuz animal fats are needed )

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No, I actually ate just about everything that was considered “ compliant , uhh hate that word, on plant paradox with lots of salmon, sardines, grass fed meats etc.

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Why do we need “supplements”? That’s a psyop in itself.

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What a hard life we lead when we’re led by those who wish us dead.

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Makes sense why they put Vitamin D3 in milk now. Seems these pharmaceutical companies are all owned and run by Zionist Jews, err Luciferians!!! A deep dive into these people and their activities, and we find that they’ve been kicked out of over 109 countries. How about someone do some investigating into that? How in the hell does that even happen? Perhaps it’s because these people have been caught poisoning people in the past?!?

This information matches up perfectly with their elder protocols of Zion, and even though Wikipedia will tell you they’re fake, read them for yourself, and see if what has been written doesn’t match perfectly with what’s going on!

It’s becoming increasingly obvious to me who the enemy to humanity is. The question now becomes, what are we going to do about it?

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So are you saying that ALL VITAMIN D PRODUCTS, are rat poison? I can see where all the big box places that have huge sections of their stores dedicated to extracting as much money from people as possible, but even the naturalpath who makes makes his own, is also passing rat poison off as Vitamin D. You'd hope they have done a deep dive on the subject. I dumped all of my supplements after reading the Agents piece about a year ago. And don't regret it all. I always wonder if there's any good left in humanity and that's why I'm questioning "ALL SUPPLEMENTS," hoping that there might be soul or two who are actually trying to help rather then hinder the human evolution. Thanks for your work. All very well done.

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How does one "make his own" Vitamin D?

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Good question.

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I think Medicine Girl and Agent131711 are onto something and that our sacred cows in the alternative health community are likely compromised which is why I question my former favorites all the time...folks might not even know they are CIA operatives acting as disinfo gatekeepers...

My favorite highlights from this post are as follows and I will restack this:

“I then came to the realization that when I said, “of course I am and it’s the expensive stuff with lanolin and K2”, I had no idea what I was talking about. I had not the slightest clue what the D3 or the K2 in the bottle actually were, let alone what the combination of them does - all I was doing was parroting what I heard from Lee Merritt, Amandha Vollmer and the people I never met yet put so much faith into….I knew I needed to rush this information to the freedom doctors, authors and show hosts who were recommending the product. I believed that when I showed them what I had discovered, they too would be shocked and would not only take the product off their websites, but they would rush to warn people to stop taking it. But instead of a receiving a huge thank you from them, I was blocked and banned. Trying to share this information with influencers like Alec Zeck, Andy Kaufman, Kelly Brogan, Sayer Ji, Sam and Mark Bailey, Steve Falconer, Lee Merritt, Brian Ardis and Luke Storey, resulted in me being attacked in such a way that I questioned my safety;…I posted my findings in [Amandha Vollmers’] Telegram group and was quickly eviscerated by the mob, but the attacks didn’t end there. Next, Amandha herself called me an attention-seeking narcissist that needs to journal and get therapy… all for revealing that D3 is poison.. which is what it literally is… the only active ingredient in this famous rodenticide is vitamin D3, the inactive ingredients are sugar, fat and flour ….

As time went on and I continued to research, I realized one of three things must be true:

either these influencers know the truth yet choose pride and money over the health and wellbeing of their subscribers

or they are so indoctrinated into Rockefeller's game they actually BELIEVE rat poison is somehow good for the body

or are the definition of shill; paid pharmaceutical representatives, D3 lobbyists, controlled opposition”

See the entire article for more.

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Last thing you want to do is ban supplements. When you need them, Supplements WORK. Supplements allow us to be our own doctor, herbs (for just one example) are the original medicine.

Without supplements, we'd be more at the mercy of pharma. Supplements often prevent me from having too see a doctor in the first place.

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where did they say ban anything? maybe I missed it...

what they are saying is examine ingredients in vitamins. They refrain from condemning herbs.

One person points out that Vit d is literally rat poison.

