It seems that nothing can be trusted when it comes to "commercial".. I have noticed that even trusted products have changed.. the bigs are buying them off and either let a product vanish or sell a corrupted version under the same name. Seems to happen with many other " health" products as well..

I believe we will truly have to manufacture everything local, area by area, small and oversightly.. everything else is corrupted one way or another.

The labelling laws and the fact that these companies are excempt from any responsibility speak volumes.

They now can add pharmaceuticals as well as bugs and do not have to label it.. same with food.. italy is now refusing the add bug powder to their pasta and bread.. they banished that law.

And yes, there does not seem to be a drop of water left on this planet that doesn't either contain plastic particles, chemical or heavy metals ..

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Yes, and there are several other variables, and the global perspective must not be left unattended:


Who would need laws, when it's only for the privileged?

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Ray, you have 12 of 44 comments. If this was your post, that would be great. You also are dropping your own links extensively (11 links). Please consider that Agent131711 is the one whom should be getting the most credit here, and the most attention - like the bride on her wedding. Please refrain from wearing white, on Agent131711's big day.

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How would self- regulatiion be? More laws or less.. if we truly were to implement "ungoverned" or only governed by God: higher power.. we know that stealing is wrong, we know that poisoning other peoples food is wrong.. if we would regulate ourselves.. locally without putting yet something else or somebody else "above" us... I cannot explain this here sufficiently... everything based on "local" communities, the people

For the people under God.

We wouldn't need laws if we hold ourselves and each other accountable.. everyone ...living by noble standards, honorable we know what integrity is.. basically leading by example.. will be the law of the land..

Are you familiar with Christopher Cook and The Freedom Scale?

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Sorry, but there is no "we" with the power to do anything. At the same time, everyone has the chance to decide what they want. As concerted action and centralized opposition are impossible, the person can still decide how they want to depart from this world:


No, I am not familiar with Cook. You might want to provide a link.

The law of the land?


I'm confident that once people decide how far they would be willing to put up, the outcome will be the same without any coordination. :)

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It will not allow me to @ for some reason .. he is here on substack.

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Hi! Thank you for this amazing read!! I did not fall asleep twice! Only once 😴 (jk) 😇

On the topic of zinc, I take Oyster pills for zinc; nothing synthetic.

I eat organically and try to meet all my nutritional needs - But I still take some lab made supplements like Magnesium Glycinate which helps so much!

I’m wondering if you could recommend the natural

foods alternatives so we can avoid vitamins/supplements all together. ESP D3 / magnesium! I know this intel is online but I would love to see your perspective on this, thank you!!!

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FDA. Fooling, Dooming Advisors. They are so sold out. They say something is GRAS Generally Regarded as "Safe". Ie TSP is a bad chemical for the body but .... according to the FDA. Listen to them if we want to die slowly. According to the FDA, you can consume up to 70 mg of trisodium phosphate a day without significant health risks. However, due to the widespread usage of this food additive in hundreds of consumer items, the average American may be exposed to more than 500 mg of trisodium phosphate a day. Even a small amount accumulates. I did not realize until late the body does not know what to do with all these chemicals and many get stowed away in fat cells. That builds up the toxicity and this the environments for bad things to happen to the body

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Likely a mere etymological coincidence:

"Vita" in Latin connotes life or living.

And, "min," according to some sources, is an Old English word meaning "less, small, mean, evil, vile, or harmful".

Merry Christmas to all, and thanks for the gift of how to delve deep for some truth, Mr. Agent!

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Merry Christmas back your way from Olympia Wa.

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"Until you change the way money works, you change nothing."

Michael Craig Ruppert (February 3, 1951 – April 13, 2014) was an American writer and musician, Los Angeles Police Department officer, investigative journalist, political activist, and peak oil awareness advocate known for his 2004 book Crossing The Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil.[2]

This was/is epic. Subscribed.

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That's probably the most important factor. People have been treated as government assets since 1913, and by now, in just about in all countries:


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And again I thank you for your wisdom and knowledge.

