Foot Soldiers of Scientism: Vaccines are Satanic Rituals (Untold History of Louis Pasteur)
I ask you to please read this, no matter how difficult it is. To defeat our enemy we must know our enemy and that requires learning uncomfortable truths...
“More than ridiculous - it is irrational - to say that corrupt matter taken from the boils and blisters of an organic creature could affect the human body other-wise than injure it” - Dr. Stowell, MRCS of London when speaking of his experience of thirty years of being a vaccine practitioner
Let me tell you a true story; a story which, for reasons I cannot explain, fellow “truthers” who continuously expose germ theory have failed to share with you. After spending only two weeks of my life researching for this three-part series, I am left with many questions about the motives of many people whom we believe are on our team. I cannot help but wonder why they, meaning people who have spent years of their lives railing against virology as a whole, have failed to share information which I found during such a short span of time. Clearly is isn’t because they are inferior researchers; they are not, they are in fact excellent researchers so surely they have come across the same information. And it isn’t due to lack of time because they appear to have plenty. Perhaps when you finish reading the third part of this series you can provide me with a reasonable explanation because I cannot come up with any, other than they simply do not want you to know what I am going to reveal in only three articles…
Louis Pasteur was a scientist who is applauded in the media as a servant of humanity. As one of the fathers of germ theory “we largely have Pasteur to thank for today’s definition of a vaccine…”. Mr. Pasteur not only discovered viruses and created vaccines, but he also told the world dandruff was highly contagious, discovered “germs” in milk leading to the worldwide pasteurization program, and even had a mandatory-quarantine ship named after him. It was Pasteur and his Pasteur Institute that developed the rabies vaccine, worked with smallpox, made injections for livestock to protect them against anthrax, splenic fever, cholera, black leg disease and more - a true hero in a lab coat, history claims. To understand the incredible work of Pasteur, we need look no further than the development of the history-changing rabies vaccine, for it was this vaccine that saved the world from the terrible virus.
Here is what medical-science has determined to be the symptoms of rabies when animals are infected. The animal does not need to have all of these symptoms to be deemed sick:
difficulty swallowing
Problems with balance
Excessive aggression
Excessive salivation (drooling)
Appearing unusually tame or showing a lack of fear
Head tilt
Mild paralysis
Frequent urination or incontinence
Flaccidity (low muscle tone)
Decreased reflexes
We are told, should an infected critter bite a human, a human could develop symptoms should the virus pass from the animal to the human. This led to the need for science to create a vaccine which would be injected into animals to stop them from contracting rabies and another vaccine to inject into humans after they have been bitten to kill the rabies if it was hiding away inside of them (there was no way to “see” the rabies, so the human vaccine was “just in case it’s inside you”).
Let me tell you what Wikipedia says about the development of Louie’s rabies vaccine: “Pasteur's laboratory produced the first vaccine for rabies using a method developed by his assistant Roux, which involved growing the virus in rabbits, and then weakening it by drying the affected nerve tissue… The vaccine had been tested in 50 dogs before its first human trial” - Well that’s not very descriptive but I see Wiki did include two sources regarding the development of Pasteur’s vaccine. Let’s see what we can learn from these sources. Here is the first:
If I want to fact check what is on Wikipedia I can borrow this book (written in 2001) for 24 hours for $54:
No thank you. The second source is a very short article called Biting Back:
The article summarizes Louie’s vaccine development by stating, “…In 1880 he began studying rabies, but by 1885 his rabies vaccine had not been fully tested, even in animals. Although certainty of infection could be established only when symptoms appeared, Pasteur believed that because of the number of bites on Joseph’s body, death was almost certain… With seemingly little to lose, Pasteur injected Joseph daily with a series of progressively less desiccated spinal cords taken from rabies-infected rabbits—moving from most dry and least virulent cords to freshest and most virulent. Joseph never developed symptoms, and Pasteur became an international hero.” - Rabbit’s spinal cords? Huh? That was also not helpful whatsoever, yet these are the sources provided by the world’s leading modern-day encyclopedia. Now let’s see what we can learn from old newspaper archives which, thanks to your outstanding support, I have been able to afford a subscription to.
To make the rabies vaccine the virus must first be obtained. According to science there was and currently is no way to locate rabies in a living animal, so there is no way to withdraw blood or saliva and “find it”. This means it can only be obtained through deceased animals - but even then, it’s apparently not easy to get an animal that is infected and freshly dead so, according to science, the easiest way to obtain the virus is to infect an animal with it. Now you, being a logical thinker, are thinking “But if they are infecting an animal with rabies, doesn’t that mean they have the rabies?”. No sweetheart, not in this case. So, how do they infect a creature with something they don’t have? Let’s find out using a couple different articles about Pasteur.
Here is Pasteur’s 1885 process, which you will later see is currently praised by both the government and medical-science industry because it is this process that invented the humanity-saving injection: (again, I know this is difficult, but force yourself through it because there is no other way to understand what we are up against.)