For over a decade off and on I used to MEGAdose vit d and stopped simply because of limited money.

Recently I started taking B vits again and got so sick... this was before I

started reading this substack ... How sick I got didn't make sense and I wondered "did my vitamins make me so sick?... nah, couldn't happen..." yet it seemed possible and months later I read about it.


We need to at least talk about these issues in manufactured pills called vitamins so it can be corrected cleaned up safe(r), or at least we are informed what we are taking, wouldn't you say?

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Correction on the quoted names: Kelly Brogan

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I wonder if Medicine Girl sent her info to Dr. Mercola and or Dr. Rath ... both very big names in medicine who sell supplements. In fact, Dr. Rath has patented his concoctions.

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I never have heard of Dr Rath and Mercola has an empire selling so many things and I doubt he personally manages every item... even smaller practitioners would freak out if they learned their supplements were poison... which makes me wonder if everyone is a shill? Like how Whole Foods is basically Amazon rather than a good health food store? And other health food stores just sell mostly virtue signaling lefty ideology and rich people's ultra sanitized garbage that is called food?

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Mind control runs deep. It’s been used on us all, our parents, their parents and more for centuries. I think that the freedom docs definitely are cia cointelpro, shilling for the devils deeds but the rest of the health community are just victims, same as anyone still getting injected, still trusting their docs n dentists and their disease preventative treatments of colonoscopies and yearly X-rays. I mean, i know I was recently just as brainwashed as the rest into thinking how lucky I am to have health insurance so I can maintain health. Thing is there’s no health in healthcare. It’s a track n trace human husbandry control mechanism.

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yes, the more I follow my favorite influencers and notice comments people make and follow up... it makes sense ... OF COURSE there is planned opposition deliberately and possibly where the influencer does not even know that they are planned opposition or a gatekeeper or whatever .. and they may be transformed into a type of Agent Smith, the effect where the person becomes possessed by Agent Smith in the Matrix? I don't blame the doctors out there that have been doing the same thing for 50 years and can't be bothered to learn each of the latest which is a constant tidal wave.. yet when someones' platform is based on being an activist against the evil empire and they profit from poisoning customers.. that is upsetting and needs to be exposed.

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I don’t think doctors are innocent. They may not see the grand picture that they’re career of choice is weaponized but certainly they can see that they aren’t in the business of curing. Certainly they’re aware that putting people on chemicals, sometimes multiple chemicals, for life doesn’t lead to health. If they aren’t aware then why would we trust a doctor that is so clueless? There’s no excuse for them, imo. They’re supposed to be smart, they’re held in high regard, considered healer’s of which they’re anything but. They’re high paid drug dealers….unfortunately, we still need ER/surgeon’s but most are only about the mullah.

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Agent and Medicine Girl are both controlled opposition. Supplements are a feedmon we still have, they work, and they've allowed me to treat myself over the years instead of taking medications.

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dang... really? can you elaborate how they are? I am not doubting you, I just need more evidence.. because it seems the planned opposition is basically on nearly every level... and most anyone online and in person can be controlled opposition ....

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Dr. Mercola stated in one of his interviews that he hasn’t taken a vitamin D supplement in 20 years, yet he sales them on his website 🤦🏻‍♂️

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when i first began my healing journey in a big way around 2010 I bought full spectrum bulbs from Mercola and they were fluorescent! I was shocked he was selling that toxic tech yet I figured there was so much going on in his biz he did not vet it… shame on him though.

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just like the boss of biontech.....

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I find this same issue with others who influence the public with their titles and degrees. They refuse to correct their stance once shown scientific and other evidence that what they are saying and promoting is harmful.

In Canada, we have a system of enslavement that is destroying the individual and nation in many ways, so we are under constant attack on every flank. Few Canadians are aware that the elite Aboriginals in Canada are pushing an entirely fraudulent narrative of mass graves and murdered children for profit, and when provided all the evidence that no such thing has been the case, they double-down on their narrative and move to another bunch of false narratives. The reward is billions of dollars in false claims and take-over of Canadian lands.