In 2011/12 I attended the Oneness university not far from Chennai India. During one of the sessions with

Sri AmmaBhagavan he informed us that we would have to relearn everything we knew. Turns out that he was correct and that everything we know is a lie or is based on a lie 🤬

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Gee, you are good. No one teaches any of this, but it should be mandatory in all educational institutions, at least the part about how to research efficiently. Students should be tested on their ability to research for themselves and discouraged from taking 'authorities' at their word.

That fish cartoon made me smile ... did you create that yourself?

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Is there another side to the story? I concede that the quality and benefits of supplements are all over the spectrum but I have to believe that some are suitable for human consumption. If not, which foods and in what amounts are satisfactory for overall health? For example, if you have to eat a "ton" of pumpkin seeds to get 50mg...what is the minimal amount required for ones health? Perhaps we only need 5mg...which would help to support your thesis.

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Roger Sterlings REBUTAL POINT is most succinct to the issue:


To answer that question is more difficult after all many natural food ingredients are toxic at higher dose and cyanide and other toxins is in a big % of our fruit and seeds ,veggies especially,etc yet rarely harms.

What about doing our own community lab studies? Example: Jon Doe buys 10 to 30+ rats from private market at $10 each avg vs $50 each lab supplier avg then feeds them for 3 months with food fully depleted of zinc or until common zinc defincies materialized to symptoms measurable ie 6+ months?.Then rats are given body weight dose comparable to say 5 -100 mg zinc for a 170 pound person in multiple dose tests Does rat benefit and relieve overt symptoms and or carefully measured by testing rat physiology ie blood,appearance, levels of related nutrients, illness,weakness symptoms,resistance to stressors,etc

Won't be easy but if several of us laymen were to combine efforts and create micro home labs indications could be compiled in under a year ranging from substantial to dramatic I'd think w much higher reliability.

Agent1317111's point of too high toxicities to risk in general at regular dose is fairly solid especially w proven efforts of their deceptions and willingness to harm in general.

However livestock studies and visual, money invested results for farmers indicate pretty strongly of benefits for their animals w key supplementing albeit their lives are arguably too short for toxins to accumulate in tissues to levels of bio destruction. Seems 72 years is elites previous target time for our longevity ie serve system(them!) 65 years,7+ years reward off retirement ,,indicates genuine goal to only semi poison w some genuine nutrition ie NOT A SIMPLE POISONING ATTEMPT,VERY CALCULATED!!!

Therefore entirety of overall question is still a mystery and will likely come down to per vitamin different status's of toxicity vs benefit at typical doses..related fact is Agents insinuation that some or all vitamin needs have been fabricated requires a deeper wide spectrum dive into the evidence and has not been proven and certainly for minerals like zinc or iron or calcium don't apply as those are too well established vs say vitamin D or A or folic acid where corruption at beginnings may well exist from upfront suspicious evidence of Rockefeller like tampering of biological truths there.

The Rotterdam vitamin study largest,longest ever study show signs of being genuine and fairly uncorrupted and there were vitamins indicating a overall negative effect but not not surprisingly 2 vitamins stood out dramatically in the positive as they were both the strongest anti calcification drugs and calcification is our biggest killer not cholesterol/statins scam,etc Vitamin D and synthetic calcium Rat poison formula,hello! Duh!obviously on timed to disease and kill in decades supplement and food program,no other vitamins needed really to complicate timings there although I agree they exist as backup, haha .

Vitamin K2 at only 38 mcg reduced overall mortality in a 10-15 yr span forget which by a whopping 24% and cardio disease by 52%,magnesium approx 1/3 those results, still dramatic results!

We don't have sufficient results to throw the baby out w the various bathwaters yet therefore and soil depletion of key minerals is real obviously,other vitamin or nutrients like factors depletion is key obviously too and Agent would need much more to show otherwise on that sub issue... surprised he went there as usually he's more correct then not,come-on depleted soul is a real thing,talk to the devastated farmers in key areas,etc

The % of people eating McDonald's level depleted food can't be under estimated,could easily be there still better off enduring toxins of lab vitamins vs almost none at all as livestock evidence backs please humbly consider Agent 1/3+ America is on fast food daily almost now..Or not and your all right here Agent.but evidence is incomplete thus far for majority of Americans eating avg to bad diet..

