It sounds absurd until you look at the evidence... my dumbfounding revelation...
I typically do not publish anything on Wednesdays, but this was very important, especially for anyone who lives in an area that gets snow or GeoEngineered rain (which is probably everywhere). Being armed with this information could literally save your life.
We already know they are being accused of dropping crates of guns in Chicago, spending tax dollars on building secret pathogen-laced-mosquito factories, running drills to detain a half-million people at a time, making Anthrax then sending it all over the USA, slaughtering the pollinators, employing literal crisis actors to work for the news, building fake suns and running constant PSYOPS on us, so it’s really not too outlandish to consider they could be spraying soap to cause chaos, and when you see the evidence, it makes a lot of sense.
In early 2023, during the Canada “wildfires”, I began seeing all these reports of soap, yes, SOAP, blanketing roads across the USA, UK and Australia, and even falling from the sky (you can’t make this sh*t up). I created a short video compilation using the USA and Canada reports: (Must See 2 minute video)
More soap falling from the sky: (34 seconds)
If you want to see a really crazy soap video, here you go: (25 seconds)
Here’s one of many reports from England. The guy recording the video seems to believe the narrative, yet can’t make sense of it, probably because you can’t make sense of nonsense. (1 minute video)
Right about now, you may be thinking, “Surely this has something to do with the good government trying so hard to combat those Climate Change Canada Wildfires!”, but then you say, “Just kidding”, because you weren’t born last night.
The worldwide soap-rain remained a mystery to me until today.
I was watching this Mike Adams video featuring Dane Wigington (, and suddenly, it all made sense: (1 minute video)
Now that I knew they are also using “soap” in GeoEngineering (man-made snow, rain, hail, precipitation in general), I did a little more digging regarding traffic accidents, and what I discovered was horrifying.
Here’s a handful of headlines from 2023, in which an alarming increase in traffic accidents were blamed on people suddenly choosing to drive recklessly. If you pay attention to the locations, they are mostly within the same general areas as shown in the map at the end of the Crazy Train compilation video I made, shown above:
This was published in January 2024, but shows 2018-2022 data, which proves an increase of 16%! This timeframe exactly matches the surfactants (soap) Mr. Wigington was talking above in the above video:
It then dawned on me that this is why my driveway and steps sometimes become super slippery, even though there is no ice. I first noticed this new phenomenon in 2022. If you have also seen the soap or experienced unexplainably slippery roads, please share in the Comments section. If you have photos, email me Agent131711@Proton.Me. I don’t always reply, but I promise I read 100% of all comments and emails. I work until around 4pm, get home then write until bedtime, so it leaves very little time for interaction, unfortunately. But I truly thank you guys for being so awesome and supporting this Truther.
*Just to clarify, when I say, “governments secretly spraying soap”, I am referring to military operations, which is the vast majority of GeoEngineering programs. You can learn a lot more in my post Chemtrails Chapter 4: Who is Spraying Us?
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There is a fantastic 40+ minute presentation on that also discusses the soap:
Full Mike Adams featuring Dane Wigington video (52 minutes)
I believe that the vaccinated are having accidents “ suddenly “ is a factor as well. That unsafe but effective thing has caused accidents.
I am waiting for the day when the subject line in your post states: - Government caught actually doing something for the benefit of its citizens - but if you should write such a post it would probably be on April Fools Day or the content will be blank. Keep exposing these special projects and frauds - who knows maybe one day all involved will be held to account for their treason - if and when that day comes there will be a rope shortage.