Some Canadians have risked their lives to research just where the corporation-masquerading-as-govenrment-system got started and where the current actors got their power; they learned the entire corporate governance of Canada is a massive fraud and all politicians are frauds. The group learned that there never was a confederation, every province is a sovereign nation and the Constitution and Charter are useless to men and women --- even two Prime Ministers admitted that the 'Charter' was useless.

When People-United researchers tried to tell those who claim to be targeted and persecuted -- by their regulatory college, by the COVID tyrants, by the police, government, lawyers, etc, --about just why we are seeing the attacks happening simultaneously, they completely ignore the information and keep pushing the narrative that we need to 'elect' another imposter political leader, party, etc.

In the US, of course, you have a republic style government which protects individual rights, which is why you have to be convinced first to waive your rights for 'safety' reasons, but in Canada there are no individual rights of any kind, and not even a valid Constitution.

I don't know if these influencers are playing the role of being 'persecuted' so that they can be set up as controlled opposition, or if they simply cannot get their heads wrapped around the fact that everything is a massive charade and fraud, and they are persecuted by fraudsters and imposters. Most are getting millions in donations, and if their persecution is merely a 'front', then they are learning the names of all those who oppose the United Nations, WEF and government operatives.

If you are Canadian, I suggest you get the free research content from People-United by requesting [from a free protonmail account] their free content. Email p-united@proton.me and be sure to put your first name and postal code in the subject line. Ask for the free People-United content. If you are a Canadian living outside the country, say so in the email body.

You will be shocked when you learn just how Canadians have been duped and that the actual governing body of Canada since 1985, is the private corporation United Nations.

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Welcome to the Machine. Or wizard of Oz, Plato’s Cave. His-story on repeat, or great reset, no tricks just compartmentalization, cause problems, get a reactions and supply the solution while perpetuating division. They laugh at us because it’s that easy.

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If we observe ourselves as the environment around us (earth, air, water, fire) then it's quite easy to see that synthetic anything will do us harm, whether immediate or over time. Take Amou Haji, who lived to the age of 94, having never showered over half a century, ate roadkill and from garbage and was known to smoke dried animal feces from a pipe. He allegedly died 2 weeks after a shower.


I do not infer that this is the path achieve health, but simply providing an example that our natural environment (and the microbes within) is much more friend than foe. Synthetics, on the other hand, whether sprayed, added to our water supply and food, or sold as pharmaceuticals and vitamins, continue to be the primary source of what makes us unwell.

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I used to always say “I don’t want to disturb the dirt” when I didn’t want to take a bath as a kid.

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I remember listening to another individual several years ago, I believe she was an entertainer, who said she showered only 1 x per week and spent as little time as possible when doing so, because soaking in fluoridated city water was a fast way to become ill, since the skin is like a sponge and is soaking up the fluoride (industrial waste), and aluminum salts every time you wash. I remember thinking how fit and naturally healthy she looked.

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No wonder he died, he was in his 90’s!!

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Who remembers ‘Little Big Man’ and the crazy androgynous injun who walked backwards & showered with dirt? Was he wrong?

Btw…that is actual Shamanistic behavior to wake others up to the realization that there’s more we don’t understand than do. Also called humility amongst friends & real scientists.

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Ah, the vit D pushers who love to call persons narcissists-must be in that nasty freedom fighter manual:


Vit D loving in action:


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Sam Bailey also thinks we have an “immune” system.

The entire field of immunology is as fraudulent as virology, “DNA” and the germ theory model.

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I've been something of a fan of Sam. It's true that my comments prodding a little at immunity didn't get responded to. Hmm, this tale of being pro-vitamin seems out of character, however. What's your take on Sam Bailey and vitamins?

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Hmm. I’ve never followed Sam. I left one comment on her SS criticizing a guest she interviewed. I wasn’t censored. But I’ve never listened to or read her SS since then.


I’m more of a Tom Cowan fan.