That said I'll be stopping my multivitamins and reducing my magnesium and vit k2 to 100 McG from 200 a radical response to Agents good overall work here!

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It may serve you well to find out if so-called vitamins were ever truly found in nature/foods via a validated scientific process (not bio chemist chemical manufacturing processes). When you get to the bottom of THAT, you'll have to edit this comment to exclude the assumed imaginary miracle molecules being discussed as potentially this or that...the things being consumed or studied or causing whatever effects are not anything that was ever found in a food and then yanked out to be repackaged and retailed.

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I've largely solved that problem in case of vitamin d by referring to it as a drug hormone type w radical non food,nutrient qualities ie my theory D is secretly used by elites to pull calcium,but more importantly full spectrum of minerals not vitamins from bones to counter soil and food depletion of real nutrients and allow productivity till they kill us…whatever those nutrients turn out to be beyond proven needed minerals they are supposed to contain in soil,plants food on our plates..that approach on D at least doesn't require knowing any other nutrient or non nutrient factors.

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Agent inspired me to republish and combine my previous stuff from the last two and a half years:


It also applies to "nutrients"...

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NOW vitamins/supplements C-1000 Zinc Immune seasonal support formula. This product utilizes TRAACS zinc Bisglycinate, a form of zinc that has been shown in clinical studies to have superior bioavailability compared to other forms of supplemental zinc These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. As a granny, Nonvaxed, avoided masking, hasn’t been ill in over a decade, to include seasonal flu, colds, aches & pains. COVID alternative information-recommendations- I increased organics, artesian water, local farmers honey, produce, eggs, herbs, meat etc. I stocked up on Vitamin D, C and Zinc per “NOW”. Merry Christmas Agent13171 and Medicine Girl, thank you. I intend on celebrating my 77th birthday wth my puppy companion, Tambor. 2035, we’ll both be 77. I’ll extend an invitation! Olympia Wa 1/3 acre, backyard chickens & homegrown herbs, veggies & fruit. Farmers daughter.

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Thanks Agent, another very well researched and written article. You do say we should draw our own conclusions. I would draw a distinction between all the factory-made supplements, which you rightly point out come mostly from China and India and are unregulated and given my utter disgust with the food/medical industry especially after "covid", I have no faith at all that they have any interest in producing products that are good for us. The distinction would be with Chlorine Dioxide, which you make for yourself and is taken in very low doses. There have been many testimonies of recovery from disease from its use, even though it is obviously toxic (Andreas Kalker describes it as an "oxidant" as opposed to an anti-oxidant).

In any event, no more rat poison for me. One thing that stands out with all the BS not just of the last 4 years but over 100 years or more, is that all the claimed "$cience" is corrupted and unreliable, a point Agent has made: lies of virology and virus isolation and all that comes from that. The same might be said of claims that cholecalciferol is actually an essential vitamin, might be similarly unfounded, as Agent has pointed out in other articles.

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Merry Christmas Agent. Thank you for another illuminating expose !! Zinc gave me metal mouth, so I knew it was poison. Thank god i dumped all the poison supplements.

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Really, you need to re-read your High School Chemistry. Mixtures are different from compounds and compounds have different properties than their components. Ingredients are not necessarily "in" the resultant compound. Burning hydrogen results in water whose property is totally unlike the hydrogen and oxygen from which it is formed.

Dose matters. Many things are poisons in high dosages which contain substances the body can extract for nutrients in small dosages. Clean food contains many poisons the body can handle and even extract nutrition from in small doses. Poisonous chemicals can be removed after processing. The resultant product might be checked for safe levels of said chemicals (or maybe not).

Molecules are not identified by seeing them in microscopes. Chemical theories are useful.

I'd love to know the deficiencies of synthetic vitamins, but you aren't helping in that quest.

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So if you take 2 ingredients, each being a hazardous chemical waste product, and mix them together in a lab soup on the stove top, they become 'something else' (like a health miracle?)? And that something else is not hazardous anymore because it is "different" from the initial components. Not only that, it becomes a "vitamin" copy that's like a new and improved insides of a head of broccoli. And even though humans never consumed this garbage for the majority of our timeline, we should 'try to know' if we might be deficient in these compounds? Or wonder if they (the chemical recipes) are "deficient" as in not quite as good as the nutrient orchestra going on inside the broccoli? Am I getting this right?