Dogs first must be “made mad” (which means showing the symptoms of what science calls “rabies virus” which means they are angry, vomiting, lethargic, etc). This was typically performed by drilling holes in the animals skulls and injecting them with bacteria and poison. Once the dog began suffering symptoms it would be killed and blood would be withdrawn. This withdrawal is considered to be the first stage of “the virus”. The dead dog’s blood would be used to give monkeys rabies using the same process. Once the monkey became mad it was time for the rabbits. In order to give a rabbit rabies it must be trepanned.
The rabbits heads were “clipped bare to the bone and placed on the trepanning board, its forepaws and legs being strapped to the table. A small bag-shaped piece of white blotting paper soaked in chloroform was placed over the animals head and well against its nose. The skull was then incised and the virus injected near the brain. The animal struggled slightly and heaved, but the chloroform soon made it completely incensed and dazed”. According to the article, heartbreakingly, the rabbits companion rabbit “came near the sufferer and licked its side pitifully, as if filled with sympathy”. The operation on the first rabbit was now complete. When the traumatized animal, which had just had a hole cut into its skull to inject blood from a dead monkey, began to awake in a chloroform daze, it would begin to show “signs of rabies” (aggression, tilted head, lack of balance, biting it itself aka “self mutilation”, etc). According to Pasteur, this meant the virus took hold. The creature would then be executed. Its carcass was sliced open from the skull downward, revealing the medulla oblongata (brain bulb) as well as the spinal cord - all of this was removed from the creature. The brain bulb was then separated from the bone strip and the matter inside of the brain was deemed to be “potent virus”. The virus was extracted and mixed with formaldehyde, “beef tea” and other chemicals.
Now that the virus had been obtained, it was time for the next step in the process. A syringe was filled with the virus concoction and the needle was inserted into the second rabbit’s skull under the membrane of the brain. This rabbit, having not undergone torture to the extreme its companion did, would begin showing signs of paralysis in one week. By the seventh day the rabbit would lose control of its hind legs. Unable to function properly, it would lie “on its side, trying to get at food but unable to bite it”. Because the frustrated, injured and scared animal was not acting normal, this was deemed “madness” which was deemed to have been caused by the virus. By the end of the second week the creature would die (from starvation and mutilation). The rabbit would then be dissected, its brain cut out and mixed with chemicals then loaded into a syringe. On the day it died a third rabbit would begin the same treatment because this process had to indefinitely repeat so there was always fresh virus available. Now it was time for the next step.
The matter contained in the syringe, combined with blood withdrawn from the dead rabbit, was injected it into a living rabbit. In science this is referred to as a “pass-through”. I found one document referencing nearly 100 pass-throughs to create Pasteur’s rabies vaccine. And keep in mind, science rarely ever creates viruses ( and vaccines) by injecting an animal in the leg or arm. These injections are usually evil, torturous jabs into the jugular, skull, brain, testes or other sensitive locations.
After the process was complete, incisions were made into the live rabbit . Bacteria and chemicals were ground into the open cuts to trigger an infection causing pus to develop. Science then waited for the wounds to scab over. Once scabs formed, the wounds were ripped open and the pus (“lymph”) was extracted. This lymph (pus) is what science claims is the cure - this is the vaccine. Pasteur’s associate, Dr. Grancher, filled vaccine injectors with “the white viscous matter lying in paper-covered wine glasses on a table. This was the lymph extracted from rabbits which had been inoculated with rabid virus” - and somehow this protects people from rabies so much that they wanted to inject infants with this filth. Now do you see why I titled this article “Foot Soldiers of Scientism: Vaccines are Satanic Rituals”? Can any honest person argue this is a legitimate way to accomplish anything other than horrific animal abuse and occult rituals?
An article appeared in the newspaper in 1884 which said, “May God have mercy on His poor creatures, for Science has none; and we who have a little pity, are feeble and few”. It goes on to say it would be more humane to exterminate the entire race of dogs than to do what Pasteur is doing to all of these creatures under the guise of “rabies”.
It wasn’t just rabies insanity that Mr. Pasteur was involved with. In my article Milk Pasteurization is based on Fraud, we discussed Pasteur’s horrific process of injecting guinea pigs in the testes and injecting monkeys with, quote, “pig-nut-sack-blood-piss-grown-in-a-lab bacteria”. When the monkeys became ill from the putrid injection, it was blamed on germs in raw milk. Additionally, according to history, “Louis Pasteur developed the first effective bacterial vaccine for anthrax in the late 19th century. In 1881, Pasteur conducted a public experiment at Pouilly-le-Fort, France, where he vaccinated 24 sheep, 1 goat, and 6 cows with his anthrax vaccine. On May 31, all the animals were injected with freshly isolated anthrax bacilli. By June 2, all vaccinated animals remained healthy, while the unvaccinated sheep, goats, and cows had either died or were showing symptoms of anthrax.”
But if we look at what actually happened, we discover this so-called vaccine caused mass death resulting in extreme financial loss in the farming industry.
While that was going on, Louis released another vaccine, this time for Cholera. In 1894 it was discovered that this vaccine was not effective.