Vitamin or “immune” system pushing by Sam probably isn’t malicious, (unlike McCulloch, Malone, Nass etc) it’s likely that either Sam’s newly “awake”, hasn’t researched many alternative, holistic, traditional, herbal, energy medicine or Eastern modalities other than allopathy enough to have much knowledge of 1) what really triggers and what prevents seasonal detox and 2) what reverses and prevents other illness/symptoms.

She might be straddling the fence not quite sure how much of allopathy and/or traditional nutrition info is invalid. Or she might not want to lose her “audience”. I have no idea as to her motives or beliefs.

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Yeah I’m more committed to Tom Cowan. And your assessment of Sam seems measured and fair. Thank-you.

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Tom runs his own questionable grifts too though.

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Not to get into an interaction or anything, but what's an example of the least-likely stuff Tom's into? Maybe the heart not being a pump? I don't need him to be perfect to be interesting, so don't hold back.

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You’re welcome.

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Hmm... Never knew this... thanks for bringing this to my attention...Sam always seemed to have a very clean cut image... maybe in retrospect it was too saccharine sweet.

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I'm still on the fence about this, although we have stopped taking D3 until I reach a decent level of certainty.

Now, my contention is that nowhere in the article does it mention that extremely high doses are used as rat poison, and isn't anything in a high enough dose harmful?

High dose for D3 means upwards of 100,000 IU: "To have a 50% chance of killing a rat with vitamin D3 would require 100,000 IU (international units) of D3. That’s the amount required to have a 50% death outcome of a 0.5 lb rat." The equivalent for humans would be 4,000,000 IUs.

I'm not defending D3, and I'm not saying you're wrong; I'm sincerely looking for the truth. I'd like to see more examples and, better yet, credible studies demonstrating that taking moderate amounts of D3 weakens bones or does any other damage nor has any net benefit.

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Why don't you microdose with arsenic and mercury. I am positive that small amounts of these substances won't show an immediate effect and who knows it might well show improvement to your health

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You are mostly correct. Agent mixes truths with lies. Medicine Girl and Agent are both controlled opposition. D3 might not actually be good for you, or necessary, but pay close attention to your body because if you eat healthy it will ALWAYS tell you if something is really affecting you.

And yes, you are correct. D3 literally CAN'T hurt you, unless it's given to an infant, or if the dosage is too high. Now, there are better ways to get it, with the sun being best. Also, he's painting all Supplements bad, which is utterly stupid. I've used thousands over the years, I even manage chronic conditions using supplements!

Agent, Medicine Girl, and co. need to shut up about supplements, they're a wonderful way to treat yourself instead of having to deal with doctors.

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Hmm, good point about supplements. I hadn't thought of them as a way to stay out of the clutches of doctors.

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I've used them to treat so many things, with great success. Anyone wanting them banned is asking for trouble. That would leave us with only doctors and drugs.

Medicine Girl and Agent are both full of shit.

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Dang, I didn’t see this powerful comment. Thank-you, Lucas. It kind of ups the ante and suggests the larger stakes here. I’m just finishing a “pee” article and will post it within the hour. All I have is a picture of a heart in snow, to give you an idea of how you might see the article. How much of that first paragraph of yours can I quote either today or in some subsequent article, and how much of your name, if any, can I use?

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You can do whatever you'd like my friend, thank you for your kind words! Heck, I don't even need credit, but here's what you should quote, if anything:

"Truthers need to understand this core message instead of listening to "Medicine Girl" and "Agent" who Astroturf their comments section: Supplements, are actually a GREAT freedom that we have in the US. The LAST thing we as truthers who care about our health should want, is to ban them, or make them difficult to find. That would leave us at the mercy of the healthcare system and their medications. You can't always heal every chronic disease with diet! Sometimes, you need supplements to really improve your condition! (I even used them for acute conditions!)

There are supplements that raise IQ. Are there drugs that do that? Ha! Absolutely not!

There are supplements that can help you lose weight, change your diet; and keep the weight off and help to build better eating habits. Drugs don't really do that, they all come with heavy consequences.