Maybe it is just me, but I think I'd rather take my chances with the growing plant in the forest- that the chief of the tribe points to when he is explaining how it has kept his peoples in robust health for generations, rather than dosing a newly lab-created end product which is the combination of different waste materials scraped off the floor of the chemical plant in China- and then repurposed by a subsidiary of Merck & Friends...gimme the version without the hazmat suits.

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I enjoyed your expose as usual! Thank you for leading me by the hand. You are very inquisitive. Have you ever researched homeopathy? Hinnenkamp said that the toxicity of rat poison was directly related to the dosage and I can relate to that. Have you ever researched sodium chlorite? I believe that all byproducts have usefulness. One man got his hands on some nuclear waste and transmuted it to useful and precious elements. Where are all the benevolent dictators?

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There is no "madical" (sic!) paradigm that supports just about anything. There is a strong need to have one:


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I did some research on vitamin D. You claimed that vitamin D supplements are rat poison. What I don't recall is you mentioning what level of D in the blood is toxic to humans. It turns out the D vitamin supplements are essential for helping maintain healthy vitamin D levels in the blood. This is especially true during the winter months when we don't get enough exposure to sunshine.

D is in fact rat poison, but in much higher levels than exists in D supplements made for humans.

"Vitamin D is used as rat poison in extremely high doses, in which it causes Calcium crystals to form in organs (Calcification), tearing them apart from the inside." High levels of vitamin D do cause calcification in humans too, but according to WebMD those levels are far higher than the recommended range for humans.

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So, are you saying the rat poison is fine as long as it's at low levels? Doesn't the body get rid of stuff at low-level poisoning?

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Calcium is poisonous if you get too much. It also is a problem if you get too little. So yes, the body has mechanisms of dealing with too much good stuff.

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Let’s make it childlike simple for you .. if the particle doesn’t have a carbon molecule attached to it , it’s not a vitamin and harmful, Just not in a dose you “ feel” right away , & 30% of the population “ idiots” will receive some sort of placebo effect .. keep eating them if you like .. 👍

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Let me clear your froggieness on the topic for you. Vitamin D is essential for health. If you don't believe me, live your life in a basement void of light and try to get your tested vitamin D level under 20mg/nl. Then get back to us with your health update.

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One more time for the guy who drinks too much eggnog . .. if it doesn’t have a carbon molecule, it’s not a vitamin.. you’re saying a jolly rancher is a watermelon .. 😂😂😂.. what part of “ fake” don’t you understand . I’m not debating we need vitamin D… I’m explaining you don’t even realize what a true vitamin is after it’s been clearly explained .. you use fluoride toothpaste?

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I have been taking vitamin D supplements to up my tested vitamin D level for several years now. It works well for me. D is poisonous for rats in high concentrations. But it is definitely beneficial for humans in proper concentrations.

Nurses have reported that no one has ever been admitted to the emergency room for a COVID diagnosis with a vitamin D level > 50 ng/ml.

Looks to me like Vitamin D is a carbon containing molecule. Where did you get your chemistry degree? Crackerjack box?


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“Cholecalciferol, also known as vitamin D3 or colecalciferol, is a type of vitamin D that is produced by the skin when exposed to UVB light; it is found in certain foods and can be taken as a dietary supplement.[3]” a dietary supplement ? 😂 Wikipedia 😂 is your source? I think you need to re-read agents article on vitamin D .. it’s not the same particle , . Merry Christ mas. 🎄

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Wikipedia sourced its stuff from pubmed. Happy Hanakah.

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And you still believe in "tests" and in the "science"?

In my 15 years of first-hand experience in sick-care, I can assure you, there are no reliable tests and "diagnoses" also fall short to the extent of being, well, they would be ridiculous, if they were not so harmful...


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Do you follow Clif High? His Substack channel is Ather Pitates of the Materium.

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@kenneth the lab tests are fraudulent, to boot. Your vitamins shouldn’t be free floating in your bloodstream. If you want to boost you vit d stores you’ll need sun exposure but the chem creators are doing their damned to block that too. The whole medical industrial complex is another weaponized religion.