Pasteur then began peddling a “black leg” vaccine for cattle. As we discussed in my article EXPOSED: The Virus Scam, it was during these same years that cattle began being fed factory waste as a cheap alternative to whole foods. The animals became horribly ill and malnourished and germs / bacteria / viruses were blamed. This allowed men like the Pasteur to come along and solicit their filth mixed with poisons.
This vaccine was very popular. As we can see from this newspaper piece, in 1895 only 2,540 animals were vaccinated with Pasteur’s potion but in 1897, nearly 50,000 received the jabs.
Three years later, nearly 2,000,000 calves in the US and Canada were injected.
Come 1921, the Pasteur institute was involved with measles. The Pasteur scientists took blood from a measles patient, injected it into a monkey, waited nine days, withdrew that monkey’s blood and pumped it into “two other animals and an infant”. The public was outraged at human experimentation on the baby and many wrote to the paper to express their anger.
By 1922, the Institute was torturing so many primates that they needed to open a farm for apes. This farm would slaughter the apes for their bones, blood and tissues in addition to performing ghastly experiments on them.
Two years later, infant monkeys were to be ripped from their mother and raised by man for the Institute at their new location, freshly built in Africa. All of this, every last bit of it, was done to “find a cure” - a phrase which has been used for hundreds of years to justify cruel and unusual animal abuse and senseless executions performed as rituals by the occult religion of science.
Gotta get those kidneys and drill skull holes to make medicine!
In 1926 the Institute was jabbing human infants with their “white plague vaccine”. By 1930, overwhelming amounts of children began developing rickets, whooping cough and other assorted diseases.
Folks, this man, this scientist, Louis Pasteur is hailed as a hero instead of as a wicked, vile creature that deserves to rot in hell for all of eternity. Despite developing a vaccine for it, he never found rabies virus.
This is because science has never found any virus. Reality is, in order to locate what they are calling viruses they must perform these evil experiments and induce symptoms in tortured animals - but the symptoms are not from a “virus”, they are from being kept isolated and afraid in a tiny cage, starved, abused in the worst ways imaginable and injected with filth and poisons.
This was meant to be a single article but after writing it, I couldn’t help but think “clearly this wasn’t the starting point; Pasteur surely didn’t invent drilling holes in animal’s skulls to inject pus and poison to make medicine to inject into us, so where did this insanity truly begin?“. This led me to start looking deeper into how this came to be and what I discovered was a rabbit hole of the most unbelievable hidden history - history so secretive that to this day the same is occurring yet nobody in the general public is aware of it taking place. History so covert that a secret language was created to hide its actions and books, when discovered by citizens in the 1800s, were revised to remove hundreds of pages to obscure the truth. What I discovered forever changed my views on the industries of what we are told are medicine and science; industries which we are told are working diligently on our behalf for the betterment of our lives. I realized what I had believed since my Awakening was erroneous; Rockefeller didn’t invent the pharmaceutical industry, he just figured out how to turn it into a booming capitalist system; a monopoly - they point the finger at Rockefeller to distract from the truth. The medicine men don’t put poisons in their products for the purpose of population control (although this is indeed a huge bonus for them); as hard as it may be to believe, the ingredients they put into these modern-day medicines are added for a far darker purpose - a purpose which was revealed in their own books and documents dating all the way back to the 1500s - the same books which they tried in vain to scrub from the public’s view hence the reason you have never seen them…
NEXT READ: The Pharmacopeia of Pharmakeia: The Dark Art of "Medicine"- Batsh*t Crazy Untold History [Part 2]
I know this wasn’t a fun topic but it’s a really important topic that nobody seems to be talking about so, if someone has to do the not-fun research to expose these horrific crimes, it might as well be me. Your support allows me to pay for things like a subscription to - without it, this article would not exist. You can keep me writing by making a donation of any amount or becoming a paid subscriber:
Anti-Vaxxers of 1893
Cholera “The disease would spread through a barnyard rapidly and was capable of wiping out an entire flock in as few as 3 days.”
protexting sheep from anthrax
An article from 1890 outlined the incredible amounts of death caused by Pasteur’s anthrax vaccination campaign.
I had watched a documentary about why a certain evil psychotribe was removed from many countries over the years. The reason was partly due to their torture rituals performed on young children. These children were stabbed many times (about 80) with a sharp instrument and their blood drained. This made me think of the nearly 80 jabs that young children are forced to suffer these days and the penny dropped. The drugs/vaccine industry is controlled by members of that same psychotribe. This is probably not a coincidence. They are performing the same ritual they have always done.
Apparently Pasteur was a mason.
Thank you for this deep research.
The science of the lambs as told by Gollum: "it puts its needle in its skin, or it wears its mask again."
Here you have all these archives of history that showing the vast ill intent of these demonic injections, and yet the media runs interference. Malcolm X was right on target when he said this:
"The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses. The press is so powerful in its image-making role, it can make the criminal look like he’s a the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. If you aren’t careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” —Malcom X
What follows is the revealing of a chunk of the scaffolding used to construct the mirage reality of this global movie theater:
If we don't see this Judas fourth estate fifth column for what they are and soon, we're in big trouble...