There are supplements that stimulate, and increase stem cells. Are there drugs that do that? Absolutely not.

Medications destroy your mitochondria. Supplements can support mitochondria.

And no, most supplements are NOT synthesized from fossil fuels and "industrial waste." They all have a distinct smell and taste, that can often tell you exactly what you're dealing with. Ginger supplements have ginger powder in them, for one example.

Still think Medicine Girl isn't pushing an op of sort? Furthermore, no one is COERCING you into taking supplements. The supplement industry is not the bad guy here, it's the true form of alternative medicine right up there with eating whole foods.

There are supplements that help millions of people sleep without any side effects. Find a drug that does that without done kind of negative effect - you can't.

"Agent" and "Medicine Girl" are also saying Ivermectin was a scam, even though it undeniably helped a lot of people - myself included. Also, ivermectin isn't easy to get prescribed, which gives you all the information you need - it's inexpensive, and effective. Pharma hates that combo, they want expensive medications with undesired, secondary effects. Ivermectin doesn't work that way, it's a decent medication, and some people have even used it to kill cancer. No one is making you take ivermectin, it's rather difficult to get prescribed."

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I’m copying your comment out to give it a re-read later. Seems reasonable to me. I wouldn’t want to lose cumin although I’ll bet people are trying to cut things like that all the time with cheaper stuff. As you say, smell is important, and I think we should be encouraging each other to sniff things. I went to press a minute or two after my note to you. You get just a passing reference in the note at the bottom of the article, and I say the name “Lucas” without quite committing to it.

If people want more pee stuff, I’ll write it, though I’m no expert. As for Agent and Medicine’s no-supplement exhortation, you’ve certainly given me something to balance the picture. Thank-you. —david

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And what human victims are you planning to use for your "credible" bone-weakening, Dr. Mengele? What is the actual matter with you?

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Are you calling me Dr. Mengele? Why are you are so hair triggered?

I hope you find your way back to good energy, my friend.

p.s. A longitudinal study measuring the bone density and blood serum 25(OH)D

of two groups of people (n):

a)One group having taken X UI's of D for X amount of time,

b)One group having no D supplementation

Obviously their latitude and overall sun exposure needs to be taken into account, and there need be similar levels of physical activity between groups. There are other variables to consider, but I'm not here to design a complete study.

I'm sure Dr. Mengele would approve.

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I’m still kind of weirded out by my comment. Sigh. Anyway, thank-you for your kind response.

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Yes, I did find my way back to good energy, thank-you. And all the best to you.


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Sorry, but I don't think my comment went with your comment. I'm not saying I'm not lost a lot--I often am--but sometimes I'm starting to suspect that the system toys with us a bit, perhaps shifts things. I'm not saying I'm totally innocent--it does feel as if I called someone Dr. Mengele in the last few days somewhere. Which serves me right, because now the word Mengele comes back to me shorn of context, as if to remind me that I should watch where I put my energy. I read your comment, the one that mine is under, at least at this time, and there's nothing in your comment that would excite me to name calling. In fact I agree with it. --david

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There’s no part of this world that isn’t messing with us. Thank you for your sincere response. Respect to you.

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This is amazing thanks soooo much for the research. Im passing thisbon to everyone i kkow this needs to be known. I recenrly stopped taking all my vitamins and supplements. Started adding salt to my water and havent gelt better. Also cut out sugar and down to one cup o coffee a day. Agai. Thank you foe this.

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Be sure it is sea salt, not rock salt.

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Yes thank you for that. Here is what I am using. I also started carrying this item https://canadianseasalt.com/ at our Salon and informing our guests of the benefit of salt+water. This is revolutionary and I plan on spreading the word to all that will listen.

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All rock salt deposits are actually deposits of salt left underground by ancient seas.

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I’ve heard about “Celtic” sea salt before but I’m not 100% sure. I’d like to try it but don’t trust search engines to give me good info. Might you have any suggestions of brands/ where to buy?