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I get lots of sunshine here in Florida. But I have found that by adding supplements my tested D level goes higher than without supplementation. That is a personal observation.

Your wrote: "The whole medical industrial complex is another weaponized religion."

I don't agree with this statement. Your statement lumps in trauma care with the rest of the system you call religion. If you get into a serious accident, you may need some of those medical practitioners, ER doctors to restore your body to health.

My observation is that our high state of trauma care gives cover to the rest of it. But to make a blanket statement like yours ignores reality.

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"Vitamin" D comes from sunlight...

How about the Intuit?

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How many of us eat the same diet as the Inuit?

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In 2004, the placebo effect was above 60 percent, just falling short of "madications" (sic!) that need an "efficiency" rate over 70, but the studies tend to be (or are always?) forged...

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Thanks for sharing your investigative methodology. Simple and efficient. This is an enlightening and funny read, albeit toxic at times.

I remember the YT tele-quacks who heavily recommended massive intakes of synthetic Zinc, Vit C and D during the coronamadness, while omiting to mention "includes paid promotion". They must have made millions $$$ in commissions. Looking forward to your next post.

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Extremely valuable post. Thank you. Sadly most folks are clueless up until the day a Dr says, "You have x disease or illness".

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AGENT1317111! ITS NOT THE ADRENALINE BOOST ITS THE HIDDEN ALL MINERALS BOOST OF VITAMIN/HORMONE D ATTRACTING TAKERS.WHY ELITES HIDE CHOLICIFEROL IS A FULL SPECTRUM MINERAL PULLER NOT JUST A CALCIUM PULLER/DISTRIBUTOR IS THE HEART OF THIS CONSPIRACY! ----MY HYPOTHESIS ONLY,NOT PROVEN 100% AT ALL JUNCTURES , THEORY NEEDS MORE EVIDENCE AND AGREEMENT BY COMMUNITY.WHAT SAY YOU!? CAN YOU RUN WITH IT? I simply sensed that adrenaline reasoning of Agent wasn't explanatory of testifiers favoring vitamin D as adrenaline is no fun on a daily basis and positive effects reported were much more rounded then speedy adrenaline! So thought popped in my head if calcium can be pulled from bones of rats surely other things like minerals and metals might follow too and sure enough I found a couple articles stating that emphatically and that pull effect is comparable to calcium on all minerals and metals out of bones,flesh or food.Eureka! but articles disappeared online somehow so I need to establish that proof point more solidly for rest of this conspiracy theory to have a chance of flying.Please attach any articles claiming mineral pull by D effect onto my or Agent1317111.If this hypothesis is verified eventually it will change things,it feels right so far,please assist to prove or disprove cuz adrenaline thing is not holding up well to initial logic scrutiny and Agent may need bit of help here as awesome as he is,nobody's always right on all points,full spectrum mineral bone boost daily by D hormone suckout explain so reactions much,much better.

Vitamin D's hormone drug like ability to rip calcium out of food and bones and into blood is well publicized and known. What's much less known and even hidden is hormone drug choliciferol rips full wide spectrum of minerals from food and bones and tissues into bloodstream and causes a rush of needed blood,organ mineral nutrition to a mineral starved avg body. and fact were all depleted of minerals is part of the secret and why they pretend vtamin D has a sun synthesis effect .

They need a phony excuse ie sun boost thing to in truth actually boost our

minerals by robbing our bones+ of minerals with a hormone drug ie it's not pretty sucking not just calcium but full spectrum of minerals from bones where they're also greatly needed to prevent weakness,pain often spoke of from those with vitamin D hypersensitivity from the start and is a recipe factor in later osteoporosis and a myriad of bone injuries related diseases.