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Sorry, I should have been way more clear: I use Himalyan Salt, which is from dried sea beds, so like many people I call it Himalayan Sea Salt. I get the iodized so I get enough iodine in my diet. I also get the crystal size and then crush it in a mill (like a pepper mill). I try to avoid the already crushed salt, as they can put fillers in there, just as is done with table salt. But with the full crystals, you can see anything if it were added.

This link is to a good summary of the difference between Himalyan, Celtic and regular table salt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AkZN4FFDLE

I haven't used table salt since I left home many decades ago ...I don't believe Himalayan salt was available when I was young.

Recently I got a good deal in Heavenly-Spices brand Himalayan Salt from an organic store that closed during the lockdowns here in Canada.

In the summer or when working hard, I sprinkle about 1/4 tsp into the palm of my hand and take it into my mouth, followed by a bit of water. I've never had a problem with dehydration as a result of doing this 1-2x day in really hot weather.

Hope this helps.

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jeez, I never thought of Himalayan salt as sea salt. I was like, Himalayan? Those are mountains. I take the stuff regularly but you just gave me a mental upgrade to "sea salt." I'd better do my own research a little better.

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So did you pay attention to eating right, or did you just stuff yourself with vitamins for years? Many people eat and drink horribly and think they can take vitamins to make up for it! I see it everyday.

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Part of the problem is that our food is contaminated. Unless someone grows their own garden, in a greenhouse, it's not completely safe because of chemtrails. We can't get away from it. Organic is not necessarily organic either. Farmers were forced to inject the animals and we eat it. What they eat or get injected with, we eat. It's a losing battle until this nightmare is cleaned up.

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I have farmers who refuse to inject their herds and that’s who I get my meat from. I get raw milk. We’ve raised our own chickens for over 25 years and the eggs are fantastic. People can eat good overall avoiding conventional, and antibiotic and hormone laden foods. We can’t stop the chemtrails, but we can still strive to eat as clean as possible! I grow my own gardens in the summer and patronize good farmers. I’ve rarely drank pop, have rarely eaten junk food and most fast food is horrible, many people drink alcohol without any regard for their health, and so many people lead sedentary lifestyles. I’ve been doing this over 25 years once I learned how toxic most foods are in grocery stores. I do have two organic stores I deal with that refuse any tainted foods and their employees are well versed in getting good quality foods. It takes work, but once you have this in place, it works out well.

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It only works out for some. Not everyone lives near clean food stores. Ordering online from good farmers is very expensive. Older people cannot necessarily make their own garden. And not everyone lives in a house. For those who can, that's great. But for others, not so much. For those of us who have been slowly poisoned since the 50's, it would be impossible to get back to normal. Some damage can't be undone. We can't even go to the doctor. They are all Rockefeller trained. Holistic medicine can only go so far. If someone needs surgery, they are taking their life into their hands. It's just reality right now. We can only do so much to reverse the damage as best as we can.

Just like people who are currently detoxing. It must be done naturally, not from anything purchased online or at a store.

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They stopped chemtrails in Tennessee by law last year. You could stop them in your state if you got together with others. You can also use my edition on weather which is at http://www.truedemocracy.net/td21/index.html where at the very end of the edition is the Demand for the Government page that unique because it gives people power if an enormous number of people participate. Check it out.

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Like watching someone get a diet soda while eating a deep fried meal..

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Exactly! Yet the diet soda is really toxic too!!

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Very interesting information.

Someone kindly tried to advise me on Vit D3 being rat poison earlier but I was not sure about this as it is held by 'mainstream science' only to have been found toxic to rats alone, but now I have lower back problems despite taking boron and big Vit D3 and K2 supplements post COVID, and my lower back is now murdering me, so I am going to knock Vit D3 and K2 supplements on the head and see what happens now following your advice, but will carry on with the boron in limited amounts for a while as that is said by some to make bones very tough, though I may even stop using boron too if I see no improvement as that too is a chemical chelate supplement and not naturally bound boron with fulvic acid from a natural plant source.

Back in 1919 or so, an apple commonly held 20 mg of boron, but today, one would be lucky to find 1 mg or so of boron in an average non-organic apple, though organic-grown produce typically has 12 to 14 times or so more mineral content.

Replenishing topsoil with suitable grade igneous rock like basalt that has been tested for the right mineral balance (as there are many varieties of basalt), or using other igneous rock dusts that are similarly tested has been found to boost crop mineral content even more than other organic farming methods can provide, including even rare microminerals, and when these minerals and microminerals are bound with fulvic acid by the plants they are then made optimally biosassimilable by humans and animals exactly as nature intended, and animals given a fuller mineral spectrum in their feed have proven to be much longer lived and much healthier in general.

And permaculture farmers find that plants grown on arable land so enriched produce 200% to 800% more weight per square metre than non-organic crops and contain all the minerals we need which totally removes any supposed need for artificially-produced mineral supplements.

And increased crop yields by general weight would blow all supposed need for cancer-causing, organ-destroying and fertility-reducing NWO GM toxic bioweapon crops using carcinogenic glyphosate right out of the water, and crops grown organically with such igneous rock dust do not need chemicals of any type as they are naturally healthy, happy and hardy.

One reason also for non-organic crop plants not having enough minerals in is that NPK makes plants grow extremely fast and with poor root systems and consequent very poor assimilation of whatever mineral content may be in any soil anyway.

Plants grown by this organic method with basalt or other suitable grain size and mineral content igneous rock species to remineralize the fine grain top soil that is being blown or washed away due to poor modern agricultural methods (one suspects intentionally destructively), are more resistent to drought, are vastly richer in natural and properly bioassimilable forms of minerals and are healthier and happier themselves and thus richer in nutritive sun and soil-derived nutritive pranic life force while they grow. This is also due to them naturally being much more resistant to parasitic nematode worm pests, destructive insects, moulds/fungi, bacterial and viral diseases, even more so than crops grown by other organic methods.

Poor and destructive non-organic agricultural practices are deliberately being maintained under fake government direction as we are presently under rule of deceptive infiltrated multi-generational hostile alien foreign power military occupation dictatorships whose ultimate goal is to keep us weak as slaves while they totally exterminate us to ultimately seize the entire planet for 'the chosen' alone to then live on.

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YES... Big Pharma/China produce most of the "vitamins" on the market!

YES... Big Pharma/China are enemies of people's health!!

YES... D3 is used as rodenticide!!

YES... Taking too much D3 can cause problems!!

Those problems result from overactive para-thyroid glands producing too much PTH which tricks the body into "thinking" it needs more calcium...which causes the bones to leach calcium into the blood... which is then called "hypercalcemia"... and the bones get weak!!

NO...D3 is not in itself "rat poison"!!

D3 is not metabolized properly by rodents and the rodenticide entices them to eat way too much of it... so it thus accumulates in their livers, causing them to stop living!!


1- How much D3 were you and your son taking and who made it?

2- What other "vitamins" were you taking that might have contributed to your problems?

3- Why would any sane human eat lanolin?? And would that influence D3 metabolism and/or hypercalcemia???

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Agent! You and Medicine Girl are my favorites! Love this!

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Thanks for all the testimony research about vitamins, especially vitamin D. I quit taking supplements and feel just fine.

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Thank you for this I have been banging this drum for a long time now long before I found out that so called vitamins have never been credibly isolated. What makes matters worse is there are a lot of people endorsing the harmful junk they themselves are too wise too take

Medical dis-integrity as never been so evident as during the CONvid era which was nothing but a vortex of lies to push pharma products it wasn't a pandemic but a hoax a global poisoning.

I wrote a short article about medical integrity and ethics just the other day so it's nice to see others on the same page.


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i can't believe that people are that gullible that they refused the jab... then took another bottle of pills from pharma-lite instead.... people need to learn discernment... They easily point out the mainstream narrative then fall straight into the clutches of the alternative health scam who run exactly the same scam.

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