That said it seems majority of D takers may well benefit from a balanced mineral mix daily coming in from the bones to the blood and I therefore don't think it was planned for a simple quick or even mid level Poison,it's a genuine attempt to feed the avg persons blood a minimum low level mineral mix that are often depleted food can no longer manage for the masses for whatever reasons,most unjustifiable but true for decades


Consider the cheaper version of DCon rat poison only has Vitamin D choliciferol as an active ingredient and the rats dead in 5 days avg by the calcium,minerals being yanked out of rats bones and into its veins causing dehydration then death,With calcium added formula for $2 more rats dead in 3 days.How could they not tell us of such a radical drug/ poison effect and to be careful w dosing,etc!?Again they don't want you to know mineral depletion equation and what their horrible but effective for majority solution is that eventually it will disease,kill you after a few decades +of taking or disease likely sooner and also solve avg person dying 60-80 yrs old instead of 20+ years later when your a worthless eater to them,it's all been worked out like clockwork and it all appears above board to most.

So this radical industry planned vitamin/drug action may allow minimum functional levels of key minerals into our blood daily but not without radical side effects too,side effects they don't want to be liable for or to debate so they lie"it's the sun vitamin so soak it up".

My theory is vitamin D does avg depleted American a lot of relative temporary good despite some toxicity until it doesn't anymore ie hypocalcemia, calcification build up and death timed for a few decades+ of use( low dose) but a substantial % cannot tolerate well poison aspect of it (or overdose while in susceptible dehydrated or ill state) not knowing their ingesting a superpoweful hormone drug!!!

What say you conspiracy crowd to my somewhat unique theory!? Ie Sun synthesis aspect largely fraudulent so people don't know things are so desperate in depleted soil and food land that we need to hormonally extreme vamp mineral suck our own bones,flesh and food to get a needed blood mineral rush to keep body and elites deprived society going... Pineal gland blockage elites actually like,lower percent who die of calcification prior to age 65-72 service to them they couldnt care less, measured disease meantime calcification causes perfect to reap medical ,drug profits ie statins for cholesterol non problem ie it's the calcifiers not cholesterol dummy's and so many beyond D,and calcium, like a 1/4 of drugs are calcifiers!

This tie it all together theory I'll call the VITAMIN D PILLS MINERALIZE BLOOD AND FEEL GOOD TILL THEY SICKEN & KILL YOU theory or Vit.D mineralizes to health then eventually calcifys to death theory,take your pick.

How and why would they advertise it helps calcium pull effect allegedly for bone health yet NEGLECT TO ADVERTISE ITS A EFFECTIVE FULL BLOOD REMINERALIZER to make up for our depleted food?! Ordinarily a adequate remineralizer of blood solution would be heroic but this one is too ugly and pathetic to clearly broadcast so they say it's something it's not and this lie is why you experience a felt benefit!. I think I discovered a big secret Agent,inspired by yours and others diggings,please research and if you agree I've added a element of further truth to your observations on vitamin D/ calcium is rat poison issue.

Ps.Try searching for:vitamin D pulls minerals and metals from bones under yandex.com ,only found a couple articles that seemingly got pulled on this but if it's true that D,choliciferol pulls all minerals and metals equally approx.then no need for adrenaline explanation yet it may play a part but I'd guess a minority one as adrenaline is not a pleasant feel everyday and wouldn't likely go undetected etc.Meantime I'll try to find a few articles to back my hypothesis cuz if true changed a whole lot about our perspective on vitamin D and related calcium,minerals,heavy metals and yikes graphene potential boost too and much more wouldn't you agree,please research this one fellow researchers,it doesn't get much bigger in vitamin conspiracy land!

Ps.Parts of aforementioned I'm sure of,other parts are only at theory backed by substantial evidence level that have yet to reach certainty level so again I'm asking Agent1317111 and all able readers to deep dive this ,verify if adrenaline theory can be interchanged or better fully replaced with mineral rush and heavy metal rush into blood theory pertaining to vitamin D intake and then decide also if facts ad up to the above agendas in likelihood (or not )due to the emergency nature of this issue, especially with our metal poisonings increasing in general and specifically now with graphene allegedly contributing to a massive rise in disease,death since something rather forcibly began in 2021, remember what that prick was people?! I suspect the avg delay on vitamin D serious side effects like death will be dramatically shortened and it's going to boost a much more toxic daily dose of heavy metals into our blood,etc.so I'd cut way back on the D to under 250iu small doses twice day or none at all,checkout those vitamin D mushrooms or cod liver oil,few other natural sources..

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